HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-04, Page 19THE' LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Honour Girls With Bridal Showers KINLOUGH NEWS A bridal shower was held in Holyrood hall on Friday evening , for Gail MacDonald. Mrs. Ernie Hanna, was in the chair and con- ducted some fun games.' Mrs. Dan McInnes"gave a reading. Lois Hanna, and the Nicholson girls pleased the audience with; their singing andbaton Miss Lois Wall favoured with two solos "Tamniy" and "Moon River". Miss Edna Boyle played the wedding music 'and the bride and her attendants took their places under an arch of streamers and wedding bells. Mrs. David Ross read' an address of good wish- es, and many lovely gifts were presented to Gail, who, made a fitting reply and invited all to her home to see her trousseau. For She's a jolly good fellow" w•-13 sung. Lunch' was served and a social time was enjoyed by all present. DAY, APRIL 4,1913 7-7 PAGE ININITION. MOOS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS Have cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill Two Big Coolers; 'No Are Able To Hang Your Beef From I T° 3 Weeks --, Whatever Your Requirements Are Home geezers We Sell Choice HOde Killed Beef, Pork odumb,in Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP. srolt.E 395-2961 395-P05 PROTECTION :MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR Ilyons Speaks IAA.; Mrs. ve Alton Heads 1973 - 74 Officers RIPLEY ABATTOIR c„0„, Butchering -- Curing and Smoking - ond Wrapping — Sausage Making Fa st Freezing. 1973-74 is: Past Pres. , Mrs. Wilmer Rutledge; Pres. , Mrs. Harvey Alton; 1st vice Pres. , Mrs. Graham McNee, 2nd vice Pres. , Mrs. Alvin "Kerr; Sec. -Treas. , Mrs. Cecil Blake; Assist. Sec. Treas. , Mrs. Harry Girvin; Dist- rict Director, Mrs. Wilbur Rutled• ge; alternate Mrs. Wilbur Brown; BARGAIN PRICES EVERY DAY • iiimmoiliminimmiliffinimminmviummummilmimilimmimmllioullumouilimoniffimmun A NEW SHIPMENT OF 2 NIECE, CHESTERFIELD SUITES 80th 'ANNIVERSARY IN THE. FURNITURE BUSINESS JOHNSTONE and SO FURNITURE WE ARE. CELEBRATING OUR l'aunon W.I. met for their Reding at Mrs. McClen- on Thursday evening. :w, Rutledge opened .the igwith the Ode and Mary t.C011ect. The roll call, `atember of local coun- ias answered by names everal.diffeient councils iour members come lifferent townships; The 3 and correspondence were with and a letter from ;'arbitt was read. 11ea Carr, convener of Op and world affairs , iced the guest speaker, ions, the Reeve of West josh. Mr. Lyons spoke of duties involved in being a of, council. He explain- value Of urban 1planning and develop- .110 mentioned several of rent and interesting corn- on which he has served years he has been on the SOcial services, a tmittee, is proving to be assistance to the council. ons feels the Recreation lime is important to the eof a community. Other and committees - included, fire protection, n's aid, hospital boards , Museum, Huronview course, keeping the roads condition. During the , period which followed , *in of dogs destroying Ital gardens, as well as RR children was discus- slyons said stray dogs. expensive problem in easalioi. Mrs. George in thanked Mr., Lyons for yinformative.address and d him with a gift in [anon, hersof the WA. will sior the Cancer Society the month of April, . 4tll meeting will be at rilbra Brow is in w. • E. Black gave a thought ng presentation of the "If you Want the world . Put your creed ' into 01". She mentioned women who have done uding Mary Stewart. She' s a mark of maturity to linakes and it is up to e of us to live up to our next of the standing corn - )tesented reports. eth McConnell reCited a het own composition, Ron institute", Every was remembered. 41hIlt Brown g , ae the 616 nornifiatioOs corn' W. 2' inn utallation ceternony. w slate of officers for Branch DirectorS, Mrs. George Errington, Mrs. Jack Clement.; Mrs. Clifford Purdon and Mrs. Lorne Hasty. • . Public Relations. Officer, Mrs. R. C. McClenaghan, Curator, Mrs. Warren Zinn, Committee, Mrs.. LOrne Ivers, Mrs. W. A. Stewart ,. Pianist Mrs. Gordon Finnigan, Assistant, Mrs. W. Brown,‘ Auditors, M. W. Zinn, Miss. Iva Carr. ' k Standing committees: Agriculture and Can. Industries , Mrs. Elmer Black, 'Mrs. Fred , Young; Citizenship and. World Affairs, Miss Beth. McConnell, Mrs. Roy .Robson; Education and Cultural Activities, Mrs.. L. Ivers, Mrs. Ivan Rivett; Family and Con. sumer Affairs, Mrs. Hugh Mc Whinney , Mrs. G. McNee; Reso-' lutions , Mrs. Iva Carr.. The new president,. Mrs., Harvey Alton, thanked the retir7 ing president, Mrs.' Wilbur Rut ledge and asked fOr the continu- ing support of the members. The W. I. quilt was on display. Tickets are to be all in by the April meeting when the draw for • it 'will be made. Mrs: Rutledge thanked Mrs. McCienaghan for the use of her home and a lovely lunch was served by hostesses Mrs. L. Hasty, Mrs. C. Finnigan and Mrs. W. Brown. TOPS Meeting Ten, members weighed in at . the regular Topi meeting March 28. The. Tops. Pledge was repeat- ed and a sing song enjoyed. Certificates of Merit have been awarded to the following mem- bers:, Ella Hackett, Shirley Hack- ett , ivlarion Mowbray, Barbara Emberlin and' Mayme Wilkins. Jane Treleaven and Anna Johnstone tied' as queen of the week. Marion. Mowbray won the draw. Dorothy Finlayson gave an interesting talk pointecrmdinly at the over-40 age group. She stressed the need of less food as we get older and to eat smaller,, more frequent meals. Salad , or soup and Salad , should make Up lunch. Jane Treleaven had charge of exercises for which We chose up teams. LUCKNOW PHONE 528-31113 On Saturday afternoon a pleas;- ant time was enjoyed at the An- glican Church basement when MO. Ray Francisco (Marjorie Burt) was honoured with a bridal shower. Mrs. Frank Maulclen was in the chair and all joined in singing The more we get to- gether Jed by Mrs. Jack Barr. Mrs. ToRMacDonald gave a humorous reading: Mrs. Lyman-- Sutton conducted a contest. HurnorouS readings were also given by Mrs. Frank .Maulden and Mrs. Gordon. MacDonald'. Mary Helen, Judy and Karen MacDonald sang "The Love of Jesus". Miss Edna Boyle played line wedding march and 'the bride and.: her assistants took their places. An address was read by Shirley BuShell. ThoSe assisting were Nancy Burt, Udora McLean, 'Margaret, -Marilyn and Shirley Bushell.' Marjorie thanked everyone for the lovely gifts and all joined in singing "For she's a jolly good fellow". Lunch was served and a .social time followed. A, social evening was enjoyed at the home of Mr: and Mrs,.. Garf Reuber of Walkerton on Saturday night in honour of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Francisco (Marjorie Burt). The 'evening was Dr. Johnston was born in West Waivimosh Township and was a general practitioner in Lucknow for thirty yeari. His book reflects his life and prictice in this community. THE LUCKNOW SENTINE L• Before The Age of Miracles Memoirs of a Country Doctor BY DR. W. VICTOR JOHNSTON MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED AT SAME PRICE AVAILABLE 'AT , spent in games and singing. After- wards Marjorie and Ray were pres- ented' with many wonderful' gifts to 'which they both replied. A bountiful lunch was served by everyone. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Walsh and family Of Millarton visited on Sunday afternoon With Mrs. Gert- rude Walsh. • The Hoiyrood WoMen's lnsti tute will meet in the hall on Thursday afternoon, April 5th.. Visitors with Mr: and Mrs. George Graham were Mr. and Mrs Ross Duncan of Toronto,. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas. Eckenswiller, Levi Eckenswiller of AiLsa Craig. Lois Nic.holson of Milton spent the week end at her home here. During the mid-winter'break Lois visited With-her friend Sheila Harrington at 'Heipeler. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and. Lois visited on Sunday. with. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Evans and family at Erin. \ Teresa and Michaajansen concession 6 visited with Lea Anne. Glen and Eric Haldenby. The Presbyterian Sunday STILL AVAILABLE $6.95 School will' start next Sunday at 11.30 and the Anglican Sunday School will begin in May. Both Sunday Schools will continue for the summer months. A' successful auction sale was held 'on Saturday for the estate. . of the late Elden Eckenswiller. Mr. arid Mrs. Carson LoUghren of Listowel visited Sunday with her father Henry Scott in Kincar- dine and District Hospital and with her aunt Mrs. Gertrude Walsh of Kinlough. , We extend sympathy to the Hewitt family' in the passing , of the late Russell Hewitt in Kincardine and District Hospital ' on Sunday. They were formerly of Kinlough. do% MINTZ Pack Power