HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-22, Page 13THE LucKNowEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd„1972 SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO
This Week In Ripley
John McMurchy of LneknOw
and formerly of the sixth cOnces-
sion•west in Huron Township, had
a very sensible letter in last
week's paper. Strikes, along
with the constant depopulation of
the rural areas including both the
kirms and towns in Western Ont-
ario, are two main
fundamental issues. The fact that
-they are so immense accounts
for no political party even men-
tioning them. His letter is also
most timely in the light of this'
new postal strike in Toronto.
* *
4 Mrs. Gladys. Nicholson , Miss
Bonnie Nicholson and Dinnie- • .
,,lacDonald are moving to their
new home this coming week end
in the west end of.Ripley.- Din-
nie recently purchased the home •
of Dr. and Mrs. Pete Bissonnette '
and family who are moving to the,
Fort Erie Crystal Beach area.
Pete is now employed with the.
Duminion Department of Agricul-
ture and their contribution to this
community will he-missed.
* * O 4
. Allan Gardner
of Clinton and Mr. 'and Mrs,
Tammy visited
Donnie !luckier and daughter ,
on the week end
iii Bracebridge.
The first hockey games 9f the•
1972-73 'season were played this
past week, in the Ripley arena.
Last Saturday it was hockey for •
the boys all morning then skating
for the children in the afternoon
and public skating in the evening..
This will-continue each Satur-.
day.. Donnie Peterbaugh is the
arena manager and ice maker.
O * 4 *
Visiting on a recent week end
with Rev, and Mrs. George N.
Ball were all their family -
daughter Lorraine, and sons
cordon, David and. Norman and
also their son-inlaw. They are
now from different centres in
Ontario - :Gordon at Ottawa ,
mine and Ulo Valdrna in Toronto,
Dave at Bracebridge, and Norman
-'at University in Toronto.
In last Saturday's weekly round ,
up of cattle sales at the Ontario
Livestock centre in Toronto, the
names of drovers Burton Shewfelt
of Kincardine and George McDon-
ald of Ripley were listed as con-
signing animals bringing top pric-
es. George had four Charolait
heifers from the Dungannon area
which sold at a premium price:
Often Gordon FinlaySon of Loch-
alsh, who ships from Lucknow
receives' mention in this weekly •
Mr. and Mrs.
* 4 4 * * •
Wed At Lucknow Presbyterian Church. - •
* 4
At the Commencement Exercis-
es held at the F. E. Madill Sec-
ondary School in Wingham on
Friday evening, November 10,
Norman Ball, son of Rev. and Mrs.
G. N. Ball of Ripley, was the
valedictoria5p for his graduating
grade 13 class of 57 students. •
Norman-was the top scholar at
the school this past year. He was
the top one of six_Ontario_Se,hol-
ars:at the school and a winner of
the Carter Scholarship for Huron
County. Spec:ializiog matliand
phy.sics Norman got the profic-
iency award in Mathematics, the
proficiency award in physics,
and also two other grade 13 awards,
Norman, in his address, said "Do
what you really want to do. 'If
you like what you are doing',
stay. If not, leave." This is
totally different to the advice,
we received back in
those depression years of the
thirties. In summary form at col-
lege we were continually told
"make yourself fit the job":
• * 4
11-1**, .
ill Commencement exercises it is
rioted that .the staff. of teachers
•numbers 73. Amo -ig these are
two, fOrmer.teaclicrs in the' Ripley
District 'Uigh School namely Mrs.
Marion .Einerson of Purple Grove
in, iluron:Township and Robert:
Damsma of Lucknow. ,Both serv-
;(1, well_hQ1e,...:_Alsn_from this
area are Mrs. George Ball of
Ripley and•.Lloyd Ackert of Holy.-
* 4 * * *
1.1111." WingIl t iii Advance
Times, Korman Ball is•pictured ...
recelvin congratulations,. from : •
W. n. Renwell, supervisOr,
Co;ulty Board of Education
in Clinton.. Norman•obtaineFfhes
high average mark of 90.7.
Norman received a standing ova-
tion from the students of the F. •
E; Madill School.
Well nobody ever thought it
in broad daylight. Malt did last:
Wednesday afternoon, 'right after.
dinner about one o'clock.' This
refers to. the first day tirneear
theft in' the history of the village
Chocolate • brown bodices and
beige satin embroidered skirts:
The gowns worn by' Faye Anne ,
and Jackie featured high .round
necklines ' and short puffed
sleeves 'while those worn by the
Of h ers—had-scoorr-n•ec kl ines'and
long full sleeves gathered into
tight cuffs, All carried bouquets •
of yellow, White and bronze'
mums. •
rood,.Was groomsman and guests
were ushered by Gerald Murray
of RR 1, Holyrood, Cecil Sutton,
brother of the groom, of RR 3,
Ripley, George MeTeer of Lon-
don and Ross:Forster, brother of
the bride of RR .1;. Lucknow. Ste-
phen Michael Murray, nephew of
the—bride was i ingbearer. All
male attendants wore brown Ed-
wardian tuxedos with gOld'tuffled
shitts and yelloW carnation bon:
tonnieres. • .
Wedding music was supplied
by organist Mrs. Lillian Sinipson,
aunt :of the bride, of Kintail and
violinist Elliott Carruthers of
Ripley, the bride'S uncle. Ruth
and Susan Gibson o Peter-
borough, nieces • of the groom, , .
sang "Love'? and "God So Loved
the ' World". Just before. the -
Mothers of, the bridal couple en-
feted the church, Tam Forster of
RR 1, Lucknow and John Sutton
of ltd 2,11olyroocl, lit the tapers
in the candelabra..
The Travellairs of Chesley pro-
vided music at the rece s Lion
w lc • o owe in the Luckriow-
Legion Hall. The bride'S mother
wore a cream floor4ength dress
which was overlaid with French
metallic gold on sheer. Her cor4 •
sage was pink carnations. The
groom's mother chose a floor-
length goWn of rose pink crepe
with silver metallic design and a
corsage of white carnations.
For travelling to the Maritimes
the bride wore a black and white
printed suit with flared skirt and
fitted jacket trimmed with white "-
collar and cuffs. Her accessories
were black patent and she wore a'
corsage of white gardenia. , •••
Mr. and Mrs. Sutton are resid-
ing in Wingham where the bride
is employed at alp Wingharn and
District Hospital. The groom is
batoir at Holyrood.
LUcknow ,Presbyterian , Church
• was the setting for the ceremony
uniting in Marriage Donna Mar-
' garet Forster and Gatry Vernon
Sutton. Yellow candles and bou-
quets of yellow mums and white'
gladioli formed the setting for the
..'tiouble-ring ceremony. .
The bride's parents are ,Mr.
and Mrs. Ronald ElliOtt•Forster
:ot Hit 1, Lucknow; Mr. and 'Mrs.
.Lyman Russell Sutton of -RR 2,
Holyrood, are parents of the
Given in marriage by ..her
father, the bride wore a:gown of
white peau de sole featuring/em-
pire i,vaistline, long hill sleeves
and high. ruffled neckline. A full,
train, enhanced by. tiny white
buttons, • fel,l from . the empire
waistline:A Juliet headpiece 'held
• ,her' shoulder-length scalloped
veil and she carried a bouquet of
yellow-roses-=white-mums and
lily of the valley.. •
The. bride's sistet-in-law, Mrs.
Helen Forster of Lucknow was
matron of honor and bridesmaids.
wereJVArs__Nancy Miirray_of_RR.
Holyrood, a sister of the bride,
Mrs.. ,Jean•JanSsen, sister of. the
groom • of London, Mrs. Donna
MeTeer of LondOn and the bride's
sister, Miss Fave Anne Forster of
A, Lucknow. 'Miss Jacqueline .
Gibson, niece of j„he groom, of.
Peterborough was' floWer girl.
The attendants all. wore em-
pire.-styled dresses featuri-ng
For sound counsel and a fair' price on a monument
correctly designed from quality material, rely on
' Pat O'Hagan, Piop.