HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-13, Page 14•
Broomball Shoes Bowling Shoes' 114. Skates
47 Boxes Of Used Clothing, Plus Money
Sent To Madonna House, Buy 50 Chairs
twentrmembers-arid five
visitors in attendance.
Father Ed Dentinger, C.R. open
ed the meeting with the League
Church Life Convener, Mrs.
• tin • ave the scri ture
reading taken frorn St. Luke,
Chapter 2, Verses 1-17 followed
by her monthly report. The
Prayer for Vocations was said.
The minutes of the
st meeting were read. At an
ecutive Meeting it was decid-
• -ed-to-order-and-sell-Religiou
Christmas cards after Sunday
Masses. Mrs. John Austin and
Mrs. Bob Howard are in chargei---
, of this. Some cards are still
available. Mrs. Walter Clare
and Mrs. Mark Dalton looked
,after the Christmas gifts, for, the
sick arid shut-in.
., clothing and a donation of Money
Were sent- to Madonna House,
Combermere. Fifty chairs were
::purchased for the Church Hall
and arrived in time for the Nov-
ember Communion Luncheon.
Cardparties are to be held in
the homes again during the winter
month.s. Two or three rnemberi
could go together and if they de-
sire put a card party on in the
curcfi a ,
Correspondence was: read and in-
cluded a number of thank you
notes. The. Treasurer's report, was
given. There will be a collection
On. Wednesday evening, Decent.
ber , 6th, St. Joseph's Council
of'the Catholic Women's Leagu
met in the Church Hall with
for Christmas flowers. R011 call
was taken by Mrs. Antone Van
Osch. Mrs. Walter Clare,
tian Farrlily Life Convener
-reported-that the.prograni
Before Birth" on Man Alive seen
on C.B.C. - TV was very well
received. COmmunicatiOn and
Public Relation, Convener , Mrs.
Jim Martin reported that 18 mem-
bers attended the October meeting
of the Trinity Lf.C. W. eorn
munity night held in the Church'
Hall in November/ honoring Kathy
Doherty and Rita Knoop'was well
attended. A Service Pin was
shown that will be given to any
member who has shown
standing -Ant be of
Newsletters are still available for
members who have not received
Reports were given by Social,
Economic and Civic Life Conven
er, Mrs. Wilfred . Austin; Social
Action Convener, Mrs'. Mark
Dalton_and Consumer Affairs Con-
Frayne_. Mri.
John Austin reminded us that the
deadline for' Resolutions is Decem-
ber 31.st. John Wallace's 87th
birthday,oh the 10th of Decem-
ber will be remembered with a
cake and gift. Father Ed Dent ,
lager and. Brother Carl have offer-
ed to make 8 new tables for us
if we supply the plywood, It was
moved by ,Mrs. Antone Van Osch
and seconded by Mrs. Reis Milterr
-but-g-that-weAD ce
ary plywood and angle iron for
the tables:
• CGIT Hold
Vesper _Service .
A crowd of approximately 150
gathered in Lucknow Presbyterian
Church on Sunday evening for a
C. 6.1..T. candlelight Vesper
Service. .
TWenty girls and four leaders
presented a 'beautiful and moving '
worship service ..Rick Orr accom ,'.
panied Mrs. Scott at-the organ •
with an, electric
Main speaking parts were taken
by Mary Ellen HaVens, Brenda
MacDonald, Susari cram; .Nancy- -
-Warren and Suzy.Garniss. 'Prayers
were led by -Cathy Jamieson and
those participating in prayers from
the .congregation were Raynard
Ackert, Ruth Henderson., Berna=
ReV . Nicholls and Nancy Ritchie.
-Mary was Sheila MacIntyre;
Joseph was Lynda Campbell, and..
the Cross-Bearer was Audrey
Songs sung bY'the C. G.I.T .
were "Clap your hands7 ., "Mary
Mary". and. "Shalom", The'con;-
two of the songs. .
"The.P..ea.ce" was passed from per-
for the missions. Material
supplied by Eaton's and SimpSOn's
is available for sewing during the
wiater. Months. •
Father Ed Dentingerspoke a
feW words on the true spirit of
Christmas. It was moved' by
Mrs. Carl Riegling and, seconded
by mrs: Clarence Doherty that we
adjourn the meeting and it closed
with prayer.
The meeting was followedby_a_
Christmas program. Father Ed
Dentinger sang some Christmas
Frayne on the piano. Carols were
1._.,:tccorapedl:)_y Marianne
sung' by Nancy and Kathy O'Keefe
and Marianne' Frayne with all
members joining in.' Brother Carl
composed and read acomical •
poem. There was an exchange Of
'gifts with Mrs. Santa in the per-
son of Janet Hogan greeting mem-
bers. During lunch the Mystery
Prize was won by Mrs. Joh-fl
LucknowmUnit 3
Mrs. Lawrence McLeod was
hostess for Unit 3 of Lucknow Un-
ited Church_Women in the church-
parlour on December 5, with nine-
teen members present.•
Mrs. Gordon Kirkland president
presided, opening the meeting
with a poern, "A common place
life". The hymn "Go Tell It Oh
the Mountain" was sung followed
;on to person throughout, the con-
grsgation. Four girls went down
the aisles ca-RiiiKTri thar-hands-the-
folded hands of the personS sitting
at the aisles and saying, "The
Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be
with you". Each person turned
and passed it on io the person next
-to h-rrn-tO
Ushers were Beverley Maize,
Betty Anne Hunter , Nancy
Ritchie and, Sandra Henderson.
ThoSe taking, up the offering were
Rhonda Gibson, Dorothy Clark,
Jo-Ann MacIntyre'and Joanne
'to-We •
The service was opened by 'a
short skit with Joanne Ritchie and,
Coralyn flendeLson expla-ining the
meaning of -the Posters which an-
swered 'the questiOn of the theme:
"What On earth is God doing?" -
He is being with us; He is giving
us newlifei He is freeing us. In
arkened church, Mrs. Lois
Wylde, a, leader; sang "I am, t
light of the world", with guitar
and organ accompaniment while
each girl lit a small candle' and
remained in the aisles for the sing
ing of "Joy to the World". After-
wards, the girls , and leaders lined
the stairs to shake hands with the
by the Lord's prayer in unison.
The-roll call was answered by'
naming a gift 1 can give.
Members are asked to bring any
donations for the Christmas Cheer-
io boxes to the-general rneetir4!
December 14, or to the church
the following Sunday. Mrs. W.
G. Hunter reported for the
Friendship Committee .and 1\1rs.
McLeod gave the treasurer's re-
In .memory of three niemibers
'deceasednin1972, .Mrs. Jennie
Mills, Mrs. l; Lerman Phillips
and .Miss Elizabeth Murdie,.Mrs.
Harold 'Te.iLaven lit three, end
les,..,a.nd a minute's silence
Mrs. Wightman had
of devotions,. with a Cliristn .!"as
theme. 0. Conte All Ye Faithful
was sung. Mrs. J. W.. JOynt read
the Christmas stor). from .‘,11t ,-
thew s gosp.e , a!
Alton read the story 9f the Shep-
herds as recordedein Luke.. As
With Gladness waS'sun ,:and
Mrs. Wightniah:led in pra:, .
..."Christ comes to US in:Oin-
Br,other".°.was'the theme of, the
progr- the e_on
,Winter.Time". was sun. Stones
of Christmas. in, different,area
of Canada were read :,'ors.
Kirkland, Mrs, Wm
Glen Walden and Mrs.
erc-i-nterSpersed-w41 ,,- 141
•singing of a 'verse of various (Thrist:.
rnas Carols.
"Joy'to The World" was sun,: and
the meeting closed Wiih the .".,1,iz-
pah Benediction. Mrs. (2wh
who was the accompanist.,.rla\
an instrumental while lunch %,,,As
• '
Pot Mums, Azaleas
Poinsettias, Cyclamen
Mixed Pans,
Cut Flowers, etc.
Solomon's Greenhouses
Lucknow Phone 528.3017
WhitechutCh Messengers held
thee-Deem-her Meeting oniSita7:_.
day, December 10 during the 2
church service in the Sunday
School room. The call to worship
waS given by Karen,Quipp.
Away in a Manger, was sung.
Jackie W,hytock read the strip
tore followed by a poem by •
Murray Gi6b. The offering was
received by Jane Laidlaw and
Calvin Quips •
The roll call and the 'minutes
were not given due to the absence
All went to their class for their
story after which the carol "Sil-
ent Night" was sung.
The Benediction was given
by Kenneth Qtipp,
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Members were reminded to
save their used cards and stamps
Alex T. MacNay, Box 125
Miller MacKenzie Ltd,
Brocides Bldg., TeL 528.2320