The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-29, Page 20PERSONAL GUMMED LABELS 6 WEDNESDAYS 910VEMSER $it. 11172 boxes from YotiTN-aluabledocuments, certificaixs, mortgages, deeds—aII the papers you avant to protect from any eyes and formic excePt Your oven—put them in yow ViCILIEriR and Grey safety deposit box costing as bttle as five dollars a year.. Safe as. only steel and teinforced 'concrete can -mite it, your Vietaria and arry fety deposit box snands 'between your valuables and the blrrardS Of Effe„, theft and loss. Get y'r€r. todRy at Viciatia and Gr.4. V G "rlittoSs rZglhiPa‘wofe S /iNME "MOM 7145 LUCKOSOW SIENTUIE1,* BROOKSIDE HAPPENINGS liOCIWY GAMES Two hockey games were played /Ins- week. Du Thiday the girls" teams played for the firm time. The she was Crirlets 0 and ri*prie% ID. Goal tenders were Barbara Aitcldson and Marian Raynard. In boys' hockey on WerinPviAy the .7:igen defeated the Rangers 11-0., The only goal was scored by Roddy Rirnpsnn with 30 sec- onds left in the paTne. G .t mrs. pubbc health tamw showed vs a ffirn CnTinf`rriirtf:v the dangers of &rug use. among young poople The film was nated b'An 1intitprter. 0 M50/ BLZSIE TWO new busses have be= • recetve-bylkooksruie School. Bath are Cherroixerv, and seat 54, pirfTh each !lay are driven by Mr..141/7ET ant 1.t. Hardy. COMING ,EVEN'TS Both fm boys' and .girle teams. areprat '-ri.,-iftrt fat a 10111-71rnr that to be bpie on Also practice has. begnn fir our (71-Trigni72s ,Cract on Thuisday December Z._ and fannaT of Monialon were tetiattiet item A ltrio to ri.*I•trarni b5. 3:51=114.. 114 r 1413:S .101 Wad YfirsPik5- T-mpa„ s m 4,411: 417121;ii-FT iimthison now victing SCE , Dthrollthe thie y .::2-76,4grznr Will,Fr7r="7",4 1:4"rirmii=1; ; f 4. , 41A •=rize thfM. ,4.„W • HEE7kta:: •, 17'44' Z7Z .ant: • •i. ::30Tatre '- of Mr. oz graar4- - -,v•Tp-rt TAL- tin. 9 . • " Ialaci; of 0.-P' ;. ?Tr' rva ,M*7-t74-Ti, • - P=d0E Oz l&T \ties and ; Lam' xh of. 81. the =vr- Pnr WT‘inii,M.YE" ant aymh , Vitro: Wynen;„-ra were cothOot frwT Prr---risiillc- the same pinlit school it :;:ir)11-And • las; yea: wh:r each . was hat no.r.ri•= tc rittd.ng diet • thel ap'Pir hat a rermic - ErairSOL :4=1;eirper• "ttEm. 'Ray Da*- -ran .Y :test eft and I-P11771y. tit. and Nes aarry GwriKki .and tchelleKrrhen spent We-lz end: with lam- patenz M. and kin.. MI Itieutaa lidinotli and- •••Cal-cg- . cane on To-gsriP V and [remained at Wednesday 'm.kirit =Tr' 'I, ',into had iheet vrio-iTilic SSILtst yaw arsnae aorsaaa maw Sam ids sa:i saammary. zagavion, =mama ears 'kelt fazatnausaaciathan 'ear time ger/sartrad lobar. orasirress =axle at imam, lama= ruareskait tax OfiDa Pismagraiik 1%,7 monis 6 'F.27.11trr. L pa.: • i4-71” itjtili1:-'171, :71OMital: D.Icts-P 'Chit yep: T!"--7- the Were' E Latiez. 7nICSE 1:4*-r-'1=1V2a147. prize: icr =tor, 3'P,1717 iP7 'the iPri 4-f4 Dr X43 F5P, Trk WrI7.17.1.2025. !,4ri-ert war '7, :oil:Mt 14210r.t.ru..11:041e.n. Mrt. J6=scon... 7.722t trav fcc. i < wa wor. ilk F4x.L. iktsor and =Lf.' war. war. vr.. Ker., sponsor:.. an ':.'atam, D4wsot: • -.7:he sponsor,. itt tte. han-• - Bring the kids to Ludwow on Saturday and while they are enjoying free skating, compliments of Lucknow Business Places, have-a-look at_the wide variety of Christmas gifts to be found in Lucknow stores allet 1111111(4ZOIli THE LUCKNO SENT NE • C.as,L.s.i • - =1=1e: c: he- AND-467.: 1717:77 sr.1,,,V 1Ztf. bt,ex or-ern .