HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-01-31, Page 5`TAKE NOTICE THAT THE 'ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PRODUCER MEMBERS OF THE BRUCE COUNTY PORK PRODUCERS' ASSOCIATION WILL BE CONVENED AT THE HOUR OF MO P.M. On Tuesday, Febniary 13th, 103 AT' THE ELMWOOD commuNTy CENTRE, ELMWOOD'' for discussion on the proposal to licence producers and for the purpose of the proper- business of the annual meeting A complimentary noon • luncheon will be served to all in attendance between the hour of 12:00 noon and 12:45 pin. Mac Inglis, President Bob Misch, Secretary MacICENZIE, •0.D. Optometrist pNESP.AY, JANUARY 1973. THE 1.1.4acHow SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO PAGE Fly. Bruce faim.,Roort he Ontario downw-ard trend milk production OP_ Started L965 has been reversed in 4972: al, production in 1972 repre- ts a 4% increase over' last. r and is expected to be 6.4 ion pounds. bid milk and cream consump- 1 in 1972 shows a slightly high- per 'capita consumption for se products. The greatest pro- tion increase though has been ned into butter. .- ;utter production in the Grey-. ice area shows an increase of 3% over 1971 and this area )duces 21% of Ontario's total. vr tario butter production in 1972, nada's Western ' Pro ces" )duction has declined and they ye been forced to import but- ', It'is expected 1973 Canadian Auction will meet domestic luirements. mports of cheese in 1972 were ice that of exports and this s due mainly to the partial s of 'the British cheddar mar- t, to the E.E.C. The level of eddar cheese exports for 1973 uncertain, but a concerted ef- t to develop new markets is ing made. 3onsumption of cheddar cheese Canada is expected 'to rise by ;.. and other cheese by 11% in 73. Consumption of ice cream is ing steadily' and consumption concentrated whole milk pro- ds is declining slowly. Skim milk powder production d stocks on hand have increas- I. In order to obtain the, desired ADMIRAL 'TV AND ANTENNA SALES AND'SERVICE DON THOMPSON TV R.R. 3 RIPLEY TELEPHONE 39S-2393 IrOWEL PHONE 2914511 .INSURANCE,• •f !RE, WIND, CASUALTY'. OMOBILE & INVESTMENTS Try Protect, Your Jack, ,Insure 'With Jack Today. J.- 1V4DONAGH Lucknins, Phene 528-3423 R. W. ANDREVV Barrigter and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCkNOW Every Wednesday.and Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt, Block Telephone: Lucknow 528-3116 • IL. W. BELL TOMETRIST GODERICH The Square (Phone, 524-7861) A. M. HARPER ARTERED ACCOUNTANT, - 57 South Street, Goderich Telephone 5247562 level of butter production in Can-_ ada, it is„eXpected we will get a similiar percentage increase in skim milk Powder, and a further weakening of export prices is anticipated. Production and consumption of yogurt continues shOwing the highest dairy product increase. Production in 1972 was 20% above that'of 19717 and a continu- ed increase in.consumption is ex- pected. BRUCE COUNTY MILK PRODUCERS ANNUAL MEETING Bruce County. milk producers' Annual Meeting.Walkerton Community Centr -- , Monday, Feb-- itiary 12th. This years meeting will be in the form of a noon- dinner for producers and their wives. Guest speakers — Lorne Hurd and Sherry Pollock. R. D. Ferguson, Area Fieldman, Milk Commission INCOME' TAX Two income tax information meetings have been planned for Bruce, County sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculttme and Food. The main purpose of the meeting is to answer' questions on the 1972' income tax 'form. Special refer- ence will be made to deprecia- tion, capital gains and averaging. The first meeting will be in Parkhead Community Hall on February 20th at 1:00 P.M. and second meeting in Teeswater Town Hall on February 21st° at 1:00 P.M. UNDERSTAND THE FUTURES MARKET . This course will be' given at the Centralia College .of Agricultural INVESTMENT THE STERLING TRUST CORP. Prevailing. Interest Rates . Retirement Savings. Plan Your' Representative ALEX MacNAY LUCKNOW • TEp-COLLyER ELEC. RICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In. ELECTRIC HEATING. ELECTRIC . WIRING AND REPAIRS , and ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Hydro Financing Available LucknOw -- Phone 528-5802 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE InucEs Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 MacKENZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL FUNERAL SERVICE Services 'conducted' according 10 your wishes , at your Home, your Church, or at our Mem- orial Chapel at no additional charge. Lucknow, Phone 528.3432 ' Day or Night HAVE A CLIENT WANTING 300 to 500 acres of well-tiled land in the Amberley - Kingsbridge area. B. A. McDonagh REAL ESTATE' BROKER LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Bus. 528-2031 — Res. 528-3821 e••••4••••••••••••••••••4 Technology, - Tuesday, February 13th; Friday, February 16th and Friday, March 2, 1973. It will be a three-day course to examine trading in the futures market, how, it, may be used by the farmer. Examples will be drawn ,from corn, soybeans, pork, beef and other commodities. Any interested person is asked • to send his application form to Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, Huron Park, Ontario. M. R. Bolton Agricultural Representative PURPLE GROVE Some of the young folks from this area attended the skating • party in Ripley on Friday evening. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Don Robertson were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackwell of London. "Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins and Margie were guests'on 'Sun- day of Mr.. and Mrs. Don Dore and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jarries Quigley of London spent the week end visit- ing 'friends in this area. . . Mrs. Don Dore visited recently with Mrs. Graham Cook Of Ripley, Miss Marjorie Coiling of Ripley visited last week with the Dores. Anyone having , items of inter- est for the Purple Grove News column, please call 395-5049. utionsurmiudrusammomEmm .• • • n is a 'a • us a , a us • • su se • T E • m • a • • • .- es n n is a • • . VILLAGE HOME s One storey, 2 bedroom, brick thome I old, 2 years electric heat-m II. so ing, full , basement, attached garage, broadloom, in livings Nroom and bedrooms. Priced at •$20 000. Mortgage available. is • n , s, O ' oil — ..—. . • • , ' g u• THREE BEDROOMS le • One storey, interior redecor-: a mated, heating costs $160.00. Tax-: es approx. . $100100. Large lot. m with shade trees. Priced low: a$12,500.00. n n • n a • n 0 ' —48 ACRES' • • te ',With river and mixed woods, 30 n • Nacres clear and level to rolling. to n a •TermS. le ..._, a • ` . : WINGHAM , ,OFFICE : •• -.3573$40 • • n • • REPRESENTATIVES ' •st' • a W. ADAMSON • • • • C. SUTCLIFFE lo Is a • J. BREWER • • IN • issommiamasammasiummilf N U NEWS A lively well 4ttended National Farmeri Union meeting was held in. Mitchell on January 25 with all six Locals of District 5 in. attend- ance, 'The •new membership recruit- ment program was explained by.. Lorne Luther who is in chargp / of it in District 5. Collective bargaining on twine was discussed and all locals voted to accept the National program. A youth program is being plan- ned again this year with a boy or girl from each local having the opportunity to 'spend 10 days on a `farm out West. Any farm union youth is eligible and names have to be submitted before February 23. A report on the 0. M. M.B. meeting by Andy Kittner revealed that the O. M. M. B. had 'asked for an increase of .57¢ per 100 lb of .milk for the farmer, to cohier the increased cost of production. The Board was overruled by.the Dairy Commission after the large ' processors (one of these Kraft), had appealed.the increase. The O. M. M. B. received an increase of .35¢ per 100 lb or 9¢ per quart' for fluid milk, (bottle milk) The farmer now receives 18 1.2¢.. per qt, of this type of milk. The industrial milk (cheese) is ',till to be' negotiated. , There is no government bogy to control the price of milk to the consumer after it leaves the farm. Cream shippers are not being encouraged by increased prices. Many of them are turning 'to milk production or f$hasing out. Canada imported 16 ,000 ,000 pounds of butter last . year, with/a greater increase pre- dicted for next year. From U.S., we imported 1,000,000 pounds and from Australia 15 ;000 ,000 pounds. Even though thiS butte is not the same quality as our own, it carries the label Canada NO. 1. This was protested by smile members. Prom Local 335. members atten'ding the4meeting were Lorne Luther , Lome McDonald , Bev McNay, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilkins and Mr. and Mri. John Austin, First Mortgages' CALL Mr. Ron Brown . 524-7381 Victoria and Grey Trust GODERICH 8•••••••••••••••••••••••6 FOR SALE . DAIRY FARM, highway location in. the Clinton area, 140 acres en which is situated 'an 'excellent 7,. room home, every convenience. Barns are 50' x 105' and 50' x 100'. Free stalls for 63 cows. Silos 20' x 60' and 13' x 40'. This barn has a 4 stall Surge parlour, 600 bulk. tank, 'silo unloader and auger feed- ing system. Possession can be ar- ranged. 500 ACRES approximately 40 acres of bush. The balance productive clay loam' 'soil. Two . homes, one brick with oil furnace. .2' and 4 pc. bath, every convenience.' The other home is stone. Also 3 good barns with a potential for cattle and hog.. Immediate possession. 200 ACRE' FARM, all workable,. good corn and bean land. Above average. 4 bedroom brick home, 3 pc. bath up and one doi.vn, new kit- chen, oil furnace. Large barn used' as a farrowing' unit and finishing approximately 300 hogs at a time. 16' x 50' high moisture corn silo with roof. Steel grain storage and implement shed. Asking $53,500. - Terms available. 100 ACRE FARM with 85 workable and' 11 acres of hardwood bush.. Four bedroom brick and. frame home,' 4 pc. bath:, combination oil furnace, drilled well on _pressure. Barn 35' x 65' with an L: Tie -.ups, for 19 cows. 'Additional 100 acre farm available. THREE BEDROOM HOME situ- ated on 4 acres of land in the country. Oil furnace, 3 pc. bath and `full basement. fmmediate possess:- ion and asking $8,900. ' WE HAVE A SINCERE CLIENT who 'is looking, for a 100 acre farm with good buildings on which he would like to run cows and calves. For more particulars give us a call'. . WARREN ZINN' Phone 529.7350. Wilfred McIntee & Co., Limited WALK ERTON Member Of the'Grey, and Bruce Multiple Listings Service' I.ist .— Over 60 Salesmes Working For NI ••••••••••••••••1••••••• eaeeeeieeeeeeeeeeeeee...• REAL ESTATE WANTING Listings, Farms, Dwellings, Business, Acreage R BRAY DOCTOR OF ' CHIROPRACTIC 197 'JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM, PHONE 357-12241 • • n Card Party Dungannon L.O.L. held a card party on Thursday, January 25th. Prize winners were high lady Mrs. Clifford Kilpatrick, second high Mrs. Jack Errington; high man Charlie Fowler.; second, high Jack Curran. There will be another card party in two weeks.'