HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-03-21, Page 10CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY,
THE FANt--.001:111'
A Look At The Life
Of The Hockey Star
From , Lucknow
Mail Orders Accepted
A't Some Price
J. W. • Van Stempvoort
10:00 a.m. Service
2:30 p.m. -Service
.IntrodUce Guesi!
At Mei!' Meeting
PHONE 357-3862
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BOuce Presbyterial Held At Walkerton;
Elect :.Ne,ifv Slate Of OfficetiFot -1973.
r The 11th annual meeting of
Bruce Presbyterial•United Church
Women was held on Saturday,
March 10th at Walkerton United
Church with an attendance of
approximately 200. Mrs. J.
Hill, President of Bruce Presbyter.
ial, preiided.
Mrs. J. Freiburger, President
of Walkerton U.C. W. welcomed
the members and three represen-
tatives from the Presbyterian,
Lutheran and Anglican Church
Women's Organizations brought
greetings. Mrs. J. Strapp, Walk-
erton was pianist for a Hymn Sing.
The Treasurer, Mrs. R. Slade
and Finance aiairman, Mrs. J. -
Kirkpatrick galie a report in the
form of a Dialogue.
There, was ..a •very fine
Ltterature display and Mrs. A.
Heard, Port Elgin. spoke
briefly about some of the new
During the morning session Rev.
J. Stockton and Mrs. Stockton
showed slides and told of their
work in Zambia. Miss Jewel
Short, Owen Sound, spoke on
The afternoon worship program
was presented 'by Mildmay U.C.
W. and Mrs. Wm. Arnold conduc
ted the "In Memoriam" service.
A very fine singing group of
young people "The Good Inten-•
tions" from Teeswater sang a
group of songs which were greatly
enjoyed. _
A panel, made up of Rev.
Waiter King' and Mrs. King of the
United Church and Father George
Epoch of St. Mary's' Roman Cath'
olic Church at Cape Crocker,
.answered questions 'in connection
with their work at Cape Crocker
where they are working
together for the Indian People,
Mrs. F. Greenleaf, President
of Hamilton Conference, brought
greetings and announced that the
Hamilton,Conference Annual
would be held. on April '3rd and
4th at Oakville.
The 1973 Slate of Officers was
presented by Mrs. Graham Mur-
ray and Rev. Glen Strome, the
Chairman Elect of Bruce Presby-
tery, conducted the installation
of the Officers. -
Mrs. Caroll Tupper thanked
everyone for their part in Making
`the Annual meeting a success.
The next annual meeting will
be held in Southampton.
Officers for 1973 are: President,
Mrs. J. Hill, Ripley; Past Pres..
Mrs. Graham Murray, Hamilton;
Vice-President, Mrs. ,R. Turn-
bull, Port Elgin and Mrs. A. B.
Eagles, Southampton; Area Vice-
Presidents, Region 2, Mrs. D.
Brydon, Sough ampton; liegion 4,
Mrs. V. Hunter, Lucknow; Reg-
ion 5, Mrs. C. Tupper, Harris-
ton; Rec. Sec.., Mr's. B. Ruttle,
Kincardine; Corresponding Sec.
Mrs'.• R. Ackert , Lucknow; Treas-
urer, Mrs. R. Slade, Kincardine;
Stpwardship Chairman, Mrs. M.
Bracken, Harriston; Cluistian Ed.
Mrs. S. Wolfe, Clifford; Stew-
ardship and. Vocations, Mrs. F. ,
Gernnnell, Ripley; Finance, Mrs.
J. Kirkpatrick, Ripley; Leadership
Chairman, Mrs. D. Wells, Palm-
erston; Literature, Mrs. A. Heard,
Port Elgin; Program, Miss E.
Lochead, Chesley; Nominations,
Mrs. G. Murray, Harriston; Press
and Publicity, Mrs. H, W. Mc -
CulloFh, Paisley; Citizenship .
Chairrhan, Mrs.. M. Bannerman,
Kincardine; Community Friend-
ship, Mrs. R. Neyvette, Kincar-
dine; Supply and Welfare, Mrs.
W. Faun, Kincardine; Members
Without Portfolio, Mrs.. A. Dar •
roch, Clifford, Mrs. W.
Knowles, Arthur, Mrs. H. Slum-
side , Dobbinton.
The newly-formed Churdh
group of the Lucknow Presbyter-
ian Church held its second
meeting on 'Tuesday, March 13th
in, the Church basem'ent, June
Gilchrist opened •the meeting
with a scripture reading.
A friend was to be brought by
each /member and these ladies
were introduced: Donna Moffat
introduced her guest Gladys.
Johnston, .Marg Wilson introduc-
ed Linda Rathwell, Lorene Con-
ley brought Doris Hoffman, Linda
Johnston brought Vona Gammie,
June. Gilchrist and Wig Stanley
had Irene Haldenby as their
guest and Betty Anne Elphick
introdUced Dianne Brooks.
Yoga exercises followed, led.
by Linda Johnston. A review of
the' exercises done at the last
meeting were perforined and also
new ones were learned.
A' Very interesting and amusing
play called "To Catch a Thief,
Be BraVe" was performed. The,
cast of this play included Lois'
Noble, Donna Johnston, June
GilChrist and Betty Anne Elphick.
A discussion period followed.
Lunch was served and enjoyed
by all. OVer coffee' it was decid-.
Chalmers W.M.S. held their
meeting Thursday, March'15 at
the home of Mrs. Victor Wybenga.
Mrs. Wallace. Conn, 1st vice
piesident, presided in the absence
of the, president Mrs. Wm. Rim-
toul. Mrs. Conn opened the__
meeting with a poem.
Urs. 'Wesley Tiffin read the
scripture and Mrs. Johnston Conn.
gave the meditation,. There are
two types of workers. The hire-
ling works for wages and the good
shepherds, who work for God and
Church, go "to the end of the earth
and gives their work for their
master free of charge. Learn to
-take time. each day to know and
acknowledge God and leave all
your troubles 'to Him.
Prayer was given by•Mrs. Earl
Caslick. Mrs. Robert' Ross read
a poem - A sheep for.a lamb.
The roll call, a verse with the
word angel, was answered by 11
• attenders.
The next meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. Victor , Emer-
son Thursday, April 19.. .An in-
vitation was received, from Luck-.
now 'W.M.S. to attend; their
Meeting Tuesday, April 17 at
8 p.m. at 'the church.
A. reading "How Readest Thou?'
was giVen by Mrs. Andrew Gaunt,
telling for what reasons many
folks. read the Bible. The offer-
ing was dedicated by Mrs. Bill.
Evans. The birthday money was
collected for January., February •
and March.
Mrs. Victor Wybenga gave'the
topic entitled 'The Break Down of
the Family. We must all be
alert to what is going on in the
world. All parents try to care
for their children in their own
way and give them education,
religious and In many'
cases authority or rules of the
family are passed on from`parents
to children who are busy doing
their own things. Many on
want to enjoy, with no root
apply God's rules t learn to
work nor responsibility,
Our changing situations, ins
of drifting along with the ci
and to learn to honour our'
A discussion followed
your young people and how
children be taught re going
:Mrs. Wybenga read a real
"An Open Letter to, God",
Dear God - I'm certainly
yOu made 'Sunday where yot
You see its like this, Our wl,
family Could attend most re
ly 'if your Day came at a ni(
convenient time. You've c
as day that comes at the end
hard week and we are all tit
out. Not only that ,' but its
day following Saturday nigh
Saturday evening, you km
is' one time we feel we shoul
enjoy ourselves so we go tot
movies and often its after in
night when we get home, I
can realize how its almost is
possible to get the family up
Sunday morning. YOu have
en the very day we want-to
sleep later, and it takes enot
effort to get the children off
Sunday School.: Then there t
.dishes to wash and we altruist
ways have a few things to tin
out. I mean no disrespect Ls
but you must remember you
picked out the wrong day on
which we have -our biggest di
On top of it all the church ha
fixed the hour.of worahfp.at
the very hour we Must be cOol
ing,our ham.
Then too' have you ever
thought of John? He is coop
up in his office all the week
Sunday morning is the on4•t'
he has, to-tinker with the cat
mow the ;lawn. When he gn
into'old clothes and his hands
all, greasy he really seems to
enjoying' himself and I don't
have the heart •to ask him to
dress and go to church,
I'm telling you' these thin
Lord because I want you tog•
our view point. Its really n
our fault that, we're not able
get to• church oftener than
Eagter and thristmas: We'd
to go and we need to pint
are so many things to. see and
so rhuch to do on week ends
church kinda gets crowded .o
You see you made a mistake
choosing the wrong day. Its
really the only day we haves
Hope fully pro,
"I. M. ,Busy",
The meeting closed with
Unison. Grace was sung and
repeating the Lord's Prayeria
, Wyben0.served
Rev.' Robert Nicholls, B.A.
MARCH "25th
Lent 3
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m.• Morning Worship
Those wishing transportation to
church Contact
Wm. G. Hunter 528-7741
The Challenge of tlevelopment is
not that we should all become
economists or social' scientists
or politicians, but that we should
all become more human.
Vaughan Hinton
"••••.?".••••••••••:0.6 04...".":".","4•141.0‘0%.**•
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D.
Phone 528-2740
MARCH 25th
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m, Morning Worship
led to hold the next meeting.
April 17th. Plans were made to
bring clOthing and toys which are
unwanted so'that:these could be
distributed to people in need.-