HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-02-07, Page 6Y-P c..Julve! v e 11111 MORTGAGES firstleaill Stumm '7110011gogea Fo. 14111115 ivscoliospiky, The .1"1000W 0104711411Le 4UCKSOW ONTARIO till( 7th if Vou think that 'heart AiSease `and 'stroke hit onlY5the &her. e Ow's family, ISTUNt E' DIRK... Eighty' years of eeeer ire custom-building mortgage loans to fit the Purseandtheecircum- etaeces thotiseeds ot. Sat isfied cu st6 e „ 'that'sthe 'plus yOu get when you invite. V and tr5help you buy Or 'build. your 'home, Or Summer cottage. Or buy yhni, improved farm Friend:• reliable' know how you, epee David Aalders had prepared a 'paper, on. a.Variety Of horses:'the Tennessee Walker, Arabian Ouarter Horse Morgan and Perch- etc:in. Janice- Londry prepared a ' paper, on the Welch Pony which • she gave. These were both excel- lent papers and well presented. Ken vTaylor n will trieto hac tickets so interested membere•ca Zothrige ,Ainttler of rini0 Kixt6ton. rich 52443. t,,,, 4 The regular meeting of the ''Riderileciest 'Saddle-Club was held at the horne of Hugh Siena- enon in East Wawanosh with an 'attendance of :37 members and .' two visitors; One new member 'joined the-club, Linda. Pearson, giving a 'membership of 56, • 'Sadie 'MacMillan 'gave the. re - Tort of 'the lasteneetirig , also' the motto of the club which is: the objectives of the ;club: are to protnote safe and sepsible horse- Manship , to learn the 'functions end care of the horse: tharthe beginner and- the 'experienced share toegethereand that each mernber finds' the club both inforinative and enjoyable: also the club is open tOell interested persons both riders and non riders. Two types of meetings are held: barn meetings where there will be guest speakers ,.feleris .and topics, and riding meets where . the different aspects of horseman ship will be demonstrated. Opening and welcome''was done 'by' 'Hugh (or Bud as we like to call Win) and .a rubdown on the different breeds, of horses , was . given by •Carolyn Ta ylore, also . film and narration by Carolyn and Bud.' Upon arriving in .Listowel the Bells' urchased an interest, in the Listowel Dairies frornhis uncle, :Clayton Bell John Bell Operaied'the dairies in '•partner- • ship with John,,Mantsch until selling out to Clyde Mock on Dec- ember 1, 1958. • Mr. Bell then, joined the Lond- on Life Insurance Co. in May, and in September he and his faen-. 'ily left Listowel for the Festival . City.. While he lieed ie Listowel, few men could par'allei John Bell's energetic Career in, torn- n . unity serviee. His first major undertaking was the spearhead- ing of a drive to instals a light- ing eysteni Mernorial Park; His interest in theInter- County Listowel Legionnaires Base.' ball Club earned him the title . of "Mr., Baseball' in Listowel. He was also' a drivipg force be- hind the pOstewar campaign which gave Listowel a new artificial ice arene. For: many years he sere- ed as a member of The Arena Commission. 16196.2 he was earn.- ed chairman of the Arena Rebuild- ing Committee which replaced the btritcture 'which collapsed in the disaster of #ebruary 28:1.95e. 'Mr. Bell also sparked the drive which resulted in the artificial ice curling rink. He was a charter Member of the Listow€1 Krn irieee Club. He, later joined the, Listowel Rotary Club. He was also member of the United Church, the Masonic'' Lodge , the The Bells had recently constte(e- oneBrian rt tondoe and one tiA 11 er Nits. Dwiolit (Miele .1 day, Mrs. Lawrence Edgar Of Atweel arranged, a mesical •pregrarn for Varnily Night: Themes in- troduced'the nurnbere and , ,gave a reading .:entitled "Albert and. The Lien", Mrs, Edgar prov- ided the plane acciereperemete for the evenieg,. Which included dance ,eunibere by .ceneen Edgar , Yielineelections by Lawrence Ede gar , Viggo and Paul Sorenson. Viggo Sorepson, who is a native of Denmark, :played,seetral.Daee ish seiectiops and his son, 'Paul, entertained With 4 member of vion al •solos, accompanying himself With anelectrie guitar. Mrs, .leu11; who is Mrs. Edgar's mother :, thanked 'the entertainers on behalf, of the residents. "Oneforin of "insurance" which should 'reduce 'the risk • of this happening, is ',compliance -with the 'guidelines set 'down an the g gested Code of Practice for the establishment and 'management of livestock operations. Having done this, the farmer :should fol.. low through by .applying for a 'Certificate of Compliance from the Ministry. ofthe Environment. expanded liv'estock operation in 'such a way 'that. he not pol- lute"the' environment nor be ob- jectionable to his neighbours (b), having a Certificate 'of Compli- ance Indicates that the tamer has been judged to be a "good" .fatmer as4 art as his 'pollution ,con- trol endeavours are conceried. `Thus, if"trouble should develop in the future, the farmer will have 'people such as the Ministry' of the. Environment, to testify lortim, 'not against him. This could 'be highly ,important evidence. Interested farmers 'should con- tact their local office of the Min- istry of Agriculture & Food 'for more information. ' -the 'rafters Must be , ( proper :size and spacing; 'trusses must be, designedand .;constructea so that all segrnentsnre ..Capable of to ing the imposed the nlates. supporting "the roof must be of vroper4ize and properly support-1 ed Ithis includes ail adequate Method of fastening to a nost so thatthe' joinVean develop, at least es*M Att uch strength as e plate itself);•thepoSts (or stung) must be;strongenough to transfer the load to 'Abe :footings (,-;r found: ietion) 'below; end the footings I must be Of,sufficient size to •trans- ! wii n tthhelieu t s I fer the load 'to the soil beneath: causing any movement .The point. :thee, is that any l`building must be built •poll that ) it has 'a .balatieed-design from top tie bottom; being 'concerned ottly enough: about "the: size. and snuffle of refters of Anisses 'alone is not E Reitman,. 'Agricultural Engineer 111600Wir SOLD - APIRASGED .•., 4141110111E0VOSIFPCK FAR 47 lore Street Om. , . . floOntre ThOort, 11R.10 1,11 00 1,1g ' 1 ntAitendance: New uronvie SPeeial music 'for thee Clinton, Cheieeien Reformed song service OnSondey evening ,Wea provided by Robert.ancl Ann VanDerEnde, teho.sattg duet, numbers. Aire' VanDerEnde 'led the service', which included 'the singing of eev- ieraleoftheeesidenie favourites, with Rev. Buekema in chaege of devotions. A group of ladies from the Wes- . ley Willis Church , Clinton , along with other friends, held a.party is the *nth Wing dining room on . Wednesday afternoon, .honouring Miss I/lee-Davies on her. 90th birth- Area Native WasTrominent In tommunity Work Bruce ~Farm iteport A' rood .deal of ,ferm huilding planning :is done at ,this time of year..AnyOne involved in ',making ,plana fog the construction -of 'new livestock buildings, ,orthe ',reined- „ellingiof existing ones, should con- 'JOHN •'BELL eider the lollowing.iteins. John lien -died of cancer T.ues-i CERTIFICATE OF ' day, January 30, en 3tratforce Geri , COMPLIANCE ld. - ' 'A .;moremtteution:be paid to all ,as- iety 'today is demanding • that 'Whether or,not.we like it, soc- eral Hospital. He was 58 yearS A native of Ripley arta , he liects tof4politition 'tontrol .-tair, went to Listowel in 1946 after he water and ,soil included, 'The received his descharge froth the tanner with :his livestock opera- Royal Canadian Air 'Force. -He 1-fionjla,. s a..1:00 tenti,.,,aIH sotirce of, poi- , held the rank of squadron..leader.ninon :and itiann certainly be.. in arid. was, awarded the .Order ofehe IiiithSe./,,befutustr.ine,teileisiets, doe.eespes.eveiallerythiny,iogr British-Empire =for his Services from ' ,.possible ,,,and :practical to reduce King George Vi. lie and .his ',wife, 'the potential to a. minimum.,Plan- the former Margaret Funston, also ;ninginthis'way may well 'avoid oldie Ripley area , were both 'unpleasant neighbourhood tibia- fortner •School teachers. :tions. --eviiielreotrici 'go .as far as courtactioll. 'ROOF DESIGN LOAD -goes without saying that roofs of all bifildings must, be designed and' constructed to take the Var- ious load's one could reasonably expect to be' applied fronitime to time. In this part of the country, the greatest single, load is that 'dile to aecutnulatiOn,of snow. ' Although not evident this year, still there is a Wide range of ex pected snow.. loading across the Province, With Southern Ontario having a relatively 'light 'loading; while parts of Grey ,and • Bruce can ekpeet 'one of 'the heaviest loadings. The practical 'signifi Carr cane() of this is the fact that a Listewel Golf and Cpuntie, n depend on youN tten ad seminar session at th( roof designed for ohe area will thday at Victoria and G • University of Guelph on March Club and a trustee on the List- not be satisfactory for another; the ,27th. Thesee.novies roves a roof must be built for the cort- ,, ow;e1 District'Secondary School Tbe r wn , lneke WitIntee ''eane ewe , of.Kineerdite tittete .1 trel • , , , porting' n Metal 'roof 'Meet be gerV.I.C1`,'q Wqre Delfl ' • are . ' ed A home at Point Clare. • In taking this one • step farther, Neat meetine will beheld Feb- Besides his wife, Mr. Bell e it soon becomes apparent that map' the leth, in the Felice,— . survived by his father Willi: not only must the rafters or , teuseeS be designed' and eon el ,,a , I ship roem of ler knew tInitee 'Bell „ Who presently resides at the I etreeted for ihe expected snow Churtt h. Mel? (Merle Hillside' Rest Home, Sebrineville: I load — the Whole.roof and root ,: support system must he treated to like Mabee/. This means that the girds or etripping tee- lcrt of things neetainine to tle •Beard.. ' ditions 'found in that partitular mid I ^are and welfare of the horse and epseed aecording, to the tbiekness area, C 0 - 0 F' BIG BONUS Corn Hyorids !Jest !Heti& "RIGHT FOR YOUR FARM” .,-.AVAILABLE t-c:e7e=e0iFeFeteet-=,c,tee 1963, 'he was appointed branch Proceeding in, thismannerdoes manager for the Stratford district two things:, a) it assists the PHO farmer in developing ins ,new or 1<incartilnP"On Fria, and profile of, the roofng d* 6"*"" CEREA_ GRAIN FORAGES roof nee. ,, It foie l(ie; 111: Yee ent i a ns, tai Cat tsett ou -.bet Pal fro: wit oft ,Mr ha‘ eit ef ber gra loe 07 Cie iste