HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-02-28, Page 16Have you
yourcr t
Even if you don't pay income taxes you may benefit from
the Ontario Government's new Property Tax Credit Plan. And
you can only apply by filing a 1972 Income Tax Return .
We've included a special mauve claim form just for that
purpose in your 1972 income tax kit. Along with an explana-
tion of the plan.
If you paid property taxes or rent last year, you may be
eligible. If you haven't received your kit in the mail, pick one
up at any post office. And send in both the tax return and the
claim form. The sooner you file, the sooner you'll receive your
Your federal District Taxation Office will be glad to answer
any questions you might have.
The Ontario Property Tax Credit Plan. We thought of it.
But we'd like you to get the credit.
Hon. William G. Davis Hon. Allan Grossman
Minister of Revenue
Hon. John White
antral School
Ist .r'Ray .Guars, tem. 16
P01fiti; 244 Mark Abbott's -
15 points; 3rd::- Dan Londry'S •
14 POI114; 4th, - Mike Detthis"
6.- hits:
Teath.2 Ray-Guay's - won the
championship in two straight
Mirk Abbott's, inlhe first gathe
8.1 and*8-5 in the'secondi.
The p,layets On the champion-
ship team are as follows:. RAY
'Guay, Kevin Clark, Colin Cam-
• re
On Tuesday, February 20th the
Brownie meeting opened with, a
game "Dizzy Game". While the
game was being played Anita
Guay ran an errand for Brown Owl.
We then had/Brownie Ring with
Shirley Loree as Fairy. Queen. The
Sixers collected •Fairy -GOld._
Brown Owl then presented Betty
Stanley' and 'Brenda PhillipS with
their Cook Badge and. Brenda
also receiyed her Toymaker
Badge. Kimberley Cooke ,a0
Anne Alton received their Sixer
Stripes. Brownie Ring was , closed
with the Brownie. Prayer.
This was our Thinking .Thy
meeting and we had
fonr:candles placed around a
birthday cake. "Tawny 'Owl then
helped the Sixers Marian Raynard.,
Kimberley Cooke, Mine Alton
and Debra Arnold light:the cand-:
les to help us remember:Brownies,
around the world'. Everyone then
sang Happy .Birthday in,remem-
brance of Lord and Lady Baden
Powell's 'birthdays on February
' 22nd; Snowy Owl then read a
short story to tell:why we have
Thinking Day.
Each Six. had a turn to' tell
about the country they had chos-
en for this meeting. The Elves .
told about:the Netherlands,with
Marian Raynard shoWing a paper.
doll dressed in uniform and
Suzanne Kirkland told the
.'Brownie Story with Judy Hunter
tepeating the promise.,„
The. Pixies chose Mexico with,
Kimberley Cooke showing the '
Flag and Betty Stanley had a "doll
dressed in' the uniform of •
.Brownies in .Mexico.
The Gnomes told about the
Brownies of New Zealand : Debra,
Arnold told about the. Flag and
shOwed a picture of a Riwi. This
is a bird found' in New Zealand,
and it is found on the back of
some Of their coins. Lyn; Shepherd
shoWed the Browni'e uniform.
Then everyone in the Gnome Six
sang a Brownie song fibril New
The, Sprites chose India with'
Anne Alton telling the story and
showing a map of India. Shirley
Loree and Lana Sanderson told a
few interesting thcts about the
The. Brownies then put ,titer-
pennies for Thinkin,z
Day' in a treasure chest with
wins , as this rilonen. 4-mist leave
the Pack to help Brownies around.
the world, Browh Owl then
had a prayer tram .Africa. The
Brownies were told about the
church service to' be helc
Sunda) , February 25th at 'the
Lucithov,, Presbyterian church.
The meeting wad closed wits.
Taps. teryon.c then inxi'veti
piece of birthday cake before
Prom, Steve Harman, Brent
maize, Richard Moore, John
Hopi., Collette Adams and Janice
Only two games' left for This
year.. The All Stars, of Lucknow
are to.play against the champion-
ship team.' The Lucknow All
Star team plan to invite the
Ripley.. floor hockey, team fok a
'game next week after school.
Good hick LucknoW
The classes are hoping to have
a good "Red Cross.Day" on Thurs,-
day, March• 15th. Various grades
will 'be working •on a fish pond,
white elephant, tables, a bake
table, grab sags, jelly bean con-
test etc. - with all proceeds
going to the Red Cross;; everyone
hopes it will be a big'success.
Club Has,
64 Horse's.
The regular meeting f the
Riders Roost Saddle Cluli was held
at 'Nina and Bernie Silverstones
home, with twenty-eight present
and Carolyn Prot presiding.
First the good news of.the Club .
Doreen Hartin told ollter,new
horse Katy, WhiCh she has just .
acquired, Katy is three years old,
14,1/2 hands and ,a palomino col-
our. We We also took a -count of
the horses in the club and were
surprised to find that with fifty-.
eight members we have a horse
count of sixty7four.
Nina Silverstone prepared the
topic for the evehing'which was'
digpositions of horses'and what to
look for when buying a horse, by
giving special attention to eyes,
nose and ears; nostrils and' shape
of head as these have great ,bear-
ing as to his disposition. This
paper.was well prepared and well
presented and much enjoyed by
the members. 'Fen Taylor •
. 4, •
Mrs . D. L., MacKinnon receiv ,
ed word last week of the death
of her. brother;. jOhn A ,.:Mac
Donald of Grande.
A11;erta, The MacDonaId .Ifarrii,ly
were .formerly of the Langside
area. She also heard of the' pas,.
Sing-of Mr.' Howard 'Barnes of,
read correspondence from a 'News-
paper firm which is owned by The
Canadian Horse Council.
Ken Taylor then showed a film-
entitled Stockseat, Saddle seat
and Western Equetation. This
film showed the proper way to
sit in the saddle, proper 'way to
mount and dismount as well as
various other interesting points in
Cathy Taylor won the 'door
prize (brush). Next 'meeting will
be in two weeks at the.horne of
Bob and Isabel Sheppard.
WeS;00.: 'Mrs. Barnes (Maiy
Reynolds) died, about a year ago,
Mary lived for several years with
her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Aleit Sitthetland •and attend ed the Sixth School.
Mars Barbara Epaas, of Marion
Indiana, and Miss Linda Sparks,
of Toronto spent the week end.
with their pagents Mr. and as ,
Lorne SOarks,
Sympathy extended to the
Thompson family in the lois of
their mother, !qrs. Donald
ThOmpson of Oshawa. The fun.
eral was from the MacLennan
Funeral Home in Ripley. on Satur
Week end 'guests at the horned
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie were
Mrs. Grace MacIver of London
Donald MacIver , -Dianne Green
and Walter Dickie of TorOnto.
Denver Dickie is on a. work
assignment for Dominion
Road MaChinery Conipany, in
Ottawa this week..