The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-03-28, Page 5INSURANCE RE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE & INVESTMENTS R..W. BELL ImETRIsT GODERICH The' Square (Phone 524,7661) and ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Hydro Financing Available Lucknow — Phone 528-5802 K. J. MacKENZIE, O.D. Optometrist We all want to say many thanks to our friends and neighbour for the nice time they had for us in the ,St. Helens Hall and for the lovely gifts we received. These shall be among 'the very precious memories of our life on ,the 9th • concession. , Mary, cliff, Frances, Donald, Dorothy, Marjorie Allan, Reid and Marlene Murray The family of the late Bruce MacMillan wish to express their sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness • during their re- cent bereavement. Special, thanks to Rev. Robt. Nicholls and to friends and neighbours for ex- pressions of sympathy through floral tributes and donations to. the Heart Foundation, also to the ladies who helped at 'the house. Audrey Ritchie would like to thank all her friends and relatives for the lovely cards, letters and gifts sent her while at 'Crippled Children's Centre, Toronto. I would like to thank ill who remembered me •with cards, flowers, phone calls, treats and visits while I was a patient "in hospital. Special thanks to the doctors and nursing staff, Joyce Johnstone I wish, to thank everyone for the best wishes' and cards while in 'Victoria • Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Marion and Cathy Gillespie. Merle Hodgins Many thanks for cards, ,treats and visits during My five weeks in hospital. Bill Scott • Retirement home in the village of Dungannon; 2 bedroom with every convenience; full basement, electric heating; plus a small barn and approximately 39 acres of good farm land. If you work in Goderich and would like to live hi the 'country make an ap- pointment to look this home over. WE HAVE. a good 11"00 acre farm for sale close to Douglas Point; 80 acres workable; 9 room' solid brick home and good barns. Lev- el productive land. Asking $26,500 with immediate possession. WE HAVE a responsible..person. who would. like to purchase around 200 to .300 acres of land in the Ashfield area suitable for growing • white beans and corn with or without buildings. If you are thinking of buying or have, property for sale give us a call WARREN ZINN Phone 529-7350 Wilfred' McIntee & Co:, Limited . WALKERTON Member of the Grey and Bruce Multiple Listings Service. List' — Over 60 Salesmen . Working For You we••••••44%***•,4e*****,44,44v RETIREMENT HOME Belgrave — one storey, red rug brick home containing a large kitchen, with eating area, living room, 4 pc. bath, 2 bedrooms. Electric heating. Attached gar- age. RETIRE TO. WINGHAM • R05$ and PHYLLIS HOGGART, I Phone Vangham 35741.2 4 R. .BRAY . [ DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 1 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM, PHONE: 357.1224 ' ADMIRAL TV AND 'ANTENNA iAlES AND .SERVICE ON. THOMPSON TV R.R. 3 RIPLEY TELEPHONE 395.2393 'o Protect Your Jack, isure With Jack Today. I ' • A. IVIcDONAGH icitiansi, Phone. 528-3423 W. ANDREW arrister and.Solicitor ISTOWEL, ONTARIO • IN LUCKNOW. • ivery Wednesday and . Saturday Afternoon ice in the Joyni Block Telephone. Lucknow 528-3116 MacKENZIE ORIAL CHAPEL A MEMBER OF OCIATED FUNERAL RECTORS SERVICE FUNERAL SERVICE s conducted according to wishes at your Home, your , or at. our Memorial Fat no additional charge., ucknow, Phone 528.3432 Day or Night MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS AVAILABLE TRELEAVEN 5 MILLING CO. LTI:k. Call 5284000 for information SEEDVVILL BE AVAILABLE. IN APRIL , ESDAY, MARCH 28, 1973 NOCO. DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW De 529-7524 or 524-7681 E BURNER SERVICE cts For Farm, Home and Industry ematelo 00-9 LISTOWEL PHONE 291.1511 347 cc; 2 stroke, twin, 7-port engine with Torque InduCtion. Autolube lubrication systeM. Primary kick starter. 6 speed 4 constant mesh transmission. Steering damper. Stop lamp' outage indicator. Panel type in- strumentation. Frontwheel discbrake. TED. COLLYER. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing ELECTRIC HEATING, ELECTRIC WIRING AND REPAIRS INVESTMENT THE STERLING TRUST CORP. Prevailing Interest Rates Retirement Savings Plan Your Representative ALEX MacNAY LUCKNOW THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. ,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO a FARM 100 acres, 2nd concession Huron Twp. Can be divided. House and 1 acre, 99 acres and barn. Full asking price $19,900. , S ACRE FARM On the edge of Lucknow, having a 2 bedroom. home, oil ftirnace; large kitchen built-in cupboards;, 4 piece bath. Also modern hog • barn 24 x 36, 'Property has a number of springs and will sell fast. LISTINGS NEEDED • I _ Have clients for farrns, retreat property and businesses. 'Bus. 528-2031 Res. 528-3821 WANT ADS GET RESULTS REAL ESTATE PAGII PIVIS SPECIAL -OPEN HOURS ,AT •.LUCKNOW. MUNICIPAL • DUMP' TIJEDAY. EVENINGS 7 :30 — 8:30 THURSDAY AFTERNOONS — .2 4 P.M. giuminimmiimmimimminininummumimmummimumwomminiumpumommummiLi ANYONE FOUND DUMPING GARBAGE AT THE GATE OR OVER:THE FENCE WILL BE PROSECUTED. Fr-- roiiimimiliimmumuisumlinuummumunnuniumuniumimumunumiummunuming FOR SALE WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357.1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 - 57 Sbuth Street, Goderich Telephone 324-7562 • 395-2300 "Never knowingly undersold" at SILVERSTONE ENTERPRISES on the 4th of Huron phone Ripley exChange B. A. McDonagh REAL ESTATE BROKER LUCKNOW, ONTARIO The family • of the late Victor home,' furnace, bath, good sized g Errington extend their sincere ap- preciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for all ,the acts of kindness, floral tributes and don- ationg to the heart fund in the time of their recent bereavemnt. 4 bedroom home recently modernized; level sandy loam soil STEWART — the family of the, suited for corn and white beans. late William & Stewart wish to 'Modern hog barn 36 .x' 97 with express their sincere thanks to liquid, manure tanks. Capacity for neighbours and friends for 'all 460'hogs; silo' 16 x 50. their comforting acts, for the flor, al tributeS and for the charitable donations. The kindness and sym- pathy .shown them in the recent loss of a beloved husband, father ' and ' grandfather will 'always re- main a precious memory. COUNTRY STORE and 4 bed- ; room home located in a good farming area. Excellent brick building. Merchandise consists of groceries, meats, 'feed and hard- ware.. Ill health of the owner is the reason 'for selling.. If you 'are tired of your present jab, look this home and business over and be your own. boss. 200 ACRE FARM located on high- way 86 close to Amberley, ap- f AR D OF THANKS proximately 160 acres workable, licate — 60 rods of river frontage. 20 ACRES on the Lucknow river; bush and park like river area in the Port 'Albert district. This acreage would be hard to, dup- barn and driving shed. Possession this spring. Terms are available. Shown by appointment. 282 ACRES located in Ashfield • Member of London and St. Thomas Real Estate Board for M.L.S. Listings with 788 member salesmen ton sell for, you • tiled every 50 feet. 3 bedroom balance rough pasture; 60 acres One storey, 2 year home contain- / in kitchen;dining room, living room, 3 bedrooms, den, attractive bathroom and full basement with 3 divided rooms to do with as you wish. Attached garage. Situ- ated on % of an acre 'of lawn. WINGHAM OFFICE 357-3840 REPRESENTATIVES W. ADAMSON• C. SUTCLIFFE J. BREWER h•;4,4*************•••••••••••••4. H. D. PURDON Real Estate Limited' M.L.S. REALTOR 1 3 STOREY 30 unit modern brick , apartment building with ample parking, electric heating, coin laundry, all apartments broad- loomed and tiled with stove and frig, 22 are, furnished. Situated in a prosperous town. This is a won- derful investment with excellent returns.. LOTS FOR, SALE — quiet resi- dential area, near public school, close to high school buses, price $1800. SOMEONE IS WAITING CASH IN HAND TO BUY A 'HOUSE WITH A LITTLE LAND