HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-02-14, Page 9P~ay Lions Radio Bingo ON CKNX • 'STARTING ON FEBRUARY 12 •EiFo maw 41110- 4Nota. rig. 4111w diSso .answ 41111Is. ,•n 110- 41MID• 4111111w Cards Available at Following Locations 1RNOLD'S GENERAL STORE ►SFITON'S DEPT. STORE IANK OF MONTREAL iEDY'S BAKERY., :INLAY DECORATORS MONTGOMERY MOTORS• licDONAGH INS. & REAL ESTATE rHE VILLAGE SHOP MARTIN'S GENERAL STORE MAYFAIR. RESTAURANT 'C. E. MacTAVISH LTD., MAXWELL'S GENERAL • STORE • JAMIESON'S GENERAL • STORE KINTAIL GENERAL STORE SCHMID'SJEWELLRy & CHINA "What's Up Doc" Colour' - Starring Barbara Streisand .Ryan O'Neil You'll laugh your head off at the funniest comedy in years. The wrong financee keeps turning up in the right place, bewildering the cops and the CIA. Make sure you see , this one. SATURDAY MAT. FEB. 17 "1Vhat's Up Doc"' '44•++++4444-44+444-4+++++++ This is a documentary film about some of the most beauti- ful country you will ever see. (ONE NIGHT ONLY) WED., FEB. 21 "Vanishing Wilderness"- • Colour Wedding. initiltOlast , - • WITH R GM KEEPSAKE C- r‘ PY ',pi LUXURIOUS GOLD • .(...;) ... ' I FORA COMPLETE 8gL,P.;,CTION Si;..4,1 kr4 THE .LUCKNOWSENTINEL e fESDAY, FEBRUARY 14tIvrn j ' THE SENTINEL! WC.KNoW„..9,NTARIO PAGE NINE Teaints: Carol. Martin's na Gamrhie's Clams Kat MacDonald'g Oysters Is011er's Lbbsters 2; !Jle Mole's Shrimps 5', 'Janet aePherson's Scallops. 2. 76, ndings: Scallops 77; banns Oysters 76,' Lobsters 1., Crabs 73, Shrimps 65. offensive . ' • JOHN ILI YNDON . i Theatre Manager I . , • • _ Sewn* Matinee 1 7 ... = In a mains fish! It's a LImpsII = r-• MI 11 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 Higler on Monday even- ; was Ferne MacDonald With a 3 single and 579 triple. Games of 200 and over: Ferne ieDonald 253, Anne Purney .adies 6:30 p.m. h bow m po :abs 7, Va hleen bel Mi Team sta Some may find the dialogue in 'this picture . Thu.15 Fri.16 .5;1.17 • CLOCKWORK BEST FILM OF THE YEAR BEST DIRECTOR OF THE YEAR Wed Thu,22 Fri. 23 sd.4_ km •••••• = . 'no/a rni nr; ORAIMIGIVIL Lucknow Dungannon Best lady scores were rolled o , this week ,by Kay Forster with a 271 single and Grace Elliott with` - a 631. triple. Nice bowling, girls! Ladies over' 225 were; Kay Forster 271; Marg Wilson 264; Joanne Searle 257; Grace 'Elliott 248, 238; Katherine Andrew 234. Bill Button captured high single with a 262 game as well as high, triple with a 729. Good bawling Bill! • Men over 250 were: Bill Button 262; 261; Clarence ,Greer 258; Jack Caesar 254; Bill.Bolt 252. Team standings are: Tigers 104i Zebras el, Cubs '85; Beavers, 81; Chipmunks 64; Wolverines 62; Coons' 62; Squirrels 62; Gophers 59;. 'Kangaroos 54; $Lions 41; Pole Cats 37, = . a'. = = A TRINE UPI: ADVFNTI..117 , t'01:1 'THE ENTIRE: PAT.111,Y , = = lit - ' 0151 THE f 1 ° = *I , ' 4 •:., .AWEsoME • • • . IN THE ANNALS' ' MOST i SPECTACLE , 1 I nFille .- .. E,- PLAPIG; = = OF SCIENCE FICTION ',r THINEVOLTOFTNE APES ElfT HiAlri U * w s• = , . — . 110111011111111011111111011111111111410111111101111110111110111111111111111110111111101011100111MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM i Ladies 9 p.m. Isobel Tiffin bowled high single with 252 and Belle, Herbert rolled high triple with 612; Games 200 and over; " Belle Herbert 250, Isobel Tiffin 252, J'anet Barger 227, Janette . Fludder 217, Barb Whitby 206, Lynn Wall 201. . 'Team points: Lorna Guay's hillipops 5, Chace Hopi's Jelly, Beans 2; Marianna Porters Pepper mints 0,, Barb Sanderson's Ju Jubef, 7; Dean Agnew's Gumdrops-3, 'Marie Hoffman's Chocolates 4. Team standing:, Chocolates 91, Jelly Beans 78, Ju Jubes' 77, Gumdrops 75, Lollipops 62, , Peppermints 58. Kin lost League FEBRUARY 2 Bill Sproule was top bowlerfior the, men with. .a single of 239 and ' a triple of 599: For .the 'ladies Marilyn RhOdy had high single of 230 and Merle Rhody had, high triple of 540. Men over 200: Bill Sproule 239, Gerald Rhody 230, Ira Dickie 229. Ladies over 200; Marilyn Rhocly. 230, Merle Rhody 203. Team p.oints: Ann MacDougall's Macs 7; Doris. MacKinnont's Wealthys 5; Mary Lavis' Spys 0; Elizabeth Dickie's iPippins 2. Team standings: Macs 65, Wealthys 62, Spys 54, Pippins 57. FEBRUARY 7 ' - • • Town wBargher taookCtheoluadnie:rhhiygh single at 155. She also had the high double with a total of 305. For the men it' was Earl Swan . at, 216 with Mel King close at ' 213, and Howard Barger at 202. Mel King took the high double at 387. • Team points: Les,Purvis' - Violets .5, Clarence' Bell's Oran- ges 0; Mel King's, Yellows 5, Harry Lavis' Reds 0; Al Irwin's Oranges 5 , Earl McDonald's Greens 0. Standings: Violets 67, Yellows 57, Greeris 54, Oranges 46, Reds 42, Blues 34. M ens 7, p.M. Lynn Hodgins had high- single with a score of 286. George Humphrey had a high triple of 703. Games over 225: Lynn Hodgins 285, ,Ron Stanley 271, George Humphr,ey 255, 239; Jake Conley .245, John Emberlin 237, Dave ,. Humphrey 236, George Stanley 231. , Team points:, Owls 7, Cardinals 0, vultures 2, Hawks 7, Sparrows 0, Crows 5'. Team standings: Wayne Rhody's OWls 50, Evans Helm's Cardinals' 64, Ron Stanle'y'i Vultur es 81, George Stanley's Hawks 86, Art PUrney's Sparrows 45, George Humphrey's Crows 13. • . Mrs. Tom Salkeld Speaks To W.I. The Lucknow Women's Institute held their February meeting on, Friday evening, February 9. The president, Mrs. Armstrong Wilson, opened the meeting with the opening .ode and Mary Stewart Collect. • • The minutes of the last meet ,- ing were read and the business was attended to. Mrs. Omar, Brooks read a letter from the president of the Federated Women's ,Institute.which contain- ed good hints and helps for the coming year. • Mrs. Garfield MacDonald' opened the programme with a reading'"Housewife's Prayer" and Mrs. Harry Nixon gave the motto. Mrs. Ray Leddy gave two splendid reditatioris. . Mrs. Tom Salkeld was the ' speaker for the evening and.., spoke on the olden, times before, hydro 'came and of all the many ways in which hydro helped the homemaker. ' Mrs. Eunice Dimsmuir sang two lovely solos, "The Keys to the Kingdom" and "Suddenly .. there's a Valley". , Mrs.,McDon- ald closed the program, with .a' reading "Grandma's Valentine" , and the evening came to ,a close by singing "the Queen" and ' • Grace and the committee served • a special Valentine lunch. • Heart Fund ,THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE 3574630 /SHOW TIMES Fridays and Saturdays at 7;15, and 9:15. All other days, one show at 8:00; except where noted' on the program. * (5 DAYS) " THURS, FRI.; SAT., 1V1ON„ Tugs., FEB. 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 SPECIAL KINLOSS COUNCIL CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 merit policy, 719.00; Jean Schum7 acher , clerical work, 38.90; Carnegie & Wyatt, truck align- • ment, 11.95; Reeves Hardware, 3.41; Hanover Glass Service, ,slicip door 9.19; Walkerton- • • Herald Times, tractor tenders, 9.52; Robert Symes, haul gravel, 12.00; H. & Kinloss Telephone, garage, 28.15; Sanfare Industries Ltd., floor cleaner, 110.46; Teeswater News, tractor tenders, 3.75; Whitechurch Sand and Gravel, Ltd. , gravel, 19.16; .Lucknow Sentinel, snowplow notice etc , 12.85; N. A. Shep- herd', deed for. land, 104.00; Ray Stanley, snowplowing, 736.00; Rec. General, employees share Un. Ins. & C.P.P., 69.10; Mc- Arthur Tire Service, graciertire repair, 8.31; Durham Hdwe & Equipment Ltd. , welding' sod. 16..46. FRASER MacKINNON, CLERIC For .the men Alf. Herbert got the honours with a high single of 232 and a high triple of 586. Anne Dexter took the honour for the ladies with a single of 232 and a triple of 553. . • • Men over 200: Alf Herbert 232, Bob"Gilchrist 214, Harold Mc - Whinney 206. • Ladies over 200:. Anne Dexter. 224, 201; Doris MacKinnon 210, Bell Herbert 223.. Team, points: Ann MacDoug- all's Macs 0; Doris MacKinnon's Wealthys 2; Mary Lavis' Spys 5; Elizabeth Dickie's Pippins 7. Team standings; Macs 65, • Wealthys 64, Pippins 64, Spys 59. .611/11411LICIr KIIIIIIKUICK"•11 Mens' 9 p!m. This week Bill Stewart roiled. i 4 743 for the high triple; coming in next was Grant Chisholm with a' 703 and Roy Finlayson with' a 701.. Roy Finlayson rolled the high , single, 303.and Bill Stewart was next with a 296. Other games over 225: Russ BUtton 274, Bill,,Stewart 26a, Lloyd Hall 2:58, Grant Chisholm 253, 229; Donald MaCKinnan 243 Dave Williamson 247', Gordon Fisher 244, Rick Jardine 242,, Harvey Culbert' 241, Howard Ag- new 238, Roy Finlayson. 233, Har- old Errington 227. Team points: Howard Agnew's Buicks 7, Bill Button's Dodges 0; Clarence Greer's Pontiacs 2, Jack Caesar's' Olds .5; Grant 'Chis holin's Mustangs 0, Bill Stewart's Fordi 7. Teani standing: Fords 76, Nicks 74, Pontiacs 72, Mustangs 61, Olds 56, 'Dodges 39. — A