HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-15, Page 1Noble Johnston Receives 30 Year Legion Pin M. I he $6.00 A Year In Advance $2.00 Extra 'To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th,1972 Single Copy 15c 20 Pages HOCKEY C4PBASSIST • Pool. Fund Just Under $24,000 .The Lucknow Lions Club swim- ming pool fund stands at just under-$24,0 00 as of the first of the week. At Monday's Lions meeting, the Lucknow Intermediate, Hockey Club presented the Lions pool treasurer with $225 , the proceeds of a recent dance in support of the project. - rental of $45, paid, by the Hockey . Club to the Legion, was in turn passed over to the pool committee as another Legion contribution. .with other towns 'of' a similar. size. Cost of the 'system for the vil- lage of Zurich was $570,000 and CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 Pictured at the Lucknow Legion Remembrance Night Banquet at the Legion Hall are, left to right, Gordon Montgomery Legion , pres- ident; his nephew , Jim Reed ---of„Toronto, Itlooks4like three municipal elections, and three acclarnations in the Sentinel coverage area. This article was, written Monday -Right , and-calla-dares have until 5 p.m. Tuesday to resign from any office. Any changes in the overall picture will be treated as a "Bulletin" in a separate story ; elsewhere' in the paper. • Cloning time for nominations to •be filed was 5 p.m.. "Monday. Nominations,openedon Thursday tast-vesek. -Election-day 'is _ Monday, December 4th. n Covera non 'and now an. employee of CTV network who 'was guest speaker for the evening.; Noble-Johnston of Lucknow who received his 80 year, membership pin frorri the To Honour Girls- For Saving Life Of Tony Knoop Kathy Doherty and Rita Knoop will be honoured on Tuesday, November 21st at Kingsbridge school for their efforts in saving the life of Tony Knoop in, a swim- ming mishap this past summer. Representatives from the Lond on Red Cross' and St. Johns Am- 7-bulant e Brigade wili-be-on-hand to present citations to the girls. The public is welcome to attend. /i/. , Lucknow branch. Noble is a charter member of the Lucktiow Legion_ancLthe_onLy charter_mern- ber who has retained a continuous membership in the local branch. HURON-PERTH SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD An election will take place for representation from AshfieId, , .-West Wawanosh, Wingham, East . Wawanosh and Turnberry on the Huron-Perth• Separate School Beard. Present member is Oscar e fer of the Wingliarrrarea-Iiiio will be opposed by William Van, Osch, Kintail 'storekeeper: SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD 1 REQUIRED • WILLIAM VAN OSCH OSCAR KIEFFER Senior-Citizens Home In Future Recommendations Reeve George Joynt, at the ratepayers meeting last week, -stated that he_expected4n_the_____ future to recommend to village council,that a senior citizens home be considered'for the com- munity. Joynt said that this was One area he,hoped to look into but was not prepared to make a' rec- ommendation until current pro- re l,l4eon-tp.'Lctcd t Asked if he felt sewerage was necessary for such a project, Reeve Joynt said that the depart- ment has approved projects of • t h i type in seine areas, withOut sewerage, but riot always,. Mr. Joynt reporteld to the meet• ing that from time to tiMe, in discussion with village ratepayers, the fact is presented to council that sewerage is needed in Luck- now and that the village will not amount to anything unless a sew- erage system is installed'. As a matter of infOrmation, Mr. Joynt presented some figures on a sewerage system for the village. 'He made it clear that -this was-ribt th-be-considered as-- a proposal or recommendation, but merely as information for ratepayers. 'To receive. provincial grants for a sewerage system; 95% of .the municipality artist be served. -Thelown'-s-fithroferrgine.ers have proVided estimates on a sewerage systern, cornparing it HURON BOARD OF EDUCATION. MRS t WARREN ZINN Mrs..Warren (Marian) Zinn of Ashfield was the only one nomin7 ated for this position which she has 'held for four years since the commencement of county boards. She receives the position by ac- -clamation, BRUCE BOARD OF EDUCATION ,:ROSS MCRAE Ross McRae of Culross Township ' will represent culross, Teeswater Kinlossa-nd Luclznow on4heAruce Board , a, position he has held for , fOur years. He received the -post by-acclarnation, the only . one nominated, A fire in a large grain dryer at the M. J. Smith•Grain Elevators at Port Albert took Lucknow Fire Department to the scene at 1 a. m. -Tu-esdry---m•orning:The--Stnith elevators were forinerly known as Hallowen Farms., A similar fire at the Elevators about 'a year, ago; did extensive damage at that time. With brand new equipment in operation this Fall, a repeat performance of last without rowuat was anticipated, damage, o h ,butt ftorte. atelY the fire was extinguished dryer. A large arriount of corn, estim- ated at abobt 40, tons, had to be augered out of the elevator in' order that the fire source could be located and extinguished. Firemen were on the scene until about 4..30 a.m. aq§Z*A..0AAAAAltaa. Dr. Johnston s Book -Best Seller In Second Printing Reeve George Joynt of Lucknow, at the ratepayers meeting at Lucknow Town Hall last week, had some interesting figures per- taining to a sewerage system in the village. Sewerage Costs Presented For Information Purpose The story in each of Six. 'area "municipalities is , • LUCKNOW 11,e same slate will be return- ed by acclamation for the next Three Elections, Three Acclamations e Area two years with only the bare number required nominated. FOR REEVE GEORGE W-.--JOYNT- FOR COUNCIL, 4 REQUIRED MURVIN SOLOMON ELDON WRAITH. OLIVER GLENN RUSSELL WHITBY maro.is.w.mmeummorctitlyritiiratr ' Reeve Clayton Nicholson was returned by acclamation with six councillors nominated for the. four Council scats. Present Councillerssilodi.w 0 , MacDonald - CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 • ; " Sihool Nominations Produce an e__E let tion Mrs. Williarti,,N1. Buckingham of LUcknow passed away in Wing- ham and District Hospital on Sat of ay, NOVeniber nth at the age 7 7. The funeral service was held at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow ; on' Monday, November 13. Interment was in South Kinioss Cemetery. Died In Hospital 1. .LEONARD COURTNEY Leonard Courtney was again nominated to serve Ripley and Huron Township on the Bruce has-heltl-the-- standards A best seller, by Canadian post for four years and was return- ' is any book which • would sell in the vicinity of ed by acclamation. 500Q copies. The Lucknow Sentinel is in charge of distributing the 'book in this area. The demand for the book has been high and for those ; considerin4 sending the book as a Christmas gift, it would be wise to secure copies as soon aspos-_: sibie to avoid last minute disap- pointments. The book will be mailed by the Sentinel, anywhere in dan- ada and the United'States, at no additional charge. aaaaa,aaaaaa Fire Call To Smith Elevators Early Tuesday - "A best seller" is bow ffie-pu- - Usher has described the book by Dr. W. V. Johnston, "Before the age' of Miracles, Memoirs.of a Country Doctor". The book was Published by Fitzhenry and White- side, Don Mills. ' br. Johnston visited the com- rhunity overthe week end and. The-Sentinel-had-a-chance-to-.,-, chat with the doctor about. the book and its success. He is part- -idulat19 pleased that it. has been- , so well received in this area. • The Sentinel talked With a representative of the_publisher_____ last week and were advised that the book has gone into its second printing. The first printing was 6500 copies. '