HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-20, Page 4NOTICE HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The, best in Home Grown, Dry 1.'1 Drug Free Beef. Try our Fr( Home Made Sausage. Custom 1 ling by appointment.. Phone 528-2132 ' NOTICE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL OPEN SATURDAY AFTERNO( In addition to the regular Mc day to Saturday noon hours, ‘i'hi apply year round, The Luckn( Sentinel will be open on. Saturd, afternoons until Christmas - WW1 POUR- TH.E LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, im • \ ,„ 'St.. Z.,,, . \ s :.• :\\„. ,„. \ • \.; sk ,., k,'N.' ;.,,,N \ , •;',,•;, - . , \ .. :.,,,„•.• ,`,. IN , \ V, • COMING EVENTS • phonic, stereo, automatic, good con- ' 0 EN RECEPTION • LORENZ • .BINGO CANCELLED DEAD STOCK SERVICE Lucknow LegiOn bingo is can- $20.00 dead horses; $10.00 cows celled for the next two weeks. Weather permitting they will re- 369-2410 Durham. I sume on January 4, 1973. Merry over 1000 pounds. Phone collect i I Christmas and a Prosperous New CHRISTMAS TREES for sale by I Year to everyone! the Lucknow Boy 'Scouts, orders .......- . _ An op reception reception for Nth% and FOR SALE -, several purebred YorkShire and Lacombe boars, .Mrs' Brian Stothers .(nee Marilyn Montgomery) at Saltford Vaned St; Joseph's School, Kingsbridge C LOSING NOTICE invites everyone to their :annual Finlay Decorators 'in Luc Inc Christmas Concert, in their school will be closed for holidays fro gym, Thursday, December 21 at Thursday, December 21st to Si 8:15 p.m. An evening of enjoyment. urday, January 6th, 1973 inclusk Everyone welcome, NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF'KINLOSs BLYTH BINGO ' After December 9th. 1972, tl 3112. taken $10 added each week, :. poCvHe RHISoTrtMonA,Sof OGRoEdeErTicihNGwSisht ,..._ , cARD PARTY to extend, Season's Greetings tin FOR' RE,NT - 3 bedniiiinhOPSe-. -- - Dungannon L.017-Will hold-thgt--b-e-Stwishes-for--1W3-to-her-mu full bath:- t heated,central to , immediately. Glenn's Apartments, Brookside Public School on Thurs- NOTICE Lucknow 528-3723. day. December 21st •at 8:15 p.m. St. John 14 : 1.5 CHRISTMAS NOTES. . ed. Chickens by 'Christinas. George : _L _._ ' FOr our Christmas Thank You s' •Detzler, Tee.Swater .392,6486. 1 IMMEDIATE PAYMENT for 'good I The• Ladies •• Auxiliary to the CHRISTMAS. GREETINGS• 16 for $1.25. The Lucknow. Sentinel, --- . i ; 'standing timber and bushes, Write Lucknow ;Royal Canadian .Legion To all my friens and neighbou ' BERG STABLE ,EcluipmENT, - ' Robert Eagleson, Aisla Craig, gin- ' :will not hold •the usual December in ; the LucknoW vicinIt...• I wi EXCAVATING .. .AND •TRI...CKING2, Contact.,Lloy.C.' Johnston, RAI. 3 ing location and telephone number , meeting, The next meeting will. be them a .Merry Xmas and • ail t sand and gravel. 'Phone. Robert, Holyrood. phone .395-5390. ' ' 'Or phone •232-4450 before if'a.m. or 'held' on Tuesday,. January' 30th. 'joys of the New Year o. WANTED 8.a2-58651 or phone 881-0863 sions of sympat y, les ON BAG FERTILIZER 8 - 32- 16 - 6 - 24 - 24 15 - 15 - 15 ON TRUCKLOAD LOTS DELIVERED SAME WEEK AS _ • for the surprise evening and gifts. 89 (9) of••the Highway traffie the movement of traffic or' THE LUCKNOW SENTIg makes an ideal Christmas g per year, $8 outside Canada. tractive gift card will be se no extra 'cost, phone 528-2822 ' 24 h.p., electric start, in'real good W. Victor Johnston, Lucknow genera practitioner for 30 years, stock, The Lucknow Sentinel, phone . crick, phone 529-7447. •.. is available from the Lucknow _ _ 528-2822. , ,, FOR SALE - 1960 Cheit pick-up --Sen.tingl phoPe--528-:28P-t"----$6'95" - -- ' •-••• -- --7"----'' Collie to B. ,1yth Lions Club Bingo. waste disposal site will be eD truck and ''3 point hitch trail snow- Mailed an here n Canada or yw i SPORTING-001)M - • in -broken, • Kincardine, phone 396-7621. blower. Ivan McFarlan, R.R. 2 charge. United States . at no additional lines. Hockey pants, pads, gloves • ' at Clearance Prices..: Greer T.V. -1 /./030 I•Yth12Mermegourliaari ne-day-each-momb____,fil 2S taottimr Saturday f,ii•jo, 1 every Satury--iii-ght-at--13A0-pm,--101,--jost--0, Hall. gam eAsdnilfisssiI1(1) Dweilclember be th3Oethlaslt97 '' and Electric, Lucknow, phone 528- 4 ; • FOR SALE - cash, register, ser- vice station model; battery charger 2 - G78-15 Uniroyal Masters and - 2 - G60-15 Firestone tires, rea- TABLE 'PAPER Table Paper is now availthle in checked pattern's of yellow, green or red 36" ride by 100' length, -sonably priced; electric welding, prieed $3.50 a roll. Also available machine; 1965 V2 ton Chev truck, as before in white at $2.25 a roll. rebuilt motor; new 'tires, new ex- The Lucknow Sentinel. haust and brakes. Brian Johnstone -- • - FOR SALE - record• player, syrn- taken, phone 528-3942. dition, $25. Mrs., Jack McGuire, R. R. 5 Lucknow; phone 395-2827. --- - - -- - - - ready for service. Austin Martin, -Hall on friday, December 22n : Snyder, proprietor, phone 357-18,51. BOXED STATIONERY -for phone 395-2845. ; Music by The Country Boys. Lunch - - -- Christmas giving, boxes and box- FOR SALE - Beatty, automatic es Of stationery, all styles and CHRISTMAS CARDS - our stock provided. •Everyone welcome. teed and manure handling equip- prices. You are welcome to have of boxed Christmas cards will ment, •stabling and pressure sys- a look. The Lucknow Sentinel. have something to your liking, drop ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL CONCERT in and make your Selection, a wide tems. Contact Beatty Farm Ser- --- -------- - - vice Centre, Clinton , 482-950. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING SOLVED variety of designs and prices; The - "Before the Age - of Miracles", Lucknow Sentinel. FOR SALE - a 1970 Nordic Skidoo a best selling Canadian book by Dr. -.- An AD-DING MACHINE- for: Christmas, . manual and electric in prior years; S7 per ;copy. An ideal I __ ; Hall.• Christmas gift, 'at The Lucknow Closed Tiles., Fri:. Sun., evenings; FOR RENT -- furnished broom I apartment with fridge and stove, 'SALE - dropped calves • • .• • i • And January 1 st. II . . Hereford and Holstein., Alex Far- , CUSTOM SNOWBLOWING - any-1 rish. R. R. 7 Lucknow, . phone one wishing snowblowing for drive- 528-7305. i , 1 ways,' lanes, etc.. phone Donald J.t - MacIntyre. , 528-5403. ''; . . - •---.--_,NOTICE RE CLOSING son's on history, 1906 and.; open Daily 8:30 aars. - 10:00 p.m. Janu y t Ph January. s . one a . -29.752 r ------r-ernber 28th in Dungannon L.O.L. FOR SALE - Van Dale Silo Un- SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE loaders, George Wraith, Box 95 RESTAURANT • Goderich. 'Phone Residence 524-7002 KINLOSS, ONTARIO or-Shop-524-651-1.--_ • -gallon-cream:,,..-cream - - BRUCE COUNTY HISTORIES *' Compare our prices for all , Your ' om 1907 to 1968, a Sequel to the former book, also Norrhan Rubta- livestock feeds Log Cabin Restaurant. will ; t closed :December 24, 25 and c, Sentinel. Please add SI extra for I • VARIETY CONCERT . Al • charges, • I FOR. mailing and handling I heated, linen supplied, 'available A variety concert will be. mid at , shape. John Collinson, R.R. 3 God- phone 528-2900. PICTURE FRAMING - our spec- ialty, wood and metal. Snyder Photo Studio, Wingham. James FOR SALE FOR SALE. FOR SALE ' now until Christmas, live or dress- c . , ' AN ED. . . FOR SALE --; Geese and ducks I w next' Card Party.on Thursday, Dec- Lucknow and. District friends - _ Locknow and Goderich, available FOR RENT jackpot on 60 calls or under; if not ac • . games; 1973:: Hours .10.:30 a. ,m. to 500 p.r $25 special; door 'prize., $I25.00 • . Clerk, Fraser MacKinnc come. inandments." Silver collection. Everyone wel- : If yOu love me keep eor MEETING CANCELLATION - Paid Advertiseme • ••• Discount-and_LKoyte`s StApert,est same price. . All types of fat and replacement • . . ------Estimates.-.. --Year_ .RoundSelvice. for your um: - jet. _i-eer •., ., cittle./ • PHONE- IN---T•H.E,--E_VENING________txply_gratefue many expres- ' , ' Norman and 'Grace Taylor are RE SNOW PLOWING Neither township. nor 1 T 110 ,An , ' HELP WANTED • - capable received folloWing. the death 'of a. mailboxes:: etc.. left in the road dear' brother, George Hurlburt. snowplows. Ratepayers will be t woman far night duty, preferably _ _ _. -. _ . ' -__ - - , i ponsible for any accidents. or iti an R.N.A,, but all applicantS con- Mrs. Harold Stanley of Lucknow age to snowplow. caused from sr sidered.' Apply Pinecrest Manor would like 'to thank her former dumped on roads. • or • if it has Nursing Home. • Lucknow. phone neighbours and relatives from ;be removed by township eqi 528-2186 or evenings 528-2136. Rapid City and the 2nd concession mot, they will be charged S(kt / Doug Harker. Phone 364-3313 C,Off -arid :128 3112. .._ lest. Box 467. 'Hanover. Ontario. - SPECIAL PRICES BARN EQUIPMENT :omplete line of A rn Equipment and Clay Equipment for poshbuth,n, farm- ing: Weststeel-Rosco Granaries Zero Milking Systems. Lowry. Farm Systems. Amberley. phone 395-5286. AUCTION E'ER- SERVICE:- Grapt McDonald: Ripley . Wallace Ballagh. Teesw'ater • Licensed. Auctioneers Sales of all.types • Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 • PWO CARDS !PRAY •PAINTING Plastic coated single decks frwn ARNOLD STOTHERS $1.19 up as well as double• decks ' andeuchre decks (euchre card Drop PHONE 529-74.3 only). Drop in at The Lucknow FOR ESTIMATES Satinet in Wallow. E. LUCKNOW- SEtinNEL - . -FUELS-L HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES • paid 'for dead and disabled cows' . SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS ,-10c per copy. If you are interested ' in the news of teeswater and Dis- trict, pick up a copy. FOR SALE - 1971 - 35 11,P„ 2 NOW AVAILABLE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL _ I those who offered to care'for 1, Tender or in ustria ..for $850. Phone Mitchell. 348-8668. Bruce C-ountY, first published in per, year, S8 outside Canada, an at- :, ,,__, Heidi and for cards received. These ;I loader. cab. Sealed' tenders n: cycle Rupp snowmobile. list $13% Norman Robertson's History of makes an ideal Christmas gift, $6 -- -- - - - - 1906: second in 1960 tractive gift card will be sent. at ki igntudn.esses are very much appree- , ; by the undersigned until 1 I ed as to contents will be red ladies' ' and c:_ildren's. Pettey ' ' PRICE 57.60 ' no extra coSt, phone 528-2822. t _ ' January 3rd, 1973 for an indu' USED SKATES for sale. men'S, printing • • , atid lkirset. 'Call colloct 1-3459 , LUCKNOW • Away for Christmas or New ' Walkerton. Graf Stock Removal., j Years Have some Visitors'? Call .,Phon 529;1524 or A244891 i' ` Us at The Lucknow Sentinel FREE BURNER StalVICE, 528.28=, and tell us about them. We'd like to hear fro you. If Mine PrOducts For Farm, ' m . industry ' yoU have a rural correspondent in your area, give her a call. Syrnes, Lucknow 48-304.. Shoes. Lucknow, phone 528.2011. Add SI for shipping acrd handling AN ADDING MACHINE - for We also have • available the Christmas, 'manual and electric in THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL - is sequel of this book. The History ,vstock, The Lucknow Sentinel, phone for sale at Mel. Stanley's Sunoco. of The County of Bruce 1907 - 1968 ; 528=2822. ; Umbach's Pharmacy, H. and B. written by Norman •McLeod - CHISHOLM THE TEESWATER NEWS is .• PAPERING - feediladey: or 'wheat preciated. . available'at The Lucknow Sentinel. Floor Sanding, and Spray. Paint- David Keith. Teeswater, 392-6474. john and Ruth PritChard would-• - - !while. Ruth was Thanks also to TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS ~am, • who. sent in meals and bakii(g • ‘. Repairs and Installation. Pree We have filters and , San i after 6 p.m. T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE HUMIDIFIER SUPPLIES , ROY'S ALUMINUM - - SALT.,„S AND SERVICE. win- WANTED: - general carpentry, :like to thank all those who rem- • embered him with cards and Visits .., clearing of snow from the li dows. doors. Fc..r fret 'estimate call cabinets. formica and ' arborite ., Roy Emberlin. .our local deglEr. tops Either Culbert 395-5298 while a patient in Wingham plus- , waY• By Ordoi pital,' This kindness was much ap- -Kinloss Township cot ing. Fred Emberlin. Phone Luck- ORDERED HELP WANTED - for Treleaven's This thoughtfulness is very much reads "no person shall park LUCKNOW-DISTRICT __Luelcriew reed •,Mill Good wages _appreciated.. stand a Vehicle on a highv.* DEMOLITION WORK Phone .528-2125 for responsible -man. 40-hour weele -, • • such- manner as to interfere 'Phone 528-3000. William Gollan of Lucknow would THIRD PRINTING • SANDiLASTING taire • now. like to' sincerely thank their friends LOST ...“Riestike ace ,CARD OF THANKS I Let-Us-Know! . I • tractor, loader and cab. Al' price quotation on a backhoe. ifications and tender forms be used. Available from the superintendent. Lowest or tender not necessarily accept( Frank Schumacher Road Superintendent R-A-1-,Hoty_c044,1! ont• NOTICE ' TOWNSHIP OF KINL,OSS Mrs. Eva • .