HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-20, Page 2., 4 THE STAR WE FOLLOW News these days, whether reaching us through the daily paper or via the airwaves, seems to consist of one calamity after another -- more deaths in Ireland, more repression in South Africa; more examples of injustice and man's inhumanity to man. When we reflect on all, this woe, it is easy to despair of both individuals and society. But not at Christmas. happier aspect of mankind is revealed. Human beings can be As we prepare for this lestiv o unselfish and tender too, and the heartening message of this season is that we can trust these qualities. We are as capable of love as of hate, of idealism as of cynicism, and on them the world makes its slow but not always insubstantial gains. Deepair always fetters; it is love that inspires. LUCKNOW UNITED . CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister DECEMBER 24th Advent 4 Christmas Sunday • 10 a.m. Sunday School 11&-onrfolorning_W_orshi, Those wishing transportation to ct church conta. .1 Wm. G. Hunter 5284741 POINT TO PONDER "This is how God showed , his love for us: he sent his only Son into the world that we might have life' through him." 1 John 4 : 9 •÷•-•-•-e+••••••-•-e-ene-4•-••-•-•44 SERVES CHARGE IN SCARBOROUGH Alex Hewitt Ordained A Minister Of The Presbyterian Church Alex ,J. Hewitt, formerly of Kinloss Township, was ordained and inducted' into the ministry of the Presbyterian Church at a Cer- emony at Toronto on Wednesday, November 28th., A=1-ex-i-uttre--sorroFfa-el'iLHew-itt_ _ of Kinloss 'and Mrs. Laural °Hewitt of Cayuga. He was raised in ' Kinloss Township,., attended pub- lic school in Kinloss and High School, in LucknoW and graduated from Waterloo Lutheran University :with a B.A. de•ree in 1965. ' After teaching English in High SChool for-thie-e-Tears ing -Under the influence of Walter Allum of Dundas, he erne ed Knox College in'1969. 'lie graduated in Ma:y 19'72 receiving,; the Master. of Divinity Degre(' with.honours. . A le-x—is-an-aceoMpi-ished ist. • His•wife Nlardy is a' te,1Clier at Cedarbrae Collegiate, scs'eci,11 izing'in PhySical Education .tal. Guidance. The ordination and induction was into :the pastoral c ha Ne . Parkin Scarboronli, the Presbytery ot East -l'oiOnto7-• The Presbyterian Church 'ill Ada ' , • , • PAEAS TWO THE: LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW „ ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 191 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING SOLVED -- "Before the Age of Miracles", a best selling Canadian book by Dr. W. Victor. Johnston, Lucknow general practitioner for 30 years, is available from the Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-2822 for $6.95. Mailed anywhere in Canada or United States at no additional charge. The LUCKNOW SENTINEL —LUCKNOW, ONTARIO "Tito Sepoy Town" — On the Huron-Bruce Boundary Second Class Mail. Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 — Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of the C.W.N.A. and 0.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $S.00 a year in advance — to the U.S.A., $8100 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, 'DECEMBER 20, 1972 History is studded with the names of the ruthless from `Caesar's legions to Hitler and Stalin, but their stars flashed briefly and thin vanished. It is another star we follOw-wi hope and yearning each. December, and it takes us to a ,Beth- lehem stable and a Babe whom man cannot forget In his name and in his spirit the Cardinal Leger's, the Dr. Robert McClures, the Jean Vaniers and the Dag Ham.tnerakjolds live, or have lived among us. At „this season we dare believe the best and final word is • with theln: "Where charity stands watching And faith holds wide the door The dark night wakes, the glory breaks and Christmas comes once more , . . "_ Phillips' Brooks MAY rT SO COME TO US. ALL. ' f • 44.4444-#4-o-o++4 . • • A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE From The Lucknow BY REV. IL G. NICHOLLS, SECRETARY Christmas finds its fullest expression in the celebration of the cornitfr-of-Jesus:-Sometimes we-become-so_concerned_almt sending greeting cards, buying, gifts• planning family re-unions and the Christmas feast that we forget that Christ stands at ~ the heart of Christmas. Of cota-se, the renewal of relationships;• the spirit of giving and the goodwill of the season are a natural res- ' • ponse to the love given at Christmas, but unless we ,find its, 'basis in the love made real in Jesus, we miss the true meaning ..of Christmas. Our cause for rejoicing in the Christmas /season comes because we discOver the fulness of God's' love made real in the flesh of a Man. N„ow 'we know that God is not distant or aloof • from us. Now we know that be is with us in our huma,n history, . bound up in our jOys and sorrows, our hopes and fears, our gtrengths and weaknesses. I3ut his presence, makes a difference to our lives. Ile is with us in love in love wiu accepts its ' as we are in the midst of our sin and weakness; 'in love which lifts us out of, ourselves into a new life which 'is able to meet and conquer Whatever comes to us; — in love which gives 'us • the spirit and the power to, overcome evil and to bring love .and peace and joy to all life. Because be loved, we loVe, and, in lov- ing, we bring life to others and find new life •in ourselves: This • is what Christmas is all about And Allis is why we take this • opportunity to wish for all of you the peace and, joy and love Which finds its source in Jesus Christ our Lord. eimow..944.4w","10,444%.0%00444~%!1407%."01% Services: / 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE 10:30 a.m. NEW, YEAR'S DAY SERVICE 10:30 a.m. VISITORS WELCOME Lucknow -Presbyterian—Church, Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. 10:00 .a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship . DECEMBER 31st Watch Night I nion Service / at 11:30 p.m., Everyone welcome CHRISTMAS SERVICES CHRISI'MAS-EVE 11:30 p.m. Choral Eutharlst CHRISTMAS DAY g 11:00 a.m. Family Service LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN . REFORMED. CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort - Pastor pbeine 520:2740 • DECEMBER 24th , Christmas Sunday ST. PETERS ANGLICAN CHURCH LUCKNOW' ' • • This week's issue of The Sent- inel Will be the last until Thurs- day, January 4th, one day later than usual, because of the New Year,holiday.: As has been the habit in 'the past• there will be no paper pub- lished between Christmas ;and New Years. Sentinel correspondents are 'requested to send in their Christ Jiews atirltrap-pe At.: a Iltywing _- Lodge Donates us to process the material as'it is 'received. - : -The Sentinel will be open for • $ .100 To Pool business, as usual, over the next week.despite The fact that no.' paper will be published. 'Phone us 'at 528-2822 with your person-, als or other 'new s 'stories. We'll be-happy-to hear fr'ou and with; your assistance will continue to provide you with an interesting paper in 1973. Watch Night Communion Service • LUCKNOW • PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY,. DECEMBER '31st AT 1 1 :30 P.M. Lucknow Presbyterian Church is marking its 100th An- niversary in 19/3 and the occasion will be marked with special services, the first being a Watch Night Communion Service, EVERYONE FROM OTHER.CHURCHES IS WELCOME AND INVITED TO ATTEND. I hereby proclaim BOXING DAY, TUESDAY, DECEM BER 26, 1972 as a crvie HOLIDAY. Last Senitinel Free Skating Again For This Year OnSaturday PROCLAMATION . CIVIC HOLIDAY ‘111111L. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1972 • • .Free:•skating LucknOw again thiS ,.• December 23 Cornplir::',ents',o:-.!,11c Lucknow. Business 'Assoc 1.-0 .101.,.. Santa ma-de his second -,•isit 1,nc.know- last week 'end -tinted- treats Jot • .. • •, Old Light •LOc!„:c Lticknow has made a donati& !slop to the Luckno-w Lions Swu ming Pool Fund. lodge-7-w-hich• is. c e. years old ,: meeti•the first :burs day of every' month. GEORGE JOYNT, Reeve <a'