HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-02-07, Page 12,;• hfield Church 11V`ill Mark 125th Anniversary_ Plans are being made to cele- brate-the 125th anniversary of the founding of the. Ash. ;old Presby— • terian congregation. . • • In the early years of settlers arriving'frorn Scotland and set - rling in the Lacha.Ish'area, a :to% HoWtoNie ttettoiN0*^e LUCKN9W UNITED HURCH Rev, Nicholls, B.A. Minister FEBRUARY 11th Stmday School • 11 a.m. Morning Worship Those wihing transportation to church contact Win. G. Hunter 528-274 POINT TO PONDER Clothes don't make the man; he must build his character from Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev.• Glenn Noble, RA., SD. Minister Phone 528-2740 FEBRUARY 11th 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship ,ava...aoaaaaa."4"aa"44...444.a.,%., LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Sternpvoort Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.ni. Service VISITORS WELCOME rt, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, Dl THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL, LUCKNO.V4 ONTARIO atea second manse was built and is now the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacKenzie. The Rev. John Ree accepted • a Call in.1892. Ile remained for four years and before another. • minister was called, it was dee= PAGE TWELVE. New President Of MaitICind Pre$byteritil Of The • _ Though the attendance was Evan Keith, Kinloss, expressed, small: the spirit was strong as St. courtesies, mrs. Janies English, Andrew's church, Wingham, the new president, closed the again opened -its doors for the meeting with prayer:, annual meeting ofthe •Maitland The neW officers are: Hon. Pres. Presbyterial On January 9. Mrs:. Geo. Sutherland, Ripley;" A friendly welcome was ex- • Past Pies. , Mrs. A. Mundell, pressed in the serving of a hot • Belmore; Pres. Mrs. J. English, cup.of-coffee. Beautiful flowers Wingharn; 1st Vice Pres. Mrs. adorned the chancel and folloW-, Mel Ritchie, Kincardine; 2nd ing the Executive Meeting in the, Vice Pres. Mrs. D. Robertson, Llpper Room, rousing organ rims- Kinlough; 3rd Vice Pres. Mrs. F. is by Mrs. Donald Robertson, -MacLeod, Ripley; 4th Vice Pres: Wingliam„ preceded. the call to Mrs. Larne Sparks, South Kinloss; worship, invocation, and prayer. Treas. Mrs. Evan Keith, South by Mrs. Alvin. Mundell; Belmore, Kinloss; Historian Mrs. IL Mac- (retiring president). The praises of hymn 15.Were Kenzie, Aslifieldi Ass't Historian Mrs. Gordon Wall,Wingliam; sung folloWed by devotions based secretaries - Recording . on Psalm 31;*1-24 conducted by Mrs. • K. J. Rooney , Ripley; Cor- Mrs. Clarke Matheson: MrS. Wm.. responding Mrs. R. H. Armstrong, clifrs. Gerald Gib- Wingharn; Afrevareein Groups Mrs.a ,• seat of &listen. 'Cordial ' Walter Balla'ghTlreesivater; Even,- greetings were expressed by MrS. ing Groups Mrs. Jack-MacDonald, Robert McKague, Wingham. Lucknow; Girls Groups Mrs. Hugh Mrs. K. J. Rooney ,,Ripley, Armstrong, Teeiwater; Children's' presented- the minutes of the 1972 Groups Mrs. Robt. Campbeli„ annualaneeting and called the Wingham; Home Helpers Mrs. roll. This led to the reportS of Wm. Beirns, ListOwel; *F.riendship the varions secretaries.. Some and Service Mrs. Glen Haldenby, facts revealed from these were a Kinlough; Literature and Library slight decrease in membership but Mrs. John MacLean, • •-• increased ,givings; a great deal of Ripley; Glad 'Tidings interest and involvement in the Mrs. Angus Wilson, Sr. Kincar- carrying on of Out missionary' dine; Press Mrs. Gordon Mundell,. effort in every department from Bluevale; Supply Mrs. Robt., Ar- . the. C.O.C. right through to the buckle, Wingliani; ,Life Member- , work Of the senior members; many ship Mrs. BUrns Moffatt, Bluevale; suggestions' for methods and means Without Portfolio Mr'S. W. De, ofenlarg,ing our circle in the Campbell, MolesWorth; Mrs. g. community, and interesting others McAuley, Ripley, Mrs. Wm: in the work through the, Friendship Smith, Gorrie. • and Service division; one even- Auditors arefrom Wliitechurch ing auxiliary and one afternoon and Langside. Nom. colt. group closed down; no Wingham Evening, Teeswater training sessions or -workshops for whitechurch, Ashfield, meMber ' • leaders were:held; some secretat- of Executive Mrs: A. Mundell. ies filled 'to submit a report; IS4 Synodical- delegates are Mrs. embers subscribed to the Glad Diglish, Mrs. A. Mundell,"Mrs. gs allocation for 1973 W. D. Campbell, Mrs. Evan ccepeed by the meeting) is Keith, Mrs. Robt. Cainpbell, foa the General Fund and and one representative from each $800. plus three quilts for the Bluevale, Dungannon, Gorrie, Supply' Fund. , Kincardine, and Kinlough. The afternoon session opened with a hymn arid devotions by Mrs Ral4gh, Mrs. Jack Mcicague; and, Mrs. T. J. McKinney of Teeswater, roil call and urifinish- ed A. Mundell introduced „Nliss Mary Lou Fureton as a registered nurse „aa. graduate of .art College in. ristian Educa,- don who tas served in the Presby- teries of Brandon, Man. and in Westminster, B.C. After two year leave of absence in Austra- . lia and Scotland, she returned' to be Educational Research Person ors National Church office Fersten road-acted a biz y im,:eles.-0,azd it:kr:native , need for a church was 'felt by shop Cc tau:: 7- resource mz.tcla is. -fthese G<)cl. loving folk, and .the aaaaactag actella ale service was held in Gaelic : the farm of Alexander ,are beszers made w ita eictures • NlacKenzie , •near the lake. The azti reciLbes fro:1i =a:ea:eines; zev": 3.ambillets for — set ond con- 21=0E1 waS" held on tact,aa< eraaas an c - Red. Duncan MacRae's farm across t. o:.1,--settes to :cc pa :he sr:id% , from. the _.Cchlal school or 7e•ccle suz,, w:b.ere :Le eaek is now located. it STILL AVAILABLE 44 Before The Age of Miracles , • Memoirs of a Country Doctor BY 'DR. W. VICTOR JOHNSTON' $6.4?5 Purpose. • The United Church Women had one 'of the best years ever, rais- ing' over $3500 for 'all purpOses.., They sent $1500 to the Mission and Service. Fund. Programmes_ and activities have been exciting and varied and have provided much help and stimulation to all involved. Another report which showed a busy and worthwhile program was that of the Twen- ty-ene girls from the United, Presbyterian and Anglican ' Churches inLueknow raised $209."50 to suppOrf Their"Foittr Child in Peru; $135.81 for UNICEF Hallowe'en Fund with the help of the Public School children; • as. well as 'their operating funds. They have -also provided a ser- : vice to the community by show- ing feature length family films and, by presenting a Christmas Candlelight Service. Along with this rhey have had fun and fellow- ship and programmes fer spiritual self-enrichment, During the year the congrega- tion held three, events which deepened the feeling of fellow- ship in the congregation. A FamilyFun Night was held in February, a Congregational Picnic .icled.that he must, be able to preach in both Gaelic and Eng- lish. Thus Rev. Alexander Millar became minister and was also remembered foehis musical talents. -- ' :On May 28, 1900 the session Successful- Year AiLOCknOW. United , Church Reported At AnnualMeeting, Lucknow United Church had a was held in June, and in Deceni. successfaryear during 1972 accord ing to reports presented at the Congregational Annual Meeting, The treasurer indicated that en- velope givings were higher than the•year before and that the con- gregation met all obligations. • The Building, Fund Loan has been• reduced to $4800 tluough, givings, memorials and the large donation from the United Church WoMen. - The Mission and Service Fund showed an increase of $400 above last year with 'a total of $5093 sent to Toronto for this her the Trinity United Church .. Choir from Wallaceburgareated all who Ira nrtdattahs. emAtolanwg with t two rood: folkern regular activities of'the congregi tier' these added much 'to tile coongthreegrarteipc.);;ts' w interest and involvhiecmhewnteroef rtleleee i ed • as printed ni the Anntial Rep,'; came from the 8ession, the'Offic ial- Board , the Sunday School, the Messengers, the Youth croup; the Choir, and the Memorial and Gift. Committee. Each showed a satAisfabuccitogreyt yfoerar$.16• .701 for 1 ,973 was adopted. A matter of the need for a new roof on the main' church building It'Sr d S. referred to . the OftigfriErgard for further ac: Thelifficial Board repOrt that a goal cf $4900 for the Mission and Service Hind has b accepted in consultation with the Bnice Prestytery. The matter of planning for a special Live/Love Project for this year was referred to the Official Board. The folloWing people, were appointed t6 fill vacancies on the Official Beard: 'Session: Raynard Ackert, John Pritchard, Vern Hunter,' each for .a five year ter Stewards: Alan Johnson and Tom Andrew , each for a five year term. Mel Morrison and Helen Thompson were appointed as Pre • bytery Representatives with Ed- .gar Watson 'as alternate. The meeting was held follow a pot-luck lunch following the I morning worship ore February 4 :1 with about 40 people inattend- ance. Rev. Nicholls was in the chair and Mel Morrison recorded the proceedings. The rneeting adjourned at 3.20 p.m. with minor uncompleted business ref red to the Official Board. met with the', congregation to -talk about the erection of a new. 'church. This Church. w4s built in 1906 •by the late -John Robert. 'son of R ipley and stands to this day a a:. land mark to the Lochah community. It 'has seen many Changes throughout the years., • 1( n T1 hur lot nd y, orn ee ve or T1 •g d II( int e on. SS urr ud he es T 4 1 al d OE MAIL ORDERS 'ACCEPTED AT SAME PRICE AVAILABLE AT • THE LUCKNOW SENTINE i the ...ibririaz; :a:ines of, or tr.r.,ellers tic the la ad betz,:g studleci; child- ren's aid wcrkers; irt.thc net..rses; local mimsaert; etc. • , Important eve=s a:-a-lanced , foe the near future •.-aaa_ the St,,irloci-1 ica 1 an Aped iC an,Lin. St. kadreWIS.. Biep.M1,1 Conference on. May 4, 5 and na-e; Speang Presbytereael MoIesworth. Mrs.: Ha: em, Ktaticss,. riaa • • be report of he acraa-aareng rearree. Rea . :Parrbt, A.:=1.-crag• bat:aright geetzangs toCk chatle„of the L.'llte-tat14.1.E of the k:er Mtn. • aces a gene: al meetiar, place for, e: ears. Later a church was erected near where :he North AshfieId Sehocl no,;,, stands and :services w eee' held in the ;rove ,of trees for some time OR Z11;' farm new owned by Atdrew Bark re.D ., Frem .the of the first meettaa• until the arst rairriSter was :called, several.new members had arrived from Scotland. Duaing ministry, manser was built. Ater some 4.as "-ssized to Re • t'L,:eznefr; ii,iabfct.a7,„, He was well rernea7 .aeret eor 113 , i=eatr tuts ta peaati4 and darrina'a ' • tar- Dr. Jolthston was born in' West Wawanosli Township and was a general practitioner in Lucknowu for thirty years. His book reflects his life and practice in this community.