HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-04, Page 11ALL CANADIAN
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District 1,11eetmg..
Held At Lucknow
Cancer Facts
The District Directors meeting
was held in ,Lucknow town hall
on March 20th with ,.Kairshea.,,
Branch as hostess.
The meeting opened with Dist-
rict President Mrs. 'Jas. Kirkpat•
rick in the chair. Mts. Fred Gil-
christ of Kairshea welcomed the
members to LuCknow althoUgh
.they had previously hoped to have
'this meeting in the Kairshea
The new Board Director is to be
'elected from Bruce South District
and a list of names Of eligible
members was read and° will, be
voted on at the District Annual
at Belmw in May.
It was decided to continue
sponsoring the 'Korean child and . •
raise the fee to 300 a member.
Also, after a lengthy discussion,
.it was decided to raise the Nation.
al Delegate' fund to 250 a men-
ber instead of the usual 100 and
the District fee from:150 to 250
a member if approved at the
District Annual.
• A District, workshop is being
planned. ' •
Conveners 'reports will be -dealt
with 'in the same manner as 1972.
Plans for the District Annual were
made with each branch willing
to take part in this meeting.
Mrs. Wm. Arnold, gave a report
of the District officers meeting
at Mrs. Einke's in' Hanover.' Mrs.
Russell McGuire of Whitechurch
branch thanked 'the hostess branch
for the tasty luncheon at noon
and all who had helped 'to make
this meeting a-success. • •
Easter Seal
Dollars Do
Provide the best program in
Nortlt America for over 14,5.00
'physically handicapped children.
- Provide fOr diagnostic and con-
sultant clinics in Ontario., Over
2000 children are examined an-
Provide a Province-wide staff
of qualified public health •nurses.
Provide monies for research pro
jects with over '$132 000 having
been allotted during 1971 and 1972.
Provide 'an annual summer
camping program for over 1100
children at five camps throughout
Ontario.' ,
Provide administrative guidance
for the vocational training of 16
tO18-year-old boys thrbugh Vara-
iety Village. As, well Variety
Village now manufacturers pros-
thetics such as powered elbows,
and hands.
Provide funds for the' establish-
ment and. operation of treatment
centres in Ontario as, well 'as the
Provincial Centre in Toronto.
u 'rp of area people recently
iSrped from .a cruise to the
bean, is a continuation of last
rek's story.
acoa. our first stop, is the
kit Island of the Netherlands
ogl'' es about 38 miles long, 7
es Wide, a.popu lation of
100Q, It lies aboutt 38 miles
,fie coast of South America
'-''surrounded by porral reefs.
capital city is Willenstacl.
"island was discovered by
''de ()Ma in 1499 and set -
by.Spinish in 1127. The
,tch squired it in 1634. It was
lig a visit to Caracoa that
lie Stuyvesart, famous
rigor of Nieuw Amsterdam
came Peg-leg-Pete - leaving
tlimb behind buried in one
this Island's cemeteries.
The chief industry of the Is
oil refining.1 All work for
companies and everything
that is used on the Island is
ited, Foreign trade is con-
te,d primarily with United
fel, Europe and Venezuela .
,,,:e• % 1 e,:we visited the floating mark.
dace where fruit'and vege-
ks and pioduCe of all types
1d from the boats that can
tze into the harbours. The,
estSynagogue in the Western
"phere is situated here ,
in 1732. This Island was'
facinating and beautiful to
,lithough the odour of the oil
ered some,
'y Friday, 8 a.m. we had ar-
atta,Guaria Venezuela, • "
taken and some ventured ,-,
iCaracas where gold rings
II.i be purchased for a song if =..!
could. barter. Up on a lift to
fop of the Andes Mountains
a delightful experience ;
ealth in gold, presented
_roads, plenty of transporta 7
, in fact some of the best in
lWorld, Everything on the'
dstravelled at 'excessive
eas, one coirld hardly believe
cold be one in and out of
Sala passes around and around
curves, Caracas with 1 1/2
Return From use To Caribbean
million inhabitants, is, separated
into two distinct sectors, the
ancient city with old Spanish
charm, and the new Caracas with
squadrons of cement buildings
painted in vivid colours, spread
over the hill sides and along the
valley. :Many gigantic clover
leaf arteries illuminatep with ,
brilliant mercury lights equal
any others-in the world.
All of Caracas is not ultia -
modern. It took the firebrand
leader Simon Bolivar to liberate
this city from Spain back in 1811.
The House of Congress we enjoyed
and the Ministry of Foreign U-
fairs and Bolivars square in the
centre of the city. Several of the
group; in fact Lucknowites, were
almost left in South America;, as
the last whistle had blown, the
gang plank about to be lifted,
when they arrived back from a
hillarious tour.
Dining, dancing and the• Hyp-
notist Don Garnett made for an-
other evening's entertainment
with one of the local group tak-
ing part.
because the roughage portion of the ration dictates
the combination of essential minerals needed. All
SHUR•GAIN MINERALS are now formulated
accordingly. It's nutritionally right, it's. easy, it's
economical, to select the best SH UR • GAIN min-
eral mixture for your' livestock . .
NON-LEGUME FEEDING• . . . feed where roughage is grass, hay or corn silage. SHUR•GA -- IN ESSENTIAL MINERALS #2FOR LEGUME FEEDING . . feed with
high legume forage,Io baIdnce the high calcium, low phosphorus.
SHUR •GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS #3—SALT FREE .•. . feed where salt is avail-
able in the water or other source,
co, just prior to freshening.
SHUR • GAIN RANGE MINERALS . . for Western feeding
conditions, where stock is on" a, high hay or' pasture ration with
salt provided separately.
This week the Throne Speech
Debate hat been the highlight of
the session with Opposition Leader
Robert Nixo.n taking part.
Mr. Nixon 'said there were dev-
elopers who, were getting extrem-
ely,rich at the expense Of the
Ontario taxpayer and.
singled out G. W ..• Moog, Presid-
ent of Canada Square Corpora• -
tion Ltd. "who is know to be a
close personal. friend of the Prem7,
In the speech Mr . Nixon was
critical of.the inadequacies of a
system where builder proposals
are accepted as against competit-
ive bidding 'with the contract
going to the lowest bidder every-
thing else being equal.
'Mr. Nixon cited three cases of
Companies headed by Mr. Moog
working for the Government (1)
Canada Square which is building
a new $40 million office-com-
plex for Ontario Hydro (2) Swiss
Granada Holdings which built
facilities for the Ontario Institute
for Studies in Education, and (3)
Transamerica Realty which built
the TransameriCa Building hold-
ing the Ontario Educational Com-
munications Authority.
Each of these contracts was
obtained through the proposal
• In the case of the Hydro office
building which is under construc
tion, Mr. Nikon said Hydro was
leasing land valued at $7 million
to Canada Square for 30 years at .
$1 per year. • •
"During the construction period
of 3 years Canada square,will in-
vest, by way of interest on con-
struction loans a total of about
$6 million. •
"In return Canada Square is re-
warded by a rental income .of
almost $6.1 million every year.
for 30 years. That's almost $183
Million in total."
Oh medicare Mr. Nixon propos-
ed changes. He said that doctors
should he allowed to bill the Prov7
ince on a fee-for-service basis but
there would'be a yearly limit to
the amount the Province, would
1. Have a medical and dental
check-up. ,
2., Watch tot any change in your
normal Mate of health. •
3. Find out about any lump or
sore that dOes not heal. '
4. Protect yourself against too
much sunlight,
5. Do not smoke.
6. Have a Pap test.
7. Do a monthly breast self-exam
spend: •
If the portion of the health fund
provided for ,physicians becomes
depleted in the last
q9arter of the year only:a percent-
age of the bills would be paid in
that quarter, Mr : Nixon`said.
He continued that instead of pla
placing all *doctors on salary, the
fee-for-service principle of pay-
ment would be continued but with
Premier William 'Davis, also
taking part in .the Throne Debate,
claimed that Mr. Nixon's figures
were not accurate and claimed.
Canada Square would make a -
net profit of approximately $5 •
million out of the Hydro deal.
• However, Mr. Nixon issued a
rebuttal claiming that many of the
expenses of running the new build-
ing, would be assumed by Ontario.
Hydro and not Canada Square as
Mr. Davis had said.
The Ontarip Government will
finance the world's largest diai-a-
bus network in .North York as a ,
3 year experiment to lure suburb-
anites out of their cars and Onto
public transit vehicles. Ontario
has agreed to pay all capital and
operating costs for the service..
nderson Flax Products Limited
LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2026 .
hen Choosing
Livestock Minerals Let Your
Forage Be Your Guide...