HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-02-07, Page 13NEW STOCK JUST ARRIVED •• 12" —54.39 pr. 15" — $4.79 pr. ALSO BOY'S SIZES $3.89 PR. Lucknow .' District. Phone 528-2125 Aramasiiif XC.ELLENT- FARM TRUCK4. • 1962-CHEVROLET 40: SERIES. Two400$take'..Trutk Completely reconditioned & repainted. New brakes. Excellent rubber with dual lug rear. Cab and interior in unbelievable condition. 48,000 actual miles. Six cylinder 4-Speed transmission,• 14' x 8' platform with rack and tarp. Y71612. 1095 PONT AC BUICK G Goderich 5244391 SPAY, FEBRUARY 7th, im 'THE LIK.KNOW SENTINEL,..LO:01010Vil, ONTARIO Cheryl Hcildenby Is 4-H Pre$ideM PAGE THIRTEEN ...corolyn HenderWA Heads4H, Club W(' ON ....4.0Mens' Rubber Boots CG1T Group Hold Pot Luck Supper The second meeting of the Clover Valley Artistic 7 4-H Club was ,held at the home of Donna Elphick'at 4.15 on Tues- day; January 30. President Joyce Osborne opened the meeting,with the Pledge. The roll call, Name something you can BlOck Print, was answer- ed by all club members.. The minutes of the last meeting were rea&by Donna Elphick. Treasur- er Debbie' McFadden collected the fee for the club expenses. The next meeting is February 6 at Wendy Hamilton's at 4.15 p.m• A discussion of block printing samples was enjoyed by all and many new ideas were shown. Mrs. Elphick demonstrated meth- ods of transferring and printing a design. Paints, inks, spreaders and the color wheel was discussed by Mrs. Hamilton. The girls then worked on doing a potato print. . The meeting closed with the creed., Clover Valley Artistic 7 Lucknow C.G.I.T. ,had the firit meeting for 1973. Eighteen members and three leaders enjoy- ed a Pot-luck Supper: Planrfor-the coming .'week were discussed. Next Monday there will be a lanyard service for six members who will, become Sen- iors. •Thesegirls are Susan Clark, Brenda MacDonald, Mary Ellen Havens, Audrey Ritchie, Beverley Maize and Betty Anne Hunter. The girls voted to give $25 to the swimming pool fund. Our foster child's latest letter was read. The girls are studying India for . their Mission Study. Yoga, Ind- ian food, hearing an Indian speaker, -Indian music, sari dance. Indian religions,' drama , Batik are some of the things they may be doing. Inflation - a game about world trade and economic justice 'was played and discussed. To many people in poorer nations, injust- ice is related to trade , inflation and how money around the world receives its value. The meeting was;closed with Taps. irstWomon.. Her Nailed To Epley Church e Si. 'Andrews United :11," Ripley , Annual Congreg. Meeting/Was held in the tY School rooni on Wednes, January 24. Often ,there. is a ithe night of, the annnal" • ing but this year'they had a y winter evening for the 45 le who attended. • Le meeting opened with read- the "In Mernoriam" names prayer Of. Commemoration, „. wed by the reading of the. Ltes and adoption of same. 1972 reports were then. given the following groups: On, Stewards, Treasurer's: ant & MisSiOn& Service Fund tots; U.C.W., Sunday • ol; , Explorers, engers, and choir. sere were 6 new elders elect - g 6 years; Don McCosh, . er Forster , RUssell Needham,. MacDonald, Bas Van der and Mrs. Florence Kilpat- the first woman elder in kndrews United Cluirche tir new stewards were elect- )r a 3 year period, Dennis, ;e, Ray Osborne, Elliott [idlers and Howard Orr. 'ton' Nicholson and Bill Train need to remain as auditors. ie Mission and Service objective for,1973 is $5,200. date set for the meeting of fficial board; elders and ards was Tuesday, •January The congregation Would to continue the holiday union ces' with Knox Presbyterian ch: It was moved that Mrs. en Stanley be sent' flowers in acia,tion for the many years las looked after the `flowers. he church. iere was an eXpression of ern regarding the corning )r vote in thevillage. Mrs. ld had her historic scrapbook aining pictures, • records, etc. •e congregation for the mem— to look at. She would aPprec, any suitable material to complete this Historic story. . We served 14ich and a sot- ime was enjoyed. Officers, he meeting were Chairman George Ball; Secretary, Don ay; Frets Reporter, rg. e.. Kairshea Dainty Designers held theknow No. 3 4-H Club held -MacKinnon; Secretary, their first- meeting on Friday, ston's house. inationof officers, They were as follows: President, Cheryl February 2 at 4.00. at Mrs. Roul= Haldenby; Vice President, Mary Marilyn Murray; Press Reporter, Our first activity was the nom- January 24 at 7.00 p. m, at the home of lyks. Bruce Hamilton. ' the first meeting on Wednesday, Pledge.., Then the officers were elected as •follows: President, Coralyn Henderson; Vice President, Sandra• Hender- We opened with the 4-H son; Secretary,. Kathy Purdon; Mary Eadie. Treasurer , Mary Lou Adams; The Next meeting twill be held Press Reporter, Lorene Conley. on Friday, February 9 at 4.00 p.m. We discussed the skit for Other members are Lori Purd- Achievement Day and decided on oni Janene Purdon and Brenda the name of our club "Kairshea Grubb. Leader is Mrs. Dainty Designers". Lorene Conley and assistant We discussed the format of the leader Mrs. Margaret Hamilton. club "Creative Block 'Printing" and when we would hold Our We discussed the history of 1#ock printing and the 5 main meetings. The leaders, Mrs. elements of design. We were Roulston and Mrs. Murray, dis- then giVen a 'general outline on cussed history, 'design, and colour. the project, and the leaders showed us samples of what they had made at training school. Learning Lassies We closed with the 4-H Creed. The second meeting of Luck- On Thursday, February 1, at now #3 club was held on January 7.00 p.m. at Mrs. Ritchie's home the Lucknow No. 1 opened 31. at 7.00 p.m. in Lucknow their second meeting by repeating Central Public School. We open- the 4-H Pledge. Rhonda Gibson ed, with the 4-H Pledge. One member .was absent. We decid- read the minutes of the last ed to call our' club the Lucknow meeting.• Audrey Ritchie then gave the treasurer's report. "The Paint Puddlers. girls decided that Lucknow We then had a discussion of Learning Lassies would be, the club block printing.examples and mat-. name. White bristol board will erials on which to print. We be used for the book covers. The looked th/ough a. wallpaper book , - roll call was answered by, six girls. and discussed elements of design and colour , while looking for Mrs. Ritchie demonstrated llow to make a design on a potato with' printable design. the members all trying it. Mrs. Hamilton'and Mrs. Conley Next week the 'members areto then demonstrated potato printing. bring two art gum rubbers and two The girls proceeded to 'make new pencils to try something designs and print a single print, different. The next meeting is' an overall design, and a boider at the Lucknow Public School print. Our extra vegetables were at 7.00 p.m., The meeting was turnip, a radish., and an onion. closed with the 4-H Creed. We closed with the 4-H Creed. Shower Held For Bride-Elect WHITECHURCH NEWS On Saturday evening 4-H girls and friends of Miss Theltha Purd- on gathered at the, home of •Mrs. Peter Chandler when Helen chandler and Cathy Cannon enter- tained the,gathering with games and contests after they had-the bride to be, seated confortably in a chair bedecked with pink and white streamers and balloons. The gifts were brought in from the adjoining room by Celia Chandler. Among the many gifts were'hlanketS, salt and peppers, pyrex dishes, Salad bowls cookware, cake' plates. Thelma thanked the girls for their gifts and kindness in giving this shower for her. Lunch°Was then served by the hostesses. Doodly Dozen The• second meeting 'of the, Lucknow No: 2 4-H club was held. Monday evening. • The 4,-11 Pledge was repeated in unison. Roll call "3 basic -colour schemes", was answered by 12 members. The minutes of the last meeting were adopted •as read. The treas- urer's report was given by Elaine Whitby. . Club names were discussed and it was decided on "Doodly Dozen" suggested by Lorraine Boyle. Dis- cussion included 'materials on which to print. Methods of Transferring Design to Block and Methods of •Printing °a Design, Potato- cuts was the Group Work. Each girt used a potato to make a design on paper. Many attract- ive designs were the result. The meeting closed with the 4-H Creed. Sheller Family On. Cliff Murray Farm ST, HELENS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. John Shetler and family, of Sterling moved to the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Mur- ray on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Martin visited his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. David G. Martin'at Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kleihauer • Rostock on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs,. Charlie McDon- ald are holidaYing in .Florida, Wesley Dahmer of Galt spent a few days with his daughter , Mrs. Sheldon Martin and Mr. Martin. Eleiren tables enjoyed the Shoot Party in the hall on Thursday night. • High prizes went to Mrs. Jim Erringtori and Gordon Godkin of Wingham with second high going to Mrs. Frank Ross of Wingham and Pete Jeffer-.. son. Novelty prizes went to Lorne Forster and Ross Errington. The , next shoot party •Will be February 156,