HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-15, Page 14'TER MI • SUPPORT THE
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en you come
to see the
Centre -
This Week in Ripley
ElcomeilSkatei Foi -,The. Whole Family
A bright red metal mailbox has
been installed outside the post
office this past week. On it is
printed the instructions to mail in
it letters and other mail, for points
outside Ripley ancCRipley rural
routes and it' is to be used for this
ptirpose only on Sundays and holi-
days. It is located at the west
end of the cement platform at the
front of the building. Ripley_post_-
master Don• McLay has sent out
letters explaining its purpose. It
' will be cleared at 4.15 p.m. He '
would like the public to know it
is not to be used during the
regular week days - only, on Sun-
day-s-arid-ffien for malt -
going outside the Ripley area.
Incidentally the new "zip c
for- Riply is Ripley, NOG 2R0 -
perhaps it can be remembered
better in word form - something
like "nog two row - without the
our friendly local mail trucker -
Bill Wall of Kincardine - on the
3013 -. It seems that a year or more
ago he was replaced by a. city
• • * • •
Last Saturday it was mild and
slightly damp with some fog
when down the main street of Rip-
ley, shortly before eleven, came
the Ripley Huron Legion and the
Legion Auxiliary as they marched
from the Legion Hall to the Ceno-
taph in-front of -the Huron-Town--
ship hall. -Once again it was
November 11 - Remembrance Day
and the quiet little village and -
its surrounding farming area paus-
ed in its daily affairs to remem-
ber the men who went from here
'to the twowortd wars, .never to -
return. Relatives and citizens
gathered in the service of Rem-
Dave Moore warthe marshal in
charge of , the parade. Don Mason
ittasslown from Kincardine with
his P.A. system and his wife
'Annie marched with the Auxiliary.
Master of Ceremonies-at-the...milte_
ou enjoy Toronto .
more at the Loid Sinicoe,
' where hospitality is.
was Bill McCreath. In the colour
party, carrying the. flags, were ,
for the Legion, Bob Love and Russ
Stanley and for the Auxiliary,
Mrs. Don Paquette and Mrs.
Leroy Walden.
In charge of the service at the
Cenotaph was Rev. John Hill of
Pine River, Legion Chaplain.
Assisting him were Rev. George
Ball of Ripley and. Rev. Robert
Clyde of Bervie. The names of
those men who were killed in
action were read by'the Legion
Secretary Sandy MacCharles of
Olivet. The wreaths were sup-
Tiled by the Province of Ontario,.
Huron Township, Ripley Village,
Ripley Oddfellows, Ripley Ftebek-
ahs, Lisburn Women's Institute,
Reid's.Corners Women's Institute„'
Ripley Women's Institute, Ripley
aid Il strut_ -t ans the .uxiliar
and the Ripley-Huron Legion.
Some of those laying the, wreaths -
were-Mrs. May MacDonald,
Reeve Russ Stanley, Reeve ,
'Clayton Nicholson, Mrs. Jack
MacLean, Mrs. James: Kirkpat-
rick R Mrs. 'Leonard Reid, Alan
McLean, Mrs. Bill Danforth and
Don Paquette. Rev., John Hill -
closed the service-with_prayer_ '
The Legion and Auxiliary returned
to the Legion Hall where Auxil-
iary members served lunch. The
crowd dispersed and the service
was over for another year.
• • • • *
Six wreaths were laid at the ,
tall war memorial at the parlia-
ment buildings in Ottawa last
Saturday morning. Bruce County
Was represented and honoured by
Mrs. Mary Louise MacLeod of the
Cape Cro'ker Indian, Reservation
placing the second wreath. In
the line Mrs. MacLeod stood be-
tween Goyernor General R. Mich-
ener and Prime Minister P. E.
Trudeau. Mrs. MacLeod, a
Silver Cross mother ,, had eight
sons , and her husband in the sec-
ond World War. Two of her sons
-deed it acEian and-ttiree-re-
wounded. Also three landed in
France on D-day. :This brings •
to mind that Ripley had two men
in that• first landing in France.
Kenny MacLean now lives in
London and Leon Mendelson, who
was killed there.
• • • • •
A number of people from this
area 'attended a musical, concert
in the -Hanover town hall last
Saturday evening. It consisted
,of numbers by the Saugeen Val-
ley Chorus with Visiting guest
quartets and was billed as the
Annual Barbershop Show. People
known locally taking part were
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McCallum
of Hanover. Mrs.. McCallum is
Lilian Osborne; also John Findley
of Walkerton whose wire i„,„5 Beth
MacTavish. Dr. Gerry Crooks
and Harry Chapman of Kincardine
were among those singing in the
• • it • •
Pictured in the Toronto Star
last week was Ontario Dairy Prin-
cess Miss Sherry Pollock of Riplc\
as she took part in the opening
ceremonies at 4gincourt's first
Dairy Barn drive-in.
• • • *
Received from J. L. Bowers,
Bruce County Director of Edyca -
tion at Chesley, this pist week
a copy sheet describing "News ,
Lab". News Lab, along with a
student booklet News Guide, are
ited by Lorne MacKenz ie of
Stratford, on of Mis. Roy Mac-
_Kenzie of R ipley_. 'These guides
are intended to be the key to the,.
effectiYe use of the daily news-
paper in the classroom.
• • e.
"Power-Thrust" elytch.
Delivers more of the en-
gine's power to the track
than any consurrier clutch
known, special for two at a total cost of
at Toronto's ad~-anee registration. It
includes deluxe accom-
' modation, dinner at the famOus,
Captain's Table. complete with a
bottle of champagne. breakfast in
your room each morning and
a bus tour of Toronto.
Right now you can - nj0ya---"iSit-tOrOntO inexpensively . ..you '
. can discover the fabulous world at .the
Science Centre; and enjoy Toronto's
many unique attractions. .
1141 The Lord Simcoe is offering a 2 night
See your travel agent or contact us:
150 King Street West, Toronto.
Talephoot 302-1848. '
The money collected for
UNICE has...bef n c ounted-At
totals: 094.45. 'We would like to
thank those Who contributed to
this-fund. YOU--p-a-n-bei-sur-&-it
will help many people in other.
We held our second assembly
of the year at Brookside School
in honour of those who died for
their country.
vice. 'A poem was read by Janet
Farrish. A film entitled "The
dians_are_CoMing” showed
how 'appreciative the people in
Holland are for Canadians who
fought in their land. Donna
Errington then sang a.song
she had written. •It told us -the•
meaning the poppy should have,
for us. The poem "Flander's
Fields" was introduced by Susan
Wagler and 'read-brMayrNictRY1
son. This poem was f011owed by
the Last Post.
Everyone is looking forward to
the start of. the hockey season.
This-'Wednesday the Boy's play
their first game's...The boys'
tea ins are: Rangers- - wayne ra -
ham Captain; Warriors - Allan
:Murray , Captain; Tigers - Rod
Simpson , Captain; Flames - Bob
Shepherd, Captain.
The girls' teams are: Cooties -
Donna Errington , Ciptain;'
Crickets - Margaret MacPherson,
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