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St. Patrick's Day Is Marked At
KingS1014ge, C.W.L.Hold" Irish Night.
Hear Speaker
On Social Work
tie River United Church
mien met on T5sATY; •March
h. Mrs. Bob Roledge, Pres7
st,oPened the meeting with a
'redone". Twenty -two ladies
;wered the roll call, '"What we
1sidered one of Canada's
clal Problems",
The treasurer's report was read
)oits of the Brice Presbyterial
Id in Walkerton on Saturday,
itch 10th were given by Mrs.
guard Reid, Mrs. John Ferg
lemorial" on "Abortion" to'
3byterial, but it was not for
tded to Conference because it
Mrs. Leonard Reid. Brief
fl) "Some good we might
U.C.W. had presented a
and Mrs. Jack Campbell.
's not properly worded. Each.
C.W. President is to•be sent
proper wording for future
lemorials" Which may be pres-
red to Presbyterial and then
varded to Conference. and 8 under the direction,of The WOrk Committee have
teacher, Mrs. Karla Hogark, rted the "Travelling Baskets"
accomapnied 'by Miss Marianne ping to reach every church
Frayne, 'sang and acted, "Cock- nay. Plans were made to
les and Muscles" and "Teaching tertain neighbouring U. C 's , McFadden to Dance: Mrs'. Bob "
the April meeting. Mrs. Allan Howard sang, "The Darlin' Girl
From Claie"; Misses Sheila Sin
nett and Cheryl MacLenrian,
dressed in Irish costume, step
da nc ed to "The Irish Washer-
woman"; with Marianne Frayne
at:the keyboard, she and Cathy.
O'Keefe sang "my Love" and "If
I Knock the L Out of Kelly";
Mrs. Gertrude Leddy recited two
poems, 'St. Patrick's Birthday"
and "The Old Plaid Shawl"; .
Ronald. Austin and Michael-
Frayne grade 4 pupils at our
school sang, "The Orange and
the Green"; 'Brother Carl .V011
gave the hurnorous recitation
"Maggie and Jigs"; Jim Sinnett ,
accompanied On the guitar by
Mrs. Michael Dalton sang the
following Irish nurnberS, Donegal.,
Finnigan's Wake , Paddy
McGuinty's Goat, Will my 'Soul,
Pass, Through 01' Ireland?; Mrs.
Michael Dalton accOmpanying
Clarence Doherty, was won by
Stephen Howard, R. R. 7, Luck-
now; hothemade candy, donated"
by Brother Carl Voll , was won.
by Mrs. 'Nancy Fitzpatrick, of
Goderich; homemade. candy,
&mated by Mrs.. Walter Clare ,
was' won by Miss franCes
VanRooy, R. R. 3 Goderich..
Donald Frayne , M. C., expres-
sed gratitude to the ladies of the
CathOlic Women's League for the
delightful program and announced
a short, break for lunch.
After lunch, the Swan Family,
accompanied by Basil Hogan on
the violin provided music' for the.
square dance Dip and Dive and
Three around Three , which was
called by Ledo' Courtney 'of 'God -
erich. Step dancing by Bill °
Johnston of Kintail and by. Mrs.
Russel Swan, followed by round
dancing brought:: another Irish
celebration to a close.
Treat Injuries
At Hospital
Jr. Farmer Members
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Francis,
Boyle and, family since Friday
were Jack and Ed Strohak and
Joanne Okkerse of Niagara South,
members -of the Junior Farmers
exchange students program. The
young people along with the
Boyle girls had' ISTanned to attend
the meeting in Walkerton but it
was cancelled due to weather
Guests of Robbie Sutton on .
Saturday evening were Jimmy
Needham and Brian Reid. The
boys' had been at one of their
Pee Wee Playoff games at
Honeywood Saturday morning and
were fortunate enough to make
it home Saturday night.
Sandra and ,Ed McGillivray of
Goderich spent the week end at
the home of Sandra's parents'
with Margie. v.
Dianne Dore of -Teeswater Visit-
ed last week end with Margie
Collins and _Cathy Dore.
St. Patrick's Day proved to be
anything but green' as the worst
storm of the' season hit. Thurs- 4
day reports of Weather saw the
temperatureat ..62 degrees while
w Sunday there were four foot
drifts on the roads.
Anyone planning on visiting
over the week end had to' remain
at home and those leaving Friday
evening, mostly had to remain
The community received. a.
sudden surprise during the week
end of spring-like weather turn-
ing back into winter in full force.
Makes United Church Women
are holding a social evening on
March 23rd in Brookside School
,when Rev. and Mrs. Hummel are
showing slides of Great Britain.
BORN - Tom and Joan Helm ate
proud parents of a baby girl
Jemine Irene on Thursday, March
15.tli in Wingharn General HOspit-
al. Mrs. Helm is the former
Mrs. Douglas Raynard returned
home from St. Mary's Hospital,
Kitchener Monday of last week.
Pupils attending high school and
public school are having' a week
of spring holidays.
Tell, Citizenship and Social
tion convener opened with
tun 303. Mrs. ErneSt Thornp-
I read the scripture and Mrs.
Tell offered prayer.
Mrs. Farrell introduced the
st sPeaker Mrs. Lois Hinz of
iighanG who is a Community
I Social Field worker covering
is of Grey', Bruce, Huron and
ih Counties. Many of us did
;know that her services were
iilable to. Our Communities.
informed us of the many
ies her services covered. In
iost pleasing manner she told
Oat a typical day's-work
;lit involve and a most inter
tag question and answer period
owed:. •
its, Farrell thanked the speak-
nid presented her with a gift..
meeting closed with prayer
the committee served a tasty'
rick, which was sponsored by the, ,
everyone how pleased he was to us.
bridge was filled to capacity on . McGee and'City Lights; Miss
Farnily Party in honor of St. Pat-
League. While the crowd was
gathering, several games of. Frayne accompanied by his' cards
were enjoyed rby those who wished daughter Marianne, on the piano,
to play. Irish R9Se and Clancy Lowered
end Father Pat Sheridan told, ' audience taking part in the 001.7
Friday evening, March 16th for a Likille Rayne, accompanied on
Kingsbridge Catholic Women •s sang My Wild Irish Rose and
St. Joseph's Parish. Hall in Kings. herself on the guitar sang 'Bobby
In welcoming the guests ,-Rever- the Boom and Danny Boy, with
sang the verses of My 'Wild
the guitar by her sister Margaret
Beautiful Dreamer; Eugene
be back after an absence of 25 The Russel Swan Family,, with
years and "IF" he ever wrote a Russel on the guitar , Mrs, Swan
history of his travels , the part on the piano, Kevin on .the
about; "kingsbridge" would be drums, Lynda on the tamhour-
written in golden letters,. as only ine and Margaret, sang three .
GOLD could apply to this part of numbers The preen Green Grass
his life. :of Home, The Unicorn and Put • '
Master of Ceremonies, Mr. Your Hand in the Hand.
Donald Frayne, introduced the At this time a draw was made
following numbers: for the following prizes; a St.
Children from Grades 5, 6.,.,7 Patrick's cake, donated by Mrs.
where they were until Sunday
'evening. The storm even proved
Itoo much for some birds. One'
sparrow sought refuge in_the base-
ment at Don Dore's-and waited
out the storm, but on Sunday .
afternoon was , on his way again.
Mi.' and Mrs. Burton Collins
are enjoying holidays in Paris,
France this week. They plan to
be home near the end of the
week. In.their absence Margie
is staying with Cathy Dore.
Bryan Boyle of Guelph spent
the week, end at his home. Other
guests of the Boyles on Monday .
were Mr. and Mrs. Joe . Wismer
of Jordan Station and their farn-. ily .
EspAY; MARCH 21 1.973
Janet Wood , age 11, Wingham,
daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Ken—
neth Wood, fell skating at the
Wingham .arena March 14 and
fractured her right wrist. '
Wilson Thornton , R. R. 1, Blue-
vale , while trying to stop' a motor,
caught his right hand and received
a deep laceration to the back of
his hand. .•
Rosemarie fearo, o•age 11, R.' R.
2,, Wingham , daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Russell 'Fear, 'while playing .
with other children, received a •
fractured' collarbone:
Mrs: Clara Cameron, R. R.
Luc knOw ; fell Oft a step ladder
March 16 at her home and frac-
tured her heel and injured her
right leg and ankle. She was
admitted to hoSpital.
Shirley Taylor, age 16, Blue-
Vale , 'a passenger in a car stopped
on Josephine Street, Wirigham •
was struck along sille by another
car. Miss Taylor was admitted to
hospital suffering from shock.
Investigated by Wingham police.
Robin. Eisenhofer, age 8, Wing-
ham, fell at home and lacerated
his scalp.
Franklin Alcock, Bruiiels, ap-
parently fell from the back of :a
truck in the village of Walton
and fractured his collar bone.