HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-03-21, Page 17report from the Department Transportation and Comninni- ions said that the culvert on tighway, on Lueknow main et, (the town bridge) is struc- Ily sound but that tome intenance work will be done , summer. 'It had been inspect• it the request of council. .5 request from the Ministry of 'culture and Food sought the to of the village weed inspec- , Council advised the clerk eport to them that Cliff Craw- ', village foreman, was weed lector as part of his duties. m Lyons appeared before ncil asking why. his building nit had not been approved. jneil turned down his request he last conncil meeting. Mr. ns said that•he was building arehouse to the rear of his le on Willoughby 8treet and ld notlave torn down his.. I building if he had thought, 'the building of the new one. Id not be approved. ouncil told Mr: ITons that tea was a residential one and bit on the ridiculous. • (4 A request frorn Grant Gollan to erect a new mobile home ad- jacent to his, home on Bob Street was turned 'down by coundil. 'In their. letter to M. Gollan they pointed out that a new nursing home was slated to be constructed in that' area this spring or summer, and new homes also planned for this area , and that it was not in the best interests of the village to have a mobile home installed beside his residence. E 21, • THE LUCKNOW, SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGP it is as nice, t)r nicer, than many homes in the village. Council agreed to;discuss the matter and advise Mi. Summers at Once where he might be' allow- ed to erect his mobile home, providing property was available, • • Complaints of "milky appearing water" from the air-on the line; and excessive bursts of air pres-, sure on.the• water line, were re- ceived in a letter from Clarence Mawhinney. The works depatt- merit was to be advised and make a check on the matter, that the ability to sell lots for homes would be harnpered if con- trol was not exercised over the types of buildings erected. Building, inspector Alex. Havens was called to the meeting. Fur- ther discussion on the matter:con.- tinned with'IvIt . Lyons claiming that the building inspect& had told him to proceed with the con- struction and that a permit would be granted later. Mr. Havens said that this was not true and that all projects had to conform to building regulations before a permit was granted to proceed. Part of the framework on the Wilding had commenced when Mr. Lyons was issued the letter from council ordering the building to' stop. Reeve' Joynt told Mr. Lyons that the area in question it one of the last good residential expansion areas in town, that a new nursing home would be going up there this year and that the area must be kept under control with build- ings which suit, residential sur- roundings. :•• Fred 'Summers appeared before council asking about regulationP governing the erection of a mob- ile home in Lucknow. He suggest- ed to council that there are' many places• in Lucluiow where they would fit in nicely and he asked council's help in determining where his 12 by 64 home could be erected on 'a permanent founda - tion. He felt that his home would not detract from Other res- idences in thevillage and that * The matter of hiring an animal control officer was again discussed by council. Last year- it was found that the services of an Offic- er could be secured, for $600. _Under such a plan, stray tagged dogs would be returned to 'their owners if found running at, large and a fine paid' for their recovery. Untagged dogs would be impound- ed for a period and if unclaimed, given away or sold. A check was to be made to see if the services of this man. were available at present and at *hat price. • ReeVe Joynt said that he corn-. menced discussions' with 'the LiOns Club abOut holding a '"PaUl Hend- erson day" this summer and that more on this would be forthcom- ing in the future. • • Reference was made to the dew market value assessment' just completed by the regional assess-. ment office which has sharp-ly reduced the assessment on the Lucknow 'Furniture Factory. Reeve Joynt stated that last year the . factory paid $3400 in taxes, approximately, and that under, the new assessment at the market value ,.the taxes on the property would reduce to about $1400., Council were of the opinion that the factory assessment borders a SUBSCIRII TO THE LUCKNow..SENION4. 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