HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-03-28, Page 6RTG4GES CLEARING 'AUCTION SALE Of Farrn Machinery • will be held for ' GORDON McCLINCHY South' half •Lot 28, Concession East. Wawanosh, 1 3/4 miles esfl Of Auburn THURSDAY, APRIL 12 at 1:3.0, p.m. TERMS CASH --- FARM SOLO Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer AUCTION' SALE OF. Heavy Farm "Machinery Shop and Garage Equipment will be held for BILL LIVINGSTON ' Lot 1, Concession, 7, Ashfield Twp., 4 corners south and corners west of Lucknow' or miles east of Hwy. 21 On TUESDAY, APRIL 10 at. 11 a.m: TERMS CASH -- FARMS SOLI See bills for full list Lunch 'booth' on grounds Allan Maclntyre, Larry Gardiner, Auctioneers Arnold fligInnan Realty Ltd. ICitchener, Ontario WE WILL BE' BACK FOR ALL YOUR AIRCRAFT PRAYING NEEDS CALL NOW FOR AEROPRILLS AND GRAIN SPRAYING LATER THi LilOKNOW SENTINEL, LOCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH !IS s. •• CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery, Feed, Some Household. Effects and Antiques will be held for ANDREW „BARKWELL S.H. Lot 10, Con.. 14, W.H. Ashfield Twp., 7 miles • west of Lucknow and 3 miles east of Amberley' •On SATURDAY, MARCH 31 • at 1:00 p.m. Machinery . . Massey Harris,, 44 tractor; 2 In- ternational tractor ploughs; 32 plate Case disc; 3 Section spring tooth 'harrows; Cockshutt fertil- izer, seed drill; 3 section drag harrows and harrow stretchers; John Deere manure :spreader; 7 ft. New Idea' mower; No. 56 New Holland rake; rubber tired wagon, flat rack; rubber tired wagon, self unloading grain box; Ghel hammer mill; Endless ham- mermill belt; cattle oiler; - dump rake; 4 wooden wagon x wheels; Buggy; steel tires; cutter; 2 Buf- falo robes; 32 ft. extension lad- der; wire stretchers; rubber tired wheelbarrow; 14 ft. steel culvert -and 2 steel water troughs., Feed . . Approximately/ 2,000 bales hay; approximately 1000 bales straw; approximately 25 tons grain. Household Effects and Antiques Frigidaire refrigerator; Gener- al electric stove; 2 electric heat- ers; electric tea kettle; electric radio; 2 electric toasters; dining room table and 6 chairs; kitchen table, and 6 chairs; drop leaf table; antique table; 3' rocking chairs; antique wash, stand and chest drawers; couch; 2 wood stoves, box style; part of 2 toilet sets; 4 or 5 rope beds and 1 steel bed; 'settee and chair, like new condition; shot gun; 22 , rifle; dishes; silverware; other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD Owner or auctioneers not responsible for any accidents -or Injuries on properly day of sale Auctioneers: Grant McDonald, Ripley phone 395.5353 Wallace Ballagh, TeesWater phone 3924170 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Modern Farm Machinery will be held for , k -BILL IRWIN Lot 31, Concession 11, East View anosh Township, 2 corners south, 4 corners west of Wingham MONDAY, APRIL 2 time, 1:30 Ford 400' tractor, with cab, 1 yr. • old with less than 200. hr. and chains; Massey Ferguson 21 - 35• tractor, 3 yr. old with Allied hy- draulic loader and chaing; • New. Holland 9 ft: haybind, 1 yr. old; Massey, 'Ferguson No. 10 baler with grain chutes; Massey Fer- guson roll bar rake; 32 ft. George White bale elevator with, 1. horse motor; John Deere wagon; Mar- tin wagon, each wagon , has bale thrower racks; Hydrien 3 furrow plow 3 -14; 12 ft. Kongskilde cult- • ivator; 20 run Massey grain drill; 3 point• hitch fertilizer spreader; New Holland 130 bu. manure spreader, • PTO drive;• Allied grinder mixer; Crown stone pick- er; 10 ft. chain harrow; Weed sprayer equipped to spray Atra- zine; 250 gallon water tank; bale stooker; 14 ft. grain auger with motor; Pioneer chain saw; 14 ft. hay, bunk; bale loader; hen feed- ers; scrap iron; Jackall jack; fork, shovel, chain and small, tools. TERMS CASH FARM SOLD Owner or auctioneer not, • , responsible , for accidents Brian Rintoul, Auctonoer 357.2349 AUCTION SALE. OF 60 cattle, '4 tractors, full line, of, seeding, haying and him's:Wing equipment, hay and grain will be held for Cliff and Donald Murray Lot 19, Concession 8, West Wawanosh Township, miles east and 5% miles south • of Lucknow SATURDAY, APRIL 7th • at 11 a.m. • Terms Cash, Farms Sold See bills for full list• Lunch booth on grounds Allan Maclntyre, Brian Rintoul, Auctioneers CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Modern Farm Machinery will be held for " 'LOUIS NEVES Lot 21, Concession 5, West Waw- anosh, 3 miles east of Dungannon FRIDAY, APRIL 6 at 1:30 Massey Ferguson 165 diesel tractor, 3 years old with Robin loader,, hydraulic bucket and 1000 burs.; Massey Ferguson 50, gas 'tractor with 2 year old motor and good tires; Massey Harris No. 60 combine with motor; grinder with drive belt; .2 wagons with racks; gravity grain box; 3 furrow Ferguson hydraulic plow 12" 3 furrow Ford hydraulic plow 14", 3 yr. old; Massey Fer- guson 7 ft. mower used 1 yr.; 8 ft. Kongskikle cultivator; Big Blue 125 bu. manure spreader; McCormick- 15 run power lift drill; 28 plate hydraulic disc; 16 ft. grain auger with motor; 20' ft. bale elevator; snow .blower; Massey side rake; McCullough 501 chain saw; water trough; 40 steel posts; 1962 Chev truck as is; 2 milker units; vacuum pump; electric stove, like new; .5.0 ton mixed grain;• 200 bales straw; numerous articles. ' TERMS CASH.'— FARM SOLD Brian •Rintoul, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Of Beef Cattle and Machinery • Will be held for The Estate of the late THOMAS HENDERSON ' Lot 4, 5, 6, Confession 1, Morris Township, 1/4 mi,e east of Wingham on 86 Highway On MONDAY; APRIL 9th at 1;00 o'clock LivestoCk . 32 beef cows (mostly Herer fords) running with a 4 year old :Hereford bull; some cows have calf at foot; some cows 'are springing; 19 yearling Hereford calves; 40 hens.' Machinery . . . Ford tractor (new tires) with' Freeman loader; 1968 Nuffield 4 - • 65 tractor with weights; CockShutt 3 furrow plow 14 inch; Calso' weed sprayer with 100 gal. tank; Kongskilde 12 ft. cultivator; Bissel 8 ft, disc; Massey Harris 4 bar' rake; hammer mill with belt; Smoker 38 ft: elevator; ing cream separator; Internation- al 125 bu. manure spreader; M.F. 15 run seed drill with grass seeder; Grain auger, litter carrier and track; New Holland 268 baler; Cockshutt wagon with 16 ft. rack; 3,drum land packer; 5 section diamond harrows; horse harnesS. . Hay and Grain . . . 30 ton grain; '500 bales hay. • Some household effects . . . Fridge, electric stove, bedroOm suite; numerous small articles. "TERMS CASH Estate or auctioneer not 'responsible for accidents Brian Rintool, Auctioneer WhitechUrch, Phone 357.2349 CLEARING • AUCTION SALE Of Modern Farm Machinery & Some Household Effects will be held for JOE DAUPHIN • Lot, 11, Concession 5, Ashfield Township, mile west of Dungannon On THURSDAY, APRIL 5 at 1:00 p.m. Machinery . -990 David Brown tractor with power wheels, lOaderand hydrau- lic bucket, (575 lus.), like new; 65 Massey Ferguson tractor in good condition; No. A,' A.C. Gleaner, combine with grain header, new pickup and 2 row 36" corn header; No. 36 Massey Fer- guson swather with tiiro sets of reels and hay conditioner; No. 10 Massey Ferguson baler in good condition; 151/2' Glenco cultivator and Midwest lift harrow; 8' pack- er and two 4' extensions; 7' Fer- guson rake, 3 point hitch; 7' snow bloWer, 1 yr. old, like new; Con- tinental sprayer on wheels, 300' gal. tank and 30' booms; No. 10 International 16 run seed drill grass 'seeder and markers like new condition; 620 Pioneer chain' saw; 5 section of diamond har- rows with steel bar (H.D.); David Brown P.T.O. 'manure spreader; 2 row Ford cultivator; 24' Malco bale elevator with motor; •Inter- national 3 furrow' plough, 14" bottoms with trip beams; Allis 'Chalmers four row corn planter, like new; John Deere wagon and grain box; Torten wagon and Turnco grain box; 3 flat racks; 4' plow packer; stooker and bale loader; 12' 4" grain auger with 3/4. H. motor; battery charger; Allis Chalmers garden tiller, like new; cattle oiler. L Household Effects . Dining room suite consists of table, 6 chairs, china cabinet and buffet; 2 antique rocking chairs; rug 10 by 12 with underpad in good condition; electric stove; davenport and chair; other art- icles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD . - Owner or auctioneers not responsible for any accidents, or injuries on property day of sale Auctioneers: Grant McDonald, Ripley, Phone 395.5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Phone 39276170 Joe Dauphin, Prop. Geo. Powell, Clerk - AUCTION SALE Of Dairy' Cattle and Equipment , will be held for ' ROBERT SCOTT - Lot 36, Concession 11, East Wow- anosh, 1 block south •and 2 blocks west of Wingham On SATURDAY, MARCH 31 at 1:30 p.m. Livestock .. . 2 Holstein x Brown Swiss hek- ers, 'bred Hereford due April and May; 2 Holstein tows bred Char- olais dile April; Holstein cow bred Brown Swiss, due 'at, sale time; Holstein cow bred Brown Swiss Nov. 4; Holstein x Brown Swiss cow, bred Brown Swiss; Holstein heifer bred Hereford, Jan. '23; 5 Holstein cows fresh and open; Holstein x Brown Swiss cow,/bred Brown. Swiss, due April 3; 4 Hol- stein x •Brown Swiss open S heifers; Holstein yearling heifer; 6 Black White face calves; Holstein x Brown Swiss heifer; 3 Black White face yearling heifers; Black White face yearling steer; Breeding dates and age given' day of sale. Equipment .'. Gem oat roller with 1 horse motor; 12 ft. grain auger; chop box; 'electric hot water pail; Surge vacuum pump and motor; 2 Surge milker units;. 65 ft. pipe line; Star 8 can milk' cooler; 28 milk cans; 16 ft. feed 'bunk; Skil saw, scales, cattle clippers; num- erouS.items. Hay and Grain'.. 500 bales hay; quantity of grain. TERMS. CASH Owner' orauctioneer not responsible for accidents Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer Whifechterch, Phone 357.2349 AUCTION. SALE GORDON ORINDLEY FARM Lot 4 con. 9 teal), of c91001110 11/2' "IN north 112 east of Carlow, 7 miles north east of Godorich. 'TRACTORS: Nuffield with loader; MM 445 with loader; MF 35 3 cyl. with 3401.;w4it.ch loader ghYdas;:mn.Flicket; Super 5000 go; FFoarrdm;a30000 A.; -F65; M-H 44; Ford 3000 with allied loader 12:30 . SATURDAY 'MARCH 31 loader 15-30hHY d;im41. Fi; bucket; M5 -r ( 312 5..:44m EQUIPMENT: 9' chain harrow; Sallen 300 bu. batch dryer; hyd. cycliners; Van-Dale 20' silo unioaden 200 gal. sprayer with 50' boom . 3 pth plow; George White disc.; Case P.T.O. manure spreader; M-F manure spreader; M-F 4.113,1 Case 44 plate wheel disc.; M-F' 30 plate 3 pth disc; (2) sets of drag 311Pciehltp;116,a; 4114lio3w4c4o"rn planter; 141 4 row corn 5p10-11:nt.tr'erapi 1;1 ocFwoueirdt;.;A4)--Croo4w9-,1c04;r!rion Planteri Cale 16 run seed drill; M-F No. 3317 run seed drill; 44, can bulk milk tank; Loader for Ford 400Q; Trailer (farm) 10' x 5'; 13' cult. harrow:TEiRAs C4sti TO PLACE CONSIGNMENTS CALL. BRINDLUDEtt5TilittiSERVICE''' • . . i .._—..--.•.--...-,—...--....—,--..p.--os,.,, AUCTION SALE Of 50 ear* farm, implements, hay and grain, household effects will be held for the Estate of the late ELDON ECKENSWILLER E.H. Lot '11, Concession .9, Kin- loss Township, 6 miles north and 1/2 mile east of, Lucknow SATURDAY, MARCH 31. at 1:30 p.m. • TERMS CASH Farm sold subject to' reserve bid 'Auctioneer, Allan Maclntyre 1st AND 2nd MORTGAGES BOUGHT, SOLD, ARRANGED , AVAILABLE FOR FARMS, RESIDENTIAL, IMPROVEMENTS ETC. CALL GERALD H. WOLFE PALIVIERSTON —7— 343-3632 ALL ENQUIRIES CONFIDENTIAL- CONTACT AMMEWS SPRAYING SERVICE 'r R. 2 GLEN MEYER, ONTARIO ' WRITE OR CALL COLLECT (519) 875.2541 AUCTION SALE Of Beef• Cattle; Hay and Farm. Implements will be held for GEORGE GRAHAM Lot 9, Concession 11, Kinloss Twp. 71/2 miles north and 1/2 mile' west of Lucknow, 1st farm west of Kinlough TUESDAY, APRIL 3 at 1:30 p.m. TERMS CASH. Allan MacIntyre, Auctioneer