HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-13, Page 1Receives $25.0 Scholarship-
OMNI Finds
Dog In Old House
On Saturday ; while Nat Thom-
son of Lucknow was out hunting
on the 2nd concession of Huron
near the: farm of Jack , McGuire,
he heard a whiningnoise coming
from an old cement house owned
by Andy Hamilton.
isit -
On ThurSday last, week ; the .
students at the Ripley schools.
were told not to drink the water
because it was contaminated. On
Friday a letter was•received from
Dr. D. R. Allen, BrUce county
•Nledicai Health--Officer. This
notice was sent to all users of
Ripley Municipal Water Supplies
to the effect that as a precaution-
ary measure it .was recommended
that all waters from the Ripley
Water System, used fot &inking
pUrposes., .either be b•Oiled•or
- treated with chlorine, which.
could 'be,in the form of eight
drOps of Javex to one gallon,of
Lucknow Canadian Girls in Train
ing_l She is now siLyears old, iss
attending school and boping'to .
Soon be able to 'read letters from
the I.11C1cnow C._G.1.T , which.
will have to be, translated into.
Spanish. She and her sister liVe
with their grandmother.
Nlarleny and ber•family receive
monthly cash grants for food;
houSehOld-itemS and hied-ical:4nd---1
'dental care with the contribution ,
sent from the. As ,well,
they have sent-money for gifts on
birthdays and Christmas. The
girls have earned this money
through'a bike-atho'n ; selling
Easter eggs and recently showing
movies.. •
There are 12000 Canadian Fog
er Parents. -- -•
The Foster Parents Plan, now
celebrating. its 35.th Anniversary
Year, would like. to extend aid
to the thousands of children who
wait in poverty a.nd despair by
finding new Foster Parents.
The plan presently has programs
in Bolivia.; Colbnibia,
Ecuador, Indonesia , 'Peru, the
Philippines, the Republic of
Korea and Viet Nan'.
Lucknow Presbyterian' Church is
celebrating the 100th anniversary
of the Congregation of theLuck-
now Presbyterian ChUrch in 1973'.
These celebrations will continue
throughdut the year with special
services speakers, music and
social get togetherS, etc.
The start of these special
_ser_vic es__w i 11 be_held_on_Sun_c14_,
Landscape Pawl
Lucknow 'Lions Club Swimming
Pool Fund .now stands at just over
$25,000: •
'The Lucknow and District Horti-
cultural Society have donated
$500. -to be used towards land-
scaping the pool: •
ing Robin Hood 'Multifoods, preS-
ents the' Company's Scholarship
in the amount of $250 to Murray
Morrison of Lucknow. The schol-
ars ip is offered annually to a
worthy student who has completed
the 6th semester in animal or
poultry-,science, based on.acad-
emic standing and extra-curricu-
lar. activities.
Murray is the son of Mr. and
-Mrs-7-----Got.don-Mcrrison-of--R -Rn
December 31st, When a Watch
Night Communion Service will
beat 11.30 .pm.
Everyone from other churches is
cordially inviteki to attend and be
a part in the beginning of the
Lucknow Presbyterian Church Cen-
tennial' Year of 1973.
peretta Skim
White Gets High
Praise Last Week
150 pupils from Kindergarten
to GrAde 5 at the Lucknow centr
ral Public School excelled in the
performance of the Operetta Snow
White and the Seven Dwarfs stag-
ed at the school on Friday night
Santa. Will Visit
Lucknow Saturday,
Free Skating
S make_ the. sec
and of twollisits to Lucknow this
Saturday afternoon, December 16.
Santa has decided to change his
style of meeting youngsters in
Lucknow. This year, Santa will
circulate on the main street , chat
ting to the small children and
providing them with a treat court-
esy of the Lucknow Busines 'Men's
'In addition to Santa's visit,
Lucknow Business Men's•Associa-
tion will again sponsor free skat-
ing at the Lucknow. arena.
The Lucknow Branch of the
Royal Canadian Legion raised
$227.50 :in the recent Poppy can-
-vass deds , plus-the
money ,from the draw, are used
for sick and needy veterans.
Health Of Warns Residents
Ripley Water Supply To Be
Treated Before Drinking
water. It also stated that any
further' enquiries be directedto
William McCreath, Clerk-Treas-
urer of Ripley or to Mr. Fred
Beard ,.District Public Health In-
spector, phone number 396-2353.
It will be 29 years next Febru-
.ary 4, that is back in 1943, that___
the news broke about Ripley's
wonderful fluoride water and
Toronto reporter's came up onthe.
trains to get the story with pictur-
es for their newspapers. The'
reason for coming on the-trains -
was. that general snow .plowing
was not in effect. 'And so now we
are polluted. Times .ehange.
_ .
bicknow C.G.I.T. Support Six Year,
OlifosteeChild. In Peru.
a • ,
Marleny Miliones. of Chimbote ,
Peru is the foster child Of•the
Awards amounting to over
$20,006 were presented during the
1972 Ontario Agricultural College
Awards night at the tJniversity
scholarship, with first class schol-
ars and first class teachers," Dr.
W. C. Winegard, President'of the
University, told the students and
Poultry Co. , Stratford, represent-
1973 Is Centennial Year Of Lucknow
Presbyteiian Church, Watch Night
service New Years Eve Starts Year
$6.00 A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra To U.4.A.
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1972 Single Copy 15c • 24 Pages
Raise $227 For
Needy Veterans
'Lucknow Legion Auxiliary
presented a cheque for $100..00
at"the.annual Remembrance Day
The Town and Country senior
citizens-also gave_A„ $100:00 dona
tion in appreciation of the rent
free use of the hall for their week•
ly gatherings.,
These donations will be used
toward further improvements to
the building which have been
started recently.. •
Sentinel. To publis11-- Earlier licit Week,
Ditc4oNtentt-Ativetilters ..P10a$e: '.Note
June Alton of 'Lucknow took
' home the NlacNaughton
Award for being the 4-'11 member
in fluion County with the highest
nurnbft of points accumulated in
1672. Bob NteKinley NIP for •
luron , pres•cnted the award for
Mr. NlacNaughton.
- Clinton News Record Photo
NextWeek's paper will be pub-
lished earlier•and will be on the
street on Tuesday instead of Wed-
nesday, the normal day. 'Those
who•have not contracted us, about
a Christmas greeting, Thursda9.
of ltii week will be the e , ine.
Those who might Wish regular.
advertising, classified adVertising
,or any news items inserted in next
'Week's:paper, please contact us
by Friday of this week at; the
Rural:correspondents who regu-
larly submit their news each week
are asked to have any possible
early copy to ashy Friday.,
Please try to arrange'some type
of personal delivery •fOr this week.
There will be no issue between
Christmas and New Years, Dec-
ember 27th, with'the first issue
after Christmas On•January 4th, a
day later than usual because of
the New Year holiday. Anyone
wishing Co advertise any events,
prior to Januvy. 4th, should use
next week's paper. '
Next week's issue of The Sentin•
xi will he the annual ChrisimaS,
Creeting one in which many buSi-
!less places and individuals in the
.area take the•oppertunity' to eg-
cuo :c anon' to their
enstome:.s through tl-ie page's of
it.•\\ sparer .
As the messages of •
• k cct ings will will
41 NC OdycrtiseJ the opportun -,
it\ to USC the paper for regular d-
vcrti:zin: dirceted,at the 'last' ruin -