HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-13, Page 10The award system for 1971-72 is as follows: to receive an award , ,a pupil must attend 32 Sundays, for which they,,will receive a, • certificate or seal. For those whc attend re Sundays, • cirolfest '72 AN EVENING. OF JOYOUS CHRISTMAS MUSIC Sunday, December 17 AT SOUTH KINLOSS PRESBYTERIAN -CHURCH . (LOcTaleirra t&-ioftirend of Lucknow ) 8 p.m. Mil B''"T"OISlltil1HG, EVERYONE WELCOME ORGANIST - MRS. BRUCE HAMILTON PIANIST - MRS. WILLIAM, SCOTT ' DIRECTOR - WIS. LORNE. 'SPARKS "ffir.1414WKOOMAIGSWISMIROMAac* 4 THE' 1,10;KNOW SENTINEL, 14C.KNOW, ONTARIO • INEONOSIDAYi 1972. .1 k• gave the scripture reading from Lucknow Presbyterian Sunday School presented their annual Christmas Carol and White Gift Service on Sunday, December 3rd at 3.30 jp.m. in the Sunday School roorti. , • Alood turnout was present for the program staged by the Sunday School pupils. Rev. Glenn Noble was chairman for the program which was opened with musical numbers by a group of •musicians composed of the- Henderson Family, Norman, Tay- lor ,.Cyril Brown and Jean Reid. Mrs. Donald McCormick's class five Perfect Attendance Awards At Lucknow Presbyterian Sunday School • UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister DECEMBER 17th Advent 3 Whit. Gift Synday 10-a.m. Sunday-School- 11 a.m. Morning Worship Those wishing transportation to church contact' Wm. G. Bunter 528-2741 , " Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 523-2710 DECEMBER 17th 10:00 'a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship The Luclmow Central School Band will be in attendance. St. Augustine CWL The meeting:of the St. August- ine.C. W.L. was held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday , ,December 5 with fourteen members present and one visitor. Father Dentinger opened the meeting with the League Prayer and Mrs. Franken, the C. W. L. President, was in the chair'. The financial report was given by Mrs. Neil Stapleton. The Spiritual Convener reported tine get-well card sent out.' Linger dosed the 2; 1-20. Recitations a highlight, Of eaci year's program, were given, by Mrs. Noble Johnston's, Marjorie Murray's, Barbara Stanley's and Other numbers were presented by the folloWing classes: Tony.. Johrmne's-ClasS7-play---The-U.nbe4,_ liever; Mrs. Robt, Gilchrist's class, play ,•Wanted ; A House- keeper; Musical Nurnbe.1 by the musicians narned above; Mrs. Bruce Raynard's class, play, A et EVening with the radio; and Rev. Noble's class A skit which featured a take off from the TV show, Truth or Consequences with audience-participation, : which had as its highlight an im - promptu trio composed of Mrs. Ford Cunningham, Bruce Raynard and Jack lienderson. They sang Away, if A Manager. • In conjunction with, the:pro- gram the awards for the 1971-72 year were presented by-Superin- tend.ent Tony Johnstone. and Rev Glenn Noble. . Five pupils had perfect attend' ance, 44 Sundays. They were,: Danny Gilclu-ist and Dale Gil- christ, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gilchrist and Marlene, Allan and Marjorie Murray. children of Mr. ' - Mrs. Raymond Boyle is to look after getting the flowers 'for Christmas. A church cleaning is - to be held the -Week bzfore-Christ-,-- Inas. A series (*card parties are to start in 1anuary. Mrs. Gus Redmond was appointed to make out the list of hostesses for each party. Father. Dentinger gave a very interesting talk ori Christmas, making Christmas truly Christian on thefamily get-together,. attending Mass and the singing' of carols. pin or year guard was presented. The following received awards: Lori Stanley, 32 Sundays, cettif- icate; Tracey McDonagh, 38, 2 yr. Seal, 1 yr. Pin; Paul John- stone, 41, 3 yr. Seal, 2 yr.' Rin; Danny Gilchrist, 44, Certificate, 1 yr, Pin; Mae Raynard, 41., Certi- ficate, l yr. Pin; Betty Stanley , 40, 5 yr, Seal, 5 yr. Pin; Char- lene Elphick, 41,, 4 yr. Seal, 3 yr, Pin; Suzanne Kirkland, 38, 4 yr. Seal, 3 yr. Pin; 'Marlene Mur- ray, 44, 4, yr. Seal, 4 yr. Pin; Janice McInnes, 441,'4 yr. Seal., 4 yr. Pin; Reid Murray, 43, 5 yr. SeaT,-5-yr:-Pin; Glen Raynard, 42, 3 yr. Seal, 3,yr. Pin; Dale Gilchrist, 44, 6 yr. Seal, yr. Pin; Marion Raynard, 43,.3 yr. Seal, '3 yr. Pin; Jo7Marie McCor- mick, 40, 2nd Cert, 8 yr. Guard; Faye Forster, 39, 5 yr.' Seal, 2 yr. Pin; Barry Elphick;-4 7 yr. Seal, 7 yr. Guard; Brian Elphick, 41, 4 yr. Seal, '3 yr. Pin; Wayne McDonagh, 34, 4 yr. Seal;' Robert Henderson, 3e, 4 yr. Seal; Murray4Gilchrist, 43. 6 yr. Seal, 5 yr. Pin; Annette,E1- Pin; Grant Gilchrist 42 2nd _Cert„ 8 yr. Guard; Garry McInnes; 40, 2nd Cert., 8 yr. Guard; Michael McDonagli, 32, yr. Seal; Kendra Elphick, 41, 4 yr. Seal, 3 yr. Pin; Sandra Lynn Elphick, 39,, 7 yr. Seal, 7 fir. Guard;__Etta__Belle MacDonald ;. -33-,-5 yr. Seal; Gle-nda-Jaanieson, 39, 7 yr. Seal, 4 yr. Pin; Ray, Cunningham, 43, 2nd Cert. , 8 yr. Guard: Allan Stanley, 41; 2nd Cert. , ,8 yr. Guard; Tom Henderson, 35, 7 yr. Seal; An- nette Kirkland, 87, 2nd Cert.. 8. .yr. Guard; Jean Reid, 40, 11 yr. Seal, 11 yr. Guard; Brenda John- stone, 36,11 yr. Seal; Mary Stan- ley, 42, 12 yr. Seal, 12 yr. ° Guard; Tammie Forster, 37, 7 yr. Seal Syr. Pin; Allan N rray, 44, 2nd Cert., 8 yr. Guard; Barb- ara Hawthorne, 34,. 10 yr. Seal; Stasia Purney, 82, 2nd Cert.; Brenda MacDonald, 32, 10 yr. Seal; Jeffry Taylor, 32, 11 yr.' Seal; Cathy Jamieson, 32, .12 yr. Seal; Marjory :Murray, 44, 2nd ea; 8-yr. Guar an le, 32, 13 yr. Seal. Beginner Awards: Linda Searle, 21; Jacqueline Rathwell.17; Diane Wilson, 26. The program closed with the _pacsing of candy. WE HAVE MODELS IN STOCK as low as $59.95 LIT!!1111t, St A 411_, 000411141109000,411 4.9 19940 11.99999 1109 .91114.41199.94114196" 00411.99909•10 COME IN NOW AND LAY-AWAY FOR / CHRISTMAS. -44**10.-; • --osior • ..- LUCKKOW-SEN-TINEL Phone '52.Lq822 . =KNOW_ Trinity . .Presen Hackett. The Junior Class had':i Christmas_ Concert ing local people as they were in ett, Maryanne Alton and Donna "Fashion StioW'iif ReVieW - show- Alle19(10's, a$ we are to-da% , and Trinity Sunday School Christ- as we might be inyear aka.), mas concert was held Friday, / followed by a recitation December 8 at. Brookside sChool by KeVin Alton and a solo by with a good attendance. All joirr Suzanne Alton, ed in singing Christmas carols Gail Hackett, Jeff Hunter and and were 'welcomed-by -Mr:Hum- reg Hackett then gave piano ' mel. numbers and the 4-H ' A Christmas Pagent was staged. -presented their play frOm Achieve by the Junior Department (Grades ment Day followed by piano solos 1 - 6) which will be televised by Janet Wilkins, Karen Camp- on CKNX at 12.30 on Christmas bell, Ian Hackett and Sharon Alton. Day. Lori Hackett played a Alton. • selection on her accordian folloW- . Steven Alton sang a' solo and . ed by recitations and songs by the then the Jtinior - High class pres- primary class. The_Nursery ented-their play "Anti-gOssip class sang "Away in a Manger" Club" as they represented; seven,1 and some said recitations. people in the cornmunity and aye us all a laugh. Janice Hackett, Elizabeth Wilk- Sherri Jerome sang a solo T(.1----7 ins and Patti; Barger followed by lowed by piano selections Darlene Hackett, Joan ilack:tt the Primary - Junior Class Play "The 'Three sears and Goldilock's and ,Leone, Cranston. The Senior class then directa.:, Christmas' Gordon Alton had their "CBC Special" complete a monologue "Testing Santa" and ' with janitors, commercials, latest news, and the bed-time then Brian HaCkett and Johnny Barger played the piano. viewer. Janet and Elizabeth _ The_latermediate class acted as a panel to answer questions o f011owed by the Queen. • local Concern and if they didn't Then to everyone's joy Sinta know the answer each student -came for a visit and gave.out could ask a member of the aud- candy to the' Sunday School ience. Piano solos were enjoyed classes: Cheryl Hackett , Jamie Hack- Watch Night Communion Service LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31st * AT 11:30 P.M. n^ A Versary 'in 1973 and the occasion will be mar a',01-6 services, the first being a Watch Night 'Communion Service. lEN AN 'D a VvEi TR EYDO NTE0 AFTTROEMNDO:rHER CHURCHES IS WELCOME POINT TO PONDER Religion is, first, an open hand to receive a gift and second; an acting hand to distribute gifts. Paul Tillich LUCKNOW CHRISTIA REFORMED CHURCH .CW. Van Stempv Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service VISITORS WELCOME , Mrs. Tony Johnstone's class. , They were given by:. Tracey Mc- . -1-efle'--Mrraiz-i-Ja-niciz • McInnes, David Emberlin, Paul • Johnstone, Jackie Rathwell, Linda Searle, Larry Hoffman, Mae Ray7 nard, Lori Stanley, Debbie Em- berlin, Danny Gilchrist, Diane Wilson, Paula Hoffman, and Cathy McLeod. meeting with prayer., A griM--atRA -is marling its 1.00ih. An- lunch .was served' by the hostess in charge. Following the lunch, an exchange of Christrnas gifts and a social hour was much en- joyed.