HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-20, Page 5USE CHRISTMAS SEALS. IT'S A MATTER OF LIFE AND BREATH, CHRISTMAS SEALS FIGHT EMPHYSEMA, TUBERCULOSIS AND OTHER RESPIRATOR( DISEASES FOR ALL MAGNETIC PHOTO ALBUMS ' assorted colours $2.79 and'' $3.98 "4.010"wo•Nta"*.ae,n/440NMS•orkiweSOW•o"a/V VINYL LACE TABLE CLOTH 54 .x 54 '$2.59 54 x•72 $3.99 BOXED STATIONERY 99C to $1.99 MEN'S CITATION 3 .PC GIFT SETS REG. $4.75 NOW $3.69 OTHER SETS . PRICED FROAA'$1.09 — $4.25 Lucknow Phone 528;3214 SEE OUR ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS CANDY DOLLS BOXED & TOYS CHOCOLATES SEPOY STORE . 100 ACRES 50 acres of good farm land and 50, acres of rough pasture land' with Water,. in the Amberley district.' B. A. McDonagh REAL ESTATE BROKER Lucknow. 528-2031, ••”•••••••t...••••••••”. RUBBER FROM LUCKNOW SENTINEL K. J. MacKENZIE Optometrist • es, many families have cupboards that are nearly as bare. Bare 'not onl of the varied foods we take, for granted, .but bae of dignity, bare of friendship, bare of hope. Fortunately, there is a well- known organization that is dedic- ated to filling these cupboards with the joy of Christmas. for 90 years 'The Salvation' Army in Canada...has worked-hard-to help-- — the ill, the needy, and the troub- led.. As we enter another holiday' onTits-men-and-womerrate redoubling their efforts to seek out and aid those who would otherwise have a bleak and cold Christmas. Alcoholics, unwed mothers, aged shut-ins, hoipital patients,, prison inmates., depriv- ed children all these and more find Christmas joy through The Salvation Array. waNr ADS GET RESULTS GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES Here's a great way to put your money to work: 7 3/4 % interest, guaranteed on 5-year term deposits. Other terms available. Minimum deposit, $500. Call or drop in and see us today. STERLING TRUSTS TORONTO-372 Bay Street (416) 364-7495 BARRIE 35 Dunlop Street (705) 726-6495 ORILLIA - 73 Mississaga St. E.. (705) 325-2226 .•LUCKNOW Alex T, MacNay,.13ox 125 Miller Mackenzie Ltd, Breckles Bldg,, Tel. 5284320 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1l72 ' THE LUCKNOW SENliNEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE 11.1.1111111 I Fed, Fresh ri kil- EL NOON. Mon- Which icknow turday-• EMERALD ELECTRIC R.R. 5 BRUSSELS PHONE 10-6382 SPECIALIZING IN ELECTRICAL HEATING, ELECTRICAL WIRING AND REPAIRS is Hydro Financing Available my cont., Ttisement LISTOWEL • INSURANCE :To Protect. Your Jack, Insure IVith Jack Today, J. A. McDONAGH. Locknow, Plaine 51!8-3423 itritas gifts Sl anada, an av [1. be sent, at 528.2822; REAL ESTATE. • STONE HOUSE .8 rooms, barn and equipment, 2 creeks and 150 acres of land. Easy terms. INVESTMENT / . THE—STERLING- TRUST. CORP. liet'nenient , Savings Plan Nom. Represent ati6 . ALEX ,1%c.NAY‘ LUCKNOW °mum TED COLLYER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializini.; In I• 1'IRING AND • zinc' • n WIN6HAIVI MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANfTES ' CEMETERY LETTERING. Ii Buy Direct and Save Bus. Rh. 357.1910 Res. Ph. MacKENZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL FUNERAL geRVICE Services mtiducted. according In your wishes at Our Ifoine, your Church, or at Our Mein. 01,1iii Chapel at no 'athlitional charge, Luckhow• Phone 528 ,3432 Oay.Oe Night Bruce Farm Report WANTED: ENTHUSIASTIC 4-H MALES AND FEMALES, The social aspect of 4-H Agric- ultural and Homemaking Clubs often seem to be neglected. A possible remedy for thiS" problem is a 4-11 Day which has been sug- gested. If enough interest 'is created, it will be held in Feb- ruary. This program is to involve all 4-H Clubs, homemaking and agriculture, in Bruce County, Due to distances involved, it will be, necessary to have two 4-H Days, one in the North and one in the South. If you are interested in .helping organize this exciting .new pro- gram, contact Daryl Ball or Barb DeVisscher at Ontario . Ministry of Agriculture & Food, Box 1330, Walkerton. .Organizational meetings are planned for the evenings of Wed- nesday and Thursday, 'January 3 and 4, 1973., For this Day to be a success, let's see every 4.:11 mem- ber ,out to YOUR 4-H DAY, deck- ed out in all your enthusiasm. Daryl Ball, Extension Assistant • Barb DeVisscher, • Home Economist Want to use your creativity — have fun and make new friends? Well, how about getting -involved in the next 4-H Hmhemaking pro- ject -Creative Block Printing? If there are at least 4 girls in your area who would like to Lake this project and one or two lead- ers, Y &tem in business. - Any group of rural girls are welcome to take part in the 4-H.Homemak- ing Club Program. Bruce County's winter project, Creative Block Printing, is about to start, Leaders' fraining R W. BELL OPTOMETRIST —GODERICH The' Square (Phone 524-7661) .-----A,M7HA-RP ER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 - South Street, Coderich Telephone 524-7562 icknow s froin to Sat- elusive. )SS (72, the ie open • v from .eh 3.1st, , -00 p.m c'Kinnon NG.S wishes rigs and. er TiTa-ny,L--- )nds . NG will be and 26 TV' AND . ANTENNA DON' THOMPSON ,-- • TV .1- RIPLEY TELEPHONE, 3954391 • 'INGS ieighbours I wish ld ail the' Fic:m•‘ini • LOSS. ING .'chicle~ or he 16"4rar- x•ill be Jr,e . ti4, or dam• from snow f it has to hip ced Sk.tion traffi'c act ll park highway in erfere 'with 'fir or the' the high.. y Order Of ,hip Council moisumismo". ANTED— tat tractor , Acts mark-. be received ntil 1 Pln.. an .indu ,trial !Ab. Also a Lckhoe. SW: forms nitift )ni t he road !,4 or ,in) accepted , icher • rodent I Ont. R. W. ANDREW Batister...a tit! _Solicitorm...._ LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW, Eiery Wednesday and' Saturday Afternoon. 'Office in I he:Joyin Block TtraiiAone Luc: now 528-3I I(8 PHONE 291.1511 ANL FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY .' I Ilvdro,Fimmeing Available L AUTOMOBILE INVESTMENTS ' Luck now -- Phonv 5;!8-5802 Schools have been scheduled .'as 2 day sessions between January ,..13,_and -24, 1973 and are to be held • in Walkerton, Kincardine, Port Elgin and Marton. Forgirls and women who ...would—likg---to. lead, _ . but work or go to school, a special Training School has been planned — two evening sessions and one Saturday session instead of two day - long sessions and is to be held in. Tara. Barb DeVisscher, . Home Economist FARM ACCOUNTING Farm accounts are even more: , important than they were a year R BRAY ago due to Tax' Law changes with regard to inventory values, DOCTOR OF , quotas, basic herd and various sources of income. Tax, laws with. CHIROPRACTIC . regard to Capital Grants have not changed from last year and • anybody who is in, ,doubt about 1.97 JOSEPKINESTREET . them, could contact .their ac WINGHAM, countant or this .office. , - This office offers a computer , PHONE 357.1224 . accounting system, as do all Min- istry' of Agricultureoffices in Ontario.,This system is 'called CANFAM,. Each year the num- b•G----of—f_apmer4--en.rolling system is increasing , and it iq expected that between 40' and 50 will enroll in Bruce County this year; Accounts are, done 'very • month and the farmer . receives ati up to date statement suitable . for both . fax and management purposes. The cost is $30 .par year. Interested persons sholld 351.1015 again, contact this office. • PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS ' We have advertised a feed am-7 lysis service for about five years . now and the number of people that test their hay or silage has increased each year. If IS easier this year to justify ,spen • •g. on feed testing than any. previous' year. With 'soy-abean meal. getting close to 000 per ton and the price- for beef, milk, and pork being relatively good, it might be ex- pected that a farmer would Want to feed the' beSt ration possible.' try "AND THE CUPBOARD WAS BARE' At some time or other, most of us have chuckled over the nursery rhyme of Old Mother Hubbard • who went to the cupboardtazet her poor dog a bone' "- but it is a sad fact that withi'n our own tow.a.,__eiven as_ Christrnas approach them. GREETINGS OF THE SEASON This is a time for celebration and. we extend to you, our Yuletide Greetings for, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.. M. R. Bolton; Agricultural Representative And The Cupboard as Bare 10 Hay is testing anywhere from to .20 percent protein. When we consider one ton of hay and with protein about 20c per lb. this is If you have a potential' 4-H equivalent to a variability of $40 Homemaking Club, contact your between a ton of 10% protein hay Home Economist, Ontario Minis- I and a ton of 20% protein hay, one try of Agriculture and Food (Box cannot tell by just looking at 1330, Walkerton) for more inform- ation and application forms.- . This project starts with veget-. able printing and moves up `through printing with art gum erasers, found .objects . and nat- ure objects, to lino printing, if ALL 1.1,1';(7111C.11, APPLIANCES desired.'