HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-13, Page 5PAGE PIVi ..,. ., wpm.g.s.pAY„ DECEMBER 13, 1972 , NOTICE NOTICES AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE • CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Property, Household Effects and Antiques will be held for the estate of the late Miss Lillian Adams 114 Albert Street, Clinton on Saturday, December 16 at 12 p.m. sharp See bills for list and terms Brian Rintoul, auctioneer Whitechurch NOTICE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL OPEN SATURDAY AFTERNOON In addition to the regular Mon- day to Saturday noon hours, which apply year round, The Lucknow Sentinel will be open on Saturday afternoons until Christmas. CLOSING NOTICE Finlay Decorators in Lucknow will closed for holidays from Thursday, December 21st to Sat- urday, January 6th, 1973 inclusive. ery old 'eg- the ; or :ree De- gew ern-, gion- usic by *No wel- Gor. son, and TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS • Tender for industrial tractor, loader, cab. Sealed tenders mark- ed as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 1 p.M., January 3rd, 1973' for an indu$trial .tractor, loader and cab. Also a price quotation on a backhoe. Spec- ifications and tender forms must be used. Available. from the road Superintendent. Lowest or • any tender not' necessarily accepted. Frank Schumacher Road Superintendent ,R.R. 1 Holyrood, Ont. impommimmommummummommum n n n • m FOR SALE EMERALD ELECTRIC R.R. 5 BRUSSELS - PHONE 887-6382 SPECIALIZING IN ELECTRICAL HEATING, ELECTRICAL. WIRING AND REPAIRS e •• • •• ••• ••• •• ••• it** .• •• REAL ESTATE . SALES AND SERVICE DON THOMPSON TEDCOLLYER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In ELECTRIC HEATING. ELECTRIC • WIRING AND REPAIRS. and ALI. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES R. BRAY DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC ▪ 300 ACRES of cash crop and pas- • ture land; 225 workable, balance ,hardwood and cedar bush.' All in '• one block and priced at $32,500. Check this while it is still available. • Ringo. p 14ksion of $11) c:1 2,1 NI IT not.. •nold ,a Tember 197 JOSEPHI STREET WINGH PHONE35-7-1Z2-4 WE HAVE SEVERAL sincere clients looking_ for .10p acre farms in this area. If you have 50 to 100 acres with or without buildings for sale, give us a call. WARREN ZINN.. , PhOrie 529-7350 Wilfred Mclntee M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 . 5/ South Street, Godetich Telephone 5247562 A TYPEWRITER fel. Christmas, all Price ranges starting at $59.95, lay away' yours now and don't be d isappointed later, The Lucknow Sentinel, phone '528.2822, THE 1.4CKNOW. SENTINEL LUICKNOW, ONTARIO Notice To Creditors CHISHOLM FUELS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW Phone 529-7524 or , 524-7681 FREE BURNER SERVICE Products FIrn:'arm, Home and HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD • The best in Home Grown, bry Fed, Drug Fret Beef. Try, our Fresh Home Made Sausage. Custom kil- ling by appointment. Phone 528-2132 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ELIZABETH ANN MURDIE Deceased All persons having claims again- st the Estate of Elizabeth Ann • Murdie, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Retired Book-keeRer, deceased, who died on or about the 12th 'day of October, 1972, are hereby notif- ied to send full particulars of their claims to the undersigned Solic- iotor 'for the Estate, on or before the 22nd • day of December 1972, after which date the Estate will be distributed/ amongst those entitled thereto having regard only, to the claims of which the Executor shall then have , notice. Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this 27th. day of. November 1972. R. W. ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor NO DECEMBER CLINIC There will be no Child . Health Clinic in December, Next clinic will be held on •Tuesday, January • 16th. NOTICE PIANO LESSONS Beginner's Instruction in piano available on Saturday mornings only. Please contact Karen Elliott, phone 528-3409. NOTIC E TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS , RE SNOW PLOWING Neither Township nor plowmen will be responsible for Vehicles or mailboxes, etc., left 'in the road of snowplows. Ratepayers will be res- ponsible for any accidents, or dam- age to snowplow,, caused, from snow dumped on roads, or, if it has to be removed by, township equip- ment, they will be charged. Section 89 (9) of the Highway traffic act reads "no person shall park or stand a vehicle on a highway in such manner as to interfere with ' the movement of traffic or' the clearing of snow from the high- way." TENDERS WANTED RUBBER STAMP'S. NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS After December 9th, 1972, the waste disposal site will be open for just one day each month. This will be the last Saturday from December 30th, 1972 to March 31st, 1973. Hours 10:30 .a.m. to 5:00 p m. Clerk, Fraser Mackinnon - - NOTICE ST'. JOHN 3 :36 He that 'believeth on the .Son hath' everlasting life; and he that believ- eth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on. him. Paid Advertisement • LUCKNOW • SENTINEL • By' Order Of Kinloss Township Council 4400040000iiii0i11000004101 FOR SALE GOOD VA -1.60 workable, balance'pasture and 14 acres of mixed, bush, 2 large barns 80 x 40 and 64 x 54 suited for hogs and cattle; silo 14 x 40; drilled well on pressure. Brick and frame 5' bedroom home with every conven- ience. F.C.C. mortgage at 5% can • be assumed. $8,500 down will arm- trnas mber John- •. ,STONE HOUSE • , • ',PARADISE n Hydro Financing Available PRINTED 'GIFTS , — serviettes, 8 nrooms, barn and equipment, 2 : playing cards, coasters, matches, creeks and 150 acres of land. E asy u Lovely 2 bedroom home rea y m d • etc., inexpensive and different, low terms : . n for your inspection. This homes prices. The Lucknow' , . Sentinel, 528- • 2822. n large living room, dining room: .100 ACRES • :and kitchen, 4 pc. bath ands E full 'basement. For more parti-:, 50 acres of good...farm-land-and-50-m- r -- - -----a ca11. n g.n. n acres of rough pasture land with : • . water, in •the Amberley district. m :is heated electrically and has 'a: TV ' AND ANTENNA. • • • ••••••. INVESTMENT $38,500 with possession in 30 days. E YOU for a part• time` business? Enquire about, this enterprise which is showing mood return and has a good future pot- ential. The owner would like $5,000 down. Check this and make us an offer. . • • THE STERLING TRUST CORP. :Very: • GERRIE and BERNICE: • : . Frevailing Interest. Rates Retirement Savings Plan.. Your Representative ALEX MicNAY • LUCKNOW TV R.R. 3 RIPLEY TELEPHONE 395-2393 B. A. McDonagh : • • GLENN • • • DUNGANNON • / • • REAL ESTATE :Office Phone Goderich 524-9662: Con- nunity 16 at • bring 4924•:1 10 ' — BROKER Residence--Dungannon-5'29 Lucknow 528-2031 n .4 BEDROOM FRAME HOME situ- : ated on Huron County Highway 1. Alexander and „south of Lucknow, kitchen, , • o•••••••••••••••••••••••4 • m room, dining room,. 3 piece bath • • oil furnace, and partial basemen!' iY n hon• iegling , Dec- Legion 1rches- eryone Chapman . Spring well and pressure system. • • i Situated on the property is a, ee- • ' • '11 right and 'you may have immediate . • ' n : ' meet block building approximately • : Realty !md ite 1 20' x 30'. This prop erty is priced .___. , . . possession. Asking $8,000. ▪ GODERICH, ONTARIO : ' _.1' STONE HOME located on 2 acres • - -- 1 nnn •n ••”••••••••11111m1111411"—orland --Wrothis, 4 pleCebilh, , H D. PURDON Real Estate Limited M.L.S. REALTOR PHONE. 291.1511 INSURANCE • Public mus- 444=111, cr 17th NrVria.11 WIND, CASUALTY tlysirn_Xinancing AVailable_ AUTOM-OEICE-W INIVE'SYMENT Lut•know Phone 528-5802 oil furnace, located only 4 miles from Lake Huron. Immediate pos- session. • u ses • vs Nsisur ellinn •n ••n • an n TO Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. , A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 Attractive -1 1 2 storey 6.' room insul brick home, 3 bedrooms, 3 -pc. bath, 1: living room with wail to wall ,rug, la dining room, kitchen oil heating, ii attached garage with asphalt drive, ,IIY spacious grounds, public school in ' town, bus to secondary. Priced at • .$13,900. • R. W. ANDREW • n • 100 ACRE 'FARM for rent in 'East • Wavvanosh .Townshig, located .on • Choice lots approximately .66' x , arrista and _Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN L--UCKNOW Every, Wednesday and SatUrday Afternoon OffiCe hi the Joy - n Division Line. Phone for further . 165' in -quiet- area Within .a.' tilock • • . COUNTRy PRIVACY 111 is particulars. of Public School and Secondary • • •In''this 1 1/2 storey, 4 bedroom: . il, School bpses. These will. 'be .going • — up in value. Now priced at only 1 n ▪ home having modern kitchen — HAVE' SEVERAL excellent J ! a Hanity_er_cupboards,_bro_adlo_om : WE 111 buSinesses-for-sale in the area.' If WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUATOM' TEED GRANITE'S CEMETERY. LETTERING. 'REASONABLE PRICES Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357-1910 , ' Res. Ph. 357.1015 $1,100 to $1.550. ' • in living room and 2 bedroams,• a you are considering something ifs i full basement, new oil furoace u along this line, glye us a call. n and wiring. Well treed lot with• Telephone: Lucknow 528-3116 MeMber of London and St. Thomas :.stream. Taxes $49.00., Priced: Real Estate' Board for. M.L.S. reasonable with terms. • • ecember st Froin 4 'year laS over Coffee Cunning- street, IGO parish 15th at et in 0 this 0 listings_with 700 member salesmen 1 ° --. to sell for you. , • • ' • • • 0 FOUR ACRES is • I oi With modern, 2 storey home. m •▪ Small barn: 40 fruit trees. Sit- n uated three miles from. a vii- U mo lage. Listed with good terms. a 0 • . • BELL -- OPTOMETRIST GODERICH The Square (Phone 524-7661) ROSS and PHYLLIS HOGGART .MacKENZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL.' FUN-ERAL-SER-VIC Services'. condocted according . In your wishes at your llOme, your Cluirch,_ or at our Mem- tidal Chapel al no additional charge. . Lucknow, Phone 5284412 Da}, or Night: • • • • • WINGEIAM OFFICE • • 357-3840 • • • a • . REPRESENTATIVES a a • W. ADAMSON • ii C, SUTCLIFFE • III • Iiill J. BREWER ••• • • ' a asisommumommussimmommes • Phone. Wingham 357-3692 WALKERTON Member of the grey and Bruce Multiple Listings Service ' List M.L.S, — Over 00 Salami W orking For Yott 4140••••••••••••••••••11111. h Kinloss be' held are we t" y event, Al