HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-06, Page 5WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1972 THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL ,LUCKNOVIt, ONTARIO • " "-".- " •• • PAO" PIN inmassountinsanuoinlimmio • • • • NOTICE • 11. D. PURDON N otice To Creditors': FOR SALE CHISHOLM FUELS HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROQD The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made Sausage-. Custom kil- ling by appointment. Phone 528-2132 NOTICE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL OPEN SATURDAY AFTERNOON In addition to the regular Mon- day to Saturday noon hours, which apply . year round, The Lucknow Sentinel' will be open on Saturday afternoons until Christmas. Real Estate Limited M.L.S. REALTOR NOTICE TO cREDITORS • In the Estate of ELIZABETH ANN MURDIE Deceased RE TIIREMENT PARADISE III n • „. • • SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW Phone 529-7524 or 524-75$1. • FREE BURNER SERVICE Products For Farm, liome and IndUstry All persons having claims again= "' :y Lovel 2 bedroom home ready: st the Estate of Elizabeth Ann ai for your inspection. This homes Murdie, late of the Village of :is heated electrically and has a: Luekraiw, in file County of Bruce Retired Book-keeper, deceased' :large living room, dining room!, ▪ and kitchen, 4 pc. bath and; who died on or about the 12th day, !full basement, For more parti-: of October, 1972; are hereby notif- :o culars give us a call. • Attraetive 7 room house, 2 bed- rooms, modern kitchen, living and dining room with archway; den,. 4 piece bath, attached garage. Sit- uated on 2 large lots two blocks from business section. Priced to sell $11,900: ied to send full particulars of their . claims to the undersigned Solic- 0 & iotor for the Estate, on or before • — • .the 22nd day of December 1972, •GERRIE and BERNIC • GLENN • after which date the Estate will' be distributed amongst those entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have-notice. Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this 27th day . of November 1972. R. W. ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor nloss held wel- !vent. n • • CLOSING NOTICE Finlay Decorators in Lucknow will be closed for holidays from Thursday, pecember-21-st-Ao- Sat- urday, January 6th, 1973 inclusive. • ,a • • DUNGANNON. • • ea • Office Phone Godirich 524.9662: • • Residence, Dungannon 529.7924: om • • is T • m us 'Alexander and .• : n Choice lots approximately 66' x 165' in quiet area within a block of Ptiblic School and Secondary - -School-buses.-These will be going up in value. Now priced at only $1,100 to $1,550. NOTICE ACTS 2 - 38 And Peter said unto him, repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive, the gift of the Holy Ghost. -- Paid AdvertiSement Bake Leg- 'mber • • Member of London and St. 'Thomas Real Estate Board for .M.L.S. listings with 700 member salesmen to sell for you. • . a • IN MEMORIAM ar Chapman • n • • Realty Limited JOHNSTON - in loving memory of a dear husband and father, Keith L: Johnston who pasSed away suddenly one year ago December 5; 1971. God looked around his garden, He saw a vacant place He looked down upon the'earth Arid saw our daddy's smiling face, He put his arms around him Called him home to rest. Naw_heaye,n-nanst„-be-a-beautiful- place For God only takes the best. , Sadly missed by wife and family. -- JOHNSTON in memory of our son Keith• Johnston who died sud- denly in'a car accident one year ago, December 5th, 1971. • good Write g„ giv- umber .m. or • • ' GODERICH, ONTARIO • E • • ms•amosumniuma•Mm••••meimmiii THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL - makes an ideal Christmas gift, $6 -1)0E-Yea6-ontside-Canada, an at- tractive gift card will be sent, at no extra cost, phone 528-2822.. ROSS: and PHYLLIS HOGGART mosmosommesempeommios4 FOR SALE • • Treat hums GOOD VALUE: 227 acres with 160 At Hospital workable, balance pasture and 14 _acres ofAnixed:bushT--.2-large43arnst - - -- • CHRISTMAS. CARDS • our stock of boxed Christmas' cards 'will have•something to your liking, drop iin and make your selection, a-vade: variety of designS and 'prices, The Lucknow :Sentinel: •° :.einent ING age for 528-3238 . Phone Wingham 357-3692 80 x 40 and 64 x 54 suited for hogs and cattle; silo 14 x 40; drilled well on pressure. Brick and frame 5 bedroom home with every conven- ience. F.C.C. mortgage at 5% can be assumed. $8,500 down will handle; asking price reduced to $38,500 with possession in 30 days. Richard Howald , age 13 , Luck- now , son of Mr. and Mrs. Word- en Howald, had his left hand la'cerated in a skating accident at the. Lucknow Arena. He was TV ' AND . ANTENNA SALES AND SERVICE INVESTMENT ,bilizers Phone treated and released. • Mrs. William (MiCkelle) Hut-. THE STERLING_... Lovingly remembered b•i Dad • • ton, age 2A., R. R. 2, Wingham, TRUST CORP. and Maher. was the driver of a truck' which went out of co on the B-Line West, in Turnberry, Township, approximately one mile out of Wirigham. Mrs. Hutton . suffered from shock and contusions, to hip and left hand but was treat- ed and later discharged. A pass- nger, her daughter Darlene, age 4, was examined and discharged with her mother. ,Investigated by Wingham 0:P.P. Foulon. • Kenneth Willoughby, Wroxeter; received chemical burns to: both eyes when his car battery explod- ed when he started' his car. Clinton, Ontario James Fairies, R. R. 1, Gorrie, • ALL ELECHtICAL Api)1,1ANCES Applicants will be 'notified if received left shoulder injuries A il•11le required for, inteKview. Deadline while playing hockey at the II vl ARE YOU LOOKING for a part- time business? Enquire about this enterprise is showing a good return andhas a good future pot-' ential. The owner' would like $5,006 down. theck this and` make us an offer. DON THOMPSON TV feed 20 phone FreVailing Interest. Rate's • Retirement Savings • Plan . Your 'Representative ' • • 'ALEX MacNAY . LUCKNOW APPLtCAEQN5 R-R.. 3 .RIPLEY,, TELEPHONE 395 7 2393 winobile iristmas d work. starter, THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires - CHIEF CUSTODIAN CEN T RAL HURON ° SELONDA0( TED COLLYER • SCHOOL 'CLINTON Written application, stating ,age,, ELECTRICAL: CONTRACTOR experience and telephone number Specializing In I should be addressed to: ELECTRIC HEATING, ELE("1111C WIRING AND REPAIRS and - 4 BEDROOM FRAME HOME situ- ated on Huron County HighWay 1, south of Lucknow, kitchen, livin - room,- dining room, .3 piece bath oil furnace and partial basement' Spring s em. .well and pressure ys Situated on the property is a ce- ment block building approxim tely 20' x 30'. This property is priced right and you may have immediate possession. Asking $8,000. K. J. MacKENZIE, O.D. Optometrist n :beam_ Chris .ucknow•, irpentry, arborite '98, LISTOWEL PHONE 2911S-11 MW R. McVEAN Plant 'Superintendent Huron/Co. Board of Education 97 Shipley St., he north Lucknow persons • 99, Luck. INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY STONE HOME located on 2 'acres of land, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath, oil furnace„located-only--4,--miles------------- from Lake Huron. Immediate pos- session. I • F . AUTOMOBILE. & INVESTMENTS . • for applications is December, 13, Wingham Arena. - - - - clinoW To Protect. Your Jack; R. M. Elliott Insuri! Willi Jack Today, Chairman - R. BRAY DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC D. J. Cochrane 11111 .111111"1311111112 -"11/.111 •111 1111: ei Director. „et • 1 n n n . o ••••••••••••••••••••••••, • • II • ;n n : • n . , n • 300 ACRES of cash crop and pas- ture land; 225, workable, balance hardwood and cedar bush. All in one block and priced at $32,500. Check this while it is still available. McDONAGH,' Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 • rs apart: . , priVate carpet nediately. i28-2747. 1- -r-r00.111 nd stove, available, lartinents, REAL ESTATE • E ' t • • n n n R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor • n GOOD INVESTME N T 197 JOSEPHINE STREET W1i4GHAM, • PHONE 357.1224 par tni enT-Th ng---ITiTthe-village---m-- of Ripley, having rental income 5450.00 a month: All three apart- mu DESIGNED FOR LIVING Wawanosh ToWnship, located on Division Line.. Phone for further particulars. LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW -Every Wednesday and -"Saturday AfternoO'n 'Office in the Joynt Block Telephoiie~: - Lucknow '528-3116 , ments newly renovated and air- •New bungalow't d on -3/ II t conditioned. Priced for, quick sale. • n acre lot, 1/2 mile . to Wingham.: •Featuring 4 large bedrooms,N :den, living room, dining room,: and three (2) bedroom living quar'.. ilektra farge kitchen, attached: WE HAVE SEVERAL excellent , businesses for sale in the area. If ___considering----something along this line, give us a • call. WE HAVE SEVERAL sineere clients looking for 100 acre farms in this area. If you' have 50 to 100 acres-withrm-without buildings for •7"—MEMOR!ALS ' GUARANTEED GRANITES • CEMETERY LETTERING. REASON A BLE PRICES WORK. SHOP fern' in Lucknow. A real opport- .garage. . unity to start your own business;, n • Price reduCed for quick sale . • due to health reasons. • n • • find heifer, s where- oyd Irwin , rrarnin0 he King's of boy's dacIntosh,' STONE FREE :94-aeres-With:-85--workable-and-: ' STONE HOUSE !self draining, balance hardwood: ;bush. Water rights on property.• Possession, on closing. Terms: • available. Situated " between. :Whitechurch and Auburn. : • R. W. BELL sale, give us a call. B.uy Direct and Save OPTOMETRIST - GODERICH The Squat* (Phone 524-7641), LoCated on' 150 acres 'of land, 40 acres of bush, 2 Creeks and a Bus. Ph. 357.1910 Res; Ph. 357;1015. WARREN ZINN Phone 529-7350 teal spot for a man made lake. The 8 room house and farm equip- MacKENZIE ment are all included. Asking price • • • • a :WINGHAM OFFICE : • • -:- - - 3-ST4841) - - . : • a :REPRESENTATIVES W. ADAMSON nas • ea a n C: SUTCLIFFE : • a • J. BREV/ER • al g n . n ammilimmonsimminasommis ALE ......... SALE 1-.Effect Wilfred Miintee 4_to. _limited o MEMORIAL CHAPEL $77.5°° with terms. FUNERAL SERVICE Ar-MtPontigh- I 'REAL ESTATE BROKER Lucknow 528,-2031 ••••••••••••••••••••••••4 EIAREER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT . 55 - 57 South Street; Godei.jch Telephone 524-7562 - Services .condlIM -arcortfrirg- lo your wishes at. your•Home, your •Chiirch, or at .Our Mem- orial.. Chapel at, 'no additional Charge: Lucknow, Phone 5283432 Day or Night. WALK ERTON Member of the Grey and Bruce Multiple Listings service List - Over 60 Salem* Working For You ommoommomofoommoismila 'estate Adorns iber li terms ioneer