HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-03-21, Page 6PA011 SIX • MONEY FOR NOME OWNERS 2nd and 3rd *engages Easy, quick approvals BORROW WHAT YOU NEED $2,000 to $100,000 PAYMENTS YOU CAN AFFORD Loons on homes, farms, lots, cottages, commercial buildings. Money for home. Improvements, consolidation of bills, in fact .for ony pur- pose. Write 'or telephone collect to 10 p.m. today. 24'- hour lo'col service. Prompt Investment Corp., 330 Bay . St., • Toronto 1-416-366- 9586. Evgs. 1 -416-239-4913. Couple Will . In. Scarborough FRANCISCO - BURT A double ring ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Jeff Loper of Downsview , Ontario, united in marriage Marjorie Ann Burt and Raymond' Hugh Francisco on March 10th at 11 a.m. WE. jD NESPAY, MA RCH 21, Mrs. J.01q.D.qupli Preented By W AUCTION SALE, OF • 0 cattle, 4 tractors, hill line of seeding, haying and ' harvesting equipment, hay and grain be held fin• Cliff and Donald • Murray Lot 19, COISMSSI011 8; West Wawanoilt Township, 3 nlles east and,11/2 Miles south of Lucknow - SATURDAY, APRIL 7th ' at' 11 a.m. Terms Cash, Farms. Sold , See bilk. for full list Lunch booth on grounds. Allan Macintyre, Brian Ftint001, Auctioneers AUCTION SALE Of Implements and Hay will be held for ORLAND RICHARDS Lot 5, Concession 14, Ashfield Township, 3 miles west of Luclmow on Highway 86 THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd at 2:00 o'clock TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD Allan hi/Kintyre, Auctioneer CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of 'Farm Machinery will be held for. CHARLES McDONALD 2 blocks, east and 2 blocks south of Lucknoir, 1/4 Mile,• east of St. Helens On SATURDAY, MARCH 24 at 1:30 Nuffield tractor 10-60, snow blower, harrows, 2 International tractors 'B 275, one with loader, M.F. swather, Allis Chalmers pull type combine, Allis Chalmers square type baler, International. 15 run' drill, New Holland 135 bu. manure spreader, G.W. culti- vator, M.F. 3 furrow plow, wagon and rack, M.H. 'binder canvass„ New Idea hay con- ditioner, hay elevator with motor, McCullough 10 - 10 chain saw, Surge milker unit,,: vacuum pump, pipe , line for 12 cows, dining table with 6 chairs, Philip T.V., num- erous small articles. TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD' Brian Rintoul, auctioneer CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Modern Farm Machinery will be held for BILL IRWIN Lot 31, Concession 11, East Waw anosh Township, 2 corners south, 4 corners west of Wingham MONDAY, 'APRIL 2 time, 1:30 Ford 400 tractor with cab, 1 yr. 'with less than 200 hr. and chains; Massey Ferguson 21 - 35 tractor, 3 yr. old with Allied hy- ' draidic loader and chains; New Holland 9 ft.• haybind, 1 yr. old; Massey Ferguson No. 10: baler with grain: chutes; Massey Fer- guson roll bar rake; 32 ft 'George White bale elevator with t horse motor; John Deere •wagon; Mar- tin wagon,' each wagon has bale thrower racks; Hydrien.3 furrow. plow 3 -14; 12 ft. Kongskilde cult- ivator; 20 run Massey grain' drill; 3 point hitch fertilizer spreader; New Holland 130 bu, manure spreader, PTO drive; Allied grinder mixer; Crown stone .pick- er; 10 ft. chain harrow; Weed sprayer equipped to spray Atra-i sine; 250 gallon water tank; bale stalker; 14 ft. grain auger with motor; Pioneer chain saw; 14 ft., hay bunk; bale loader; hen feed- ers;,scrap iron; Jackall jackal fork, shovel, chain and small TERMS CASH — FARM •SOLD Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents Brian Rintoul, Audoneer 357-230 AUCTION SALE , CANCELLATION The sale of real estate for tax • arrears, Pt. Lot 26, Concession 4, Kinloss. Township, on Saturday, March 24 at .2 p.m. has' been can- celled. Fraser. McKinnon, R.R. 5 Lucknow Clerk Treasurer, Township of Kinloss Allan Macintyre, Auctioneer Lucknow AUCTION SALE Of Beef Cattle and Machinery will be held for the estate of the late THOMAS HENDERSON Lot 4, 5, 6, Concession 1, Morris Township, "1/4 mile east of Wingham on , Highway 86 MONDAY, APRIL 9th at 1. o'clock. TERMS CASH Brian Rintoul, auctioneer AUCTION SALE Of 50 acre farm, implements, hay' 'and grain, household effects will be held for ' the Estate, of the late 'ELDON ECKENSWILLER E.H. Lot 11, Concession 9,, Kin- loss Township, 6 miles north and 1/2 mile east of Lucknow ' SATURDAY, MARCH 31 at 1:30 p.m. TERMS CASH Farm sold subject to reserve 'bid Auctioneer, Allan MacIntyre AUCTION SALE Of Dairy Cattle and Equipment will be held for ROBERT SCOTT Lot 36, Concession 11, East Waw- anosh,.1 block south and 2 blocks west of Wingham • On SATURDAY, MARCH 31 at 1:30 p.m. LivestoCk - . . 2 Holstein x Brown Swiss heif- ers, bred Hereford due April and May; 2 Holstein cows bred Char- , olais due April; Holstein cow bred Brown Swiss, due 'at sale time; Holstein cow, bred Brown Swiss Nov. 4; • Holstein x Brown Swiss cow, bred Brown Swiss; Holstein heifer bred Hereford, Jan. 23; 5 Holstein cows. fresh and open; Holstein x Brown Swiss cow, bred Brown SWiss, due April 3; 4 Hot- stein x Brown Swiss open heifers; . Holstein yearling heifer; 6 Black White face , calves; Holstein x Brown Swiss heifer; 3 Black White, face yearling heifers; Black White face yearling steer; Breeding dates and age given 'day of sale. - Equipment . . . Gem oat roller with 1 horse motor; 12 ft. grain auger; chop box; electric hot water pail; Surge vacuum pump, and motor; 2 Surge milker units; 65 ft. pipe . line; Star 8 can milk cooler; 28 milk cans; 16 ft. feed bunk; Skil , saw, scales, cattle clippers; num • - erous items. Hay and Grain.... . 500 bales• hay; quantity of grain. TERMS CASH Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer WhitechUrch, Phone 357.2249 AUCTION SALE Of Beef tattle, Hay and' • Perin Implements will be held for GEORGE GRAHAM Lot 9, Concession 11, Kinlosi Twp. 71/2 miles north and 1/2 'mile west of Lucknow, 1st farm west. of Kinlough TUESDAY, APRIL 3 • at 1:30 p.m. TERMS CASH Allan MacIntyre, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery Will be held for JACK POLLARD Lot 30, Concession 5, Huron Town- ship, PA miles south of Ripley and 3% miles west of Ripley, 11/4 miles south of Pine River Store on Highway 21 and 11/4 miles east on the 6th Concession Huron Townshipi On FRIDAY, MARCH 23 " at 1:30 p.m. Machinery s.. . Super 90 Massey Ferguson Die- sehnatic tractor with (motor • and, hydraulic over hauled); 656 In- ternational Farmall gas tractor; 8N Ford 'tractor; No. 540 4 fur- row 14" semi mounted Internat-/ ional plow; No. 370 International 38 plate wheel disc; • 6 ft. McD chisel plow; No. 46 International 4 furrow plow; 12 ft. Allied 3' pt. hitch cultivator; 15 run Massey rerguson seed. drill; 5 section diamond harrows with harrow pole like new; 10 ft. set of chain harrows; 6 section diamond har- rows and pole; New Idea 5 ft. rotary mower; Massey Fergus- on rota bar rake; rubber tired wagon and 22 ft. rack; 10 ft.. Ver- satile 'swather with pickup reels; International forage harvester with hay and corn header; Kools forage blower, with 7 lengths of pipes; 30 ft. — .6" Versatile grain auger on wheels with gas motor; 20' -- 5" •Malco grain auger with 3/4 H.P. electric motor; 900 lb. Ebersol feed. mixer with 51/2 H.P. electric motor; electric hammer mill & 3 H.P. electric, motor; 180 amp. electric welder; 1966 Buick Lasabre car; quantity of 3" & 4" steel barn posts; no. of steel stanchions and water bowls; other articles too numerous to' mention. TERMS CASH Owber or auctioneers 'not responsible for any accidents or injuries on • property day of sale Jack Pollard, Prop. Auctioneers: Grant McDonald, • Ripley, phone 395.5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater phone 392-6170 The 'bride is the.daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. .Wm, Burt, Holy- rood and the grbom's parents are Mr. and MrS. John Francisco of Scarborough'. Rev. Don'Carpenter Of Stouffville officiated at the wedding. The bride, ,given in marriage by' her father, wore a•street-length pale blue fortrel dress with sash, white collar and cuffs. She wore a corsage of pink carnations.. The bridesmaid was'Mary Stew art of Dundalk. She wore a long multicolour skirt with long- sleeved white blouse and a cor- sage of pink carnations.• The grOom was attended by Jeff Loper of Downsview. Following• the ceremony a buffet dinner was served. The bride's mother wore a Mauve crimp knit dress, trimmed with white collar and cuffs and • corsage of white carnations' and yellow roses: The groom's moth.- er wore a , pink fortrel coat, en-. semble 'and corsage of pink canna• tions. The couple will reside at 3 Kingwell Crescent, Scarborduglf. Guests were present from Brant- ford, Walkerton, Holyrood and Toronto. The. Match.rneeting of put non United Church Women , held in the Church basement, Wednesday 14th at 2. p.m, , The Supply and Social Wel conveners C . Joe Dauphin Mrs. C. Drennan were in, 'charge, Mrs,,.' Dauphin opened with 488, followed by the scriptun reading from 2nd Corinthians mit, J. C. Drennan. Mrs. D in had'a reading on "Love an( Liberty". Rev. McClenaghan had a u made by Dr. Cynthia Wedel, called "New . Life Styles for W en". This Was .followed by .a question and answer period, The roll call was answeredi a gift for the Cancer cupboard In the hilliness the purChasing filing cabinet was discussed bu no action taken. We are invit to Ontario Street Chnrch, Clin to' a family, gathering called K 73 on' March 25th. On March 23rd we are invited by Blake's U. C. W. to Brookside school to see films on Great Britain show by key . and 'Mrs. J. E. Hutnim Mrs. Harvey Alton had the feature "a name contest, do ye know.' your neighbour?" Mrs, C MOClenaghan is to go as our rel resentative to a Seminar in London. Mrs. Nelsonearson presents, Mrs. JOe Dauphin with a gift as she is leaving our community, A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Cecil Blake and Mrs. K. Dawson ST. HELENS Fourteen tables enjoyed the Shoot Party on Thursday night; High prizes Went to Mrs. With- Taylor and Ftussel Gaunt of Wi ham and second high to Mrs. Stuart Chamney and Gene Porter of Wingham. The most Shoots went to Mrs: Geer Fisher And the' birthday nearest St. Patrick's day,was Mrs. Gil on MacPherson. The/ next!) is. March . 29th. Garry Ga.mmie arrived on day from the Yukon to visit his tents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ga mie. • • • Sympathy of the community goes out ty Mr. and Mrs. Ross Errington in the loss of Ross' father , Victor Errington on I' lay. fecause Of the stormy weather , the fiintral was po ed until Monday afternoon. FLORIDA HOLIDAY Mr/. and Mrs. Wm. Purdan Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rintoulol J. D. Durnin ,have been holida ing in Florida . Mr. and Mrs. 'Russel Gannt have been On the. Pardon farm dUring their abse HOLIDAY IN NEW YORK Terry Wilson, Vincent'Sell berger of Winghani and Mark Innisew o York this fBurfordwaerekd are N The St. Helens Women's tote supplied the homemade candy for a Candy Sale at the Wingham and District Hospital on Friday. Theproceeds wed the Hospital Auxiliary aniou to abotit forty -five dollars. ho .Jferay lidaying EwliltihothtiOsfcRioupsliensy sis' and Wayne Forster while Nis? exits are holidaying in Flotilla. AUCTION.SALE PLUNKETT GARAGE,AUBURN (J.I, CASE DEALER) 1:00 FA, SATURDAY, MARCH 24 68, Dodge Pickup; 69 I-H pick-up; 66'Ford 3/4 ton; 8' Cavalier Truck Camper; Portable Electric Plant; Large Selection of ' Tires; 180 AMP Electric Welder 100' cord; Wheel Balancer; Diesel. Nozzle Tester; Chair' Hoist; Wo rk Bench; 3 Vises; Cash ' Register; Sate;.Front end Equip:'13Eittery Charger; Floor Jack; Impact Wrench; Oak Roll. top Desk; Filing Cabinet; 12 ton machinery float; Tire Changer; Floor Grease gun; Used piping; 11 part bins; Shop Manuals; Large selection .of small Toole; Electric motors; Reel Type Extension Light; 1/2" 1/4" and 3/8" Drills; Large amount Of New Case Parts; J-D 3 Furrow plow; Mini Bike; VA View with loader; Disc Sander;, Drill Press; Torch; Farman A;. M-F Super 90; Case 600. TERMS CASH PROPERTY IS SOLD BRINDLEY AUCTION SERVICE'. ' 524-6451' MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed 'from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. ESTABLEHED OVER SIXTY YEARS INALKERTON PHONe 881.0234 ONTARIO THR Lucictiow SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, oNTARIci.