HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-20, Page 24ti .1 ••• .•61 • • GIFTS g[FITIF SCHMID'S JEWELLERY AND CHINA LUCKNOW OWNERS — W. JOS.' AND DEAN E. AGNEW • S. • Home., a block south of Holyrood, when her car leftthe icy road near 1 ---alling's----farn-i-ori--the 8th concession, just ,east of Ripley. However Mrs. Rooriey was•able . Reeve Clayton Nicholson and to •get to her job shortly. Mri. , Fire Chief Doug Liddle were busy Marion Emerson of Purple Grove came around by Ripley to get to the F. E. Madill School in Wingham. the road's in' Ripley • • • • • Last Wednesday afternoon flushing out-the 'water mains in ,Ripley by turning, on the fire hydrants to allow the disinfectant to eseape. N•272,11•,,„\\.\. .11150.‘7 NOP. 41•101.1' ASO. 41010101r •••••••• A VERY MERRY • FROM THE • .MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF THE LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM THUR., FRL, SAT., DEC. 21, 22, .23 Adult Entertainment "Rio Lobo" Color - Starring John- WfiPMI This is one of the best West- erns ever made byJoh* Wayne. Make sure you see kJ this time' atound. • * * * * * * * * ** * ** * SATURDAY MATINEE DEC 23 SHOW TIMES Fridays and Saturdays at' 7:15' and " 9:15. All other days, one * show at 8:00, except where • noted on the program. • 1* * * * * * * * * * * 4t THUR., FRI., SAT., - DEC. 211 29,30 ' Adult Enteitaimuent "The Giodfather"' Color - Starring ° Marion• Brandy * This is the most talked about -The Shoemaker * movie of our .time. Due to its and the Elves" * g acii night starting only length there will be one show- 8:00 P.M.N at uan At Huronview • The first Christmas program of the season was'arranged and cs- ected /last Sunday afternoon by —1 Dr. Charles Toll of Seaforth. The variety concert included, selections by the Seaforth Junior Band , led by Dr. Toll; the Henderson sisters; Donna , Darlene, and Debbie, vocal trio; the Albert ,sisters , Lin- da and Ann gang duets; and Prov- ided their own accompaniment with electric guitars; the Rose Ann Stewart. Doug Stewart led a sing song of Christmas Carols ac companied at the piano by Mrs. Rose.. Thlv-as-standing room-only_on Wednesday afternoon at the. Dec- ember birthday party. The party was provided by the Bluevale Women's Institute who. presented the sixteen celebrants with gifts and served birthday cake and tea to about 200 residents and'guests following the program. Mrs.. Mel- vin Craig Was mistress of Cere- , I Icy roads last Wednesday morn- I ing prevented the school buses from making their rounds and ` all school activity was curtailed . Mrs. Kenneth Rooney Was on her way to the Carruthers Nursing Presently 'in Kinc'ardine Hospit- • al are Mrs. Matt Gemrnell and Dave Henderson, both of Ripley while it is reported that Orah Cras,vford_is back home to Ripley. I • • • • • storm. . sisters . Debbie and Janice, vocal duets; accordian solo by Spilley • Bennewies; and piano solo, , --A- VA-LUA Et LE_GIFT It's time again for giving — giving the things your family mem- WS- need. A feeling of security is something they really need ! , 4 ,<<ot‹.<0.c a: <4;w* eiAt<«o* <.<<<<< *000130(4<o JEANClaumkjuy Orectest SRI r In nis,tfrst hill length feature motion picture ' A f•• .1 A, •. yr. 4. • • a• • 4.' • •• • • • ••• ...V • .0. f" , • • • IMMO MM. arm' 41111040 0000 WSW • . • • +A' Ask your CIAG representative , how you can give it to them. AUTOMOBILE'-- LIFE HOME PROTECTION FARM FAMILY LIABILITY ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS Bum ptEsS,SNOWt BOAT CAMPER - TRAILER LUCKNOW dihr CIAP , INSURANCE .,,, ri k.',.( I A .,•0 ( I ATI •,, oF e I PM monies for the afternoon with Mrs. Carl Johnston, pianist for the group; singing led by members of the institute. David and Dwight dolby • played several ' numbers on the electric guitar and accordian. There were dance numbers by Barbara and Karen Johnston. The Bluevale 'dancing dolls, Carol Armstrong, Evelyn Stamper and Marie Delos enter- tained the audience with their comedy dance. There• was vocal duets by Eileen Sellers and Irene Bosman and vocal solos by Jean Willets and Mrs. de Koeijer. Mrs. Burke, a former resident of the Bluevale area, thanked .the ladies on behalf of the residents. 11.120110XOR • / • WALT DISNE piocluottimis 0•••••ft, NAPOLEON SAMANTHA will GEER 4,;,.,i,,viiiiTAKER PAGI TWENTY.FOuR THE INCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1 •. ,.• •.., WEDNESDAYS DECEMBER 2si This Week Iq Ripley BY AB WYLDS Merry Christmas Christmas can be a joyous till Of year. • It, can cause happy wonder to In last Tuesday, December 19 issue of Farm and Country newspaper on page fifteen, there was a short article entitled "Pelee flood damage totals one million' dollars". Along with the• article was the picture of the soybean crop standing in water. On Nov- ember 14 a storm struck Lake Erie with no warning. And the Waves smashed over the beaches and high dunes flooding around 6,000 acres of rich farmland. William Bartja , reeve of Pelee Island, stated that if the storm had held •off for a couple of days, , the bulled, the beans would •have been harvested, instead about forty thousand bushels were lost. . Mr: Bartja was in United. States at the time when the storm broke. His wife billeted men for sever- al days who were' helping in the drainage and' clean up. A fuller account' of the great damage done to Pelee's farms was given in the November 23 edition of the London Free Press. Of local interest is the-fact that Bill Bartja is a first cousin of Mrs. porman Barnard of Ripley. Mr. 7.i••••••.4•17••••••••.mom:•;•••••••••••ar......,,,,'„„ 'Slide pitaires of special events • and b4thdays at Huronview were Shown on Faini19aNight. Sharon Colclough of Clinton'played her guitar and sang some favourite, numbers. Miss Gidley° accompan- ied at the piano 'for the singing of I Christmas Carols. reminded this reporter of condi- tions back in 193'7 when people were able to skate up and down the pavement for three days, and nights., • • • • • Mrs. Gladys Cameron had the misfortune recently to fall at her Ripley home and fractured some bones in the wrist of her right arm. Gladys learns this week if the cast comes off. Unable to •work at her Ripley• hair dressing ,' bu'siness„-she visited with her niece in Lindsay. * • • * * Edward Garton, resident of Ripley for many years now follow- ing the ;second World War, ,passed t Tuesday in Kincardine a.-,•in his 84th year., He is ere, fter-noon-Withle_m_porar • winter entombment -in thye chapel at 'Ripley Cemetery. Ed made ThaiVfri " PARS CODER/01, ON T. 524 -7811 vation Army. on your behalf reacheS-obt .t o- such,chrItirm--ntc! makes possible 'for them ti c • f• pening.gi at c.i! joying a special , the warm feeling of „'Clothes.. Yes The Salvation Al; many, many troUbfed,i,‘...or‘k „ both young and "old . , It .tric: ma tl -c-hrj-strrras .4n0 ingful by providins, friendshir .itatcrial assitance for the, leF,, fortunate in - Across. Canad:, - fathers. who pcn,d this ClIfISI r on bars. - for 'mothers children lie ill and cold in . a substand.ard dWelling - .ridden hospitalized veter,th fcir needy youngsters who litt le .of :comfort and jor T e a Van has ,been, Spreading JO, ness at Christmaitime, for years and it.plans to ket.r. doing it. ' Share YOUR • blessin.,,c this Christmas. .Hos surviv d by his wife - the former shine in the eyes of a little ho', Hulda Rutledge - to whom sincere girl.. It can bring great jo} int(' sympathy is extended. Also he a child's life. It can is survived by two sisters. in Brus- awaken faith. sell and one in Port, Huron. He But unfortunately for some el) and. Mrs r was born on July 1, 1889 in ' ren, Christmas this year may k urch":—The-Brusse-ls-Leg it. It mar hein visited here Norman and loo ion held a service at the Mac- g in store windows at to‘s Mabel Barnard. Pelee Island has. long been famous for raising the Lennart-McCreath Home in Ripley parents can't afford to buy —.- colourful ring necked pheasants. on Wednesday evening. The suffering for lack of adecitkitc Mabel recently received a lett e r funeral service, with Rev. Ken - clothing ' or simply exrci from Mrs. Bartja 'giving a first neth Rooney of Knox:Presbyterian cing a:feeling of utter alonelics, --ha..tidaccount of the terrifying Church, was held on Thursday.• ;This need not be;, for •I'117, it Two runaways and a guardian liort fair firrifigaiRiVESS.. he helped the late Ken Mac Kay operate the gas pumps at. the Rip- ley- SurRieb .garage almost acros,s the road from his horse. . •• • • Sympathy is extended to Mr.. 'and Mrs: Joe Fl .u dder.and family on the passing•ofloe'S father in. Burlington last Wednesday even- ing.... Funeral service was held . there on.Saturday with temporary winter entombment in, Orange- ville Cemetery.. 5 • . • • noc==.0c=xic==6=gic=;=.0c= :.x:24 Theatre Closed MERRY CHRISTMAS Th.. 28