HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-06, Page 10PE7TER SHOES
(Formerly 'Martian Shoes)
LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2011 senemeneenp
trying to fill a complete slate of
Mrs. John Hill, President of
Bruce Presbyterial U.C. W. intro-
Clifford Church ' • from other areas of Bruce, and-
&iced her executive attending
U.C.W. Groups
Meet At
Boots, boots . . . tall, short, high heels and flats,
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Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home
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Drawer 220 Phone 52-2186 .
triP orrery
300 Hear
Christmas Musical •
offered the luncheon•grace.
Christian Community Outreach
was the study of, the afternoon
session. Mrs. Graham Murray,,,
past Presbyterial President, moder-
ated a panel outlining the relation.
ship between the division Of
'Citizenship and ocial-Action
iastic member of Mount Forest in Teeswater chapel. '
Town ,Council, showed her sen pallbearers were Joseph King, 'I
sitivity for the needs and well be- Wilfred Walters, Billy Caslick,
Mg of her community. Mrs. Ronald Evans, Jack Boman, Ir-
Leiper responded to the voice of vine Ernewein. • ,
women of that area in locating
Day Care. Centre and the restor
ing. of pre-school clinics. The
program.. Mrs. Douglas Leiper; officiating for the service.
community outreach. Presenta
tioris- were made by severrpane-
ism.' Mrs: J.. Asling of Grace
Church, Hanover, presented on Saturday,. December 2nd from
aims of young women of the the MacPherson Funeral Home,
church in a Christian Family' Life i Teeswater with Rev. Mr. Proud
another young woman and enthus- Temporary entombment ,was
deceased by two brothers..
The funeral service was held
a Flower bearers were Jack Mc -
Kinnon, Ken Walters, Douglas
SimPson, Dennis Evans..
Robert. Lester Falconer of.R. R.
2 Teeswater passed away in Wing-
ham and District Hospital on Wed-
nesday, November 29th in his
75th year.
He was the son of the late
George T. and Alice (Quinn)
Falconer of Culross Township
where 'he was born March 26, 1898
Lester w.as active in Township
and County Affairs, having served
on cduncil from.1939 - 1945 and
from 1945 r 1952 as Reeve of
the Township. He also served on
Bruce Cpunty Highways Commit-
tee and the Bruce-County Home
for the Aged. He was always
interested in all public affairs,
a good neighbour and friend to
all, and especially interested in
the younger generations, who
were all so good to visit him an-d
sent cards etc: during his illness.
Mr. Falconer was a member of
the United Church; .a member of
the Masonic Lodge No. 276 A.F.
Teeswater ; and in younger
days .belonged to the young Brit-
tons Lodge of L.O. L. , Wingham.
He is survived by his wife the,.
former Velma Brooks, and one
son Garry C. of. Teeswater; four
brothers, William: B. of Barrie,
John L. of Waterloo ; Calvert A.
of-Blyth-cl- anGeorgo-f-siernon,
British Columbia. He was pre-
Culross Resident
Died In 75th Year
••••••••••••••••••-•.+4+•••••••••.4-1 ..1.+104-0-0-11
Those wishing transportation to
church contact
Wm. G. Hunter 528-2741
7:30 p.m. C.G.I.T. Cluistmas-
Candlelight Vesper Service will
be held in the
Lucknow Presbyterian 'Church
Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A.
• Advent 2'
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Morning Worship
Over 300 people' filled Lucknow
United Church on' Sunday , Dec -
ember 3 tO'see and hear the
Christmas Musical Production pres-
ented by the Trinity United
Church Choir from Wallaceburg.
They were treated to two folk
cantatas, one for Christmas,
called "Shepherds Rejoice" ,
and one for Easter , called "He's
Alive", both written by John F.
o Wilson. .
The music , Writteir•in a mod-
ern folk song style, helped to
Make the stories of Christmas and
Easter come alive for all whO were
present. The choir, through •
their excellent dietion, beautiful
tones,_and,blepded Ii‘Artnonies,
as. well. as through their dramaiii
actions and, expressions,' captiv.tt-
ed the audience and helped thc.:!,
to appreciate' the wide range of
thoughts and feelings of those
--who:,-for the-first time, heard
about the birth of a Saviour ,
who had to discoVer the weaniii:
of the Cross and Resurrection.
Mits Doris ,Shaw , the. choir dirt
tor, deserves high praise for her
work in developing the choir to
this high calibre of excellenct, .
Soloists for the night were
tionnie Cowman, formerly of.
GoderiCh, Genie Shaw, Rohe:t
Soens,,.Carl Struke; and Fred
Browning. Accompaniment v„i
by a small and capable orelfctr.1
consisting or-BaTri-e-13-etts, rte .
Viol; Doris Shaw, piano;
ders.n guitar; and .
Rick Asselstine, drums.
Lucknow was indeed
fortunate to have the opport.111.11
to hear this excellent choir.
those who did not hear then. ,
Singtirne on CKNX -TV will 1,;1[;.•
the Chrisrmas portion of tho E u -
ic on Sunday ;.December li..rt
5,30 p.m.
Vesper Service
On Sunday
"What - on earth - is God' do-
ing?" will be the question asked
at more than 1,000 Christmas ves-
per services to be held across
Canada in early December.
The services will be conchicted
J2y_Canadian Gills in Training
(CGIT) in Baptist; Christian (Dis-
ciples of Christ), Presbyterian and
United Churches from' Vancouver'
Island to 'New found la nd
The 33rd annual'vesper service
being held this 'year Was prepared
by Rev. Lois Wilson of Hamilton,
with assistance from girls in Ham-
ilton and Kettleby, Ontario..
Offerings from these services
Church's discussions:and reports
A day for 23 United Church -
Women organizations of south
Bruce Presbyterial was hekl in
Clifford United Church on Novem-
ber 20th, the theme being "Fel-
lowship In Outreach". The lad
ies were welcomed by the Pres-
ident of Clifford U.C. W. , Mrs.
Sheldon Wolfe. An introduction•
of-he-w-so-ngs_mtas4ed by Mrs.
Keith Domm, accompanied by
Mrs. Art Donut. ,
Displays included literature. by
Mrs. Alex -Heard .'crafts and in-
formation table byAdult Opporr
milky of Walkerton, and talent
tables of novel hand-crafted it-
ems from some of:the U.C. W.'s
of the two areas.
The morning program consist-
ed of news from General Council
by Mrs. Ronald Slade, who was
introduced by Mrs.. C. E. Tupper.
Area President Of region 5. Mrs.
Slade was One of the Bruce corr-
rnissionersiattending the 25th
General Council in. Saskatoon.
Mrs. Slade mentioned the United
The remainder of the morning
was spent in three discussionl
groups headed by Stewardship,
Leadership and Citizenship. An
introduction to this form of
division work was outlined by
Mrs. ,L. Cartwright, Area Presid-
ent of region 3, who' explained the
advantages of this sytem to organ-7
izations, by efficient program
planning'and committee's, being
of special advantage to smaller •
U.C.W.'s who 'cannot cope with
Sargent and Mrs. F..Platt who
explained to the 23 churches rep-
resented, the three Acts, General
Welfare Assistance , Day Nurseries,
and Home Care under their admin-
istration, Neil Fraser, a Water-
loo Lutheran post graduate social
service student brought atten-
tion to the emotionally ill and th-e-
need for volunteers. .Mrs; I.
Fernan, PHN, Harriston, summar-
ized a detailed questionnaire by
Presbyterian. Church
,Rev. Gienn .Noble, B.D.
Phone 5282740
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Morning Worship
7:30 p.m. C.G.I.T.
Vesper Service
of . boxed Christmas cards will
have something to your liking, drop
in and make your selection, a wide
variety of designs and prices, The
Lucknow Sentinel.
are' the only regular source of in-
come of the National CGIT Com-
mittee which, co-ordinates and
prove• es resour-Cleribr-c-Grf-grotrps
across the country.
The Lucknow Vesper
Service will ,be' in the Lucknow
Presbyterian Church on Sunday,
December 10 at 7.30 p, m
Thy word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path.
Psalm 119 • : 105
W. Van Stempvoort
• Pastor - • ,
Services: •
10:00 a.m. Service'
2:30 p.m. Service
the United. Church Women of the
are-a on-present-and_fatureilealth_
Services. Where clinic volunteers
are no longer needed. they will
be absorbed in other areas. Keen
interest was evidenced .in discus-
sion groups, -which followed,
where thepanelists were further
interviewed.' MiSs Helen Fasken.
Director of WellingtonDufferin
Unit attended and ,was resource
person as members sought an
understanding of changing and new
patterns needs.
Mrs. SteWart MacKenzie of
Division United Church, Owen
Sound, was a guest of,the Bruce
meeting from Grey Presbyteria-
h and t e ch urcb •
on abortion,- overpopulation, and member of Adult Services
capital punishment, the welfare Committee of the iheltered Work-
Of others, poverty, pollution and shop. The second segment of the union. , panel dealt with Social Action
as it relates social agencies.
Participants from Family and
Social Services were Mr. I.
progress and achievements of
Adult Opportunity Centre at
Walkerton were outlined by
' LucknolAir Sentinel