The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-22, Page 14W Just the Righ-t Gft, Before The Age of Miracles Memoirs of a Country Doctor BY DR. W. VICTOR JOHNSTON '$6.95 Dr. Johnston was born in West Wawanosh Township and was a general practitioner in Lucknow for thirty years. His book reflects his life and practice in this community. MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED AT SAME .PRICE . AVAILABLE AT . E LUCKNOW SEAM Forsters Erecting,,. New Barn PURPLE GROVE NEWS -- heir.-and Mrs. • Walter -Forster, with the help .of friend's and rela- tives, are erecting.a new barn on 'their property..' The old one was destroyed by, fire in the latter , • part o ep em.et. Cathy Dore spent Saturday night with Margi Collins. Mr. and Mrs.• Howard Thomp- son, Mr. and Mrs. Victor GaWley and Mrs. Bert Nicholson visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs.. RuSsell Hewitt in Kincardine. are extended to Miss Mary Robin- son, who is a patient in the Kin- cardine Hospital. ' Miss Sadie Johnston and Miss Margaret Robertson spent a few s-recently with Mr. and Mri. Don liobertson. Vicki Dore spent Saturday night at• the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson. Mrs, Bob Thompson and Robbie visited on ,Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Don Dore and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh entertained Mr. and Mrs. Tom Walsh from Kincardine on Sun- day. Miss Nancy Elliott and Paul Greenwood of Sarnia spent the week end with her parents Mr. 44trd;;;14$7.----EariT,Elliottv Mr. and Mrs. Don NICCosh and Mr. and Mrs. William Arnold re- turned on Tuesday ifter spending. a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Knight in Picton. Bob Emerson attended the Warden"s banquet held on Friday night. THIS WEEK CONTINUED .FROM PAGE 13. when Jack Blue's car was taken and found next day against a bridge in the town of Wingharn. On Wednesday mornintJack7was- observed fixing and adjusting the' tires at his home in the east part ' of the village. After dinner he decided to pick up a moving: cart from the storage -barn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reeves on the main street south, Local • hardware merchant , Bill Reeves was loaning Jack the cart to move/ his refrigerator. So Jack drove his car doWn•to pick it up to use on Thursday morning. He parked his car'on the.driveway be- hind-rhe'Reeves---cir;wprit-to,t barn but could not/locate the cart. He then came baCk to the house driveway beiide the house to get in his car. Jack could not believe his eyes - where his car had been ,.there was 4st-empty space. Ree/es confirmed that the car had been there when she was talking to him. Later another neighbour lady, Mrs. Cook, told of seeing , a young manyalking on the side- walk past her place and then see- ing ihe car back out in great haste. • found to have a dead battery , an empty gas tank and a ,fiat tire as well as number of caps fot bever- age bottles.. 'At the' garage,. Jack, on instruction from-his insurance company., was getting .these fixed • and since it _would take Some • • time he told Mrs: Margaret Blue to returnto.Ripley.,.'.. 'After fixing these items, the . garage Tnechanic took.the car blac,kfor a test run when he found there'were no. brakes .working.,' 'Taking off- the 'wheels showed that. all the•brake,s' had 'been burnt out, Lloyd Irwin , went to 1yingham. for JaCk. „;At the time of writing the , car is still in Wingharn.garage.' . On Friday , neighbour Levi Good, whose wife is in St. Joe's ,• took Jack to ,Lon- don and' s. Jack 'BOP rettynt'.4------- home with them: So iar • knoWn the young man.has'not and was told, by Mrs. Reeved that • bten apprelrended. Fora Malt it was away for the afternoon. Jack then went back.to shut the everyone in Ripley will he care- barn door- e- fill with their car keys. A few and years-ago N-oreetr-M-a-c-Darta-ld— had her car stolen, west'of Reid's Corners, while assisting Mrs. Murray. Walden. • * * Murdock MacDonald', who has not' been well for sornetinie, is a patient in Kincardine and. District Hospital.. * • • * Phe—K=incardine-Ontag-cr-Provirm-- cial Police were notified and they 'returning from .Kincardine and imthediately alerted all units in St. Joseph's Hospitals..Back arc district number 6 from Mount Rev. Kenneth Rooney , Mrs. Terra Forest. The next morning, Thurs- Outirbridge village--forman- Arn- day, ,Wingharea police locatedthe brose Gamble and Mrs. Jack car there. Jack was notified and Blue. his' sister -in-law , Mrs . Donald Blue, took, him over. It was • • • • • • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1972 • at Thamesville. Mrs. Gladys Stockhart of Flor- ida spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Finnigan and family. On Saturday she returned to the South accompanied by Ray- mond Finnigan. Mrs. Olive Goudie of,Kitchener spent the week end with Rev. and Mrs. Clarence McClenaghan. A good ctowd attended tie reception in honour of Mr.Qand Mrs. Bill Caesar on Friday even- ing in Dungannon Agricultural Hall. The snow and slept last Tues- day morning served to remind. us that winter may not be too far away. The fresh snow this morn- ing - Monday - may soon disap- pear because the sun is shining' - and welcome! Dungannon Women's 'Institute meeting on November 30 is to be at Mrs. Cecil Blake's • home instead of at Mrs. .Warren Zinn's as listed on your program. Time is to be.2 p.m. Mr. and 'Mrs. Graham McNee, also Mr. and Mrs. Eric McNee and Brenda visited this week %..nd with Mr. and Mrs. Allan, Mc- Nee and Eddie in Ajax. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gray from North Bay visited this week end with the latter's father, Jim Little. Others who visited them were Mr. and. Mrs. John MacDon- ald from Goderich. The many friends here, are sorry to learn Mrs.. LaVerne Pentland has had surgery-recently in Det- roit. WINTER / dele RelbIBLE USED CAR. i M 1973 PLYMOUTH Satelite, 4 door, 6 cylinder, automatic 1973 FORD F 100 % ton 8 cylinder, automatic transmission 19.73 TORINO 2 door hardtop -1973 DART-Swinger, =2door hardtop, 6 cylinder automatic 1972 MAVERICK 2 door 3 1972 CHEV Impala, a 2 door hardtop and 2 --- 4 door hard- tops,VALautomaiic, power steering and power brakes A. 2 1970 FORD Custom 500, 4 door 1/8 automatics 1970 OLDS Cutlass Supreme 4 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, vinyl roof it 1970 FORD XL, 2 door hardtop 1970 CH E V Bel Air 4 door, V8 automatic, power equipped 1970 MONTEGO 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic 1969 CHEV 4 door, 6--i-yTii-ide-T-alitomatit-fia-n-straVsTon----- - 1967 PONTIAC Firebird, 2 door hardtop, console with ,,,,_______bucket_seats 1967 BUICK WILDCAT 4 door hardtop, fully equipped , 1967 PONTIAC Grand Parisienne, 4 door hardtop 1973 POLARIS . _ ---, IN STOCK ttstXt0Ow*OtriCE C€4:44:0004:4404:t4roc-Vitt . , MYTH CAR SALES , , PHONE LTD. 523-4342 DUNGANNON NEWS On Sunday at the Dungannon 'United Church the service of Baptism was solemnized for John Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. -.-G:Wright; Melissa-Jane, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Derk Logtenberg; and Paul, Van, son of Mr.,• and Mrs. David Dawson. Another special part of the ser- vice was the dedication of the two gifts received from St. Paul's Anglican church, the piano and a candle snuffer, the latter being the gift of Mrs. .Gordon Congram. Mrs. Robert Bere suffered a . stroke to her right side and is in Goderich hospital. Bert Mc Whin- ney of Crewe is also a patient there, since Friday. Mrs. Gladys Riven has returned home after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Simp- son. Goderich. We hope she continues to feel improved. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eedy from Toronto, and Mr. •and Mrs. Bob Ott and Matthew from Kitchener were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy and •Martha. Others who visited with them on. Sunday included. Mrs. Jas. Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Home of • London, and Mr. and Mrs. Dotig Wilson and daughter Diane of • SRringford. Mr. and Mrs.. Robt. Irvin visit= . ed-this week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stirling and Darlene