HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-06, Page 17PAGE SEVENTEEN from Bairiton , s . IT COSTS SO LITTLE MORE To GIVE A GIFT WITH THAT • SPECIAL QUALITY ONLY MINTON'S OFFER. ladies' men's Vi=a=r m n¢t s--r.garments Suedes and leathers : Fur trims-all lengths All season coats with Op-in linings For sports wear Jean jackets Pant suits Mohair . Throws . 45" by 90" Special:for Christmas, — Fur trimmed Shearling coats --L.Full length dress coats — Car coats, sports jackets Windbreakers — Leather vests and shearling vests Made from specially selected lamb's wool— OUR OWN PRODUCT— all sizes and 12 Shades to Choose from. Blankets 0401141, lACtOlY MUT WOOL A ,•• LEATHER PRODUCTS OPEN - 9-6 Ni Ond,ly thrii Thutkray 9-9 Friday amd Su rd ay liO0 p. In, on Sunday,. DOUAI NUM 1973 PLYMOUTH Satelite, 4 door, 6 cylinder, automatic 1973 FORD F 100 Y2 ton 8 cylinder, automatic transmission. 1973 TORINO 2 door hardtop 1973 DART Swinger, 2, door hardtop, 6 cylinder automatic 3.-- 1972 CHEV impala, a 2 door 'hardtop and 2 — 4 door hard- tops, V8 automatic, power steering and power brakes 2 — 1970 FORD Custom 500, 4 door 1/8 automatics 1970 OLDS Cutlass Supreme 4 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, vinyl roof 1970 FORD XL, 2-door hardtop '4 1970 CHEV Bel Air 4 door, Va automatic, power equipped 1970 MONTEGO 4 door, 6, cylinder a utomatic 1969 CHEV 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic transmission 1968 FORD F100 % ton 1968 DODGE Polaro 500, 2 door hardtop 1967 PONTIAC Firebird, 2 door hardtop, console •with bucket seats 1967 BUICK WILDCAT 4 door hardtop, fully equipped 1967 PONTIAC Grand Parisienne, 4 door hardtop 1973 POLARIS USED 1972 POLARIS SS 295 4.141f 41/ .-Nle*t'0.0110000004:*Otiz 7,6---7.f.,:%•/0,1K• CAR .SALES LTD. MYTH PHONE :523-0342 Further Donations To Poollund Chesley; Sub-Div. 16, Mrs Ed- ward .Urstadt, RR 6, Owen Sound and Sub-Div.. 17, Mrs Emerson Emke, 314 13th Street, Hanover. Alternates are Mrs C. O. Sut- cliffe, Mrs Carl Klages and its Stan Whiston. The next area convention will: be hosted by Grey North District and will be October 29th and 30th '1973. BOXED STATIONERY — for Christmas giving, boxes and box- es of stationery, all styles and prides. You are welcome to have a look. The Lucknow Sentinel. Donations continue to come in for the LucknoW and District Swimming Pool,Project. J. E. (Ted) Smith, Willowdale, t$20; Frank MaCQuillin, R. 2 Luck- now, $5; Terry Wilson, R. 2, iLucknoW, $10; Mrs. Margaret 'Mac. Lagan , 'London , $5; L.O.L. 1328. Amberley, $25; Mrs. Jake Hunter, Lucknow, $5; Anonymous ,( $200. Mrs. Dorothy MacKenzie, 'fees- water, $5; Gordon MacIntyre,' Richmond Hill, $10; W. R. & Donalda Smith, Seaforth, $10; Bill Searle, Lucknow, $5; 3. T. Goodall, Wingham, $25; Silver", wood's Dairies, Lucknow , $300; Herb Barger, Lucknow, $25; Dave MacDonald, R. 3 Lucknow, $10; Dave Elphick, R.. 3 Lticknow , $25; David Sproul, (Lucknow Bowl) Lucknow, $50. ..• EDNEsDAY, DECEMBER , 1172 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Grey-Bruce Area VVomen's Institutes HoldAnnualConventionAtWiarton dent and persuasive. The metric system must be accepted and stu- dy groups should be planned arouhdThis subject. Mrs Noblitt, who is just commencing her three year term of office, spoke during the afternoon session on the work the F.W.L.O. is doing. The pur- chase of the Erland Lee home- ing the evening Mrs Noblitt was stead is now complete and it is presented with a cheque for $100 hoped to use this for a functional for the Erland Lee Homestead, purpose in the near future. The the colrection 'having been taken. Pennies for Friendship Fund during the morning session. which &es to support the Asso- Home Economists Miss Bar- ciated Country Women of the bars, De Visscher, Bruce County World amounted to $9,775.00 so and Miss Donna Ennis, Grey far this year. A.C.W.W. has been. County reported on the 4H and. asked to help with money and in- Senior Programs. Again the met- fluence to save 100,000 from ric system was given prOminence Wiarton. blindness, 'The project is al- . in their program in a very enter7 Let's Sing sessions were veryready under way in India and it is taming way. ably conducted by Mrs Graham loped to extend it to Africa and Displays and demonstrations Chambers of Allenford with Mrs South America.. There are 16 mil- were provided by the two Home Jim Walker of Hepworth as or- lion people blind in the world to- .Economists, the Bruce County ganist and pianist. ' day and Most cases are preVen- Board of Education, Mrs Emma _Special speakers on Monday table; mosteeribieihythe prop Kahl witlybooked-rugt-, andllid were Miss/ Helen McKercher, maintenance of health and nutri- Conveners of Agriculture and Director of Home •, Economics t tion in the home, Mrs Noblitt Canadian Industries, Citizenship and World Affairs, Education and Cultural Activities and Family and Consumer Affairs, A table of handicrafts contributetby the Branches realized $256.45 and of F.W.1.0. Miss McKercher The banquet on Tuesday even- the sale of Women's Institutes spoke on the basic objective of ing .was held at' the Propeller supplies produced $100.15. the Women's Institutes - to. en- Club- and was attended,. by 360 Guest speaker during the af- hance the quality of life in .our delegates. Words of welConie and - ternoon session on Tuesday, Communities - and that we must greetings were extended by Her was Mr. Calyin Russell, Princi- be committed to involvement if Worship the Mayor of Wiarton, pal of Amabel-Hepworth Central we are to progress and increase. Mr-s-,Glen-McLaughilnyMrs-H7, hO-spoke-of-the-changes— Our membership: MissMcKerch- Noblitt, President F.W.LO. and taking place in education and the er also' stated' that 'success de- 'Mr Mac' Bolton, Bruce. County 'need` to encourage students to, --r-Agrkulturarlt.: or •sen ive. e in or themselves. guest speaker for the evening Was .The election of officers was =A-V>4,eeV'A-VV;:;Vre.'VA-Ve-VA-vA;-VA;.VVVn, This Christmas Give the Reit 'One of_ our most luxurious coats of Gold Cabretta with .a Lynx Collar in DiOr Length. Fac pry Outlet in E3lyth SINGE 4894 rS rs The 14th Annual Convention, Grey-Bruce Area Women's In- stitutes was held in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Wiarton, October 30th and 31st. The theme of , the Convention was "He made a golden sentence from a frozen field of Clay", said . in praise of Robbie Burns, and the president, Mrs Harold Biasing of Neustadt, was assist- ed in sessions by vicepresidents• Mrs George Woelfle, Mrs C. O. Sutcliffe and Mrs Francis Gem- mill. An official welcome was ex- tended to the delegates and vis- itors by Mrs Wm. Arnold, chair- man of the Bruce County Rally and the Rev Ken F. McKenzie of the Reverend Frank Mulvaney of Owen Sound, whose topic centred around the theme of the conven- tion and while having a very ser- ious vein was nonethelesshighly amusing. The entertainment for the evening was provided by the Rhythm Band from Gateway Hav- en Home for the Aged, who recei- ved a standing ovation for their lively music, and two outstanding soloists, Mrs Audrey Spears and Mr Ron Gatis from Wiarton, Dur- Service, Department Of Ascricul- ture and Food, and 'Honorary President of the Federated Wo- men's Institutes of Ontario, and ltirs=11..hz•Noblittrthe-President= suggested a 20% increase in membership should be the object- ive for this year and a nuMber of branches are already on the way to achieving this. pends on-our-ene.rg-yrpurposeand creativity and this must be evi- In Baintonls Old Mill in Blyth, you will find the largest stock available anywhere in Canada. All are made by the best craftsmen from out own specially selected leathers. Take a4vantage of this selection and buy at Factory Outlet Prices. Christmas ,SpeO ia I For Chi ld re n Genuine leather MITTS and GLOVES Factary Outlet priced from ' $1 .15 Leather Mitts 4ricl At ev:AviAtmu:NwAvAvAv.,vvA mv.v conducted by Mrs H. L. Noblitt with' the 'following results: Past' president, Mrs Harold Biasing, RR 1, Neustadt; president, Mrs Harold. Woelfle, RR 2, Paisley; vice Presidents - Mrs C. 0. Suta; cliffe, Desboro; Mrs Francis Ripley; Mrs Kenneth -----Smce;—L-eith-;'seeretar Gordon Crawford, ,RR 2, Port El- gin; treasurer, Mrs Carman Ha- mill, RR 4, Chatsworth; Public Relations Officer, Mrs Gordon Bothwell,.RR 4, Owen Sound. As- sistant secretary, . Mrs Earl Busch,. RR 1, Southampton; Assis- Jant P.RO., Mrs George Fisher, 17 Patrick Street, Wingham, Box 457. Standing committee conveners: AgriFtilture and Canadian Indus- tries, Mrs Gordon Walmsley, Southampton; Citizenship and World Affair. Miss Reta Rath- well, RR 1, Wiarton; Education and Cultural Activities, Mrs Eric Ashton, 517 8th Street, .Hanover; Family and Consumer Affiirs, Mrs Evan Keith, RR 5, Lubknow; ResolutfonS, Willbm ston, Markdale; Auditors, Mrs Lester Bye, RR 1, Annan and Mrs George Searle, 370 8th Avenue East, Owen Sound. Mr's Victor Emerson, RR 3, Wingham who retired as Curator after serving for six years was presented with a gift in apprecia- tion_oithe very great contribution she has made towards the preser- vation of community history. Mrs Percy: Radbourne, 645 lothStreet East, Owen Sound will be thenew Curator and 'Mrs Emerson will assist her. Beard Directors, are SUb-Div, 15, Mrs Herb Maluske, Box 74,