HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-08, Page 4r_ 1 • . - . . 4.1•••••m0101.1.1••••••,.. • • „. _ . . . . • Table Paper is now availr.ble in DEAD STOCK SERVICE LORENZ • TABLE PAPER checked patterns of yellow, green $20.00 dead horses; $10.00 cows or red 36" wide by 100' length, over 1000' pounds. Phone collect 369-2410 Durham. SUPER CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45 p.m. Pot of- Gold game - winner ..take all. 14 reg- ular gam es, $10 each. 2 Share the Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jack- pot games for $115.00 on .59 calls or. $25 consolation prize. laity, wood and metal. Snyder. Photo Studio, Wingham. James Siyder. proprietor; phone 357-1851. FOR SALE - Beatty automatic feed and rianure handling equip- ---------rifent;--stablinvand-pressure -sys FOR SALE - used 22" propane *singe in good working order. Phone 528-3715 •after six. Mrs. Wm. Thomson. -priced $3.50 a roll. Also available PICTURE FRAMING -•- our spec- as before in white at $2.25 a roll. The Lucknow Sentinel. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT - 100 Workable acres at Kinlough. Contact Alex-Percy, R.R. 1 Holy- rood, phone 395-2457. FOR RENT ...•••••meno • MUSICAL PRODUCTION SMALL OFFICE TO RENT - part time on Campbell St., Lucknow. Apply Ezra Stanley 528-2587. ,FOR SALE,- 16 ,.1 ft. Jayco travel tfairer-With-furna-ce-and-oven-,- 1972- demonstrator, regular price $2150, now • on sale for $1650. Also used tent trailers and pickup truck caps for sale. Bumstead Metal Fabri- cating, Wingham, Phone 357-2272. FOR SALE - Hampshire boars, purebred, registered, R.O.P. test- ed. Boars off top blood lines. Index- es to 129. Paul McNally, Wingham, phone 357-3724. • _ A Christmas Folk Musical Pro- duction by the Wallaceburg United -Chuich__ChOir in Lucknow United Church on Sunday, December 3rd -FOR-REN'IdoWristairs apart- at 7:30 p.m. $1.00 per single ticket meat,. electrically heated, private or $2.00 per family, Ticket$ avail- bath; priVate entrance, carpet able from the official board mem- throughout. Available immediately'. bers. Elmo Pritchard, phone 528-2747. HOUSE FOR RENT and 100 acres • RECEPTION FRIDAY of land for sale; lot 14, concession , A Reception will be held in 10, Kinloss Township.; also 35' x 8' Lucknow Legion Hall, Friday,' Nov- house trailer with 4 piece bath, fur, . ember 10th in honour of Mr. and nished, 'furnace. Apply Maurice Nix's. Bev McNay (Jackie Cooper). Hodgins, 53:Ad1elaide St., London, Everyone welcome: • ' phone 433-1905. FOR SALE - used wringer wash- er in good working order. Cheap. Greer T.V. and Electric, Lucknow, phone 528-3112. FOR SALE - Van Dale Silo Un- loaders. George Wraith, Box 95 --GoderichPhone Residence 51.4_71M_ or Shop 5246511. :FOR'SALE--=-1969-S-.S.- Camaro- terns. Contact Beatty Farm Ser- V8,• 4 speed transmission, 350 Cu. vice Centre, Clinton 482-9561. in., power brakes. Call 357-1881 DEAD ELMS CUT anyone want- after 6:30 p.m. ing dead elms _cut, contact George FOR SALE- 'wooden storm win-Rumphrey, phone 528-2746. •dows, one 4'8" x 2'4"; one 5' 8" x 2' 10". Russel Alton, phone-529- FOR SALE - pair orboy's used 7105. skates, size 1; pair boys blue hoc- NOW AVAILABLE . key pants, medium.. Mrs. ..Wm. DR. W. V. JOHNSTON'S BOOK. Bolt, phone 528-3619. ' • "Before the Age, of Miracles: FOR SALE - 6. ladies' coats size Memoirs of A Country Doctor", 12' and 14, like new. Camel hair, is now available at The Lucknow wool 'suede,'sheepskin lining. Best Sentinel: Dr -Johnston-=Was-a geryi - offer-TPlicine 395:5581. eral practitioner. in Lucknow for 30 years and his book involves his. T.V. ANTENNA S life and work in this. community. Repairs and Instal .$6.95 at The Lucknow Sentinel. Estimatc.s. Year Ro Mail orders accepted. Doug Harker, Pnore - - - lect' Box 46'7 Hanover APPLIANCE CLEARANCE • A few '72 Gibson ranges and one dishwasher, priced to clear. Limit- ed quantity. Greer T.V. and El- ' ectric. phone 528-3112. ERVICE lation.- Free und Service, 364-3313 Col- FOR_SALE_-__7_2_,pair girl's white figure skates, size 13 and 3; 21 pairs boy's hockey skates, size 6 and, 8_12,_ all in good shape. Mrs. Ronald'Forster, phone 528-2346'. For 'crops or cattle. Phone 529-7924. EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING' ' sand and gravel.: Phone ',Robert Symes. Lucknow 528-3047. _ •• •• FOR SALE - 135 foot used. Star- t . line 9" auger .feeder, in good con- ' ditiOn. S450; 80 feet: of - used Clay . 12" auger conveyor, •complete 4,ith :2 transmissions, ,2 years old $800. . Lowry- Farm Systems,. Amberley.. CUNNINGHAMS' TACK HOUSE C D Ranch, 20 'Brown Street Walkerton FOR SALE - oven ready hens for sale, phone 392-6047. ' WANTED FOR SALE - girl's beige winter coat and scarf, maxi style teen size 7; girl's white figure skates, size 4. Phone 528-6348. IMMEDIATE PAYMENT for good standing timber • and bushes: Write ' BARN EQUIPMENT - complete line of Acorn Equipment 'and. Clay ' Equipment. for pushbutton ing". Wetsteel-Rosco Granaries Zero Milking Systems. Lowry Farm Systems.. Amberley,•• phone ...• 395-5286. . . • . FOR SALE - old barn, can be' re- All types of fat and moved or salvaged for antique cattle. AUCTIONEER SERVICE --ant-McDonald, Ripley. Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers I • • Sales of all types service. In top breeding condition, , Ladies Wear or Yard Good Depart- tickets. Teeswater 392-6170 ell, R.R. I. Wingharn. Phone Gor- Sentinel. Mrs. Earl ,Caslick Phone Ripley '395-5353 qiiiet and halter-broken. Ed 1 Pow:,,' me„nt. Apply Box N. Lucknow , ' - rie 335-3893. • a- a _a _ THE TEESWATER NEWS - is available at The Liicknow Sentinel. • ROY'S ALUMINUM Unit. Phone 52977587: thanks to the Church ladies 10c per copy. If you are interested , SALES AND- SERVICE, win- terian Church, Ripley at 2:30 .p.m., ' • • , _ 1 , We wish to express our 'thanks .. BAZAAR' , AND TEA • . - . - WANTED -- one' Stirge Milker ' to all who. were so kind• at the • - . Bazaar and tea will be , held by the Ladies' Aid at Knox .' Presby: time of our bereavement Special - RECEPTION- - --------- FOR-=RE --fulLy-_-_--modern-A-_ A Reception will be :held in the , bedroom -country home, located on Legion. Hall, Lucknow on Friday, ! highway 21 and has all conveni- November 17'in honour of Mr. and ences. Phone 524-6371. • . Mrs. Barry Haldenby (Sandra - -7-- - ' -7- Humphrey). Music by The Alley. FOR RENT OR LEASE -„ 100 Ontario. SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE _ _ ' , _ ' __ _ __ Cats. Lunch served. Everyone acres in the Township of West ___ RESTAURANT . FOR "SALE welcome. Wawanosh, available immediately KINLOSS, ONTARIO 6 registtiml-part-Arabianst-year lings and suckers; 3 year old sad- DANCE AT LEGION Li gallon ice cream - 85c die horse, well broken and quiet. The Lucknow Legion are spon- HOUSE FOR RENT - in iLucknow, farnished, for winter months, write y-others--tO pick ftorn6-in-I-sor-ing-a dance in the hall on Sat - Clearance Sale of all men's, , ort- ladies and children'S dress shoes all. Visit the TACK HOUSE and tirday, November 18th.. Music by Vernon Marriott-,----B from $1 fo 54.98 pick out your Christmas gift 'now. "The TWylites" Admission $1.00 ford, or phone 357-1685. per person. Persons 18 and over FOR RENT - furnished 1. room Open-Daily i:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. welcome. apartment with fridge and stove, Closed Tuesday Evening , heated, linen supplied, available OPEN HOUSE immediately. Glenn's Apartnients, Phyllis Mitchell invites you to .LueknoW 528-3723. • Cameo Liquid Embroidery Open . House at 'Walton Hall, Saturday, FOR RENT •=-- furnished house for• November 11, 1, to 5:30. InstructOrs the winter on Ludgard Street, demonstrating new ideas for Lucknow. Available November 15.' • Robert Eagleson, Aisla Craig,• giv- .paint.S. Fashion .,show 3:00 p.m, Mrs. Stewart Mullin, phone 528- BERG - ing location and telephone number Scopmeceia. l Bargains. Everyone wel- 1:105 . STABLE EQUIPMENT • or phone 232-445.0 before 8 a.m. or i , Contact .Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 after 6 p m • : , Holyrood, phone 395-5390. WANTED ' - -- --• HORTICULTURAL BANQUET CARD OF THANKS 1 Members of the Lucknow Horti- , replacement , icultural Society wishing to'attend ; I would like ,to thank my friends barn boards. Phone 529-7924. i the , Annual Banquet on •Monday, and relatives for cards, treats and PHONE IN THE EVENING , , November' 20th please ' cortact visits during my stay in. Walkerton 832i-5865 or phone-881-086 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - several '''' -Oen ' -ThOropsofr-phone 5t8-;9H. liospital-,-SpeciaLthanks-ttar. and • Polled Hereford bulls, ready for EXPERIENCED HELP wanted in' Price $2.00. Limited number of •Mrs. Wybenga. --a--co ; • , cabinets: -, formica and arborite welcome.. wOuld• like AO sincerely. thank • Mrs: Earl Caslick and family .the news of. Teeswater and Dis- '.dows, doors: Fcr tree estimate call WANTED: - general Carpentry-, Saturday, November 11th, All are ROYAL WINTER FAIR Bus leaving for Royal Winter Fair, Toronto on November 11th, 12th, and 17th. For reservations phone 528-3007 or 528-2008. 2754. ;.• 528-3112. . _ • ' • - ; I , PATZ • • ....alL_those who sent 'cards. gifts or BLYTH BINGO visited me while I ,was Come to Blyth Lions - Club , Victoria Hospital and since.return- call V9-7590 or 524-6974. ' amel cook stove, with warming Fort -SALE - used F • •d • $1.00: 12 regular games of $10 call - Anne McInnes r FOR • SALE ---- Charolais bull of PAPERING - PAINTING • serviceable age. Andrew, Barkwell, Floor Sanding and Spray Paint- WANTED ,--- immediately reliable phone 316-521-L.• -- - - • . ing, Fred-Ember:11m : Phone.a.Luack-__Iive-in baby sitter for person on ' iliift-work. Tor f urtherr-inform-ation iii - every Saturday night at 8:30 p.m., 1 ing home. These kindnesses' are - FOR SALE - Harrison white en- now- • , -111-y-th Memorial-tall. At:Imission inuch-appreciated. - ' ---- - closet7,-7-years-old_13,urns_woo_d_or d • • • g ryer-,----1 condition Greer' NEEDED -- by teenage girl, some- each; 2 share - the -wealth games; - coal. T.V. and Electric. Lucknow, phone onetC)lieTOTfiiii--a--3--year--01-d-horse-L$25___special; door prize, $125.00 Members , of the Town and Good condition. Phone 395-1 • -'-if-liik+Country--Club-wish to thank 4.1.1_ who _ • before she is spoiled. Phone 395- jackpot on 60 calls or under 2869 - ' ----TH-IRD- PRINTING ' i ' - . - I NOW AVAILABLE 1WANTED - litter - Norman Robertson's History . of ' with pedlar attachm Bruce County, irst pu .is -# in 1906, second' printing in 1960. ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL is for sale 'at Stanley's Sunoco, Umbach s Pharmacy, H. and B. Discount and Koy e s • uper es in Lucknow. HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES• paid' for dead and disabled cows and horses. Call collect 1-3459 •Walkerton. Graf Stock Removal., • 4' PRICE S7.00 ;Add $1 for shipping and handling , APPLICAT We also have available the sequel of this book, The History TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS Of The County Of Bruce 1907 - 1968 .APPLICATIONS FOR WINGMAN written by Norman McLeod - • Applications for wingrnan will Same price: be received by .the undersigned • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL until 12 noon,November 20th 1972 ' PLAYING CARDS. - Plastic coated single decks from. $1.19 up as 'well as double decks _and euelre_decks_ Ceuchre cards „, • Successful a licant to be avail- only). Drop-in at -The -Liicknov-n able 1O-Fikinging Ogy rec- Sentinel. ember 1st; 1972 by the call of the Farm -Automation, Stable Cleaners then $2.15 per hoUr. SANDBLASTING - DEMOLITION WORK SPRAY PAINTING Road -Superintendent. Hourly rate of S2 per hour for first thirty days, Silo Unloaders, Cattle Feeders Lowest or any applicant not nec- essarily accepted/ ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE Sit.7403 FOR ESTIMATES Andrew Berg Highway II 1 6 • EAST OF t.t t 14.4,4, PHONE 42.7112 Frank Schumacher, on November 11th at 10:,45 a.m. lat the time of her death. Road Supt., Rev. T; J. McKinney will be the deeply ,appreciated. ' R.R, '1 Holyrood, Ontario guest Minister. Jim Durmil taken $10 added each week. helped to make, their meetings very__ carrier pole - • eats. Phone RECEPTION eajoyable; this past year and for a_11 kindness extended to them A reception for Mr. and MrS. Seasons greetings to all. anny-Leddy-D anny Stewart)' IONS Ilthfitreocmhulrochp.omn. F.r1i•:K,alloivembe Musi cr by "The Alley Cats". Lunch will thank I fainodwernenngsgif t:r,_ a l csoa rtdos ,t halseet letters, you to relatives, neighbours- APPLICATIONS g puld like to express a sincere be served. Everyone welcome. hboiirs- will be held in the Community Hall,• visited me while I was a patient in Victciria Hospital, London ing from 9:30 til ?Lunch will be ' niVersary and for the many g us ifts Kay Crawford A Reception will be held for. Mr. RECEPTION FRIDAY Gardner) on Friday, November 10, We wish to express thanks for 197-2--at-- -Saltford-Valle_yAlaILD _ - the enjoyable evening held on the occasion of our 40th wedding an. and Mrs. Jim Fairish (Nancy served and everyone welcome. , A Remembrance Day Service kindnesses during my. wife's I wish to express thanks to neigh- Irene and Oscar Hod-gin§ will be held in the Holyrood Hall tiess and expressions of'symPathY bours and• friends for the ma ill ny REMEMBRANCE SERVICE' I was THE LIK.KNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO.' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1172 , • \ • .• • • .• • • 0..;$ ' • ...K! • • ...:": ":... •••••\-z.,:,‘ ..„.„.. '`,.' 1:„^: •;.,.?. ks. ,,, FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE COMING EVENTS COMING EVENTS