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The February meeting of the
Afternoon'Auxiliary of the Wom-
en's Missionary Societrof the. ,
Lucknow Presbyterian Church met
in Mrs. Noble Johnston's, home
with an attendance of thirty.
Mrs, Johnston, presiding, opened
' the meeting by reading a poem,
"The Quiet Place", following the'
singing of Psalm. "0 Worship the
King". Mrs. Sherwood gave the -
Bible Study, reading fr•om Psalm
37, after which Mrs. Jas. Smith
. ' led in prayer.
Mrs. Robt. Reid gave the "Glad
Tidings"' review. Mrs. Johnston
' gave the offertory prayer.
Thank you notes for Christmas
Cheer boxes were read. Roll
call was 'answered by a verse
from the book of St. Luke. •
Mrs. Glenn Noble had the
Mission Study on India and told
of the Green Revolution In India;
resulting in more grain and veg-
etable food: Miss. Sadie Johnston
closed the 'meeting with prayer 7,
/ "Happy Birthday" was sung to
those who had birthdays recently.
and Mrs. Morgan Henderson thank
ed Mrs. Johnston for entertaining
the Auxiliary for the February
meeting ,then all enjoyed a cup
of tea and a social half hour.
Mrs. Glen Walden welcomed
members of Unit 3 of Lucknow
Pnited Church , Women to her
home on February 6'.
Mrs. Gordon Kirkland opened
the meeting with a poem The
Future. 'Hymn 254 was sung:with
Mrs. J. Hall at the piano and the
Lord's , Prayer• was repeated in
unison. • 'Eighteen members an- .
swered the roll-call with a scrip-
ture' verse containing the word
Love. •
Members are asked to bring an
article for a layette, to \the •
March meeting. Mrs. Harold
Treleaven, reporting for Christian
Citizenship, gave an article
condemning apartheid' in, Africa.
Mrs. W. G. Hunter read "Thank
you" notes. from \members. Mrs.
Glen . Walden read an article on
"Life's Stewardship".
Mrs. Walden presided for the
program. Mrs.•C.,Hallarn .read
the scripture from Luke 9. The
meditation and.prayer were given
by Mrs. Walden.
Mrs.. Earl Wightman introduced
the mission study book on India •
and in dialogue with Mrs. Tre-
leaven talked of sorrie of India's
problems, dealing with over•
population, sanitation and
nutrition. A general discussion
A reading, The Legend, of
Valentine, was given by Mrs.
Walden. June Alton accompan-
ied her sisters, Ruth, Nancy and
Grace as they sang two songs
"Its a Small World" and "Let .
There Be Peace", Ruth Alton
played a piano instrumental..
Mrs. Kirkland gave courtesy
remakrs. The meeting was clos-
ed with, the _Mizpah Benediction.
Lucknow- Unit 3
Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A..
10 a.m. Sunday School •
11 a.m. 'Morning Worship.
Those wishing transportation to
church contact
Wm. G. Hunter 528-2741
10:00 a.m. `Service
WO pin. Service
J. W. Van Stempvoort,
Dennis And Mrs. Gordon Cayley
held an interView on "The Roll of
the Woman in India". We split
into groups and answered ques-
tions. The members all joined
in a relay on putting on a Sari.
The worship was started 'by
singing the United Nations Hymn.
,The scripture and meditation • •
were read 'by Mrs: Garnet Hender-
son. The hymn "Let There be
Light" was then Sung and Mrs.
Henderson gave a prayer.' Mrs.
Ernest Ackert closed with the
Lunch including Indian •cookies
was served by the committee.
Whitechurch United' Church '
Wonnen held their February meet-
ing on Tuesday the 6th at 2,
• o'clock at the home of Mrs.
George Thornpson. Theconvener
of Christian and 'Missionary Edu-
cation Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw was
in charge of the meeting and •
gave the Call to Worship..
Mrs. Elmer Sieighthoim led in
prayer. The scripture, was read
by Mrs:. QuiPP• Mrs.
Sleightholm, Mrs. Quipp and .
Mrs. Laidlaw took part in a read=
ing "The Useful Bridge". Mrs,
LaidlaW read 2 Bible verses, led
in prayer and read froin,the Study ,
Book = Christianity in India -
Why are you' .a Christian? What
weaknesses arise in church?
Mks. Kaade Koeijer sang
The Lord's Prayer in the Dutch
language, The president Mrs.
. Millari Moore presided for the
business. The treasurer's report
Was given by Mrs. Albert Coultes.
The roll call was answered by 14
members and 1 child, with a, •
Biblical verse with Love.
Mrs. Moore announced that
the Pretbyterial Annual Meeting
will be 'held at Seaforth Febrpary ,
28. •
The World Day of Prayer will
be held March 2nd at 2.30 in the
.A United Church. Mrs. Moore told
the story of 4 Journalist in China.
and closed the meeting
prayer.„ The travelling Lo.met
was then enjoyed,
Lucknow Unit 4
The February meeting of Unit
4 of Lucknow United Church Wom-
en was held At the home of Mrs.
Allan Johnson. Mrs. Ernest Ack-
ert Jr: opened the business with
a poem "The World is Mine".
The roll call was answered by 18,
with articles for a layette. •Mrs.
Cliff.Crawford read the treasurer's
report. 'The General meeting is
to be Thursday, February 15; the
Presbyterial Annual on March 10;
and the World Day, of. Prayer
March £ at the. Christian Reform-
ed Church.
Mrs. Ackert read an invitation
to a joint meeting in, March with
the Presbyterian ladies. Mri.'
Ackert read a poem "The ,Touch
of the Masters Hand".
Mrs. Gordon ' Cayley lit incense
and demonstrated with Mrs. Don
Dennis as model how to don a
Mrs._ Gordon kooks, Mrs. Don
Lucknow Unit
Unit of LucknoW United •
Church Women met at 'the home ;
Of WS. Kenneth Cameron for •
-the February meeting.
Mrs, Charles Anderson, .presid ,
.ent opened the meeting, with a
poem "The Perfect Church", °
-The roll call was answered by the
paying Of lea,. 19 PrS•ent , •
Mrs. Kenneth Cameron gave the
financial. report. • •
Mrs., R. Struthers reported for
Social FUnctions, and stated each
Social Function Unit. convener •
will be in charge of an.activity •
during the year and get in touch'
with Mrs,. Struthers for any in-
formation required. • Any het,' -
eaved fainily wishing lunch
served following ,a funeral get in .
touch with Mrs. Glen•Walderi .for
information? regarding this .
Mrs. Armstrong Wilson report-
ed on Community Friendship
activities and cards sent.. Mrs.
Stuart Collyer save a reading -
"I was a stranger and wel- •
corned me" and other short:
readings:' Mrs. •Robt: Finlay, •
Christian Education convener,
reported on. the young people from
our congregatiOn.who had attend-
ed Five Oaks. .She told' us of the
excellent facilities available '
there fOrindividuals or families .
to, enjoy.
Mrs., 'Anderson reminded: .4. of
the,Presbyterial.at Walkerton,
March 10 and one delegate. from
each unit is requested to attend. ,
February .15th is th'e General Meet-
ing at the church. - The Corn .=..
munity• Friendship conveners. are in
charge of the
vitatiOn from thePreSbyterian'
Evening AuXiliary• was read
inviiting ns•to•their church ttie•s-,••
,day March 20 at 8 P.m. .MarCh.
2 is the World Day .Of Prayer in
the- Christian .Reformed -Church . „
Mks. Mary (MacMillan) Camp -
bell will be the guest 'speaker..
Mrs, Ken Cameron' was- in f
Charge. of. the deovitonal: part of •
the meeting, ..Missionary Theme
"was entitled God's Geography .
Mrs: John 'Nicholson read scrip-
ture from Psalm 19 and 24. Mrs,
Robert -Struthets offered Prayer- •
and read an interesting devotional
Mts. Herb Barger faVonred.with...
three lovely' acCordian selections.
The ladies then enjoyed 'an 'inter-..
Presbyterian -Church
Rev. 'Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D.
Minister -
Phone 5284740
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
a.m. Morning Woiship
"No doctrine of the' Christian
religion is worth preserving
which cannot be verified in
daily life."
John Watson
Trinity UCW
On Thursday, February 8 the
Trinity United'Church Women:
nwt at, the home, of Mrs: Alex/
'Hackett,' with an attendance of
25 ladies and one child. The
meeting opened with a verse on
Life by Mrs., Jim Hunter, • HyniA
254 was followed by all,repeatil
the Lord's Prayer in unWpn.
The roll call was answeredm'
a verse and, reference with the:
word heart in it. The scripture
was read by Mrs.. Jerry Cranston
and MrS. Donald Hackett had tit
Mrs. Chester. Hackett then CO
ducted the Study Book on India,
beginning with a contest on "pr
ucts of India" with Mrs. Jim Aro
old and Mrs. Ken Alton re-
ceiving the prize, which was a
product produced in India. Co
tinued study of India followed
and then the ladies were divided
into groups to answer queStions,
Mrs, Jerry Cransron, closed the
.Devotional part of the meeting
with prayer.
Mrs. Ken Alton gave a Bible
Study. on • Church Membership
and Prayer. During the bi;jtim
part of the meeting, two quilts
were shown ,-that haVe been
'completed since the last meeti
also one crib quilt. The ladies
Were reminded of the roll' call
for:March -being a fahey apron,
Mrs: Ken Alton gave two very
interesting readings, ;Mrs,
Warren Zinn is the' hostess for Or
March meeting.. Mrs. Jim Hun
er closed with prayer. The lad
on the co'rninirtee served lunch,
esting Crossi;gord puzzle on India
Mr. Nicholls showed an interest
ing slide on Dr. Robert McClu
work in his hospital. in India
among lepers and other serious'
Mrs. Anderson offered: a vote
of thanks to 'our hostes and th
'taking part: We heard a record
ing The Light of the World is
Jesus by bale Evans. Mrs.. Can
bron closed the meeting with
The committee in charge
served a delicious lunch.