HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-03-21, Page 15I . 1011ton St. 524-8391 GMC CADILLAC 011VTIAC• .BUICK 1 /2 TONS Al TONS 6 STICKS AT WHAT WE HAVE IN STOCK FOR YOU TO CHOOSE FR 350 V-8 STICKS PLAIN TRUCKS -DRESSED-UP TRUCKS - EXTRA FANCY TRUCKS . Lots VVith Power Steering etc. WE URGENTLY NEED YOUR USED TRUCK OR CAR AS TRADE-INS ON THESE BEAUTIFUL GMC's M UTOMATICS I 11110011111111ftir SPECIAL FINANCING Low, low IAC Financing available with special reasonable Farmer's Repayment Plans. I ,Three to tour months for, your new truck. You have the,used _unit we need and we have the new unit you need. I NO NEED TO WAIT • cGEE'S GO 1350 V-8 Mary Newbold led in an inter- esting discussion on diets. We are to bring a luncheon diet next .. week: Mary Hackett closed with exercises. couple Wilt live Alberto.- On March 10, 1973 Parkdale United Church, Calgary, All erta was the scene of a clduble ring,• candle light service uniting in marriage Beth' Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Black, Calgary and Franklin 'George, on , of Mr. and Mrs. Heber J. L. . Eedy of Dungannon, Ontario. The bride was attired In a floor length gown of white embroidered Swiss lace featuring a full train which fell from the shoulders. Her full length veil was edged with complimentary lace and was held. in plade with a headpiece of small flowers and leaves. The bride carried a crescent shaped bouquet of pink orchids, ivy leaves, 'white streamers and tiny pink carnations. " Her only jewel- ry WAs a pearl pennant .- gift of the groom. The bride was attended by 'Myrne Porter , Red Deer, Alberta; Martha Eedy, Dunganf non, Ontario (niece of the groom) and Judy Wigton, Cochrane, Al- -berta (niece of the bride). They wore identical floor length/dresses of a green floral design, large sun hats and carried baskets of white and yellow daisies. The groom was attended by `his brother Jack Y.,Eedy of Straihroy, 'Ontario. • Guests were ushered by the bride's brother Dave Black and her cousin 'Mur- ray Johnston. The, toast.to the bride was given by her Uncle Bob Johnston. The bride's mother chose a pink floor length gown with matching knitted jacket and wore a white rose corsage. Mrs. Eedy we're a blue dress' and pink roses to 'attend •her wedding. Out of town guests were from Dungannon, Strathroy, Goderich, 'Ontario; Swift Current , Saskat cheWari; TrOchp, Red beer, can, Cochrane ant Airdrie Al- berta. . The couple will, make their hone iin CalgatY. • / ognA Y. 'hitec orEcH itechurch ir Public. R eld Nne of Mrs neeting wa d Vice Yre with the iith pianist and rep I in unison. motto -'1 is die one attention by Mrs. A birds are Lod if folks ngs giVen who do not notice a.nd 'yes of peof th a verse THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCK OW • _ - • "0.•'•• • •• • •••••••‘, • . , . . Gibson Ron- 17-22 The Officers Conference at th e April meeting . lurch W I Mrs, Bill . andMrs, , . aid Forster sang Galway Bay •is being held at Waterloo Univ- The. bill for painting the Corn- PEWS JRcH NEWS accompanied ,by Mrs. Farrier , ersity this year instead of Guelph, Munity Hall was, mentioned. The • , . 'pianist. Cornmunity. singing - My May .2 and 3. She also showed correspondence was read, also, . PLUMBING vomws ins... ' Wild;Irish Rose and East Side the many articles for sale at thank you notes for Valentine t! I lati°1.45 meeting West aide was: enjoyed. The roll PrOvincial level arid the many boxes from Miss Myrtle Beecroft, SERVICE. . , 12 at 2 p,m., at call - One wa a member Ma y bulletins which can be had on Mrs. Jennie Inglis, Mrs. Mary . George FisfleX• assist ill establishing good public W.I. work. She concluded with Coulter , Miss Annie Kennedy. — New: Bathrooms Installed 5 opened by the relations was answered by 17 nlefir ;the poem Take Time. Mrs. ., Mrs. George ••WellWood , Mrs. ) — Complete Bathroom and ident Mrs. Lorne hers and 4.visitOrs. .Houston was thanked by Mrs. - Chapman Jr. and Sr, , Kitchen Remodeling singing of the . Mrs . Durnin then introduced Russel McGuire and presented Mary and. Annie Laidlaw, , Mrs. -:- Hot, Water and Steam Mrs. Garnet the guest speaker Mrs. Harvey with a gift, , OrVille Toiffin, Mrs. Gershorn Heating ' Systems ,. iting of the Houston. Mrs. Houston told us The president, Miss Merle Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Russel ° ' ,Installed and Repaired there would be no more reports . Wilson presided for the business. , Ross, Mrs, Bill Evans. ' • I 'he bird that to be handedOut•atyrovincial The" conveners Mrs. Metcalfe for MrS. Wallace Conn will rep- FOR 'QUICK PROFESSIONAL ' hat level. Rona-now' on they will Citizenship and. World Affairs resent Mrs. Russell Ross on the SERVICE Lnd interest was be found in the Home and. Count- and Mrs. Ed Walker for,Family Hall Board until ... Mrs. Ross is able. CALL RIPLEY ithe Durnin. She r __y.. They were instructed how and Consumer Affairs 'gave short to be present. Miss Merle Wit- .395-5472 happy when they to report for Public Relations and reports. The minutes were read son gave the courtesy remarks. are happy for to be sure to always sign all •by secretary Mrs. Russel McGiiire. 'The meeting closed with the ley too will sing, reports with names. She told of An invitation was read from Wing- singing of theQueen and the In- TOPS sing do not re- the work and Board meetings at ham Institute inviting Whitechurch stitute Grace, it is so in Provincial level and her duties to their meeting March 15 to, hear Lunch was served by the corn- le She conolud• which are many. The National a speaker on Cancer. It was mittee Mrs: Fred Tiffin, Mrs. The Lucknow Tops met on ni birds and their Convention is at. Banff on June decided to have a penny auction Garnet Farrier, Mrs. Ed Walker. March 12, with 15 present. 12 pounds were lost and 3 gained: Mary Hackett won the draw and Shirley Hackett and Anna John- stone tied fOr Queen 'of the Week. Our group won the Travrelling Plaque for DeCember for most average pounds lost per member. We are starting a weight ,bingo' next week with prizes for the winners'.