The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-03-07, Page 15S pax con LADIES' BAGGIES AND FLARE PANTS Acrylic Plaids and Checks, Assorted Colours --L.. Size 8, to 16 $13.98 COTTON• TWILLS Solid Colours --, Red, White, navy, beige, Size 10 - 18 $8.99- SMOCK TOPS EN 1. ARNOLD'S G STORE R.R. 7 Luclmow Lanes Phone $29,7248 1973 PLYMOUTH Satelite 4 door, 6 cylinder, automatic 1973 DART Swinger, 2 door hardtop, 6 cylinder automatic 1973 FORD half ton IN STOCK puticEgo ..• oottotw000p oottoopottovoicto RCH "P THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL., Wc.KNOW, ONTARIO -PAGE FIFTEEN. The Welown,e. M.-at . COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND CHOOSE, FROM • • • OR LADIES AND GIR:LS, NO• SLEEVED COMBED COTTONS / S. M. L. — $7.99, LONG SLEEVED PASTELS NYLON AND ACETATE SIZE 12 - 18 -- $6.98 ORT SLEEVE --'PLAID, S. M. $6.99 GIRLS' COTTON SMOCKS SIZE 8 - 12 $4.99 LADIES' PANT TOPS r and Acrylics, Printed Patterns, Asgt. Colors, Size 12 - 18 $6.98 SEPOY .STORE OW Phone 528-3214 DUN9ANNpN On Tuesday Mrs. John Ryan accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Gord- on Kidd of Georgetown when they made a few calls on friends in Dungannon. Brian Lewis has gone south as .. far as Mexico• on, a tour of Mission Work. Leonard Chisholm is back to work at Goderich Salt Mines after a lay-off the past six weeks. The McNall family have moved recently -to Langside to be nearer' his work. Friends here were interested to see and hear Paul Henderson on Front Page Challenge program last •week. Congratulations to Mrs. Larry (Nellie) Pentland, who correctly named ,"Who Am I". on Wing- ham contest Friday evening and won $90 ..00: Wilfred Pentland feels fortun- ate to be well again after a: truck accident in which a bale of hay from another truck came: flying through his windshield, causing chest injuries and a broken rib. He kept his• truck in control and thus avoided more serious prob- lems. Mrs. Irvine Eedy returned home on Friday from Goderich General' Hospital. We wish her continued improvement in feeling better. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ott and Matthew from Kitchener were home to visit her and assist for the week end. A Carload of ladies attended the Huron-Perth Presbyterial in Seaforth on Wednesday. Mrs. Patricia Clarke of Toronto was an interesting guest speaker. Rev. C. McClenaghan visited Rev. Lire Stewart in Seaforth that day. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE , Pastor Alfred Fry of Auburn was guest speaker at St. Augustine Roman Catholic church on March 2, when the theme "Alert in-our Time" iseras .his message. The three leaders for the World Day of Prayer program were Mrs. John Franken, "Mrs. Lorne Hasty and Mrs. Wesley Jefferson repres enting the neighbouring churches who were guests. Cyril Boyle and' Father Dentinger.sang "The' Holy City." ,as well as leading the singing.. •There were" 50 in attendance. Offering ($36.92) will be 'sent to, promote Christian educational projects. Mrs. Robt. McAllister and Monseigneur Phelan expressed' courtesies. Mrs. Jack McGee went to Pick- ering on Monday where she attend ed the funeral of •her great aunt, Mrs. John Wilson. On Friday 'Mrs. McGee visited her mother Mrs. Elsie Haney in Wingham, • and had her admitted to Wingham General • Hospital. We.wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Eggleson and baby Teressa moved on,Saturday to the Monkton-Walton area to be nearer his work on the railway There was a capacity)crowd at the benefit. dance Friday at Dungannon Agricultural Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Marinus Bakker, whose home was destroyed ,by fire recently. Former owners •of this home and farm were Mrs. RimMer Bakker, Everett Finnigan, James Finnigan, and originally the Cliffons. It was a large brick house built •over .a century ago. Some have enquired if Mr. Gay was the carpenter who built it, and the "approximate date. Ori Saturday evening Rev. and CASE OF PEPSI CANS AT' COST WITH A $10 ORDER Mr. and Mrs. Ken Murch and 'baby Vincent of Clinton, Mr.. and 'Mrs. Harry Chambers of Stratford and Jim McWhinney of Zurich visited with their parents Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh McWhinney on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McWhin , ney of Cedar Valley spent Sun day evening with• them. GIVE... HEART FUND 1972 CHEV Impala, 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic, per steering and power brakes 1972 PONTIAC Catalina 4 door hardtop, powei• equipped 1972 DART Special 4 door, power equipped with radio 1972 BUICK La Sabre Special, full power with air conditioning 2 -1970 FORD Custom SOO, 4 door V8 automatics 1970 FORD Galaxie 500, 4 door hardtop, power equipped 1970 FORD XL, 2 door hardtop 1970 MONTEGO 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic 3 — 1969 FORD Vans E-200, heavy duty 1969 CHEV panel,' automatic, power steering 1968 CHEV van, heavy duty equipped 1968 DODGE Polar* 500, 2 door hardtop 1967 BUICK' Wildcat 4 door hardtop, hilly equipped 1967 PONTIAC• Grand Parisienne, 4 door hardtop GOOD ASSORTMENT • 1973 POLARIS AMM'S CAR SALES LTD.. MYTH .PHONE 5234342 'Illoommiumimmemmosommorsh HOME FURNISHINGS AT JOHNSTONE and SON FURNITURE PHONE 5211-3013 WHITEOURcH,.. are pleased to report that b laidlaw was released on rsday last from Wingham• Hos - after several weeks there, e, are pleased to report that , Webster Jacklin was released beginning of this week from , ham and District HOspital returned to the home of her er in Wingham. • n Sunday, March 11 student chers, Mr. Dennis Freeman luevale will conduct the ser- of worship.at Whitechurch iangside Presbyterian Church- nd Mr. Victor Wybenga will uct the services of his charge luevale and Belmore. and'Mrs. Floyd Bott of Fergus were Wednesday visitors with' Mr.' and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and family. . . Miss Mildred McClenaghan R. N. of Goderich spent Friday and Saturday with her mother Mrs: Lillian. McClenaghan. Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and Gayle were Sunday visitors with the former's mother Mrs. Hazel•Pur- don of Belgrave. M. and Mrs. Douglas Tiffin and. Lori of Wingharn were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer and family of Sarnia on. Saturday brought his grandmother Mrs. A. E. Purdon, who had been visiting relatives at Sarnia , to her home here with' Mr: and Mrs. Robert Mowbray. LIDO SPAGHETTI OR MACAROM, 2 lb. pkg. 33c OVEN PRIDE FLOUR, 7 lb. bag 69c HAPPY VALE PEAS 14 oz. can 2 for 34c Mrs. Clarence McClenaghan had• 'a family gathering of relatives and friends from Goderich, White church and Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs.' Freeman Olson spent the week end in Detroit, and attended their son Glen's wedding to' Cathy Watts. The marriage was Friday evening in Allan Park, Michigan. Others who were guests from here were • Debbie, Terry and Ronny Olson, and John Meurs from' Wingham.