HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-08, Page 14••••`;;;I .,•
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Wirt* W1006011 Waverly Smith Dianne MacKay
• the school spirit trophy from Mrs.
Katherine Collins. Dianne, as
well as being student council
president, had taken part in al-
most every activity-at----Ripley.
The Ripley Women's Institute :
Prize was given to. Elliott Court-
ney by Mrs. Jack McLean. Chris-
. tine Meppelder was the recipient
of the Best Girl Athletic Award.
Christine was on various winning Shirley Nicholson, Joan
intramural teams, school volley- Ferguson, Donna Needham, Bob
'ball, basketball ,and badminton Bissonnette, Sally Elliott , Dianne
teams ans she was the ,girls senior MacKay and Gail Messenger.
track and-field champion. This Any student wholeceives all three
award was given by Miss M. school letters is awarded their
Machan__Those_presented with senior school letter and these
graduation diplomas were Bill include Susan Cliffe „ Margarett
Bissonnette, Susan Brooks, Marg- Courtney, Kathy Irwin, Kathleen .
. aret Chester, Dave Crawford. Hunter, Beverley Smith, Ellen
Ellen Elliott „Joan Ferguson, Elliott., Margaret MacKay, Sherry
Maiy Forster, Betty Godfrey, Pollock, Shirley McCreath, Joan
Pat Henderson, Kathleen Hunter, Ferguson, Donna Needham, Bob
Gayle Huston, Larry Irwin, Dian - Bissonnette, and Sally Elliott.
ne emptOrr,---Barry-Ma-c-Donaid , -er--Mae-Dona-ld-w-as theLmid-
Margaret MacKay, Shirley Mc- get poys Track and Field Cham-
Creath, Valerie Morningstar', pion while Barry MacDonald Was
Dave Nagle, Donna Needham, - the Junior Boys Track -andyie-rd---
Mary Pace, Ronald Pollock, Champion. The Ken Pullen
Sherry Pollcick, RiChard Rooney, Trophy for the Senior Boys Track
Beverley Smith, Anne Marie Stan- and Field Champ was presented to
ley and Gertrude Lee Walden. Allan Mackay. These awards
They were announced by Principal were announced by, Mr. D. Cola .-
Turvill-and-presented by les and-w-ere-presentecLby Mr-
Leonard Courtney.. The girls Edward Brown. Joan Courtney
Glee Club then sang Graduation was the Midget Girls Champion,,
Day, Tomorrow and May You •
AlWays under the direction of
Joan Ferguson and Margie Mac-
Kay. Mr. Ttu-vill gave the Prin-.
cipal's Award for Outstanding
Scholastic Achievement to Elliott
Courtney... Kathryn Irwin and ed the winners.
Mary NiacCharles were honoured A quartet featuring Dianne ,
with the Dr, Couch Bursary award. Kempton, Liz MacKay, Boyd and
ibis award was pr esented 1*-1\11'7- Blain Ca ruthers sang " T-he--Wo rid--
C . Beamer. Mary MacCharles er of You" and "Pm Not Alone'.
also received the Sub Lieutenant The Ontario Scholars from
John A. MacLeod 'Memorial Prize Ripley were Bryan Boyle, 'Elliott
"from Mr. D. Coultes. • Courtney; Mary MacCharles,
The school letters were announ- and Allan Mackay. It's quite a
' ced by ML Doug Coultes and , thing .to have at least one , Ontario
Were presented by Mr. Edward 'Scholar but to 'have four frornone
Brown. Those receiving the activ. 'school is quite an honour! Mr.
) -BeaTne-i-annou-need-the
son, Larry IrWin, Kate Htinter, ,are and Mr. Sam Malhotra made
Ellen Elliott, Shirley McCreath, the presentations.
Gertrude' Lee Walden, Joan Bryan Boyle was the recipient
Ferguson, Susan. Brooks, Donna
'Needham, Anne Stanley, Bob
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Elliott, Karen Elliott, Sally
Elliott and Dianne MacKay..The
athletic letters were presented to-.
Chris Meppelder, Richard Rooney,
Beverley Smith, Pat .Henderson,
Sherry Pollock, Gert Walden, Bob
Bissorinette, Bonnie Boyle, Steve
Henry-„-Debbie Tranter, Margie_
Collins, Joan Courtney and Kim
Farrell. The scholastic letters are
awarded to the students who
attain a minimum average of 75c1
for three years. These included
while Sally Elliott was declared
the Junior Girls Champion. Chris
Nieppelder was the Senior Girls
Track and Field Champion. Mr.
Brian Esch presented the trophies
while Mr. Edward Brown announc-
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101132 $2395
Student Council president Carm-
on Courtney made the presenta-
tions. •
Mr. Leonard Courtney present-
ed the secondary school hOnour
graduation diploinas to Bryan.
Boyle, Susan Cliff, Elliott Court-
ney, 'Margaret Courtney .; 'Murray
Hill, Kathy Irwin, Bill Kirkpat-
rick, Mary MacCharles,, Allan.
MacKay, Christine Nleppedler,
Shirley Nicholson and Bill Trarit-
The art award was presented to
Bob Bissonnette by Miss Margaret
Machan for maintaining high ex-
cellence in art , history and prac-
FEargir.-1*-e-ro -the-facrrhat
Susan Cliff achieved the total
high 'average in both level five
English courses with a 85°/o in Erw-
lish 551 and 820/0 in English 552,
Mrs. Katharine Collins presented
her With the English award. This
was the first time that such an
award has been given at RDHS.
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—GOD E RICH 5 24-8 3 9 1
Brian Esch gra.nted the drama
award to Sherry Pollock, Who not
only has .acted in plays but has
directed one,
litany to two students of level - Mr.. W, Dowkes t. Cr `i nd.
five by the former principal of a .graduate of. the
• ••••. 17C5S
Scholarsbip which is awarded ar,- president\ Carmon Courtney was COITINCED P.A,
by Mr. Don MacTavish. The
scholarship is awarded to a stud-
ent who has graduated from either
level four or ' five and who is
continuing his education .at a
university or a' college. Bryan
Boyle, who is presently
attending the University of Guelph
enrolled in an agricultural course
was the recipient. Bryan has al-
ways taken an active part in
School and community life. The
Student, icrenc y
Awards are awarded• to the•top
four students in each level.
Level One, Nancy McGuire,
who acquired an average of 860/0,
Patti Mac.Donald, Doug Bissonn-
ette, and Wray Thompson.
Level , Gail 'Messenger with
an average of 8510 followed by
Joan Courtney, Wayne Nicholson
'and Greg Liddle.
Carrion Courtney topped ,level
followed by Bob Bissonnette, Sal-
ly Elliott and Kathy ;Farrell.
Beverley Smith, with an aver-,
age of 94'1a, headed the level
four group of .scholars and was
followed by Sherry Pollock,, Rich-
ard Rooney and Dianne Kernpton.
Sandy Pollock, the vice presid .-
ent of the student'council, an-
- nounced-the recipients while
since level .one ire French was
Elliott Courtney who consequent-
ly-earned --the -French-award. . In of the .Donaldrand. Irene MacKen. • ithe absence of Mrs. Barbara• Burg-
Scholarship. This was .annouir ; • . • ess, Mrs: Jim Needham presented _t_c_cd_b_y_Mr. Brown and presented histor.v.--a-ward-to-the-level • •
four student that had showed ac.a-
deinic prowess in, that .subject .-
Brooks,' Mr...Reuben-Burn-
ett explained that many 'students •
the_schoOl were worthy 'of re- •
ceiving.the Geography award, but
that he had bestowed it upon Shir-
y Nicholson who had shown-an' •
t avid interest in the subject.. The
winner of the mathematics award
must achieve the highest average
'of the class in, that subject , and
• • I for the first time the award -was
conceded to a feniale - Beverley
aw•ard from, Mr'. Surincler Malhat- 1 • ra. was Elliott Courtney'. •Mr.,
. R. D.. 1'1.8. i University of Toronto. ..;.• •. •: •. • Elliott 'Courtney' and Allan Mac. The .gueit 'speaker ., who was to thc convocatin
. Kay received the Albert Wylds introduced by student council