The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-01-24, Page 14Kinlough W.M.S Mrs. Ruth Wilson was hostess for the Kinlongh Presbyterian Wom en's Missionary Society on Wed- nesday, January 17th with Mrs, Jack Barr presiding and opened the meeting with the thought on ,the New Year. She also gave the meditation. .1.Jie the past wisely' The hymn-"What a friend we have in Jesus" was sung and. the "Purpose" was repeated in unison: Mrs. Frank Maulden read about the recreational program being Carried out at the Scott Mission in Toronto. The remainder of the afternoon was the planning of the 1973 Programs. 'The courtesy .remarks were given 'by, Mts. Don Bushell. .The hostess for the .February meeting will be Mrs. Tom MacDonald. .....n.kosoww:."ev.osowftoNofto LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Rqb..rt Nicholls, B.A. Minister JANUARY 28th 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 am. Morning Worship Those wishing transportation to church contact Win. G. Hunter 528-2741 POINT TO PONDER The dice of God are always loaded. Every secret is told, every crime is' punished, every virtue rewarded, every Wrong redressed, in silence and -cer- tainty. The thief steals from himself. The swindler swindles himself. Ralph Waldo .Emmerson ,ftthAAMA".""4"6"6., '!ia;0041,4INieffdf.. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort Pastor ' SeriIces: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service VISITORS WELCOME ••••"4".".".°40%.*•"."*".."0,".".•"'''''%."^1. THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, I,UCKNOW, ONTARIO :WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24,4973.. 3:1 ;'• St, Augustine Youth Club Very Active, Plan More Community Activity Lucknow- Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 JANUARY 28th 10:00 am. Sunday School 11 aAn„. Morning Worship ANNUAL MEETING Thursday, January 25tb 8:00 p.m. The St. Augustine Youth Club , has been very active in the past 'month. The community effort of : all the members, have made many events possible and also extremely enjoyable'. Due to the popularity Of this group , new members have • joined to give this club even. more Strength. The Youth Club will still welcome any more teenagers who wishlo join and attain the advantages of the. group, The Christmas Season proved to he a unifying experience for the group. The'clecorating•of the Church• and- the truck used for caroling', was done so as,so be prepared for Christmas. Once again the tradition of singing at people's doorstep on Christmas Eve was performed • so-as to let the young voices ring out their season's greetings to fill the hearts of the many listeners. 'In return the hosts were asked to let their voices join the group .in • their favourite carol. On Satur- day, December 23 and Christmas • Eve •the • Youth Group travelled • throughout the.community sing- ing popular seasonal songs. Mrs. John Franken was generous enough to let the Chub use their truck as a means of transportation for these two 'nights. The Youth Club once again would like to thank the Frankens. During this winter ,season the Youth Club has gone skating; in Blyth and Belgrave. In the future.. many more skating parties will 'be •planned so 'as to satisfy the demand for this popular sport. Theminter would not be com- plete without a ski-dooing party so when the snow is more plenti- ful the group will have a combin- ation, tobogganing - snowmobile party. At the first meeting of the new year it was.decided that a dance • Would be sponsored by. the St. Augustine Youth Club, once again • this year. The dance will be held May .4 in the Auburn Hall with music by the Country Music • Men. Tickets will be available in advance, fram the members of the club.. This dance should prove to be even better than last year's, so get your friends together and come out Apr an enjoyable evening. Another meetiag will be held in the near future so more plans can be established on up- coming events. Hold Annual Meeting 'Of Church The annual meeting of the Ashfield Presbyterian congrega- tion was held in the church. Rev. Kenneth Rooney opened the meet-, ing by scripture 'and prayer. • Rev. Rooney was' in charge of the meeting. The minutes of 1972 were read by Mrs, Henry MacKenzie. Rev. Rooney read a personal letter to all' the members. adherents and supporters' express- ing his' appreciationfor the co-: operation received during the 'past year, in the work of the church and gave the statistics regarding baptism, marriages, funerals and special services. The .following reports of the • groups were ,given by the follow- ing: The Session, Wm. Ross; Sab- bath School by Mrs. Earl Hdwes; Board of Managers by Finlay Mac- Donald;. W.M.S. Society by Mrs. Donald Simpsdn; Explorers by, Mrs. Allan MacDonald; Finan- cial and Budget Treasurer by Mrs. Ewan MacLean, All the reports had a very encouraging year. Rev. Rooney reported on the plans of the' 125th anniversary of the Ashfield Presbyterian Church to beyheld in June. Mrs. Duncan Simpson gave a report on the Choir and express- ed appreciation oh the help she received and , also, the new gowns for the Junior, Choir. Rev. Rooney closed the meeting with prayer. CO*: Stick EJCW Instal Officers Calvin .Brick United Church t Women held their meeting on. Wednesday, January 17 at the , borne of •Mrs,• Roy D,awson. The Worship service was conducted by Mrs. Gordon McBurney giving a reading, New• Yea0 Wish. . -Mg. John Jamieson read the scripture and led in prayer. The meditation "How large a Circle" was' giver •,by Mrs. Richard Moore., Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft 'installed the officers, Past President Mrs. Ken Mason; 1st Vice Pres.., Mrs. Roy Dawson; Secretary, Mrs. Ron- ald Jamieson; Assistant Sec. , Mrs, John Jamieson; Treasurer , Mrs. Peter Chandler; Citzenship Con- vener, Mrs. ,Gordon McBtzney; Stewardship Convener and Rep- resentative to Board of Stewards, Mrs. Alex Robertson; Commun- ity Friendship, Mrs. Ken Mason; Finance, Mrs. Peter Chandler: Christian and Missionary Educ&- tion, Mrs. Donald Dow; Mission.; ary •and Service, Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft; Flowers, Mrs. Ronald Coultes; Literature, Mrs. .Gilbert Beecroft.' The nominating Committee are Mrs. Roy Dawson, Mrs. Rich-- ad Moore and Mrs. Ronald Coul7' tes; McGee; cialcor zittee isbmw, Mr mrss. George . • Roy Pattison; Pianists, Mrs. Sidney Thompson, Mrs: Norman Coultes; Programme Leaders, Mrs. Gordon McBurney, Mrs. Donald Dow Mrs. Peter Chandler,, Mrs. Alex Robertson; Official Board Repres- entative', Mrs. Richard Moore;. Press,. Mrs.: Ronald Jamieson; Manse Representative, Mrs. Alex Robertson. • . There was an attendance of 12 and 3 Toc Alpha delegates. Mrs. Gordon McBurney 'introduced the ,girls, Alice'Beecroft, Helen Chandler and. Barbara • Muilwik, who ,attended the Chris- tian Conference at Niagara. The theme of the, conference Was Alternatives, Drugs and Alcohol." They gave details of the 3 day conference, The members of the U.C. W. asked thern many questions. Mrs. Richard Moore thanked. the girls for coming and giving . ..Ashfield The r911 call was, answered by paying membership fees. Mrs. Jim' West, President, called 'for reports from the yarious secretaries as follows: Explorers by Mrs.. E. MacLean; Supply and Financial, Ma. Henry KiacKenzie; Summary of Meer, ings, Mrs. Donald. Simpson,.. Get well cards were signed by mem- bers for 'several ladies who are Plans for the 125th anniversary Of the church on' June 17 were discussed.. Mrs. West closed wirli prayer and_the hostess and com. mittee served lunch.. The January meeting of the w. m.$ was held at the home of Mrs. Ewan MacLean, with an attendance of nine. Mrs. Earl Howes, who was in charge of the program opened the meeting with a New Year verse, and prayer. Mrs. Stuart MacLenna.n read the' scripture and meditation, followed by • prayer. Mrs. Earl Howes introduced the Study Book on India, and, displayed piciures. the 'highlights of the conference. The meeting closed with the mizpah benediction. St. Helens Unit • The. January meeting of the .United Church Women was held at the home of Mrs,. W. I. Mil . kr with an attendance of ten ladies. The call to worship was given by Isobel Miller. Mrs. Ross Eirington read the scripture 'lesson and Mrs. W. I. Miller read the meditation. A4ialogue entitled "Family. Planning in India'" was given by Mrs. Frank IvIcQuillin and Mrs. Gordon MacPherson.. Mrs. W. I. Miller led in prayer. • • Readings were given by Mis. Tom Todd, Mrs. 13., F. Green, Mrs. John Cameron and Mrs. W. I. Miller.' The topic on India was taken by Miss W., D. Ruther- ford, Isobel, Miller closed the devotional part of the meeting , . 'with prayer. Financial reports for 1972 • were given by Mrs. Frank. McQuil , lin. The Observer Will be sent to: each family in 1913 with the U.C. W..paying one half the, cost. At the conclusion lunch. 'was served by Mrs, Sheldon Martin and Mrs. Green. Rations Help Oyercome rcattle Onto Full,Feed ,Fast Stress .caused Diseases and 'get - Steers and, heifers coming into your feedlot can causeyou a peck of trouble, unless they are properly :brought onto .full feed, From range or pasture into confinement in,volves mahy kinds of stress. 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