HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-02-07, Page 8Sepoys Defeat
Listowel 6-4
Lucknow Sepoy Intermediate
Hockey main finally managed
to pull out a win over ListoWel
in their final meeting of the year
here on Sunday afternoon in a
real crowd pleasing game. The
final score was, 6-4 for Lucknow.
Listowel and Lucknow played
6 games in the schedule with
Listowel winning 3, tieing '2 and
,Lucknow -winning 1.
ListoWel took a 2-0 lead in
the first period but Lucknow
stormed back to take the lead and
played, real good hockey to win.'
The game featured real good hard
hitting hockey.
Scoring for Lucknow were: John
Ernbeilin unassisted, Mike Courts:
ney from Dave MacKinnon, Rus-
sel Moncrief from Stevenson and
Bill Chisholm, Mac Kinnon 'from .
Emberlin Moncrief from Allan
Andrew and Doug Stevenson, Morr
crief froin Stevenson and Allan •
Next home game is. Friday •
night with Milverton, game time
is 8.30 p.m.
High sine of the evening
went to Jak Conley with• a score
of 261.
John Rudder had high triple
with a score of 799.
Games over 225, Jake Conley
261, '241; John Fludder'256, 244;
Bob Cranston 246, John Ember-
lin 245, Rick Orr 236, Wayne
Rhody 226, .226; Gerald Rhody
Team points „Owls 2,- Cardin-
als 7, Vultures 5, Hawks 5,
Sparrows 2, Crows 0.
Team standings, Wayne
Rhody's Owls 43,' Evans Helm's
Cardinals 64, Ron Stanley's
Vultures 79, George Stanley's
Hawks 79, Art Purney's Sparrows
45, George' Humpluey's Crows
New: season ,high triples rolled
this week with many outstanding
scores to report.
Star bowler for the ladies was
Marion MacKinnon as she cap-
tured the season's high triple with
764. Marion also had this week's
high Single of 298. Congratula-
tions Marion!
Ladies over 225 were: Marion
MacKinnon. 298, 283; Marie Stew.
art 288, 225; Mary Fisher 280;
Jessie Joynt 280; Gwen Caesar
275; Joanne Searle 263; Beatty
Irwin 231; Fern MacDonald 226;
Helen Dickson 225
Bill Stewart stepped' into glory,
with a 373 single and the season's
high triple of 964. , Congratula-
dons Bill! Honourable mention
goes to Bill Searle with a nice
833 triple.
s' 7 p.m.
• •• Luclmow Juvenile hockey team
defeated Kincardine 5-4 in a
game here Friday night.
Jim Murray scored twice for
Lucknow with singles going to Bob
MacGillivray, Dale Hunter and
Dave Black.
The next Juvenile home game
is. February•li at 4 p.m. with
Port Elgin, "
House League
Hockey Results
On February 3rd, in the first
game, the•Stars defeated the
Sabres 5 to 2. John Crawford,
Doug Dougherty', Paul, Dougherty,
Henry Van Dyke, Maurice Ver-
hulst tallied for the Stars while
Brent Pollock and Steven Frayne
scored for the Sabres.
In the second game the Seals
edged the Kings' 2 to 1. Ronnie
Moran and Meikel Becker scored
for the Seals and John Edisbury
replied for the Kings.
In the third game-the Canucks
edged the Flyers 4. to 3. Bernie
Van Osch with 2 goals, Frank
Van Aaken and Tom Henderson
registered the goals for the Can
ucks while Henry Van Roy, Rick
Hannan and Wayne Bell tallied •
for the Flyers.
Febniary 10th schedule, Can-
ucks vt Sabres 10.00; Kings vs
Stars 11.00; Flyers vs Seals 12.00.
Milverton Take
Sepoys By 14-8
Lucknow Intermediates visited
Milverton, on Friday 'night and
scored enough goals to win Most
games, but their defence, corps
didn't hold up too goed on, the
blue line as Milverton, romped „
in time and time again to bomh
Greg Hunter and. Gary Suttqn with
shot after shot until they thought
at times they must have been
in a Shooting gallery. Even'
the goalie'at the other end was
busy in a wide open ftee wheel-
ing game that saw very few pen-
The score was 4-3 at the end
of the first period but Lucknow
never Managed to get close as
Milverton scored 5 goals in the
second to Lucknow's 2.
Scoring far•Lucknow were;
MacKinnon from Courtney,/
Ernberlin from MacKinnon, Allan
Andrew from Ross Forster. and.
Bill Chisholm, John Emberlin •
from. Ken Houston, Dave Mac-
Kinnon from John.Ernberlin and
Mike Courtney, John Fludder• •
unassisted, Dave MacKinnon
from John Emberlin. Allan 'And-
rew froth Ross Forster..
Fleas Tie 2-2
Lucknow and Ripley. Fleas tied
2-2 in a hockey game at Ripley
"January 31.
Ripley-scorers were Terry kwin
and Brent Hodge with assists
going to Jeff Stanley and Mervin
Storey. , '
Lucknow marksmen •were David .
Emberlin and Paul Maclntyre..
Brian Taylor, had two Assists and
Donnie Greer 1.
Pee Woes -Win
One, Lose One
The Inclincm Pee. Wee hockey
team played two games this past
week. On-Friday they were down-
ed 7-1 by the Teeswater club.
Ron Johnson scored Lucknow's
lone goal. '
On Monday night, the fans saw
them in better forni as they tronn7
ced Brussels 7-2. Kevin
Kilpatrick and Eric Cayley each
counted twice with David Erring-
ton, Jim Van Osch and Mark
Frayne getting singles.
Next home game will be Mon-
day night at 7 p.m.
Fleas .lose
Blyth Fleas defeated Luckncw
4-2 here in a game played"Jari-
nary 19. " ••
Goal scorers for• Lucknow were
Allan Eadie from Don Greer; Dori
Greer from,,Allan Eadie
Mens' 9 p.m.
A new 'high triple of 866 was
rolled -this week by Clarence
Greer. Congratulations! In,
runneroup position was Bill Stew-
art with 716. Other good triples
were Mel Dickson's 706, Harvey
Culbert's 684,, Jack Caesar's 86'7 ,
Donald MacKinnon's 648, John
Rutherford's "647.
Harvey Culbert rolled the high ,
single 331, followed closely by
Clarence Greer's 329.
' Other games over 225: Clarence
Greer• 292, 245; Mel Dickson 286,
263; Jack Caesar 267, 234; Bill
Stewart 260', 240; Bill Sproule
249; John*Rutherford 2,49; Fr.
Dentinger 246; Donald MacKin-
non 244, 240; Hugh Todd 238;
Al Johnson 237; Harold Ritchie
235, ••232i Ted Cooper.233; Barry'
McDonagh 233, 228. •
Team points: Grant Chisholrn's
Mustangs 0,' Clarence Greer's
Poraiacs '7; Bill Stewart's Fords
7. Bill Button's Dodges 0; Jack
Caesar's Olds 5 ', Howard Agnew's
Buicks 2.
Team standing: Pontiacs 70, ,
Fords 69, Buicks 67, Mustangs'
61., Olds 51, Dodges 39. •
Tie Beigrave
. • Lucknow and Belgrave Fleas
'tied 2-2 in a hockey game in
Lucknow on Saturday.
Goal scorers for Lucknow were
Art,Clark from Glen Ra.yriard and
David Gibson, assisted by Art,,
Novice Take
Teeswater Twice
Ladies 9 p.m.
Marie. Stewart bowled high
single with 221. Marie alsorolled
high triple with 611,
Games 200 and over; Marie
Stewart nl and '213, Lynn Wall
218, Mary Cleland 289, Mary
Fludder 217.
Team points: Marianna Porter's
Peppermints 2, Dean Agnew's .
Gumdrops 5; Grace Hoprs Jelly •
Beans 2, Marie Hoffman's ,Choco-
lates 5; Lorna Guars Lollipops 2.,
Barb Sanderson's Ju Jubes 5.
Team standing; Chocolates/87,
Jelly Beans 76, Gumdrops 72, • •
Ju Jubes 70, Peppermints 58,
Lollipops 57. •
Ladies 6:30 p.m.
Jessie Joynt was 'top howler on
Monday evening with ,a 268 single
and 622 triple.. Good bowling
-Games of 1200 and over: Jessie
Joynt 268, 212, Marion MacKin-
non 208, 218, Marie Greer 215,
Mildred Camercin 204, Jean. Phil-
lips 202,
Team points: Kathleen •MacDon
ars Oysters 7', Bell Mole's Shrimps
0; Carol Martin's Crabs 5, Isobel
Miller's. Lobsters 2; Janet MacPher-
son's Scallops 4, Vana Gammie's
Clams 3. -
Team standings: Clams'76,
Scallops '75, Lobsters 72, Oysters
7I, Crabs .66 ;Shrimps 60.
Town & Country
Ladies high single was bowled
by Anna Dexter at 177 with Vera
Purvis a close second with. .a score
of 172. Ladies high double was
taken by Anna Dexter with a
score of 340.
For the men it was Earl Swan
with a top single at 204 and Bill
Sproule close at 198: Howard
-Barger taking the high double
with a score of 362. • .
Team points: Les Purvis' Violets
5, Mel King's Yellows 0; Al
Irwin's Oranges 5 Clarence Bell's
Blues 0; Earl McDOnald's Greens,/
3, Harry Lavis' Reds 2.
Standings; Violets 62, Greens
54, Yellows 52,' Rech 42, Or--
anges 41, Blues 34.
Lucknow took both games in
their horne and home series with
the Teeswater Novice in the past
week. ItuLucknow on Monday,.
January 29th they defeated the'
Visitors 4 to 1.
Mike'Dennis led the Lucknow ,
scorers with 2 goals. Donald
Elliott had 2 assists, Stephen,
Simpson and Larry MacPherson
had 1 goal each and Paul Harrill -.
tan, Doug Dorscht, Paul Murray,
Blair Alton and Alan Rivett had
1 assist each.
On Friday night, February 2nd .
in Teeswater, Lucknow came out
on top by a score of 6 to 1. Scor,,
ing in this, game were Stephen
Simpson 2:goals and 1 assist,
Doug Dorscht, Larry. MacPherson
and. Paul Murray 1 goal and 1.
bassist each, Donald Elliott ,1 goal,
Paul Hamilton, Brad Humphrey
and Mike. Dennis'l assist each.
This week tbe boys have two
games with Brussels on' Wednesday
in Brussels and Friday night at
7.00 p.m. in the Lucknow arena.
Lucknow will be out for revenge'
after' losing to this team in the
Sea forth tournament. Come bn
out and support the boys and see .
'some real' good hockey. These
youngsters Will surprise you With
their style ofplay.
On Wednesday, January 31' the.
Listowel Novice played an• Exhib-
ition game with the local team
and defeated our boys 3 to 1.'
Donald Elliott got 'Lucknow's only
goal, unassisted. •
Men over 250 were: Bill Stew-
art 373,, 302, 289; J3ill Searle
300, 293; Jack Caesar 288; Clar-
ence. Greer 280; Harvey Culbert
256; Mel Corrin 255; Lorne Cook
253; Donald MacKinnon 251• .
Team standings are: Tigers
100, Cubs 81, Beavers •81, Zebras
80 , Wolverines 62, Chipmunks
59', Coons 59, Gophers 56, Squirm
reds 55, Ka.ngaroos 52, Lions 39,
Pole Cats 32.,
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