HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-02-07, Page 44:71. oz.::://F:144... 141' 1..c/ P74 • 0 '4' e • ••• / / • ROVEN THE,-LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO„ • WEDNESDAY. 'FEBRUARY 7th, im PICTURE FRAMING our specialty, wood and metal. Sny- der Photo Studio, Wingttam. James Snyder, proprietor,.., phone 357-1851. FOR ''SALE - Beatty automatic feed and manure handling equip- ment, stabling and pressure sys- tems. Contact Beatty Farm Sex- vice Centre, Clinton 4E199561. MANURE FOR SALE/- call 395- 5436 anytime, FOR SALE - Van Dale Silo Un- loaders, 'George Wraith,.. Box 95 Godexich. Phone Residence 524 7002 or Shop 524-6511. EASY BOOKKEEPING Payroll books for 8 and 16 em- ployees, available at. The Luck- no* Sentinel. FOR SALE - 9 foot. Finery BLS.- sell disc hi goad condition. Phone 396-2852. ti APPLES FOR . SALE - . Spy aPples, direct, from storage to you:u. Phone your orders to Aaron Showalter, 3574569 or call at the farm, Whitechnrch, FOR SALE - 2 new tubeless nylon •belted car tires, size G78 - 14., May be seen at Sepoy 5. to $LOO Store, phone 5284214. BARN'. EQUIPMENT - complete line of Acorn Equipment and. Clay Equipment for puihblitton farm- ing: * Westeel-Rosco Granaries *2ero Milking Systems. Lowry Farm Systems, Amberley, phone 395-5286. • AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Liapined AUCHOIMMWS Sales of all types . Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 FOR. SALE - bunk beds;, like' new,;:phOne 528-3506. THE TEESWATER. NEWS - is available at The Lucknow Sent- inel„ 10e ..per copy. If you are in- terested in the news of Teeswater and District, pick up a copy. FOR SALE - approximately 4o ton of mixed grain., Phone 395- 5110. , BABY PIG - Prevent and treat iron-deffeiency anemia With Nixon Reduced iron- Low cost .... . orally admtnistered. Elmer' Umbach Discount Pharin- acY, Lticknow. • COMING EVENTS SUPER CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Luclmow, every . Thursday, 8:45 p.m, Pot of Gold game winner take all. 14 reg- ular games, $10 elich. 2 'Share the Wealth , games. A $30'Special. Jackpot game.for $105.00 on 57 calls or $25 consolation, prize: EUCHRE PARTY . There will be a euchre party in' Maple Grove L.O.L. hall on n- Mo day, February 12 at 9 p.m. Lad- ies with lunch free. Good prizes: BLYTH BINGO Come to Blyth'.Lions Club Bingo, every Saturday night at 8:30p.m. in ,Blyth Memorial Hall. Admission $L00; 12 regular games of $10 each;.2 share - the wealth games; $25 special; door prize. $125.00, jackpot 'on 60 calls or under.' OPEN RECEPTION • An Open Reception will be held February 9th at 8:30 p.m. in ' the Wingham Legion, for, a Thelm Purdon and John Stacey. Music supplied by Ken Wilbee's Orches- tra. Everyone welcome. /CASH BINGO A Cash Bingo be held'in the Parish Ball, Kingsbridge on Friday, February 16th at 8:30 p.m. Door prize. Everyone wel- come. Admission $1.00'. LOST Lon'amain brown female col. lie dog with collar. Any one Anow. ing its whereabouts please Coo tact Harvey Ritchie, phone $2t1 7"146: • THIRD PRINTING NOW AVAILABLE Norman Robertson's History. of Bruce County, first published M 1906, second printing in '1960. • , PRICE $7.00 , Add $1 for shipping and handling We also have avallable,„, the sequel of this.hook The His-tory of The County of .Bruce 1907 - 1968 written by. Norman McLeod :- same price. • ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL SANDBLASTING DEMOLITION .WORK SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 529.7 .403 FOR ESTIMATES Dutch elm disease was found in Nova. ScOtia for the •first time in: 1969. The husband and, family ,of the late 'Jean Margaret Cumming ,would like to thank . their reds tives, friends' and neighbours for their , many acts of kindness, memorial donations, cards and floral, tributes during their' renal bereavement. A special thanks to Rev. Nicholls, Rev. Passmort Doctor, Nurses of Wingharn He pital, the ladies of ., the United Church, Funeral 'Home and pall bearers. Ross Cum Herman Phillips, wishes to press thanks to all a l who rem* bered him with cards' and visits while he was , in Wingham no pital. All was -greatly appreciated 4, FOR SALE For, SALE three year old. Westinghouse wringer washing machine. Phone 529-7624. FREE --- with the purchase of a 1973 JAYCO Camper ° Trailer, Travel Trailer, Thick Camper .or 5th Wheels your choice of a Can- opy, Furnace or Porta Potti. Fin- ancing available. Alsb stock truck caps. See us for all your camping accessories. Buinstead Metal. Fabricating, Josephine St., Wing- barn, 357-2272. ' SILVER LAKE GENERAL 'STORE RESTAURANT ,KINLOSS, ONTARIO , 1/2 gallon ice cream - '85c Compare our prices for all your / livestock feeds OPen Daily 8:30a.m. - 10:00 p.n.s.'" Closed Tues., Fri„ Sun., evenings LORENZ DEAD STOCK SERVICE $20.00 dead horses; $10.00 cows over 1000 pounds-. Phone collect 369-2410 Durham, MEN'S ..WINTER 'CLOTHING Parkas, jackets; snowmobile suits ' 20% OFF LucknowDistrict Co-op BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Contact Lloyd Johnston; R.R.3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390., CAR FOR SALE - 1962 Pontiac, good motor and tires, radio, as is, cheap. Gordon Carter, , phone 528-MM. EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING sand and gravel Phone _Robert Synies, LiacknOw 528-3047. FOR SALE -- SmithCorona Cor7 sair type-writer in'good condition, used ,very little. $40. Phone'528- FOR SALE' - a number of regis- tered Dorset horned ewe Iambs (some bred); one registered ram lamb (serviceable age). Phone 395-5526. PAPERING - PAINTING Floor Sanding and Spray Paint- ing, Fred Emberlin, Phone Luck- MAC ' FOR SALE - Simplicity wring- er washer, like new condition; Lady Torcan Hair, dryer. Phone 528-2293, Harold" Campbell. I game; 2 share-the-wealth games; /15 regular games, $10 prize each and special cards 3 for 50c or 7 for $1.00:5 Free Gaines. BAKE SALE AND - • PENNY AUCTION Ladies Auxiliary to. 'the Can- adian Legion are holding a Bake Sale and Penny Auction; Lucknow Legion: Hall, Saturday, February 10th ..at '2:30 p.in. Everyone wel- come, Prizes donated by Luck- now merchants. / , mm,+viegommoso ' RECEPTION FRIDAY A reception will be held in' hon- our of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hal- lam, newlyweds on Friday, Feb- ruary 9th in Auburn Community. Halt Boyd's orchestra., Lunch supplied..Everyone welcome. WANTED WANTED -- general carpentry, cabinets; • formica and arborite tops: Elmer Culbert. Phone' 395- 5298 or 395-5516. WANTED •TO BUY - Dead Stock We" pay up to $15.00 for dead cows and up to $20.00 for dead horses, smaller animals accord- ing to size, Call collect 881-3459 Walkerton or Zenith 58130 (no toll charges) Graf Stock Re- moval.r. COMING EVENTS so kindly ,Inomeensvonimin""""1"."1.1". ANNUAL MEETING W EST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16t11, 1973 The Annual Meeting of the Company will be held at 2 p.331. on Friday, February 16th, 1973 in the Dungannon Agricultural Ha ll, Dungannon, Ontario, to re- ceive and Auditors report; to consider, ep and dispose of the Financial and if thought fit to confirm a CARD OF THANKS motion to reduce ' the Board of like six members; to elect Directors; I would to thank all w Directors from nine members to y rmembered me. wi cards, visits, flowers and tread while I. was a patient in Winghaa Hospital' and since coming honk Special -thanks to. Drs. Corrin McKim for th, Stuart care. , •ja. mieso The family of the late Mrs, Clara 'Blake wish to express their deep appreciation to their rele tives, friends . and neighboun for ,the many acts of kindnea, beaUtiful floral, tributes, donatio for Gideon Bibles1 contributio to the Heart Foundation and the 'Cancer Society, and cards t sympathy received during th recent bereavement of a belov Mother and Grandmother. Special thanks to. Rev. D. A. Facey,. Rev J. E. Hummel, Mr. How, Blake,, as. organist, the pallbean ers, Mr.. and Mrs. .R. Allis (Vice PrinciPal of . Fairmont Public School), ladies 'of Blake's U.C.W., the South Kinloss Church, and the .MacKenzie Memor Chapel., Mr. d Mrs William Blue Wish • adian friends for expressions of sympathy, floral tributes and donations during their recent be reavement of their. daughter Mrs ,,Mar$ Helen Perrott. IN MEMORIAM .HACKETT -- In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Harry Hackett, who passed away eleven years ago, February "6, 1962. If all the world 'was ours to give We'd give it' yes and more To see your loving smile again And .greet you at' our door Tirane passes by on Silent wings And smiles may Cover tears We think of you mother alWays near • Still loved, still missed and ever dear, Always remembered and sadly Missed by husband. and 'family. FOR SALE -- Viking electric cream separator, stainless steel in excellent condition. Ralph p Cameron,. R.R. '7 ran know, phone 529-7227. THE: LUCKNOW SENTI/4"EL - for sale at Mel Stanley's Stinoco, • Unibach'S Pharmacy. H. and B. Discount. and Koyle's Supertest in Lacknow. FARMERS .-c4 We dan supply you with Swift's minerals, Feeding BOne Meal Mineral Blocks and Golden Sup- plement Blocks at very attractive priceS. Johnston', Mobile 'Feed Service, Ingles 'St., Lucknow, Ont- ario, Phone 3534, • • PLAYING CARDS Plastic coated single declQ from $1.19 up as well as double decks and euchre decks (euchre cards only). Drop in at The Luck.. now Sentinel. HOUSE TRAILER' FOR SALE Refinished ,and waiting peeps ive and has modern colWen- knees; Will move for you..Phone -3569. • FOR SALE. DANCE AT. LEGION The Lucknow Legion are spon- soring a dance in the hall on Sat- urday February 1.7th: Music by "The Twylites". Admission $1.50 per person: Persons 18 and over welcome. CARD PARTY Dungannon L.O.L. will hold a Card Party in their L.O.L. , Ball on Thursday, February 8th. 2919. t Everyone welcome. ROY'S ALUMINUM WINGHAM 'BINGO SALES. AND SERVICE, win- Wingham Legion Bingo, at the tows; doors. For free estimate ' Legion Hall, vringham Wednes call Roy Emberlin, your local ' dealer. I day, •February 14th at 8 .30 p m It takes 1 cords of wood to produce a, ton of newsprint., LOSTa wide gold band w . ding ring, scroll type design 'Reward. Mrs. Dan Thomsoc, Lucknow, phone 528-2633. to ,appoint Auditors; and to trans- act any other business that may rightly come'before the meeting. 'The retiring .'Directors ..are Char- les Anderson and George Feagan, both of whom are eligible for re- election. Due to'the resignation .of Directors after being appointed Agents, of the Company, and if the notice of motion to amend the by-laws is approved, it will be necessary to' elect two new Dir- ectors in place of five new Dir- ectors. The NOMINATION of an aspir- ing Director must be filed in writ- ing with the Secretary-Treasurer five, (5) days in advance of the. Annual' Meeting. . NOTICE OF MOTION; RE: BY-LAWS • Notice is hereby given that a motion will be'introduced for ap- proval by the'members, whereby the General By-laws . would be , amended, in part,, to read as foi- l lows '= I Article 20.- NUMBER OF DIR- ECTORS. The business of the Cor- poration shall be conducted by. Six (6) Directors who "hall 'be residents of the Province of Ont- ario. . (See The' Corporations Act. S176, ss1). Charles Anderson, President Frank F. Thoilipson, Secretary - Treasurer I wish to thank all my relativ and friends for prayer, visits , letters, cards, flowers and oth (lifts while a patient in Wingha and, St. Joseph's .libspitals. Spec ial .thanks to Dr. McKim and Dr. Corrin, Dr. D. MacKenzie and nurse's Ruby We My sincere thanks to all w FOR RENT sent me cards and gifts or visit me 'while 'I was hospitali2ed and FOR .RENT --.furnished 1 room apartment with fridge and stove, $50 special must go; Jackpot heated, linen supplied, available game $860 on 7 calls with $35 con- immediately. lenn' s Apart- solation. Admission $1.00. Extra ments, Lucknow 528-3723. • all Ito express their thanks 'to Coo- SNOWMOBILE RENTALS 40 acres of groomed bush trails and clearings. RATES Week-days -- $5 to' $7 per hour, Week-ends --- $7 to $9 per hoUr Gas and ` insurance included $20'dainge deposit required OPEN Week-days - 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Week-ends - 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Closed Wednesday evenings PHONE CLARKE FERGUSON 395-5454 Ski Whiz Sales & Service . POINT, CLARK, ONT. since' „retUrning home. Man thanks to thoie who assisted at offered .assisiance at my work Gordon Brooks