HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-22, Page 5SUNOCO• DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW 'Phone 529-7524 or 5201191 FREE BURNER Products For Farm; Home and Industry 1••••••••••111111••••••••1111111114 ROSS and PHYLLIS HOGGART LISTOWEL PHONE' 291.1511 INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE INVESTMENTS To Prolect Your Jack, ' Insure With Jack Today. J. A. 'McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 R. W. ANDREW rtister-and-Scilicitor LISTOWEL; ONTARIO . IN LUCKNOW • Eiiefy Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Ta-eplidne Lucknow 528-3116 We would like thank all those who .remembered us with cards, visits, and • gifts while we were in Wingham Hospital and since com- ing home. Special thanks to Doc tors Corrin 'and McKim and nurs- ing staff; Shirley and David McDonald Mrs --dharles-Steward---wishes -to-thank her friends and neighbours for the sympathy cards, letters, phone messages and visits at the time and death of her dear son Gordon. All was very much ap- preciated. -- - ANDREW, EDITH (TR.LEAVEN) We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives and friends for the ex- pressions of sympathy and kind- ness shown to us in the sad loss of our mother. The William Andrew Family The John Andrew Family The Stanley Ward Family IN MEMORIAM ThFFIN in loving' memory ' Of our dear brother Charles Tiffin who passed away' November 18th, 1968. You are not forgotten brother dear, Nor ever ;shall you be, As long as life and memory last We shall remember thee._ Ever reniembered by sister Vat- etta and brother-in-law Victor. FOR SALE GQ0D,VALUE: 227 acres with 180 workable, balance pasture and 14 -acres-of -mixed-bush.-21arge 80 x 40 and 64 x 54 suited for hogs and cattle;• silo 14 x 40; drilled 'well on pressure. Brick and frame 5 bedroom home with every conven- ience. F.C.C. mortgage at 5% can be assumed. $8,500 down will handle; asking price reduced to $38,500 witiimmemlot y_i in 30 da ARE YOU LOOKING for 'a part- irne_business? Enquire-about-this enterprise which is showing a good return and has• a good future pot- ential. The owner would like $5,000 down. Check' this and make us an offer. • 4 BEDROOM FRAME HOME-sit ated on Huron County Highway L. south of -Lucknow, kitchen, livin - room, dining room, 3 piece bath oil furnace and partial basement Spring well and pressure system. Situated on the property is a ce- ment block 'building approximately 20' x 30'. This property is priced right and you may have immediate possession."Asicing $8,000. .11•=1•••••••• STONE HOME- located on 2 acres of land, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath, -oil furnra-cerlocated-only 4- milet from Lake Huron. Immediate pos- session. 300. ACRES of cash crop and pas- ture land; 225 workable, balance hardwood and cedar bush. All in one block and priced at $32,500. Check this while it is still available. oimiN•mim"** TD. DOD Dry Fed, ur Fresh Istorn kil- NGS Institute (dings for Lis. Alex -s. Grace TINEL 'ERNOON 100 ~1 -CrtMfai=iwt=i-n=E-ast Wawanosh Township, located on Division Line. Phone for further particulars/ WE HAVE. SEVERAL excellent businesses for sale in the area. If you---are----considering—something- along this line, give us a cell. WE HAVE SEVERAL sincere clients looking for 100 acre 'farms in this area. If you have 50 to 100 acres with or without buildings for sale, give us a call. ir WARREN . ZINN Phone 529.7350 Wilfred Mcintee CHISHOLIVI FUELS H. D. ,PURDON Real. Estate Limited K.L.s..REALToR. cement IING 363 -- son for R.N.A., ed. Ap- , Nursing 2186 or WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 22nd, 1.972 CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS - Mrs. Wilfred Farrish wishes to FOR SALE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL., LAMI(N.OW, ONTARIO 71111•11100100.10.040•Finig: , • n thank her friends and neighbours n • for their kindness during her stay PRICED RIGHT n • • in. St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener. :Recently been remodelled. n ll'his n • We wish to thank our neighbours .home has 3 bedrooms and new: and relatives for their many kind_ itwo-piece bath upstairs. Down-. nesses shown to us, at the time mstairs there is a large living: of the passing of our sister - in - -law-Mr&-John-F7-turdrev-o-rE" monton. This thoughtfulness will long be remembered. Jessie and Gordon Kirkland : Men's Box of hay. ular Mom ars, which -1.ucknow Saturday Satur- m 1:39 to afternoon anience of nd it con- tiring the will appIY :E LucknOw lays from. ,st-tc-$a _ inclusive. NO 1 Canadiiir .11 309 are' w regale sdaYt N?v" Attractive 7 room house, 2 bed- rooms, modern kitchen, -living and dining room with archway., den, 4 piece bath, attached garage. Sit- uated on 2 large lots, two blocks firom business section. Priced to sell $11,900. Choice lots approximately 66' lc 165' in quiet area within a block of Public -School' and Secondary School buses. These will be going up in value. Now priced at only $1,100 to $1,550. Member of London and Si. Thomas Real Estate Board for M.L.S. listings with. 700 member salesinen • to sell for you. Phone Wingham 357-3692 111111111111W 4.111114 TV AND. 'ANTENNA DON 'THOMPSON' TV „ 'R.R. 3 RIPLEY TELEPHONE . 395-2393 atl K. J. Mac-KENZIE, 0.D. Optometrist R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST - GODERICH The Square (Phone 524-7661) CHARTERED' ACCOUNTANT 55 - 57 South Street; GtiderIcti Telephone 524-7562 Dd used • rental Point irpentry; arborite 98. • 1-'e water 'ondition. ..,ucknow, QED or nine at Luck- 1.9-'110SEPHIRESTRE ET /TED COLLYER • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. Specializing In ELECTRIC HEATING, .ELECTRIC WIRING, AND REPAIRS and.. ALL ELECTRICAL' APPLIANCES Hydro Financing Available --Lis know phone .528.-5 MacKENZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted accbTding to your wishes at .Your Home, your Church, or at mit Mem- 'orial Chapel at no additional charge. Lucknow, Phone S28-3432' Day or Night Retirement Savings Plan Your Representative ALEX 1VIacNAY LUCKNOW - R. BRAY DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Mr&. Elizabeth Hazelden Sr. "' • wishes to thank the nurses and 'per- .: • barn. • sonnet and Drs. Corrin and McKim • • for their very kind' attention dur- ing her recent stay in Wingham Hospital; . also the many kind people who sent her cards, which were greatly appreciated. Alex Purves would like to thank • L▪ ocated-on ,a quiet street and. • priced at 4 lots for $2000.. - In• InI I A In0 • InII n I ••• GERRIE and BE.RNICE: all who sent cards, treats and vis- • GLENN . . , :I ham. Hospital and since coming- : . DUNGANNON' 0 home: Thanks also'to all who sup- : in plied rides to Wingham for Kitty. s Office Phone Goderich 524-9662m Special thanks to the Aitchison : Residence, Dungannon 529-7924 nn family and to Mrs. Jim Curran. . nI M • Dynes Campbell wishes ,to thank a • I•I I its while he was a patient in Wing- • • wroom, dining room, Ititchen,• fainily-toom-,7-. 4-piece-bath-and: milaundry room. Taxes on this n ▪ property are very reasonable. a n n • I wish to sincerely thank all who n TRY US WITH : remembered me with cards, gifts : AN OFFER : and visits while I was in Wing- • ham and District Hospital, with :This 3 bedroom' home has re-. special thanks to our neighbours mcently had installed a new oil: for their many kindnesses. . :furnace and bathroom. Situated. Mary HcMurray won this ,50 acre farm is a driv conditioned.- s---11 ne----storey,--2-- bedroom new Priced for qu_Lek sale.._:_ , n home with' many extras includ-: WORK SHOP 1:ing broadloom 'on floor's. Situat-01 Ailed on a well cared for lot. Low: _And_three__(31.-bedroom living , risres-arld-heating--gdw-Fiallo quarters' in Lucknow. 'A real 01)- ! :listing price $18,000. ' portunity ,to start your own bus-• nn iness, Price reduced , for 'quick ,sale 1 I I I I • I I . neighbours and friends for the get :' well wishes sent to.him, with spec- LI Alexander and-. =II- • • ial thanks to the Eedy families for n n i • Chapman . . the lovely plant. We would like to thank' every- as . ' n one for the cards and gifts we re- : ceived 'while in Wingham Hospital a Reahy Limited - n 1 . • and. since returning home. Specials :• N thanks to Drs. Corrin and McKim"; m, GODERICH, ONTARIO .1il nairses_Un-the-Dr--&-office-and---o n second floor Of Wingham Hospital. I losommos•smaisisissiem•smil Beth and Beverly Ann Aitchison a••••••••••••••aa•••••••• SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25 "•••1112 "1116110 ••••••••• at one o'clock • n . • Terms on ,:property are 10% down a • n APartment building in the village' • • etiMI-intatne-'11 = n $450.00 a month. All three apart- n • . n ments newly renovated and air- : FIGURE IT OUT n , • t : , u, dale to health reasons: t la • BRUSSELS AREA • • • • :T40 storey;-4-bedroorn---hoineT• n se4 pc. bath and a 2 pc. bath,: :hardwoOd floors, well preserved n . unvoodwork. Situated on a large: :lot with a 2 storey barn., • • • ii. REPRESENTATIVES as . • . . . W. ADAMSON me a Is C. SUTCLIFFE. , • . n • J. BREWER' • List M.L.S. - Oyu!1 61) Sale$111 n •811 O I N %%irking For Yois • ' il a••••••••••••••••••••••as eseamiuisegliesinnossamaa soimmktp•••••••••0•••••••• CLEARING AUCION SALE • Of Property, Household Effects and. Antiques will be held for ' T HE ESTAT-E-OF-T-H-E-LATE MARY BAER In The Village of Auburn and the balance in 60 days 'Terms on the chattels cash George Powell, Clerk Brian. Rintoul, auctioneer REAL ESTATE BROKER Luc.know 528-2031 EVALUATIONS REAL ESTATE • n n n n n n • • • • • • • And Pool Hall with 4 tables.. :Two bedroom apartment above.! • Good confectionery and tobacco; :trade. Good location .on main! street of Huron County Village.; GOOD INVESTMENT :.Listed at $18,500. n FREE • -- — •-- -- m ing shed and a reasonably goodo • IN 411 n n n • • n n • • •• BUILDING LOTS n • • Um 1.11 aN, :WINGHAM OFFICE • • 357,3_840 -- • • • n N' qw.):m.sgew GOOD THINGS HAPPEN . BARBER SHOP WHEN YOU HELP R ED R_O_SS_ z Member of the Grey and Bruce Multiple Listings Service WALKERTON TS OnlOss e held re Wel- . event. 111111...1111 ir good . Write 1g, giv- number . • or INVESTMENT THE—STER-L-HVG TRUST CORP. Prevailing Intel est Rates AUCTION SALE WINGHAM,, PHONE 357-1221 • WINGHAM, MEMORIKTS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus. Pb. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357.1015 For Capital Gain Purpose:, before January t, 1013, if .you list your property now.