HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-02-28, Page 11hitechurch
Sunday the Messengers
their meeting in the Sun-
School room. The call to
hip was given' y George
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7 PONTIAC Grand Parisienne 4 &Or hardtop
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The Holyrood Women's Insti-
tute euchre party was held; on
Monday evening, in the hall.
High gent Ellwood• Elliott, high
lady Mrs. Alex Percy. Lucky
draw P. A. Murray. There
were six tables in play.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hoclgiris
of London visited on Monday
with Mr. and Mrs'. Cliff John-
ston. ° y
George .Haldenby is in Sarnia
visiting" with Mr. and Mrs. 'Har-
old Haldenby and Geordie.
Mrs: Jim Smith returned home
from London. Jim Smith, who
has been in Victoria Hospital,
London, was brought to Wingham
Hospital. His many friends wish.
him iinproved health.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Roe and
family of Walkerton visited with
Holyrood friends on Sunday.
The Anglican Services on
Sunday will be in Lucknow
Ripley and Bervie.
The quilting continued 'after
the meeting. Mrs. Gordon. Mc -
Burney's group served tea and
Wool and Mohairs
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Polyester Double Knit
Polyester Crepes
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ISeersucker Stripes
Knit and Woven Polyester
Plain and Jacquard CriMpoletie
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1 36" PRINT 69c YD.
Buy 5 yds. or 'over for 59c yd.
MAIN 95c yd.
'Buy S yds. or Aver for 85c yd.
Luclinow 'Phone 5284214
Calvin-Brick UCW
Calvin-Brick United Church
Women held their meeting on
Weeesday, February 21 at 2 p.m.
at• the home of Mrs. Richard
Moore with 14 in, attendance.
Along with their meeting a flann-
elette quilt was quilted to be
giiren to the Children's Am.
Mrs, Moore,, president, Con-
ducted the business session. Let-
tefs from 'the Mission fields' of
Nepal; Madrid and Brazil were
C read. Brazil would appreciate
Christmas Cards.
Mrs. George McGee had charge
of the worship service, the theme
was •"Being Human". She .read
the hymn, -. In Christ there is no
east nor west.' Mrs.. Gilbert Bee-
croft read the scripture, the
story of Lazarus .
Mrs. McGee gave the medita-
tion followed 'by prayer by Mrs.
John Jamieson. Mrs. McGee ,
gave a reading Listen Christians.
The offering was dedicated by
Mrs'. McGee. A new Hymn 0
Crucified Redeemer was read.
Mrs. Donald Dow had charge
of the Mission Study on India.
Much of her information had
'been obtained from a friend , a
nurse in a Mission Hospital in -
On Holiday
In Portugal
Mrs. Gordon Finlayson is at
'present hOlidaying in Portugal.
The Sifto Salt Mines Curling
Bonspiel was held in Goderich
last Saturday: Those attending
from this community were:
Kenneth L, MacKenzie, Gordon
Firdayson, Donald Simpson and
Robert .Simpson.
Mr: and Mrs. ,Ray Meyers of .
Ottawa spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacKenziie
and also with her mother Mrs.
N. J. MadKenzie, Lucknaw.
Mrs. Terry MacKenzie has
returned to' Goderich Hospital this
week '- and her many friends
wishher 'a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. George MacGreg-
or from Copetown visited over the
week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack MacKenzie and in Lucknow
they visited with Mrs. N. J.
MacKenzie and Miss 'Kate Mac -
Gregpr .
Mrs. Rhetta MacLe nnan enter-
tained at a dinner in honor of
her daughter Florence's 'birthday.
Sympathy 'is extended to Mr'.
and Mrs. Henry Drennan who
received word of the death of his
cousin Wm. Drennan of Hamil-
ton. The late Mr. Drennan
Visited in this vicinity about two
weeks ago.
A group of boys from this dist-
rict spent Saturday in Southamp-
ton when the Lucknow ,Bantarn
Hockey Team took part in the
Annual Southampton Bantam
Tournament. In the first game '
they were defeated by Paisley •
-4. In the second 'game, Luck-
now defeated Ripley 8-4 and in
the third,game Lucknow defeat-
ed Wiarton, 8-7., The captain
of the team, Tam FOrster of '
Lucknow, accepted a beautiful
trophy on behalf of the team.
Each player was presented with
a crest. John MacKenzie and •
DOuglas Stevenson of Lucknow
are in charge of the Lucknow
team. The boys appreciate their•
efforts very much. Those from
this area playing in the ,rourna-
ment were Shawn Dalton, Rick
Taylor, Tom O'Keefe and Roddy
Visitors on the week end' with'
Mr. and,,Mrs. Alan'Falconer and
Tony were" his parents Mr. and
Mrs. Angus Falconer and Kevin
of Strathroy, and her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Wallace Milligan, Mary
Lou and Clara of Streetsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Irwin,
Faye, Stephen, Donald and Mich-
ael of West Wawanosh were Sun-
day evening visitors with-Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Lai dlaw and family.
Mr. and Mrs.. Ronald Coultes
and Darlene were Sunday visitors
with Mrs. Dave McAllister and
family of Culioss.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack Gillespie
of Sarnia arrived on Saturday
evening' and on Sunday brought
his mother' Mrs. .Eunice Gilles-
pie from Winghanr Hospital to.her
home here. Mrs. Jack Gillespie
is remaining with Mrs. Eunice
Gillespie until Mr. and Mrs. •
Garnet Farrier return from Florida
this week. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coultes',-
Joyce and Darlene spent Saturday
in London..
Mr. and Mrs. Willard. Caslick
of Wingham were Sunday evening'
i)isitors with . his Mother Mrs.
Earl Caslick. ,
,Mr. arid, Mrs. Douglas'Conley,
and. Jason of Wingham and Mrs.
Earl Caslick were Sunday visitors
With Mr.' and Mrs. Wallace Conn
Mr. 'and Mrs. Jack,Coultes,
Keirin, Blaine and Debbie of
Oakville were week end visitors
with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Coultes. •
Miss Joyce Tiffin of London
spent the week 'end with her par-
ents Mr. and 'Mrs., Dan Tiffin.
Mr., and Mrs. Albert Coultes
accompanied by' Mrs. Harvey
Houston of Lucknow 9n Thursday
were at the funeral hotrie at
eson. . .
die Whytock led in prayer
the scripture was read by
n Quipp. The offering was
ived by B9bbie Jamieson• and
ffering prayer was .given by
Laidiaw. • The minutes .
read by Kenneth QUipp
e roll call was answered
s. Ivan Laidlaw,' assistant
r, gave a talk'on
our children",. This was
mg to thechilren in India
ter was then made, to Show
the children attending
ngers have so much, and
ny different kinds of food
t, while the children of.
mostly have •rice to eat and
Imes not too much of it. ,
benediction was given by
Quipp. This was the first
the Messengers held their
ng after the church serVice
d of Sunday School. It
much more satisfactory.
intend to try this out for a
ore Sundays.
Walkerton where the late Mr.
Maurice Young rested. Mrs.
Houston remained till the next
`day. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans were at
Erin on Sunday to visit with Mr. • .„ .
and Mrs. Ted Evans and family;
They'were celebrating Leases=
recent fourth birthday and also
went to the arena to see grandson,
Larry . play,hockey. • This was also
their first visit to Mr. 'and Mrs.
Ted Evans' 'new home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert MoWbray •
! and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tif-
fin spent the week end in. Bra4-
ford , where Mr. and. Mrs. Tiffin
visited with. Mr. and,Mrs. Jim
Henderson and Mr.' and Md. Rob-
ert Mowbray with Mr. and Mrs.
Congratulations to Mark Albert,
of the village, of Golden Circle
School Winghain, who was one
chosen to attend the Special Wint-
er Olympics at London on Satur-
day , February 17. In the skating
Mark came third .in the Junior
Boys class.
The community will be pleased
to learn that Mrs. Janet Hall
was able to. leave Wingham
Hospital' on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Whytock
and Jackie were Sunday visitors
'with his parents Mr. , and Mrs,
Alex Whytock of Teeswater.
• Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watt of
Toronto Were Sunday visitors
with' Mr. and Mrs.. George Thoinp-
Son and family and Mr. and Mrs..
Milian Moore, Mrs. Thompson
and Mrs. Moore are sisters of
Mr. Watt.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel 'Ross spent
the week end With their son Jim
Rossi Mrs. Ross arid family of