HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-02-14, Page 4• I, • T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs and Installation. Free Estimates. Year Round. Servide, Doug Harker, Phone 364-3313 Col- lect, Box 467, "Hanover; Ontario. FOR SALE - Beatty automatic feed and manure handling, equip- ment, stabling and pressure sys- tems. Contact Beatty Farm Ser- vice Centre, Clinton 482-9561. NEED YOUR ELMS CUT? - give us a call. Roy Huber, R.R. 3 'Teeswater, phone 392-6069. FOR SALE=-- Van Dale Silo Un- loaders, George Wraith,' Box 95 Goderich. Phone Residence 524- 7002 or Shop 524-6511. EASY BOOKKEEPING -Payroll books for '8 and 16 em- ployees, available at The ,Luck- now. Sentinel- SAVE ON SNOW TIRES - $3 above Cost atKoyle's Supertest, Lucknow,, phone 528-340L SCOUREX FOR CALF SCOURS - Contains 14 different compon- ents to produce a balanced four- way action.: Promotes fast recov- ery without permanent damage. Elmer Umbath Discount Pharm- acy, Lucknow. • n AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace 13allagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 Fort SALE -- bunk beds, like new, phone 528-3505. THE TEESWATER NEWS -- is available at The Luclmow Sent- ' 41 inel, 10c per copy. If you are in- terested in the news of Teeswater and District, pick up a copy. FOR SALE SNOWMOBILES Two 300; one 340T; one 440T; one 440 WT., new 197 models. 1971 Ski-doo TNT 1970 Moth-ski Zepher 1969 Ski-doo Olympic 1968 Moto-ski Zepher ALL AT CLEARANCE PRICES CLARKE FERGUSON - , Ski Whiz Sales and Service Point Clark, Phone 395-5454 SAVE ON GROCERIES, by the case, half case or off the shelf. K o'y 1 e 's Supertest, Lucknow, phone 528-3401. '' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL -- is for 'sale at , Mel Stanley's Sunoco, Umbach's Pharmacy, H. end B, Discount and Koyle's , Supertest in Lucknow. PLAYING CARDS Plastic Coated single dec.ks from $1.19 up as well as double decks and euchre decks (euchre cards only), Drop in at The Luck- now• Sentinel. ,. ROUSE TRAILER FOR SALE Refinished and waiting; Sleeps five and has modern conven- iences. Will Move for you. Phone 357-3569. a ' SANDBLASTING • DEMOLITION a' WORK SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD .STOTTIERS PHONE 5294403 FOR ESTIMATES RUBBER ki STAMPS FR,IM LUCKNOW SENTAIEL • IN MEMORIAM CAMPBELL - in loving memory of a dear husband and father Richard A. Campbell, who pass- ed away Februaty 16th, 1970. There is no parting from those we love No distance can divide; For to-day in memory's garden We still walk side by side. Ever remembered by wife and family. . EADIE - in loving memory of William S. Eadie, _ who passed away February 17, 1972 and Doris Colwell, who passed away Jan- uary 23, 1970. Those we love we never lose For always they will be Forever dear, forever near • In thought and memory. LoVingly remembered and sad- ly missed by Ina, Lorne and Dorit , Eadie and family and Currie Col- well and Wilily. away February 19, 1969. Like falling leaves the years slip by, Yet loving memories never die, Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thought to reach. Nolonger in our liveS to share, But in our hearts she is always there. Always remembered by her family. HACICEIT -.in iriemory of Mrs. David' J. Hackett, who passed LORENZ. DEAD STOCK SERVICE $20.00 dead, horses; $10.00 cows over 1000 pounds. Phone collect 369-2410 Durham. SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE RESTAURANT KINLOSS, ONTARIO lk gallon ice cream - 85c Compare our prices for all your livestock feeds Open Daily 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Closed Tues., Fri., Sun., evenings MEN'S WINTER CLOTHING Parkas, jackets, snowmobile suits 20% OFF Lucknow District Co-op BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood; phone 395-5390. • • EXCAVATING AND, TRUCKING sand and *gravel. phone Robert Symes, Lucknow 528-3047. ST. HELENS SHOOT PARTY A Shoot Party •will be held at the St. Helens, Hall on Thursday, February 15 at 8:30 p.m. Lunch will be served. BUS TO CONVENTION District 10 of the Ontario Ag- ricultural Association is sponsor- ing a bus to the Annual Conven- tion in Toronto on February 21st and 22nd. Anyone interested in the Lucknow area is asked to con- tact the secretary Mr. and Mrs. Ross ,Errington,,52876693. . FRIDAY EUCHRE PARTY The Lucknow Women's Instit- ute, are sponsoring a Euchre Party in the Luc.know Town Hall on Friday, February 16th at 8 p.m. Everyone weleome. SPRING DANCE Ripley ' Agricultural Society ,Spring Dance will be held at Rip- ley High School on Friday, April 6th, music by "The Dimensions". so more will live CANADIAN • HEART ,FOND V- • THE .14KKNOW SENTINIP., LUCKNOW. ,ONTARIO WEDNESDAY: FEBRUARY 141h,1 . • . • • •••••%••••44::: ' .: ' :$::::•••;••• 4,, • . ........ , .........-:•:•:•:•:1•:•:•:o:•:•::,:•:•:;W:f:::::::::::;::::ig..•::::;:;::::4:::....:....::.:;•,..,..{;.*.•*. , , • • •••x•'•••:+:::•:•:.:•:•:•:•:•:::$44::•::::::::::::::::::•:•:•:::•:444:::%:•:•:::::a.::•:•:::::.:....::::::::::.;:w............?................ . • c • • %%A • ••••:,,:•,,:a..:•:•::•,:•,::*::::::::i::.i:•&•::::.:.:::aw.:::...:::.:,,,::::,::: .................:.0 . ...4: N,,:f.....•;Z:.:.::::.-;::., • Am.:N. •,1.4..s .. •,.+:•••••••,••• • - " • ....; •••0\•••:• ?•.• • \I% \ • \\. •!••• ••• • • •••••••.:?•;••<-4-. ••••••• • ,.., . A FOR ,SALE - PICTURE FRAMING - our specialty, wood and metal. Sny • - der Photo Studio, Wingham- JamesSnyder, proprietor, phone 357-1851. WRECKING 1964 Plymouth, FOR SALE -- Smith-Corona Cor- sair type-writer in good condition, FOR SALE FREE - with the purchase ,of 1973 JAYCO Camper, Trailer, Travel Trailer, Truck Camper or 5th Wheels your choice of a Can- opy, Furnace or Porta Potti. Fin- ancing available. Also stock truck caps. See us for all your camping accessories. Burnstead Metal Fabricating, Josephine St., Wing- ham, 357-2272. (WING EVENTS • ANNUAL. MEETING: Farm Systems, .Amberley, Phone • PAPERING - PAINTING Floor Sanding and Spray Paint- ing, Fred Emberlin, Phone Luck- ,THIRD PRINTING NOW AVAILABLE Norman Rebertson's History of Bruce County, first published in 1906, second printing in 1960. PRICE $7.00 Add $1 for shipping and handling We also have available the sequel of this book, The History of The County of Bruce 1907 - 1968 written by Norman McLeod - same price. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL • Charles Anderson, President Frank P: Thompson, Secretary - Treasurer COMING EVENTS. .SUPER CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45 pan. Pot of Gold game - winner take all. 14 reg- tiler games, $10 each. .2 Share the Wealth , games. A $30 Special, Jackpot game for $110.00 on 58 calls or $25 consolation prize. DAFFODIL COFFEE PARTY A Daffodil Coffee Party on Wednesday, April 4th at the. beau- tiful new White. Carnation in Ilohnsville, is planned to remind you that. April . is. Cancer Cam- paign' month. Wonderful' enter- tainment is promised from 3 until 9 p.m. So reserve April 4th. , BLYTH BINGO " Come to I3lyth Lions Club Bingo, every Saturday night at 8:30 p.m. in Blyth Memorial Hall. Admission $1.00; 12 regular games of $10 each; 2 share - the - wealth games; $25 special; dOor prize. $125.00 jackpot on 60 calls or under. . PUBLIC SPEAKING . Lucknow Legion Public Speak- ing Contest will be held in the Legion Hall, Friday, February 16th at 8 p.m. Winners from Kin- Grade 6 and Seniors, 'Grades 7 & 8. The winners of this contest will advance to the Legion Zone finals. momommowo • The Lucknow Legion are spon- soring a dance in the hall on Sat- urday, February 17th. Music by "The Twylites". Admissien $1.50 per person. Persons 18 and over welcome. FOR RENT FOR RENT •-• furnished'', apartment 'with fridge and heated, linen supplied, av immediately. Glenn's A ments, Lucknow 528-3723, SNOWMOBILE ,RENTALS • 40 acres of groomed bush tr and clearings. ' RATES Week-days - $5 'to $7 per hour, Week-ends --$7 to $5 per Gas and, insurance included $20 damage deposit required OPEN Week-days 1 p.m. to 9 pa Week-ends ---10 a.m. to 10 p Closed Wednesday evenings PHONE CLARKE FERGU 395-5454 Ski Whiz Sales & Service POINT CLARK, ONT. WANTED WANTED.'.'- 'general carp cabinets, formica and ar tops. Elmer Culbert.„Phone 5298. or 395-5516. WANTED TO BUY -- Dead Si We pay up to $15.00 for cows and tip to $20.00 'for horses, smaller animali ace Eng to size. Call collect 881- Walkerton er Zenith 58h0 toll „charges) Graf Stock moval: TENDERS.... WANT 'TENDERS WANTED 'SEALED TENDERS on f and in eyelopes available ir the office of the undersignd be received" until 5:00' p.ni. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, $11 for 4 - 1973 DUMP TRUCKS Four used County trucks will traded-in. The lowest or any tender necessarily accepted. . J. W. Britnell, P. Eng., Huron County Enginter Court House, Goderich, Ontario* • N7A 1M2 CHISHOLM FUELS HE ONO 00 SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW Phone. 529-7524 or 52011 FREE BURNER'. Products For Fatiii, ° Industry CASH' BINGO Lucknow area. , Limited a 2- good motor and drive train. Ger- used very little. 440. Phone 528- A Cash Bingo will be held in 1 Article 0 '-a- NUMBER OF DIR I add Doelman 395-5358. 2919. the Parish Hall, Kingsbridge on ECTORS. The business of the Cor- travel We train. Air mail a Dickerson, Pres., Southwest poration shall . be conducted by. BARN' EQUIPMENT - complete ROY'S ALUMINUM Friday, February 16th at .8:30 Petroleum, Box 799, Ft, Wo 'line. of Acorn Equipment and Clay. SALES AND SERVICE, win- ' p.m. Door yrize. Everyone .wed _ six (6) Directers who shall be ... Equipment for pushbutton farm- dows, doors. For. free estimate come.. Amission $1.00 • . ,.:. ario, residents of the Province of Ont- Tex. (See The Corperations Act. ing: * Westeel-Rosco Granaries call' Roy Emberhn, your local ---- .S176, ss1). * Zero Milking Systems. Lowry dealer. DANCE AT LEGION WEST WAVVANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE. COMPANY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, 1973. The Annual Meeting of the Company will be held at 2 p.m. on Friday, February 16th, 1973 in the' Dungannon Agricultural Hall, Dungannon, Ontario, to re-' ceive and dispose of the Financial and Auditors report; to consider, and if _Aought fit to confirm a motioIl reduce the Board of Directors from nine members to'' six members; to elect Directors; to appoint .Auditors; and to trans act any other business that may rightly come before the meeting. The retiring Directors are Char- les Anderson and George Feagan, both of whom are eligible for rs election. Due to the resignation of Directors after being appointed, Agents of the Company, and if the notice of- motion to amend the by-laws is approved, it will be necessary to elect two new Dir- ectors in plaCe ,of five new Dir- ectors. • The NOMINATION of an aspir-• ing Director must be filed in writ- ing- with the Secretary-Treasurer Ann five u(a5l)mdeaeytsingin advance of , the WityAreal TbOeeB fuli cows- or goohde. loss, Lucknow, Brookside and ' North Ashfield Public Schools and NOTICE OF MOTION, Peter Edisbtiry 395;2438. RE . BY-LAWS Kingsbridge Separate School will, Notice is hereby given that a DEPENDABLE MAN OVER SALESMEN WANTED participate. Junior classes up to motion will be introduced for ap- proval by the members, whereby WHO CAN WORK the General 'By-laws would be. WITHOUT SUPERVISION amended, in part, to read as fol- Earn $14,000 in a year p lows - bonus. 'Contact customers