The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-08, Page 17This Week In Rip ley
About 2 p.m. on Tuesday of
last week, the fire whistle sounded
in Ripley. The fire was at the •
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peter-
baugh at the south tide of Bervie -
ori.the• sideroad. The outbreak
was confined to one spare room.
Taking.the Ripley Fire truckout
were Chief Doug 'Addle and Rod
MacDonald. Other Ripley fire-
men at the fire were Bob Johnson,
Jack Scott and Jonny Dodds with
Gordon Scott at the firehall. That
same Tuesday evening was Hal-
lowe'en and the firemen were
again out in car patrol on the
streets till the early hours of Wed-
nesday morning.
• • • • •
A party was held for the child-
ren in the Ripley Huron Legion
hall early Hallowe'en evening.
Then the girls and boys in costume
went to the different homes in
Ripley for candy treats. It was a
nice- dr-y- evening outside although
somewhat chilly and it was really
nice to see the Costumed. young- ,
sters travelling in groups along the•
Sidewalks, On the village streets
it was the most peaceful ever ex-
periended. There was no attempt
to place anything on the roads.
As far as known none of Elmer ,
Courtney's farm machinery
was touched, we would like to
think that the young folks apprec-
iate Elmer's, work in the field of
sports. The seats at the ball
park were upset as usually happens
and there was a reduced amount
of soaping. However there were a
few cases of. vandalism. Costly •
damage was done to the new Rip-,
ley Post Office where the glass
in the front entrance door was
Smashed, lettering removed, and
lights at the rear of the building
broken. Damage was also done
to a car parked outsideo Frank.ain
Zipfel's garage and an aerial
~tJ en from
* * • *
Mrs. Tena Outerbridge is a
patient in Kincardine and District
Hospital. On Friday Miss Chris-
' tena Robertson-took her up to the
hospital. Ripley folks extend
• •
lam ***Emw Kam mmi_4(4(ix
e.g. 36 months d 41d2 1: on new and
t%\ i -*30r 11111111111111 illanr*
1969 -CHEVROLET 10 passenger, air conditioning
2 — 1970 CHEV 1 ton pickups automatic
1970 G.M.C. V8 automatic, cab and chassis, with duals
1970 FORD % ton pickup ,
1969 -- 50 series cab and chassis
1968 G.M.C. 1 ton pickup, V8
7 — 1969 and 70 CHEVROLET. and FORD vans in 6 standards and-6 automatics
Brussels Motors
BP Sorvita Station Pima 887-6173
Assorted colours, washable and $3.59 yd. crease resistant, 45" wide
Washable, 45" wide $3.99 yd.
On Monday evening, November
13, Lester Ferguson.; president of .
the' Ripley Agricultural Society,
sends along Word that a 4-H
Achievement program will be held
first for the beef, dairy and grain
clubs and if there is time after-
Wards a short meeting of the fall
fair directors will be held in the
Ripley District High School.
I. *
Mrs. Roy ,MacKenzie of Ripley
and Mrs . Harold Elliott' of con
cession 8 east in Huron visited in
London recently with Mrs. Frank
Hamiltonat Mason Villa Hospital
and also with Mr. and_Mrs-.--Jim •
Spilsbury and family.
which might happen to them.
Two hours and forty minutes as
the elapsed time in moving nt-
ries around the Coliseum. cki-
ly we knew the layout of the • •
Oh yes have,
a computer on the job some place •
and it will not take late entries.
In travelling around the building
we saw,, the ;window roorn_onslairy -
lane beside the horse arena where
the gifts of the dairy princess will,
be displayed during the Winter
Fair. The inside of the building
was freshly painted in yellow with .
orange trimcand it looked attrac-
1972 PONTIAC Ventura, 4 • doOr sOan
3 -- 1972 CHEVROLET Impala, 2 and 4 . door hardtops, fully
equipped ,
_3 1972-BUI-6K,Skylark, 2-door hardtop and,2 4-door- sedans
1972 GRAND TORINO 2 door hardtop
2 1972 BUICK Custom La Sabres
1971 CHEVROLET 4 door lardtop
1971 PONTIAC Catalina, 4 door hardtop
2 — 1971 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 and 4 door hardtops
1971 CHEVROLET 4 door sedan
1970 CHEV Impala, 4 door hardtop,
2 — 1970 FORD Galaxie, 2 door and a 4 door hardtop
1969 CHEVELLE, 4 door sedan '
1969 PLYMOUTH Fury III, 2. door hardtop
2 — 1969 PONTIAC Parisienne, a 2 door and a 4 door hardtop
1969 CHEV impala 2 door hardtop
1968 JAVELIN 2 door hardtop, fully equipped
20 1965 - 1968 Models
1972 PONTIAC 10 passenger
1971 'CHEVROLET 10. passenger
William Dowkes of Toronto was
the guest speaker at the annual
commencement exercises at the
Ripley District High School last
Friday evening. Bill, Who'is no
stranger to the village , stayed on
Friday and Saturday forenoon with
his grandmother and his aunt' Mrs.
John-Robertson and .Miss Chris
Robertson. Bill's grandfather, the
late John Robertson,- built the orig-
inal school in.1914•and despite the
1948 fire•some of his construction
work is still in the present
building. Bill•received his second•
ary education at the Owen Sound
Collegiate and Vocational
tate. He graduated in ran in •
Engineering at the University of
Toronto. Then he held the posi-
tion of instructor in Chemical
Engineering there. He is now the •
assistant secretary for the whole
U. of T. Engineering Faculty
and is 'in charge Of bursaries,
scholarships, admissions and ad-
vanced standings. It was nice to
again renew aequaintances with
Bill while he was here.
to .Toronto we. found thingsju the,
•• • • • • annual state of unpreparedness.
The Coliseum building has an
On Saturday evening the Ripley-
Huron Legion Auxiliary ladies,
headed by president Mrs. Bill
Danforth, served a banquet dinner
to a Kincardine ball team in the
'Legion Hall.
• * , 5 . •
1 i rea over 26 acres and before
.inaliy gettinea place for the
exhibits we covered 'most of the
building. First the exhibits we're
loaded on a hand operated
-e le vat or p lat-form-at-the-north---
west corner and then upstairs. A
room was assigned for. •
storing them. Moved the exhib-
Washable, assorted patterns
and colours
45" wide $2.98 yd.
W°131 and $4.89 yd. Wool and $5.95 yd.
Polyester 54" Mohair 60"
Adrie Van Der 'Ende led 'the
Clinton Christian Reformed song
service on Sunday evening .assist-
_edbyLthe church choir. Re-v.
Beukema, minister of the church,
was in charge of devotions. -
.The annual Hallowe'en party
was' held in the auditorium on .
Tuesday afternoon -with a good
attendance of'residents and visit-
ors. Mr. and Mrs.' Bert Finlay of •
Goderich along with Mary Taylor
and NormarFSpeir provided -mask;
for the occasion. The afternoons
activities got underway with a
grand march of forty people in
costumes including goblins, wit-
ches, black cats, horses, Indians,
etc.- Following an hour of danc-
ing and fun, the residenti were
treated to home made candy and
apples as well as Cookies and
'beverage served by the kitchen
Regular weight,
—assorted coloura,--60"-wide
What's New
At Huronview
$3.98 .yd.
Phone 5284214
Mrs. Roy Mac Kenzie visited
over the week end in Stratford
with 11r, and Mrs. Lorne MacKen-
zie and family.
0 • * 111
The -'Wal erton drnay area
will have exhibits of turnips at
the Royal Winter Fair. They will
be taken downthis Thursday by •
,Jim Richardson and Norman
_DoWn_to.the Coliseum last
Thursday with Norman Schmidt
of Waltierton - the seheduled day
for bringing in the entries in grain
and field crop's for the Royal Wint-
er Fair which starts this Friday.
After driving through continuous
pea soup fog from Teviotdale on ,
its into it and fixedothem up and
swept the floor so everything was
tidy. Workmen assured us' that:
they were in the right place = the
samt one as last' year. Along
came an official .-'.a Mr. Goyer -
who said everything was changed
this year. The entries must//be
moved from the west annex 'to
the east annex. Now how do you
'get around the horse arena
.without going back ,down to the
main floor? Well after, asking a'
few people a fire escape corridor
was found at the south end of the
horse arena leading ,froin the west
annex to the east annex on. the 'up
-stair--floor. Dim-light-enter--
each end made it possible for one
to "feel" away through the pas-
sage. All--entries - sheaves, hay,
corn and grain were then carried
over. Over in the east annex we
were told these: entries should be
in the west annex. A-trip down-
stairs to the main offices to clear
the matter up brought, the reply
that th-ey did 'nod know whefe the-
field crops were to be
shown.' However an official took
us to the corridor between the east
annex and the cattle barn where
another official told us these ent-
ries must be taken downstairs and
stored in a room iiitthe cattle
barn alleyway. This was so
they could be in a locked room
till the next day and then be take
back up tizithe east annex where
we .had them now. As we Were•
not receptive to' this idea - in
fact were already exhausted, he
sent a workman along to see his
'orders were obeyed. 'With the
workman, who was more congen-
ial, a place of storage was
,arranged Upstairs in the east an-
When no entries appeared
down in the alleyway to the cattle
barn the last official came up-
stairs to see what the 'big idea was
When told-of the arrangement, to
store the entries on the upstair
floor he left - firrnly stating that he
was not responsible for anything.
wishes for her recovery and return
home. Her sister Peggy, who has
been here for some tirne, fleW
home to. British Columbia from
Mahon on the weekend.
*, * * * *
On Sunday morning the Ripley-
Huron Legion and the Auxiliary
attended the church service at.
Knox Presbyterian Church in Rip-
* * '111 *
Mrs. John. Henderson of• Sea
forth arranged the program for
Family Night this week. There
were several vocal and dance
numbers by the Henderson sisters,
Donna , Darlene, and Debbie,
accOrdian solos, by Susan McAl-
lister and instrumentals by
three junior boys whO have start
ed -an ,orchestra Kevin Campbell,
Doug and Don HendersOn. By
the way, the regular family night
program •will be changed to an
afternoon program on November
23rd.; for that, week only to ac-
commodate—a-concert by Captain
Clark of the Salvation Arrny who
lis touring Canada.