HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-01-31, Page 9For those who are new to the community and for those who would like to know a little of the ,history of Lucknow Agricultural•Society, comes this little resume. Back 411863 an Agricultural 'LIVE THEATR E WINGHAM PHONE 35.771630 SHOW TIMES Fridays and Saturdays'at"7:15 and 9:15. All other days, one show at 8:00, except where noted on the program. " 4nom. 4fam. THUR., FRI., SAT., FEB. I, 2, '3 Adult Entertainment DOUBLE' BILL "Carry On Henry" "ON THE BUSES" Here are two great English comedies' that you will not want to miss.' One showing of each feature.. on Thursday night, , starting at 8:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday nights as follows: "Carry on Henry." at 7:15 and 10:15 p.m. and "On The Buses at 8:50 p.m. only. Ems. .6w. SATURDAY' MAT. FEB. 3 'King Kong vs. iii111011111111111611111111111111.11111111111111111111111111WM111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111!1111111101111111g - . Fel Th Fri. 2 Sot.. u.1 a scrowball cor6:0 ,remo-fo em? Tit(454,44 CIPIK Nexatiovico 91totiudlort = 1.0 Iftwoo'kurslialoiraritilisftwootoommovift••••••ftirolliontarig,i0i4woolooliftroftisommomm.' • = . • — sun. 4 Mon. 5 rue. 6' /.7 TM Shocking eost-selief eecomes stiocking movie .. : :....,.;:,- :;:i..::-::-;::::::•:::•.•:•::::-:,•:•::•:•:•:.:•::.:.:,• = ,, , .... 20th Century-Fox ° Color 13,.. Du Lu x<, ° . = T.,.. = = = = Going down his own road,.. SIEVE M Op yOu" !Ip10111111111111111!!HpI!!111.",i11191111pqjiltli!ii(Illip01191.irTi •Hantlor. Travel Sqvite.. HAS 'AVAILABLE ALL STAR 14 DAY FLORIDA TOURS LEAVING FROM. THIS AREA. FEBRUARY. 10 AND. EACH SATURDAY IN FEBRUARY AND MARCH BY DELUXE MOTOR COACH TO 'DAYTONA BEACH, DISNEYWORLD FORT LAUDERDALE AND MIAMI. ALSO-HANOVER TRAVEL SERVICE THEIR 22 DAY FLORIDA TOUR TO GETTYSBURG, WASHINGTON, 'MYRTLE BEACH, JEK. ELL ISLAND, DAYTONA BEACH, DISNEYWORLD, ST. PETERSBURG AND HOLLYWOOD. RETURNS MARCH 24. CALIFORNIA 21 DAY ALL STAR TOURS LEAVING •FEBRUARY 24, AND' MARCH. 17 OR HANOVER TRAVEL SERVICE 15 DAY JET-AIR AND - MOTOR COACH TO ARIZONA, NEVADA AND CALIFORNIA, 'DEPARTING 'APRIL 14. CONTACT HANOVER TRAVEL SERVICE 290 10th ST. HANOVER FOR MEMBERSHIP OR DESCRIPTIVE FOLDER -PHONE 364-3270 EDNESDAY .1ANIJARY4.1, 1973 THE LUCKNOViSENTINEL. LUCKNOW,'ONTARIO • Society was formed and James. Somerville, the fdunder of Luck • now,; was its first President. Sev- eral stories have been written, and it is believed that the first Society was known as Kinloss • AgriCultural Society and as early as 1877 had, 145. members. Early meetings were held in the."Terna perance Hall" and the first Fair held in "Market Square". Later the Society bought five acres from Robert Ellis, which eventually became part of the Caledonian Park. The Caledon- ian Society, and the Agricultural Society were interested in buying the site and met on June 14th, 1881 when they entered into an agreement.' In 1910 a sale was completed and an agreement made with John W. Henderson, that the "Lorne rink" would be used for a "Show Hall" and therefore be handy to•Caledonian Park.. In 193'1 two, lots 'and an old hotel building were donated 'by K. R. MacKenzie to the Agric- ultural Society. At this time the Old arena was doprned, and the Society considered build- ing'a new hall but once again an agreement was drawn up where- by the LucknoviAgticultural Soc- iety continued to use the arena for their Exhibition hall. Later access property to the grounds was donated by Sam Gibson. / The .directors of the Huron CoUnty Pork PrOducers Associa- tion decided at their regular meeting to comply with the re-. "quest of the Provincial Board and hold'an opinion poll on a pork producing licence. At the annual meeting to be held in • Clinton on February 7th, produc-, ers will be asked to vote on a pro- posal for a ten dollar licence fee for all pork producers. • Adrian Vos, newly appointed spokesman for the Huron. County group, pointed out that the licence will not. prevent any one from entering into poik production. The purpose of .a licence is the' saving of an estimated $10,000. in administrative and computer cost , and a better pinpointing of bona fide pork producers., Any producer Of weaner pigs who did not sell through the board's facil- ities before can now apply for a licence and •receive all the rights and privileges of an association member. Conversely , any one shipping less than 25 hogs, per year. can apply to the county to' have his 'money refunded.. James McGregor., provincial board member, announced that all producers who shipped more than fifty hogs, in 1972, will re- ceive a statement of their transac- tions during the year.- ° to a,.fitting celebration. 0,Lucknow Agricultural Society has had' thiee members from its board appointed to the Ontario Fair Boards ,Association. John MacDiarmid represented the District in 1918 and Stewart Rob- time and service. , Miss Jean Lyons was one of the earlier ones. 'Secretaries have held office for long periods of time and one cannot forget the long service of Joseph Agnew, Alex MicNay and Mrs. Fred McQuillin and more recently, Mrs. Bob Struthers and presently Ross Errington. • Over the years there have been,. thirty-three Presidents with Ste art Robertson having served ' twice. Eleven of these are still members of Lucknow AgricUltural Society. Mrs. Oliver McCharles has been President of the Ladies' Section for more years than she•cares. to remember and hopefully plans,to • sit on the side lines in the•near future. • Many there are who have work- ed for the Lucknow Agricultural 'society and one. would be remiss if trey didn't mention the names of Todds, Gauntt, Hunters, espec- ially Mrs Tina Hunter along with. MrS. Andrew Gaunt who now serve as HonOurary Directors. There are many Many more throughout the years who have built the 'Luc know Agricultural Society to 'the presenttime and who will long 'be remembered for uniting efforts in its welfare. Not only the annual Fall Fair, but concerts, plays, various pro- jects throughout the years have • kept the Lucknow Fall' Fair alive. The most recent effort of the Lucknow Craft. Fettivallas brought thousands to Lucknow and promoted Lucknow Fair. NORVAL RICHAREiS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 their CoUnty or. District Agriculnir al Representative. Written pres-' entations are encouraged, but are not a requirement. Professor Richards is widely • known as an organizational plan-. net , having 'recently completed a similar study of the organization and functions Of the Ontario Agricultural College. He will be on loan to the' Ministry'of Agriculture and Food for six months to carry out' this study. *Raised in Bruce County, near iucknow , Professor Richards grad- uated from the Ontario Agricul- tural College in 1938 and obtain- ed his Master of SCience Degree from Michigan State University in 1946. From 1951 to 1962 he • served as Head of the Department of Soil Science at the Ontario. Agricultural College and in 1962 he was appointed Dean, serving in that capacity until 1972. Al- though he retired as Dean last year , Professor Richards continues to lecture in the Department of . Land Resource Science at the University of Guelph. • • In corrithenting on this study and the appointment of Professor Rich- ards, Honourable Wm. A. Stewart said, "We 'are extremely fortunate to hive a man of Professor •Rich- ard's stature and experience to carry out this work , for us. He brings to this work great dedica- tion and a keen appreciation of PAGE NINE Grant $29,500 For Land Purchase The Honourable Leo Bernier , 'Minister of Natural liesOurces and Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. fcir Huron- Bruce announce the. approval of a provincial grant of $29,500. Ito the Maitland Valley Conserva- tion Authority for the acquisition of some 400 acros of land in the Township of East Wawaposh. This property lies astride the Maitland , River, with 300 acres, on the east bank and 100 acres on the west - bank. The land is generally gent- ly rolling with a strong-flowing trout stream, one of the few in the watershed, crossing the 'east- erly 300 acres of the property. The Authority's purpose in ac- quiring this property is to provide the public with those forests , wildlife and land use benefits which- can be easily developed and managed in this parcel, in line with Authority objectives'. Definite detailed development plans have not'as yet been formu- lated, but shall be completed dur- ing 1973. All member municipalities will bear the Authority's share of the cost. the importance of agriculture as a !resource industry. He,is widely respected and we expect a con- siderable response to his' request for advice and ideas from the 7 people of rural Ontario". HISTORY OF THE lUCKNOW.. AGRICULTURAL'. SOCIETY. Contributed. Huron Producers To.Vote..-On Pork Licence in 1965 and the buying, and rnov- Representative, Mrs. Oliver. Mc- ing of the storage shed to its pres- Charles, served on the 0'.A . A.S. enter location. Oliver McCharl e"4:-‘from 1968 to 1971. waS President at this time and As early as 1916 Lady Directors helpers) and,with the Celebration (along -with faithful directors and , ; of the Lucknow Agricultural Soc- nave served locally on the Fair board and tribute must be paid contributed their to all who have. I iety Centennial in mind; worked long and hard to bring thii Fair , Over the years, fences have been built , and minor repairs made throughout the park,. but ,perhaps the largest projects were the building of the stone gates at. the main entrance to the park ertson in 1934. The only Lady