HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-02-07, Page 7CRAWFORL MOTORS'
HPYStE rf. [I' P' YY r
PHONE 73574962
1970 PLYIKOUT}141.illX, 2,door•baidtoPt itluiPPOeradio
1969 DOItrg Coronet 4 door, 6,automatic wiatradio
1968 1' Custom 2 door,.8.autoniatie, power .ateering
and 'b es
1970 AMENS snowmobile
a •
following article appeared
..10rysi weekly
paper under the heading
Idale flews,
;006-cps, information from
.Mrs 'Albert Hertzler ,
aly of the Kinloug4 area in
ragticay. •
4 4ippffig.waserir To..ntir •
lide74Orre,pPriderit a-Jean.
g. by aIgniter Latigsidaimid •
Roy„cOblentz, noW living
ANisitito•Para0figy • •
iSttzfall.isorne former.:: neigh;
s: of wotirs, Mr...and •:Mrs,
it.t.tilertzler and family, left
tivesandfrierids in fariaway
iguay.'•They'•haye ieseaped
attlieTigourS of our; .Ontario
.er to 'the. stirn-Mer.'weather •.
tpieal.Sauth America: MrS...
tzler,:'the . farmer :Martha.
written 'some. very.
resting .letters to her fathere
.Levi. Troyer.. and family. I •
=their 'permission to .share
you' -Martha's imPressions
ie:totmtry to which some of
:relatives 'and: •friends..:enii-
edaiew year's agb;.. • •
you look at. a good -map. of •
aguay a yoti sliould be able to'
to :the town 'of `It iladelfia;
:o.-than-..t.Wo 'hundred miles
.hw.est of 4Suncion, -the .cap-
This land is, known as .the
co, and 'aceording to my
is; it is edescribed as a
irie-like area with .many
scrub 'thorn trees-;,'
it. cacti: -.and .alkali. ;flats
tie ranching is -Sparking
lament in :this section of The
ntry .':where •.-- native a6uarani.
SWAY; 'F•kBRUA•ft'7111i'l'173.
s f life
ir.ii4aps live.
'The liertzler family, Albert,
martha r •and their 'Children Alvin'
Louis, 'fancy, and 'Katie, .arriv-
frt•AstmeiOXI•nY 1:0aae,vand a
bus took :them the rest of the
way; But Irma here .on, let
.Martha tell it,. •
`We arrived in •Asuncion on a
Thtirsday afternoon and it was'
75 degrees which. really seemed
• Warm _after being; used to
, aipconclitiOning all the way. Our
larntly oroWdedintti a • small' taxi
after we Were through customs
and drove us to a •:Place where
we slept ,until two.,night;
‘whent the bus:tame to take us-to
• the Chaco: Welled a,, ride ,we
won't •sion lorget.•',The bus was
smalLz.and ,seatOSese together.
Its Avas so :0104••and rickety-
taekety you .had to be .careful
' you .didn't. go down through the
'floor'. There was 'no hood over
.the motor :'-'The ;temperature was
,..coinfortablefer travel Ahongh.
We picked 'up more passen-
.gers.gbefore we were /out• of,
• .Asuncion-apd everybody's bgg-
„age was ',Crammed behind. the
.back seats of the bui. Ourtinnk
!and s'uitcaSes• were tied citiMie of
.the -bus. But of .:one-tinning we
were thankful,' .nobody hadc• to
.stand They don't have a
stepping: lace when it comes to
•,triemumber of people a buS will
hold. They pack -them in •like
'sardines. Oftimes they're in
Such poor condition- and over-
'loaded, they break down or have'
flat tires, then you can sit it out
• until, it's fixed,, which usually
isn't in a:htirry,.Luckily we got
'through all right, Travelling was . •
so .dusty 'it wasn't long ' before
you •couldn't tell. the Colour of
the diaper satchel,and. try to.
imagine how we -all 'looked and
telt, ••
The, road was; so • rough you.
bad go brave ' • yourself ,.all the
time. to keep from falling .out.
Somet,Mies it was so rough ;yew
hating:0 right, off the seat ,01-10.
the .baggage atmost. hit the
, ceiling. You just can't imagine it
. along we saw eattle grazing by
the roadsidet•,SOrne laid righti in
the • centre' pf,!he . road. We
passedysorne,nigffierds of 'cattle
that viredtiept driven on the •
ro IVIanyy st have. had• a • , h fired Ore. catt.le, Louis
,,W#S hOlierfn t • gf the ,window
at'the cattle telling them to get
out of the way
' We passed many. an oxcart
loaded with cane Stalks. The
driver had no lines, just guided,
them along with a long; pole..
Another thing of interest 'was the
homes we: passed.' Some were.
adobe homes whitewashed like
the-houses in this doff. (Farhily:
Village). 'But where the Indians
lived they just built a shelter
with a grass roof. You:could see
right ,in where 'their beds, table;
etc. were. Pots and. pans were-
hanging' . in trees. I :Saw . an
Indian woman beside a water
hole with , a big wooden wash
basin washing clotheS..I saw, lots
,ot 'places where they hung
..clothes over fences and on trees
• to dry. .
Th6•. bus stopped at different.
water holes along the road'
whenever' they got 'thirsty!' The '
. water 'looked so filthy you can't
hardly believe people. would
drink out of thern.'but they .did,
. Now I Must tell Yon abOut the
weather. yet. • For: about a week
after we came it. was Hot! Day
after day. got hotter until .it was'
up • to 116 'degrees and With a hot
north wind• blowing sand we got .
so dusty • from sweating, The
wind just felt like 'the air 'off a
hot motor. Qn the w_.ay out from.
Asuncion by has.' SorrietuneS, a •
puff. of• hot wind .hit us., and
looked to. see where the brush.
fire was. but didn't see a thing.
person .cOUlde't 'imagine a
wind 'so hot: it was so dry. there '
was' one time there wail ,
humidity. Then on :Friday fore-
nonn 'after anout' a, week 'here,
'the cool wind came. and oh such
a ?weitione wintivesiiteldiy44eVer
appreciated more:. It. dropped le
• eq aegrees: which by Saturday
telt So• cool we. went •tor• our
shoes and coats,.I.t finally rained
a little,' toe • •
'Here it is very Slippery when
ru•st like, ',grease IT you
arefi't on the sand. gut it is verr.
dusty whoa the what blows.
sand silts . into .the :•lioases and
into the food and water and
mita : When You clean out your
plate when you :eat., it is. grits'
Taare s a pne •sand drifted to.
Mont of the 'house Wnere. a vine
is growing snade, ye snould
sho\''i t au ai . Around twee
everybody gets-clay and out+ it
around their houses and iawn,i,
it baketi hard and isn 't so dirt:'
They use a straw Afrootn and
sweep:it up to clear, • •
Inuit the‘, no , e,
.tioy c • ui ntowerti'2
her€ nev t Niiti
t:e ivory . no:,
hake mu speces
grown-1:4 In-) art a weed trite
naru al get rife''. .c fir
hang then ox ei len :2, 'and i•
lust one tnteri guts into tile' Scfi'
it Vw tit Start to gro:', some nalq.
vc v' oeautitet moan. espe:.
to ty "Otieen pot Nig?..,
It opens up at mght ano when. i
Iw 0. again it, dies ef. Dan',
brougn a tlie'rver '01, to snow ,f
WIC 'ii ,M,a,! a rare boati,'Y At is
,tai p t; SIP e farkk:( v.?
1-1111V1i. 41a ewe r
mere beauteul win graceeii
•ei • N '1f etia' •Oil
etc '0. Ift,f11 I 11 111101 at
51 ,0% it VOU (10Tit bof
beaete.rt'1 ele ianuscae
1 Si' gettir 4 the:
J, S
• right through the sole ot a shoe .• ijanet. die not place in the tbl
Or tear holes in pant: three we are still proud of hea.
H Antsanother pest The 'judges 'at the scnooi were
, . ,
yerye first, everting we we're here 1 Iri:s..124.ae Ot,i)u0annou,
I toi'N goi• of Nancy Coilver ot aucknew arid
tirst, inought• when heard .her. Q • u
screaming was that a snake got
. ner,but it. was 'ants.' They really •
can :bite that it tArts. 'T01.1. can
see then: ' paths wn•ene they
travei mane-. it s to wonder
1 there ; a re ant ea&rs around..,
• things you learn 'Co , eat that we
wouldn't'. have' before, '
Food isn't nearly. as ;plentiful .
as .what we. were used” to, but
they say nobody ever starved
from . hunger. The diet consists .
mainly .01 starch foods. - bread,
noodleS'•and, , Eggs seern .
pleotitut. 'they have' no
vegetables or :fresh fruit at •
preseat.. it s' so. dry - even' the
leaves et tne fruit trees 'are • i from grade eight , Janet Farrish'on
i etiquette , Susan Wagler on UPC'', 'curling up. They had grapefruit,
but tbay fiver past when 'wo I Elaine Stewart on the' History of • :
came: /.4.a,/.. year this- ,I .Darigannen,' Mary Anne 'Altbn .on
i.Interests and Brian HoWes on 'Ex- • .they had 'lots Of waternielon. • •
• There are lets of . thoins The 41,41•ailers'were
around. some of 'teem. grow ek ti i Anne Alton, Janet Farrish and
Susan W a gier . .1Via ry *Anne -and. weeds, and. certain kinda burn.
like tyre 'when you.' step. into IStisan ,goon the Legion come
they In . the woods . ne'arby., 1 On February 1st, Janet traVell
.eVeryttung ras thorns and sorne • i tot Vvingnarn tO•take part in.t
I are. very ,wicketl• poke, rune& Competitioh. Although
On Monday , Jatuary 29th the
yce were here, Abase 'weE'
Mites mat cra‘N't aft() the eyes kl't
CO \VS were, so .o.A, they crawled
into our .eyest. Last nigh' I pulled
tieK out 01 my skin after trynai..
A ton on Wasaga Zoo, Beverly, able; but we don't seem to. mind
it•anyrnore. At first I could taste Wilkins on Emily and David
Elliott on Lester 'Pearson. Grace • it in everything .we .ate. When on
.Alton, winner in this grade', will .the—bus, I -thought the .natives
-ate What.•isn't ev.enJit, tlut.r u ve; go to the Legion Contest along"
learned there are quite a few with Mary ,Anderson do February
16 t
Representing grade seven was ,
Jarie ThompSon on Cancer, An•.•
nette Hodges on Calgary
Stampede, Brian Arnold. on the
.Canada:. Russia Hockey Series and:
Brenda. Taylor on the Everglades.
'Winner in grade seven was Brenda
TaYidr. 'There were five Contestants
• • • ve ry Ise( ts a! f•-?,tIUM e rou,
also foe first few: morn
letter ,of. I' guess„ one of the
reason is ,that I'd like to , write
about everything,, but realize
catit.'"I'd need to write
half a. hook orepore. And I can
write about, alit _country. tint it's
so different you still couldn4„get
the feel or smell of the land. ,.The
notice smell so different is d- An
On v‘.tednesday ,':January 31 Bob
Snepnerd's team, me Flames tied
Rod Simpsdri's tea:et, trie 7tIgers
two speaking competitions were
held in the auditorium. Starting .
at nine o'clock the 'grade fives
were first. Speakers were Janet
Wilkins on gxtinct
Animals, ,„
Sharon Alto on Macintosh apples
and Bobby Hackett on Indians.
Winner n this grade was Sharon'
In grade six there .was Mary'
Anderson on Trip to East Coast ,
Brenda Brindley on Rabbits. Grace
J31 i\ianc\
On Frivay, January lath to t
cheerleaders lick; a, record hop
not: '.eroceeci totalling $,1):L .
went to the Student 6ounc.....,
aeeNit everytning imag.matile
' meal it iet loose. The toads art
wnopuc! .orpetirries they go,
in houses and one plant a nelgo
'bony s wife brushed one out n
. Lizaaro at numerou
• Vesterdar the chnoren' • killea •
one 1116 are it1§t mat; one.
around tile' IA.111(11110 but in tin
bush get targe They sae
Mil ale valuanie as they e'tif
One infra I hae about .
IS lt. 1.;.. \Try' quiet. X ou,hardi
see any traie::. 'It' maybe
aged one c,:ir or trtick a weeli
goy pa ,1 n e!, twit 'S tiro • .
mite. wet i coma` writ(
about pH' Inciters. anu Inow our.
noteie 14. triaee,• tie,o anout our
;pave , inavet t.(110E
I other you all 'Gael