HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-03-07, Page 12• • .
A Look At The Lire
Of The .Hockey !tar
From' Lucknow
THE .LogocNow SENTINEL, .k,upo.ow,, ONTARIO.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McClenag-
han and Nancy and her Chum
Kim Pringle of St. Thomas were
Sunday visitors with,his parents
Mr. and Mrs .-Ben McClenaghan-
and Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClen-
Mrs. Lillian IVIeClenaghan and
' Ted McClenaghan of Kitchener .
and Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClen-
aghan were Saturday evening
guests with Rev. and Mrs. Clar-
ence McClenaghan of Dungannon.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Wm. Orr of Langside is a patient
in .Wingfiam;Hospital. The com-
munity wishes her a speedy re-,
i°verY" Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ellicitt,
Paul, Ruth, David, Barry and
Karen were Sunday 'visitors with
Mr.. and Mrs. Norman Stewart
and family of Lambeth.
Mrs. Jack Gillespie who had
spent a few days With Mrs, Eun-
ice Gillespie, returned home
with her husband Jack Gillespie
on Thursday. /
Mr.' and Mrs. Wayne Farrier
and:Kimberley of Hanover were
Sunday visitors with his parents •
Mr. and ,Mrs. Garner Farrier and
grandmother. Mrs. Eunice Gilles-
pie. .
The Public Relations Meeting of
Whitechurch Women's Institute
will be held at the home Of Mrs.
George Fisher, Wingham, Monday,
March 12 at 2 p.m. Roll call -
One way a Member may assist in".
establishing good public relations *
Motto - The bird that sings is the
one that draws attention and
. interest - Mrs. Lorne Durnin,
Guest speaker - Mrs. Harvey
Houston, Lucknow . Provincial
P.R.O. • 'Lunc'h - Mrs. Fred Tif-
fin, Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mrs,
Ed Walker, Mrs. Ressel,Ross.
On TueS'day, February 27, the
All Star,hockey team played
Kingsbridge. Brookside won 4 to
On Wednesday, February 28,
Bob Shepherd's team the Flames
, beat Allan Murray's team the
Warriors 7 to 1.
The girls teams, the Cooties
and Crickets play on Friday,
March 2.
, We are sorry to report that Mn.
Bessie Mullis was admitted to
Wingham and District Hospital on
We are sorry to report. that Mrs.
Carl Weber last week was ad-
mitted to Victoria Hospita 1 Lon -
don . The community wish her a
speedy recovery.
This past week Mr. Errington
and Mrs. Graham picked the .
boys and girls borden ball teams.
They will participate in the tourn-
ament on Saturday, March 3 at
F. E. Madill Secondary School.
The cheerleaders will also be at
the tournament.
Lately the house representatives
have been choosing people to
play for their house. There is
single boys, double boys and
single and double girls. They
will start playing on Monday.
(11 NEWS
The Brownies opened their meet-
ing on Tuesday, February 27th
with a' singing game, "One Of Us
Has Gone Away". • '
, After Fairy Queen Lana Sander-
son set up the Toadstool we had
Brownie Ring. Brown Owl'present.r
ed Seconder Stripes to Suzanne
Kirkland, Betty Stanley"'. '
and Shirley Loree. Brownie
Ring was closed with Brownie Pray-
While the meeting was in pro-
gress, Mrs. Webster was busy test-
ing Brownies for interest badges.
These Brownies passed their
test for the Neighbour Badge,
Marian Raynard, Brenda Phillips
and Suzanne Kirkland. The •
Housekeeper Badge was passed by
Debra Arnold. Elizabeth Wilkins
passed her Toymaker Badge and
Suzanne Kirkland completed her
Cook Badge.
At Pow, Wow Marian Raynard
showed the bboks she had read to
betested on her Book Lover
Badge. Tawny Owl explained the
requirements of the Thrift Badge
to the Pack and' We hope that
many of the Brownies will work
for this badge.'
During work period Brown Owl
had several of the Brownies for a
singing game, with Elizabeth,'
Wilkins passing. this test. Snowy
Owl had Debra Arnold and Lyn
Shepherd for testing them on the ,
Finger Code with both Brownies
completing this part of their work
Tawny,Owl and the Golden Bar
Brownies listened as Kimberley
Cooke told the 'story about Brown-
ies from United States. Judy
Hunter completed her test for
sewing on two kinds of buttons
and Brenda Phillips ran an errand.
We closed the meeting with
the Squeeze and Taps.
Knit Wits
The second meeting Of Dungan-
non Knit-Wits was opened on Wed-
nesday,* February'28 at Mrs. Cul-
bert's. • •
We discussed knit .fabrics ., adjust.
ing, and altering patterns, cutting'
and marking garments,
'Mrs. WinternuTe and Mrs. Cul-
bert demonstrated how tO lay
l and cut garments. Our next meet•
ling will be on March 17,
Elaine Stewart
Is 4-14, President
The first meeting of the Dun.-'
gannon 1 4-1-1 Club, Sportswear
from Knits was held at Mrs. Bev-
MacInnis's at 7.0Q ,p,m. on .
February 23.. The leaders for
this club are Mrs. Bev MacInnis
and Miss Linda Young. There
are five member S in this club.
Each member will make some
type of sportswear using a knit
We had the election of officers
and they are as follows: President,
Elaine Srewart; Vice President, ,
Annette Hodges; Secretary,
Kathy Pentland; press Reporter,
We repeated the 4-H pledge
and answered the roll call. The
members' pamphlets and handout.
sheets were distributed.
Mrs. MacInnis led the discus-
sion on Types of Knits andshow-
ed us various samples of knitted.
fabrics. Linda led the discussions
'on Stretch Fabrics and Choosing
a Fabric for Sportswear.,
The meeting was adjourned.
The second Meeting of.the ,
Dungannon 1 4-H Club was held
at Young's on March 2 at 7.00
p.m. The 4-H pledge was re-
peat.ed and the roll call was
answered by each member. We
chose the name Dungannon Nifty
Knits for our club. We decided
to have green covers with black
'letters for our record books.
We had a discussion on Using
the Pattern, Cutting/and Mark-
ing, Fitting and Getting Ready to
Sew with Knits. We filled in our
hand-out notes. The meeting
was adjourned.
DO odly Dozen
The Sixth meeting of the
Doodly Dozen was opened with the
4 7H Pledge.. 'Roll call was answer-
ed by elevengiembers. It was
"Give. 3 Ways To Use the Wood
tlock:FOr Printing". Diane•Mac 7
Kenzie gave us the minutes of the
last meeting. These were adopted
as read. The treasurer gave; her
report., Achievement Day was
again discussed. It was-decided
not to have a meeting until March
26th because of exams and holi-
The leaders went.over Pencil
Eraser Printing - supplies and
equipment, cutting design and
how, to print. This involves cut-
ting a design into the eraser of
a pencil and then by. using a
stamp pad printing it onto paper.
This Makes an excellent design
for stationery and hasti-notes.
Each girl did, at least one design
and printed these onto stationery'.
Everyone enjoyed this art'.
The-meeting closed with the
4-H Creed.
Cloirer. Valley
'Artistic 7
On February 27 , at 4.15, the
Clover Valley Artistie 7 4-H
Club met. at the home of Wendy
Hamilton for the 6th meeting in
the club "Creative BlOck
Printing", The meeting opened
with the Pledge. The roll call
"Show copy of finished monogram
print and tell if you had to re-
verse any fetters" was ansivered
by only five members with
Laurie.Colling,and Debbie Mc-
Fadden absent, The minutes of
the last meeting Were, read
Mary Ann Coiling) The next
meeting is to be held at Donna
Elphick's on March 6th at 445.
Mrs.. Hamilton discussed, about
supplies for the seventh meeting.
Mrs. Elphiek demonstrated' ,
cutting and printing stationery or
.hasti-notes using an unused pen-,
cil eraser. The girls .then cut .
and printed stationery or, hasti-
notes using the design made, on
'their unused penCil eraser.
They clOsed the sixth meeting
with the' 4-H' Creed.'
Mr„, and Mrs. Tom MacDonald
were recent visitors with Mr. a..nd .
Mrs. Russell Hewitt at Kincardine.
Mrs. Clare Bushell of Kinloss
visited. on Thursday with her
parents.Mr., and Mrs.. Torn Mac-
Donald. "
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Collison of
Georgetown spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lane,
Hugh and John returned home
after a winter holiday in Florida,
Mrs. Glen Haldenby and Lea
Anne,' Mrs., Alex Percy, Mrs, ..
,Bert Nicholson, Mrs. Jerry Colli-
son attended a relative shower ,
for Miss Marjorie coiling at the
Legion Hall, Ripley on Saturday.
Mrs.. Morley Bushell and Blair
of Wingham, Marga,rei and Mari-
lyn Bushell of London visited' on,
Saturday with Mr., John ,Barr.
COngratulations to Mr: and ,
Mrs. Bob BroOks.of Listowel on
the birth of a Son on ,March 2nd..
Mrs. Brooks was the former Shar-
on Hod gins.
Mrs. Alex..Percy and Wayne
and Mrs. Tom Hodgins attended','
the 46th wedding anniversary of
Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Trafford at
Hanover on Saturday evening.
Roy .Haldenby; Gary and,Jef-
frey of London, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. -,Glen Haldenby and
family and other relatives.
Sunday visitor's with Mr, a
Mr's. Bert Nicholson and Lois
were Mr. and Mrs. Mac Nie
and Sandra of Ivlillarton, mr,
Mrs. Gordon Hodgkinson of
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Yoll
Debbie and Cathy and Mr. a
Mrs. Bill Gillingharri of Wa
visited with Mr: and Mrs. T
MacDonald and Mr. and Mrs,
Kenneth MacDonald.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom MacD
and family attended a dinner
Teeswater in honour of her p
ents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gil
60th wedding anniversary,
dyes and friends from here
The World Day of Prayer
this district was held in the
terian Church on Friday eve
Mrs. Glen Haldenby was the
key -woman. Miss Jeannette
was organist and the Pioneer
sang several nurhbers. The
speaker was Mrs. Allen
McArthur on the theme
"Alert in our time". Others
ing Part were Mrs. Delbert H
ley, Mrs. Howard Thompson
Mis. Lyman Sutton, Mrs. Er
Ma ulden Mrs. Don Robert
Mrs. Jack Barr. -Rev. T. J.
Kinney also referred to thet
The offering was received by
Don.ald" Mc Ewan and Mrs.
Reid.. Mrs. Howard Thomp
was appointed key woman for
next year.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ellacon
Toronto :Visited with Mr. and
George Oraham.
Mr. and Mrs. George Pert
Kincardine visited *dap
Mrs. John Barr,
Miss Shirley Bushell of Fa
spent,the. week end at the ho
her parents Mr. and Mrs; Dos
Bushell, Bruce and Betty An
Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Ha
Of ccincession 4 visited Sund
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr
This past week Our school re-
ceived a set of textbooks and •
exercise books for French. Each
pupil has his own exerci.se book
but there is only one clasi set of
On Friday, March 2, the Senior
pupils went skating from 1.45 to
By Nancy' Alton.
Mail Orders Accepted
At Same Price
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