HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-29, Page 5Real Estate Limited. M.L.S. REALTOR _ _ Phone Wingham 357-3692 ROSS and PHYLLIS HOGGART ditional LASSIFIElf ADS on Page 6 ies, ' To Protect Your JaCk,. 528-. Insure'With Jack. Today. I. A. McDONAGH -Lucknow, Phone 528-3423' R. W. ANDREW 1 - islet and Solicitor LISTOWEL ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW - Every Wednesday and • Saturday Afternoon Office, in the Jo nt Block Telephone: Luckhow 528-3116 for ;Iry • or, ork- ter, ised JAM , F, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 29th, 1972 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. • PAGE FIVE NOTICES FOR SALE • . • r n a )f Y. 75. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the'Estate of ELIZABETH ANN MURDIE _ Deceased All persons having claims again- n- in c- !s- ne od ch or- of INN iod ire ;iv- oer or iotor for the Estate, on .or before the 22nd day of December 1972; after which date the Estate will be distributed amongst. those entitled thereto having regard Only to the rrevailing Interest Rateg' claims/of-which the Executor shall , Retirement Savings Plan then .have notice.' Dated -at ListoweL Ontario, this Your Representative 27th day of November 1972. -. R. W. ANDREW,. Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR , CHISHOLM' www11111.‘ IL D. PURDON Attractive 7 room house, 2 bed- rooms, modern kitchen, living and dining• room with archway, den, 4 piece bath, attached garage. Sit- uated on 2 large lots two blocks from business section, Priced to ' sell $11;900. Choice lots approximately 66' x 165' in quiet area within a block of Public School 'and Secondary School buses. These will be going Up in value. Now d priced at only $1,100 to $1,550. Member of London. and St. Thomas Real Estate Board for M.L.S. listings with 700 member salesmen to sell for you. 11111101•11. ,P---9011M1111/' TV AND ANTENNA SALES .AND SERVICE DON THOMPSON TV , R.R. 3 RIPLEY TELEPHONE 395-2393 NOTICE HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made, Sausage. Custom kil- ling by appointment, .Phone 528-2132 NOTICE CHANGE OF COUNCIL MEETING Huron Township. -Council will meet on Tuesday, December 5th starting at 10 o'clock a.m. and on December 15th for the final meet- ing of 1972. • • Earl Tout, Clerk - - NOTICE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL OPEN SATURDAY AFTERNOON In addition to the regular Mon- day to Saturday noon hours, which. apply year round, The Lucknow Sentinel will be open on Saturday afternoon, commencing this Satur- day, November 27th, from 1:30' to 5 p.m. The Saturday afternoon hours are for the convenience of those who might not find it con- venient to be in town during the normal hours, and they will apply until Christmas. CLOSING'NOTICE -.Finlay Decorators in Lucknow will be clOsed for holidays from Thursday, DeceMber 21st to Sat- urday, January 6th, 1973 inclusive. NOTICE ST. MARK I - 15 And saying - The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom, of God is at-hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. — Paid Advertisement INVESTMENT THE STERLING TRUST CORP. • o • n PRICED RIGHT : :Recently been remodelled. This: whome has 3 bedrooms and new: :two-piece bath upstairs. Down-n !stairs there is a large living: ;room, dining :room, kitchen,. !family room, 4 'piece bath and:. ;laundry room. Taxes on thisn !property are very reasonable. : • • • TRY US WITH •• : • AN OFFER • : • This 3 bedroom home has re-: incently had, installed a new oil. furnace and bathroom. Situated n won this 50 acre farm is a driv-2 m ing shed and a reasonably good. mbarn. •n ▪ BUILDING LOTS • N▪ Office Phone Goderich 524-9662• :Residence, Dungannon 529.7924w n • •I• n • 'n Optometrist LISTOWEL' ' . 12 H014E 2911154 ALEX MacNAY LUCKNOW TED COLLYER ' . NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that at a general meeting of members of the Luck- I now and District Credit Union Lim- ited, duly called for the purpose and held on the 22nd day of 'Nov- ember; 1972, a resolution was passed authorizing the voluntary dissolution of the said Credit Union as of November 22nd, 1972, under the provisions of Section 56 of THE CREDIT UNIONS ACT, R.S.O. 1970, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that on and after November.22nd, 1972 no further withdrawals or pay- ments on shares or deposits may be made by any member. and no new loans will be made. Proof of any claim against the said Credit Union must be filed with the Treasurer within thirty days of the date of this notice, after which time n the assets of the said • Credit Union • • will be distributed amongst the • persons entitled thereto having re-, gard to the claims of which the Credit Union then has notice. Mrs. Carol Jones Notice To Creditorsi GLENN • DUNGANNON (Secretary). • •Located on -a quiet street and. • ▪ priced at 4 lots for $2000. • • • :GERRIE and BERNICE: Murdie l-a0 -o , late of the Vilf 1- • st the Estate of Elizabeth Ann 1 . Alder and :., LucknOw, in the County 'of Bruce ,,j: extm who died on or about the 12th day of October, 1972, are hereby notif- ied to send full particulars of their claims .to' The undersigned Solic- Retired Book-keeper, deceased, ; Chapman • n 'Realty Limited • • • n ewwwwwwwwwwwlimsma USE CHRISTMAS SEALS. OWANSVASISTIMIMEMMIIIIIOWIll Specializing In . . FUELS a ELECTRIC HEATING, I.t1,E('TRIC . HCATING OILS . ; •. , WIIIING AND REP-AIRS , . o , . SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS ' and . • LUCKNOW • n FROM FROM LUCKNOW SENTINEL op•••••••••••••••••••••se FOR 'SALE RUBBER STAMPS GOOD VALUE: 227 acres. with 160 workable, balance :pasture arid14 acres of mixed bush. 2 large barns 80 x. 40 and 64 x 54 suited for hogs and cattle; silo 14 x 40; drilled well on pressure. Brick and frame 5 bedroom home with every. conven- ience. F.C.C. 'mortgage aC5% can be assumed. $8,500 down will handle; asking irice reduced to ,50rnvi h possession in 30' days. ARE 0 r_a. part----' time business? Enquire about this enterprise which is showing a good . return and has a good future pot- ential. The owner would like $5,000 down. Check this and make us an offer. -4-BEDROOM FRAME HOME situ- ated on Huron County Highway, I. south of Lucknow, 'kitchen, livin room, dining foom, 3 piece bath oil furnace and partial basement. ' Spring well and presstire system. Situated on the property is a ce- ment block building approximately 20' x 30'. This property is priced right and you may have 'immediate possession. Asking $8,000. I • cut 'try, rite .!tric El- now, the mow , " or Ap• Witty yi or 'it OPTOMETRIST'_ GODERICH '. The Square (Phone 524-7661) ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES- • Phone 529-7524 or 524-7681 FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY n Hydro Pinancini; Available FREE BURNER SERVICE n li-TOI41081L-E-7-& /414-v-Esi-MEN MEMORIAL CHAPEL FIMERAL_SERY_LCE Services conducted, according to your wishes' at your Home, your Church, or of our Mem- orial Chapel at no additional charge, LuCknoW, Phone S28-3432 Day or Night emmitsmarevi sommesonsminormisions CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 57 South Street, Goderich Telephone 5247562 At-111:11-ARPER INSURANCE Bus. Ph, 357.1910 WORK SHOP sated on-a large lot on the edge: MEMORIALS and three (3) bedroom living quar- .of the Village. New home in° ters in. Lucknow. A real opport- iu71. • n GUARANTEED GRANITES unity to start your own business. "IsIn CEMETERY LETTERING.. Price reduced for qui& sale —n Lucknow ---- Phone 528-5892 Products For Farm, Home and Industry 117-JOSEP-1-tIN,E=STREE-T WINGHAM, PHONF__157-1224 . . .11. BRAY ' , , „ .....*************i****! DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC : ' REAL ESTATE RE-MON-A.13E.1...0.—PA4-1 (11eng due to health reasons. Buy Direct and Save STONE HOUSE •chen living room, utility room,. 1 m 'n n 4 pc. bath sun porch and 3 .bed-o MacKENZIE W-INGHAM Located on 'bush, 150 a2crecsreeokfs.laiald,. 4fia ir4o0? .mLtveNlelwot . oh, hobby t oshop e r2i8v' e rx.1 '' Res. Ph.. 3 5 7:1015 real spot for 'a man made lake. j :Listed at only $16,800. . a The 8.room house and farm equip- • . . . • wilt are all included. Asking price LI !---- . , n .n • $27,500 with terms. . n irn :WINGHAM OFFICE • w • 35:-.72-3134-0 of Ripley, having rental income \ 1 $_4_0.00 a month. All, three ap_art .1 merits newly renovated and ' air- conditioned. Priced for quick sale. GOO.D.--1,NALESTMENT Apartment building in the village .4••••••.#0.1•4444*•464466,* N••••••641+ C. SUTCLIFFE • n • J. BREWER Laulauw, n528-2031 0 a • A. McDonagh REAL ESTATE W. ADAMSON •) • REPRESENTATIVES in BROKER m n • . TAXES 5156.00 n IliOne storey; 2 bedroom hale: ;with- many extras,.'ineluding! • Hanover kitchen, and low cost; w heating, Attached garage. Situ-• Ma h-11 t4EAR LISTOWEL. n m Is w • s le RETIREMENT HOME °I es •cine storey, 3 bedroom .• home, • ., N4 pc. bath, part basement, fore-• • ed air oil furnace,' heating costs: .$*160.00.. Level'lot with shade! .• trees. Separate garage. Good; ;location in Village,, Listed at• •$12,500. •• n 300 ACRES, of cash crop and pas- ture ,land; 225 workable, balance hardWood and cedar bush. All in one block •and priced at $32,500. Check this while it is still available. n :1'2 storey home containing kit-: 111n - ▪ 100 ACRE FARM for, rent in East Wawanosh Township, located on Division Line. Phone for further particulars. WE HAVE SEVERAL excellent businesses-for-sale-M-the-areaTif you are considering something along this line, gave us a call. WE HAVE SEVERAL sincere clients looking for 100 acre farms --hrthis—are-a-AT you haire-50 to 100 acres with or without buildings for sale, give us a call. WARREN ZINN • Phone 529.1350 Wilfred Nidntee • STONE HOME located on .2 acres of-lath:1;44o- edrooins;--4-piece bath,. oil furnace, located only 4 miles from Lake Huron. Immediate pos- session. ' WALKERTON , Member of the Grey and Br•ce Multiple Listings Service list — Over 60 Salesmee Working For You