The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-20, Page 18..00011tem • I.. (Day the spirit of that night, on which the Saviour was born, shine upon you in this Christmas season. Outtekel 444.44 lot vows costagaed isod fu. WISHING ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR • ree lilt THE .s,,ucKnow k.UCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,, .PIKE/WIER .2k on ST. HELENS WE WILL OPEN BOXING DAY 1:30 A.M. TO i P.M. 1 ' 11 "(Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men." May the Messed ,words re-echo in.: every heart this. Christmas, bringing joy to one and all For that last minute gift, one which will be appreciated all year long, give a new or renew- al subscription to The Lucloiow Sentinel, $6 per year in Canada, $8 for foreign. An attractive gift card will be sent. Brother Passes oeorge litirlbort of R. R. 3 Fergus, brother of Mrs, Norman Taylor of Luoknow , passed away' in St. Joseph's Hospital, Guelph on Thursday, December 7th. He was 62, Mr, Hurlburt is survived by his wife, one daughter and four sons; ,two sisters Mrs. Norman Taylor of Lucknow and Mrs. John Wing- rove of St. Williams; three broth- ers Clayton and Murray of Toronto and Arthur of Mississauga. The funeral was 'held in •First Baptist Church, Guelph on Satur- day, December 9th with inter- ment in WoOdlawn Cemetery, Guelph. LOCHALSH Christmas is your Faith in all that is good in the world. Christmas is the selfless spirit of doing for others. - Christmas is laughter and friendship, and the spreading ,of cheer. It is the guileless wonder of childhood. Christmas is the sweet joy of • families'united. It is the• tender knowledge that you, are loved by. someone - and that you have someone to love. Christmas is believing in pray,- Marion McCharles. I- Mr. and ,NIrs-HAir-t Matihc I Spent Wednesday in Guelph 'and' (daughter,&largo returned home 1 .with them for the holiday,sesOn. Several'froin this' area attended the Christmas party sponsored by I Mr. and •Mrs. Robt. McIntosh for I sale barn, employees and families I last Friday evening in Lucknow. I -Dan Wylds has moved to Ripley I for the winter months and is with. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wylds. ' John Bradley of University of I Toronto' is spending the holidays ',, A Sentinel Gift Subscription I ...I t Wishes to all our friends and customers JOUWSMA MARKET GARDEN and Greenhouse, Wingham A. McDONAGII INSURANCE B. ,A. fikPONAGH. -LIST-ATE AND STAFF 401111•11111111111•11•11A Mr. and Mrs. Robt . McIntosh, Pamela and John will be holiday- ag-4-11 the;--Stifaly--6Vuth. Reoent visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Oliver ,McCharles were 'Mr. and •Mrs., 'Hartley 'MacTavish of Toronto, recently, returned from a holiday in the Bahamas. Due to icy roads; school was cancelled on Wednesday at North Mhfield. Once again' thanks to all those who have co-operated in any way to make this column possible - and give us a call at 395-5266 to report Christmas and New Year guests and activities. OLIVET else a very Merry Chrisfrnas-..ind .Happy New Year, and .rnay I s;r: how -ffluotri-have'-enjoyed-bc-iii,:.- -- your correspondent this year. came upon a micfright clear „ as arioels' voices olerc e er and the-Power ,that answers it, plus the right to sing of your belief in the way of your choice. Christmas is all the things free men fight for. Let us 'keep-it shining for all the world',' all year long. Joyous Christmas to with his parents Mr. and Mrs. El- don Bradley $ "ris the season' to be jolly! And we send jolly good thanks to all our friends. . Mrs. Ray'liarnilton and Wendy, Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Mc- Guire and 'Nancy and Bert 'Eaton spent Thursday in London. Jack Was admitted to St. Joseph's.' Hospital and Bert Eaton was down for 'a check up at Victoria, Mr. 'and Mrs. Bert White and f.iini'Iy of-Ntorperh- lasr- Satiirday with Mr. and Mrs,: Os- car' White and May. Mrs. David Rigghat been helping out at the Goderich•Tray. I el Agency this week. Baby 'and Mrs.' jack McGuire. mr. and MX5. Warren- Rich and-. Wby Paul of Wingham visited recently with Mr. and 'Mrs. • MANAGER. AND STAFF NK of MONTREAL Oscar White.. Paul spent last week end with his grandparents While his Mother and father attended the Wingharn Hospital staff party 'on Saturday evening. Mrs. Rich is the former Evelyn White, ,Noieen M,acCharles of Ripley entertained the Olivet of r L.C.W. Thesdav afternoon December VZ.th 'a: her home !for the Christmas irneeting At the clue of the k-neeting there' was an exchange Crzistmas gifts. To the 'Management and i Staff of The Sentinel and everyone