HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-29, Page 13PLEASE iii • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL 'OFFICE • WILL: BE OPEN HIE WOPNES6Pre: ,NOV. MEER 291tk 1912' . • THE 1..upcitow SENTINEL, LUCK NOWT ONTARIO,, PAGE THIRTEEN Couple- Married In KinOrdine- e. ALL DAY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 9, 16 itt 23 FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Pelleted Rations? .Some Livestod! Sometimes! Some Pla6s! Feeders of hog's, chicken broilers, ',and turkeys derive the greatest feeding advantages from .pelleted rations. Vyith , brOilers and turkeys, the .purpose is to to—eat.—rad.re,--With hOgs there are big advantages . . improved feeding efficiency (about 10%), ,and improved rates of gain (7-8%). The explanation is that the pelle,ted rations' provide increased digestible energy,. increased availability of other nutrients, and reduced feed v'vastagehIb-e7Artual of fines and dust. 'for other classes __oL_livestoc_ notably laying hens and cattle, the advantages area largely in .handling. y -B`i flow is made easier arrd tiori of ingredients is.reduced. .Maybe It's time you s-witched--t-o- SHUR•GAIN, PELLETED RATIONS;? .t. •• PUNGANNON Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wiggins and Eric were Mrs. Bert Wiggins, from' Brantford on Satur- day, and Mr. and Mrs. George Ribey and family Jane, Earl, Catherine and Anne of Seaforth, on Sunday. Mrs. Bert Wiggins als visited Mr. and Mrs. Parky Wiggins. • During 'the week end Visitors with Mrs. Lillian MacDonald and Mi. Frank Moulton included Mr. and MrS. RoSs MacDonald from Ottawa a=lso c Mrs----Vere-Cunning - ham and Lorne of Auburn. Guests with, Rev. and Mrs. . Clarence McClenaghan this Week were two aunts of Rev. McClen- aghan's Mrs. Walter. Gowsell of Kenora , and Mrs: James Water- worth of Toronto. . Mr. and Mrs. Mike:Carney, who now live in Guelph, visited recently with the Tatter's father, Frank Pentland, and brother Rog- er. CongratulatiOnS to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dickson, who were mar- ried on Saturday, November 18, by ReV. Clarenee McClenashan in Dungannon United Church., Through Mr.: and Mrs. Hugh MCWhinney r who were in Toronto tee ent=1y----- and-Mrs'r-Arnold -- Yokes asked to be remembered. to' all Dungannon -fziends We are pleased to know Mrs. Harold Errington was able to re- turn home on Saturday from Wing- ham hospital. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Cliff- . At the Ratepayer's meeting at Brookside School, members of Ashfield Council and Huron Coun- , -iy-S-thool-Boardv-Leijiese of this area , spoke to those who, by their attendance, showed itit erest in municipal activities. Int• eresting reports summarized the yea r-4L-v,,Lark-of--c-ciunt-y-r-township and school affairs. Candidates for election presented their Views also. Continued interest may be shown by you on December 4 by going to vote for the candidate of your choice. Hours for voting.are 11 a.m. to, 8 P M • t• Last Friday Ross Eedy Eedy, also Rosemary Eedy and Bill Gardner from $tratford,, attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto.- Thornton Eedy spent the week in Toronto exhibiting i 'icreford cattle. Dungannon 4-H Clubs I and II girls and their leaderi attended . ' LEDDY - STEWART In a candle-light setting among white corsage of roses. . . autumn flowers marriage VOWS . Kenneth Leddy was best man were exchanged between Sandra and Anthony SteitarLand./James ltlian-Stewart'alid-Drrifel Jos- Humphrey were .ushers. The . eph 'teddy at St.' Anthony Roman groom and his attendants wore Catholic Church, Kincardine at n; 4 p.m. Saturday, October 20th. black bow_ties,their boutonnieres Rev. Father Olmsky officiated- at being white carnations. . /the nuptial mass and double ring The mother'of the bride wore ceremony. a mauve floral floor length crimf:, The bride is the daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Stewart, iene gown with gold accessories, her corsage was yellow rose buds. Kincardine. The groom-is-the The mother of the groom wore son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ' a floor length American, rose Leddy, Lucknow. The organist crimplene gown, with, black and was Mrs. M. Sable and the soloist white'accessories, her corsage was Mrs. J. Scott. She sang the , was' Ava Maria•and "On This bay Oh budspink and white rose . , ' • Beautiful Mother". , After the ceremony at the The bride /entered the church threshold of the church Master on the arm of her father, her Jeffery Stewart presented the dress of white satin was trimmed bride with a silver horse-shoe ., with imported white 'daisies , sent to her from'England by her sweet-heart neckline, straight aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. _ ,._. _. .... _____....., - ...sleeves.with,a-long-tig-ht-button-------corcaran: Later at the dinner ed cuff. , Her long train was a'telegram was received from attached to the waist held in the bride's grandmottier Mrs. place by a white bow. Her cath- Lillian King alSo of England. It edral veil was held in place with was read by the Master of Cere- .a headdress of pearls and thine- monies Dennis Led dy of Kitchen- stones. She carried a corsage of er. , Miss Janet McCallum was maid, land and Hamilton the bride , of honour; the brideirnaids were ohose_a blaeltpant_suit witlk_red ----------- •,-------- accessories,' her corsage being red roses. ' ,' fromTh eAuglibueln",-wMileeatec i,d le3rdUZZ---- --, Barrie, Whitechurch, Ottawa , , St. Augustine, Lticknow.. _Icipcar: ._......,_ . dine, North Bay, Kingsbridge, Dundalk, London, Stratford, Kitchener,_Goderich. , Prior to her wedding the bride was honoured with a shower in Kincardine sponsored by Miss Janet MCCallum and Miss Patricia Webster. MONUMENTS ,,For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correS#Y-fie*PeCkiroln-qualitY-inaterial 3/70n, SKI MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagaii, Prop. ESTABLLSHED OVER SIXTY 'YEARS WALKERTON PHONE 014234 ONTARIO • red roses. For ravelling to Barrie, Mid'- _orc _McPhee.and Mrs—Harv-e-Y-Fa= Miss-Eli-za-b-etlytwddy-a-n-d-Miss ler were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Heather, Stewart. Their floor- Ross Eedy. , length dresses were identical, rnoss velvet- bodices with skirts of Achievement Day in Wingham on saturday. Chas. (Chuck) Young was home from London the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Young. mint green chiffon, long puffed sleeves with long tight buttoned uffs,---T-hey-wore-matching -head dresses, and .carried a pink• and