HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-08, Page 16Talk .to your Co-operatiVe or CO-OP Crop PrOducts
specialists about plowingdown a suitable analysis
of CO-OP fertili4er now, and get the jump on spring.
'Registered Trademark
Phone 528-2125
Complete fertilizer seiliiice
for bigger. Ontario yields.
AND .0
-BoottrIoots -,--talirshortrligh-heel&-and4lati,
great savings on boots to fit every winter need.
• (Formerly Marhan Shoes)
of Mr. and •Mrs. Alvin Cumming
of Paisley.
For the ceremony,,the churCh
was decorated with candelabra
and_white i_yellow_„_ans_l bronze
mums. 'Mrs.' Douglas Martyn
provided the wedding music , and
Blain, Boyd and Garry Carruthers
sang "I Love You Truly", and
"0 Perfect Love".
The bride given in marriage,
by her father, chose a floor
length gown of peau de soie ,, styl-
ed with empire waist line and
puffed sleeves, trimmed with
pearl and lace inserts. The own
featured a full length cathedral
train. Her one-piece finger-tip
veil was held by a pearl crown.
The bride's bouquet was a cres-
tent cascade of shasta daisies.
Matron of Honour was Mavis
• Hodgins of Ripley. Bridesmaids
were Sheila Cumming of Paisley,
sister of the_groorn o, Laurie Col
Nancy Rena Coiling of Ripley
and Robert Thomas Cumming of
Paisley, exchanged marriage
vows in a double ring ceremony at.
St. Andrew's United Church,
,Ripley on'October 2lik four
o'clock, -•
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Coiling of
Ripley and the groom is the son
Photo by McDowell.
n Ripley Church
ship in the Chicago Osteopathic
Miss Marion Stewart, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Stewart,
Lucknow graduated as a dietitian
Baker's home, adjoining the at MacDonald Institute , Guelph..
Public School grounds. The prop-
erty was the former Wm. Mac-
Kenzie home known as "Hillcresi". 60 YEARS AGO
Mr. and Mrs. Baker had recently
residence , when they
moved to their newly renovated
apartment at the Baker' Conval-
escent Home.
Garfield MacDonald opened
a second-hand fuiniture store in
- -the-building-oniCampbell-Street„--
previously tenanted by the late
Robert Moore.
- -A bus-load of some forty-five
Lucknow Girl Guides, Brownies,
their leaders and chaperones mot-
'bred to TOronto-fdr-a gigantic John Gilmore, Dorothy Bare, and spectacular rally in Varsity
Stadium, attended by the World
Chief Guide, Lady
The following list' of students
Were named in a school report for
S. S. No. 7 Ashfield , Lothian'-
Clarence Henderson, Kelso Mc-
Nay, Evelyn Wellington, Jennie
-Johnston, 6raham MC-Nay, , Elsie
Barge, Earl Swann, May Stein,
Eva Hogan, Rob Helm, Laura
Stein, Wellington Henderson,
Alex McNay , , Thomas Helm,
Beatrice Stein, Henry ailmore,
Basil Hogan, Edward Gilmore,
Wilfred Hogan. •
Jean E. Johnston, Teacher.
- JUNE 1912.
JUNE 1932
An exchange of pastorates was
arranged, between the United
'Churches 'of Luc know and Dorches-
ter. Rev. R.. W. Craw went to
Dorchester and Rev. S. T. Tuck-
er came to Lucknow.
Kenneth Thompson, second
_youngestson_of Mr _and_Mrs....
Dave.Thompson of Lucknow grad-
•uated from the Chicago College
of Osteopathy. Following his
graduation he received an intern-
Browni6 -HOld.
qt1.110we'e0 Party
The 1st Lucluiow 8rownie Pack
held their Hallowe'en Party on
Tuesday, October 31st. •
'Several games were` played and
Debra Arnold passed her test for
conducting a game of ball. The
costumes were then judged by
Mrs. Harvey Webster as the
Brownies paraded around the' room.
The Winners. were Fancy dress,
Debra Arnold; Comic, Lyn Shep-
erd; most Original, Marian Ray-
A lunch of sandwiches, cook-
ies, freshie and tea was then serv-
e-d by-three—Bi-uwiiies-, Mafia • -
Raynard, Lyn Sheperd and 'Brenda
Phillips.. These three Brownies
have now passed this test in
Golden Hand work.
The party was brought to an •
end with Taps.
The Lucknow Girl Guides open-
ed 'their meeting Thursday in the
Town Hall by making 'the horse-
shoe formation and raising the
flag which was followed by 0
After Patrol Corners Captain
Barbara Helm gage the older girls
tests-m.141e Canadian-Rag which
is needed to pass the Second Class.
Lieutenant Linda Johnston tested
the Tenderfoot Recruits on the
Salute, Sign and Handshake,
The SParlet Tanager Patrol
had Campfire which was followed
by Vespers and. Taps.
Christmas Seal
Campaign Starts,
As part of the continuing fight
against air pollution, the local
Christmas Seal Association,
Bruce , Dufferin, Grey Tubercul-
osis and Respiratory Disease Assoc-
iation, is distributing Christmas
Seals and supplies produced from
de-inked recycled paper. •
More than 59,000 sheets of
Colourful seals, designed by 27-
year old Toronto artist Rod Craik,
and depicting children at play in
Canada's snowy , climate go into
the mails near the first of Novem-
Christmas Seal dollars are des-
perately needed said Mr. Gordon
Montgomery of LuCkilow past.
president , 'to continue our vital
programs in tuberculosis and res-
piratory disease fields. Anti-
smoking programs especially •
among young people, screening
industries in the three counties
for breathing problems, and
health education in respiratory
diseases-at all need the
support of the public at large.
The Christmas Seal
Campaign continues until Decem-
ber 31.
ling and Mary Coiling, both of
Ripley and sisters of the bride.
The bride's attendants•wore
blouses of white polyester with
long full sleeves trimmed with
covered buttons and skirts of green
plaid taffeta. They carried bas-
kets of yellow, bronze and white
Flower girl, Shanda Zipfel of
Ripley, wore a full length dress
of white polyester satin, trimmed
with green velvet ribbon, and
Carried a basket of mums. Ring-
bearer was 'Michael Moore of
Groomsman was Hugh McInnes,
Of Holyrood, and ushers were Ken
neth Wylds, .Reg Cumming and
Glen Cumming, both brothers of
the groom.
For the reception in the Ripley •
High School Auditorium, the
bride's mother received guests in
a full length gown of purple
lyester satin, 'with empire waist-
line and long sleeves, gold acces-,
sories and a corsage of yellow ,and
mauve mums. • The groom's
mother wore a long gown of fuch-
sia .coloured double knit, accent-
ed with black accessories and a
corsage. of white mums.
The couple will reside in North
20- YEARS- AG-O.
JUNE 1952
Gordon Brooks bOught E.
is fall
Land storage of CO-Orfertilizer this fall can give
you the needed nutrients in the soil for early spring
plants. Your plant food is right where it's needed;,
vvIlen_iirs-neected to assure that_good_start for _your
crop. And you won't have to go over wet
fields with a heavy loadL
Anything you can do this fall 'to speed up spring
operations is going to pay off in higher yields.
Earlier planting can mean extra bushels of corn
particUlarly in some' of the lower heat unit ranges,
Couple Marrie