HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-08, Page 19•,, FOR BEEF, FOR DAIRY, FOR HOG FEED Special savings!, A Canadian Book 'How often do you heat Voice of the pioneer on CRC Radio . Sunday mornings? A few weeks ago "TheVoice" was that of Dorothea Mitchell, over 90 years of age and living inlively retire-' tnent in Victoria-, The- , announcer mentioned that she had written the story of her life, and it had been just recently publish- ed. At her Age! I am almost an omnivorous reader and on my fortnightly trips to the Library I almost al- • ways find a Canadian Book. Im- agine my delight to find Miss Mitchell's 'Life' the lasrtime I was there. She calls her book Lady Lumberjack, the nickname the men gave her when she' ran a sawmill in the wooded • Ameimmuromumauswasiransagromostarmasimemmimaseim, 1112 losoniso` SEE YOUR LOCAL . :ucknow H.,.1)Istdct....Co op Phone 528-2125 Canny -Cooks The sixth meeting of the Kair- _shea_Canny_Coo_ks-was held-at-the home of 8' hplagh Buckley on Sat- urday, November 4. We opened with the pledge and roll call. The secretary read the minutes of the fifth meeting. 'Mrs. Murray discussed Garnishes. Mrs. Ritchie discussed 'Vegetable Itelish. Marilyn and Agnes 'Mur- ray demonstrated decorative veg- etables. Shelagh made a table centrepieCe out of vegetables, We closed with the motto. y. • The'LucknOw. NO. '1 Classy..'. Cookers held, their fifth meeting on' Thursday., NoVember 2, at' the Lucknow Central Public .SchoOl. Dn e Mrs. ice Area. Han- d at ith er by asked New rood S ion old r. iiion le . Tea• W EDNESDAY,NOVEMBER.1972 ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,ONTARIO _ • • - • .- IF YOU ORDER CO-OP BEEF AND DAIRY SUPPLEMENTS BEFORE DECAsti and—at the same time prititett yourself against price increases. PAGE NINETEEN -10 10 YEARS AGO JUNE 1962 Increasing enrollment at the new Ashfield. North PUblic School, required the opening of a fourth classroom and the hiring of an additional teacher, effective with the start of the fall term. Mrs. Sandy (Peggy) MacCharle, who had been supply teacher , was engaged for school opening in September. The other mem- bers of the_stalf were Mt .____Gene Martin, principal; Mrs. Lois Farrish and Mrs. Margaret Cline. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Farrish of Ashfield purchased the Lucknow home of the late Mr', and Mrs. John Henry on Outrrn a Street North. Allan Manto Purchased the Lucknow residence of Mrs. Robert Struthers. Eldon Wraith bought the MantO residence on Stauffer Street. The transactions became effective June 1st'. m Elwin Hall, a ember of the Lucknow High SchoOl staff, pur chased the Stauffer Street resid- enceof Dr. D. R. Finlayson, and ,would obtain possession in July. • 30 YEAR-S-AGO- JUNE 1922 A change was made in High School Examinations. In former years students were requireci,to make no less than 40 per cent on any•paper and a general aver- age of 60 per cent on all. A new ruling was made requiring students to make 50 per cent or more on ' all papers, getting credit for each subject passed. previously if the student failed one subject (below 40'%), he or she, would•have to repeat the whole year's around the time of the 1914-1918 war. , She'had been carefully educated and was not really pre- pared for any professional Work, but she was ambitious and strong a.nd was not afraid -to tackle any- thing - work or pe9ple or the bush. She went to work as "Compan- ion-help to Superintendent's wife in a mining camp". And that is the start of the story. From there •it almost reads like a Horatio Algersuccess- story-whit-1i used to be so popular. The mine was on the branch line of a railway and the people were a mixture of almott every European race as well as Canadian and American. As time went on she changed oc_cupations, or maybe say she added to occupations until she owned and operated - suCcess- fully„.1. alumber. 9f the operations herself when the Peed arose. • If yoU can find the book, I am sure you will enjoy it. If you .cannot find it start an agitation to have it added to the Library shelves. I think we do not read enough Canadian books and mag- azines, arid this is a start. „If we ate Canadians, then let us be real Canadians. Queens WHITECHURCH NEWS On Saturday, November 4 at 9 a. IT1 Whitechurch Salad Queens held their 4-H meeting at the homeof Mrs. Walter Elliott, their leader. Janet Adams president opened the meeting with the 4-H pledge . repeated in unison. The ten members answered the roll call by bringing a label from frozen or canned. vegetables. The discussion was on Achieve- ~menf -Day plans and seining vege= '- tables all year,round wad discussed by the leaders Mis. Elliott and Mrs. Sleightholm. They decided on their book covers. The differ- ence in the taste-of choice and fancy peas was decided by all tasting each., The decision was in 'favour of the fancy peas. Pumpkin loaf, carrot cake, carrot loaf, sauerkaut chocolate cake were all made by Mrs. Elliott. The group tasted these sampleS and found them most de- licious even though many said Asa group.all played 2 games of Super Market Rummy, won by Rhonda Gibson. • The next meeting will be Nov- ember 11,at 9 a:m. at the home of Mrs.•Archie Purdon. Mar Lou Adams closed the meeting with the 4-11 Creed, The president, Elizabeth Rit- chie, conducted the meeting which opened with the 4-H pled- ge. The roll call was then an- swered., The minutes of the fourth meeting and the treasurer's report were given. Mrs. Ritchie discussed Ve etable All Year Round fresh vegetables and processed vege- tables. Plans for AchieveMent Day were discussed. Elizabeth Ritchie showed two grades of vegetables available. They were fan6y peas and choice tomatoes. The meet- ing closed wish the 4'H creed • 1972 is - his and as Ices. hour [.isfmas be JUNE 1942 Thomas Eoyes took over the. Cockshutt Implement agency, formerly handled by Alex ReaVie. --e—aiintial-Webster picnic was held at Harbour Park, Goderich, attended by 150 descendants of_ Daniel and Susan Webster, The gathering was headed by president Thomas Webster; reeve of West Wawanosh ToWnship; secretary- treasurer was Fred Anderson of Ashfield. • A .44*****11.11.4•11.•••••11.11.***4•••••.****44***** WOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON ••••••4 ••4••••••••••••••••••• ••• •• •••••••••• • • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Porteous 'purchased the Village residence of Mrs. A. G. Elliott. They would receive possession in early fall when Mrs. Elliott moved to Strathroy, where she .was building a home. • 50 YEARS AGO' 6.95 // country west of Lake Superior Before The Age of Miracles Memoirs of a Country Doctor Y DR. W. VICTOR JOHNSTON • aa• Dr. Johnston was born in West Wawanosh Township and was a general practitioner in Lucknow for• thirty years. His book reflects his life and practice in this community. or' -------..NIAIL„SiRKIE_RS__ACC Rag D AT SAME PRICE AVAILABLE AT THE LUCK:NOVI/ SENTINEL THE COUNTRY MOUSE.' Take advantage of this money-saving offer right away and convert your full granary into extra profit with a scientifically- planned CO-OP Balanced Feeding Program. As you know, grains are deficient in some necessary nuttients; But CO-OP Dairy, Beef and Hog Concentrates more than make up these deficiencies gime -you_inoreased_ _milk—and_meat, -production—. increased profits. * This Introductory• Offer is good until December 1